Wednesday 29 April 2009

Hazel Blears wants us to have street parties

MP Hazel Blears recommends summer street parties to boost community spirit

By 25/04/2009

Town halls are to organise street parties this summer to perk up the country.

Communities Secretary Hazel Blears is fed up with doom and gloom.

So she wants every street to hold an outdoor meal or party on Sunday, July 19.

Yesterday she told town halls to help The Big Lunch - an idea first suggested by Tim Spit, founder of Cornwall's Eden Project - by offering parks and community halls as venues.

And she asked every MP to back the idea.

She said: "People say community spirit is a thing of the past. Rubbish. It is alive and well and this is a chance for all to prove it.

"There's no better way to meet our neighbours than by having a street party."


I actually like this idea! I do think it is a good thing when neighbours get to talk to each other. It is a rare thing for me to agree with anything this government propose, but I do think this is a good idea.

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