Monday 2 June 2008

My ex solicitor is still claiming legal aid for me

I found out yesterday that a family court solicitor called Murray Cantlay is still claiming legal aid for me seven months after I dismissed him and began to represent myself.

I have to say that for the seven long years of family court absolute hell I have suffered I feel that I was representing myself anyway. I am in the process of making a formal complaint against this Stoke - on - Trent based family law solicitor and it is going to be a pretty explosive law suit when the whole story comes out in the National media.

I'm a Christian, and my philosophy has always been peace, love and forgiveness. But there are certain individuals who have maliciously persecuted me for no reason whatsoever. I have decided to forgive these people. I will show them great mercy and Christian love by visiting them when they are in prison and reading the Bible to them. It's the least I can do.


  1. I really feel for you with your battle with the SS. You probably would have done better yourself without a lawyer - have you goggled Ian Josephs and look at his info on forced adoptions etc?

  2. Yes, I spoke to Ian Josephs, but he told me that he was unable to help me.

    But I won my case.

    I think my ex solicitor is STILL claiming legal aid for me, even though I sacked him nearly two years ago! These secret family court conmen solicitors are like leeches!

  3. wicked story mate! lies are well made you would be able to do all that. maybe u should get a job so u could afford to pay a solicitor n not leech off everyone else who works.
