Tuesday 28 April 2009

The Secret Family Courts and Jack Straw

Jack get up and get some fresh air, for Jesus Christ, get on your feet,
Without you, Jack, Nu Nazi is beat.
Spindoc Jack, Spindoc Jack, get off your bed,
come into town, don't let Gordon down, oh no, no.
Spindoc Jack, Spindoc Jack, get off your bed,
go into town, don't let Mandy down, oh no, no.

The people that live in the town,
don't understand, they think he's the sleaziest bas*ard around.
It's ten o'clock, the housewife squeals, when Jack turns up, we'll give him hell.
Seven years of Secret Family Court Torment
And all because of Parliament.
Mothers send their children out, to Jack's house to scream and shout.

Spindoc Jack, Spindoc Jack, you're off your head,
get out of town, and take Gordon Brown, just gooooo!
Spindoc Jack, Spindoc Jack, you're off your head,
get out of town, and take Gordon Brown, just gooooo!

It's Sunday morning, bright and clear,
Red balloons decorate a marble square.
People cry from far away, think about those fateful days,
now they wish, they'd given Jack more attention and less respect,
little children, dressed in black, glad to see the back of old Jack.

Spindoc Jack, Spindoc Jack, is it true what Mammy said,
your heart is black? Ooooooooh!

Spindoc Jack, Spindoc Jack,
The murdered Secret Family Kids are coming back
To haunt you!

Spindoc Jack, Spindoc Jack,
You said you'd open the secret family courts
But you don't mean to do that
Do you?

Spindoc Jack, Spindoc Jack,
You pretend to know nowt about Richard Gardner
The Paedophile Psychologist
But it's untrue

Spindoc Jack, Spindoc Jack,
Why don't you wear your Gangster hat
That you wore in the Daily Mail pictures
It suits you!

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