Monday 7 March 2011


About three years ago, a group of smirking lawyers were heard in a Liverpool court lobby sniggering amongst themselves by a friend of mine, a mother whose life was made into a living nightmare by the secret family courts trying to steal her son. She heard these scumbags say "WE ARE UNTOUCHABLE"

I remember this so well, because I found it deeply upsetting. I wept before the Lord and asked Him to wipe the smirk off all their faces.

Today, I think those wicked wicked scumbags will not be feeling so confident.

People are not very happy about judicial corruption in this country.


Big E said...

That's about the size of it hun!

Raymond Ashley said...

Well done to all these wonderful people for taking part in this LAWFUL ACT, which should have happened years ago. Having been born and bred in the City of Liverpool during the second world wars years I knew that once it stated it will snow ball across this Corrupt Country, and about time too.
There is only one LAW in this Country and it belongs to those at the top of every Public Institution,while the serfs foot the bill, with their Taxes. Raymond Ashley.

Phil Thompson said...

Dear Mam,
apart from this post I have not noticed any information of such a large event in the MEDIA, not a peep to my knowledge. Perhaps the local newspaper could have done so. WE must keep on exposing CORRUPTION.

Zoompad said...

It's in todays Daily Mail. I note that the BBC are saying as little as possible about it though.

Zoompad said...

Sorry I cant leave one of those click on links but copy and paste this to your browser, its a very interesting conversation between Brian Gerrish and Buckingham Palace.

Unknown said...

It is sad that justice, which a human being's God given right, should have to be fought for, but if a revolution must come, then I pray God will bless it.

Zoompad said...

Yes, it's very sad. It's awful that the fight is against the people who are SUPPOSED to be in charge of upholding the law.

But I hope and pray that we do not have a rebellion, I would rather we had a revival instead. Repentance and forgiveness. I know people have been wicked and avericious, but a rebellion will end up in a blood bath, they always do.

I am hoping and praying that there is a seperation of those who committed atrocities such as rape of children and murder, and those who, out of fear, covered up for them. I believe it is possible for us to forgive the latter, if they truly repent and show deep remorse for what they have done. I would not ask anyone to forgive the former, I believe they ought to be publicly executed. Sorry if that offends, but that is my opinion.

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