Monday 30 March 2009


Monday, 30 March 2009 07:54:00 o'clock BST
Senator Stuart Syvret said...

BBC Jersey

Another perfect example of BBC Jersey bias.

This morning's piece on GST was comical.

Listen again - and count the number of times Roger - 'Rush Limbourgh' - Barra interupted Deputy Labey, who wants the tax taken off food and domestic energy - and contrast that with the 2 mild interuptions he applied to the buisiness man who wants to tax food.

Any guesses as to the quantum of the bribe?

Monday, 30 March 2009 07:57:00 o'clock BST
Zoompad said...

We ought to keep a tally on the biased BBC, I think I will have to open up a thread fro BBC bias examples on my own blog!


Right! I am fed up of the BBC using my money to spin and twist, so this thread is dedicated to examples of BBC bias.


  1. Hello Zoompad keep fighting you: As I have said on Stuart syvret blog are an inspiration along with the many people victims, survivors and supporters salute you a spiritual guide....

  2. Thank you. We all do our best. I don't know about spiritual guides, I have my big red Bible always open on my computer desk, I can't think of a better guide book than that.

    I've just about had enough of the British Brainwashing Corporation. If you want to find out the news you can't switch the telly on and expect to find it there. They are nor reporting some pretty major events, it is getting totally ridiculous because they are assuming that the people in this country are all born idiots.

    People don't get together down the pub and communicate any more, but they are still communicating, and the arrogant egg heads who are trying to stifle the real news ought to stop underestimating the lower classes of this country. Just because many of us were too poor to get to University doesn't mean to say that we are all thick as planks! We know we are being conned and lied to.
