Tuesday 5 May 2009


3rd March 2009

Dear Mr Straw,

I have written many letters to you, Bridget Prentice and the Prime Minister, begging you to put an end to the secrecy of the family courts, which, as I have pointed out, is putting the whole nation’s children at risk.

Baby P is one child who was failed by this government’s child protection policies, which allowed an American paedophile psychologist to influence the family courts, to persecute good parents, thereby tying up Social Services with pointless and time wasting investigations and leaving them with little time to help the children like Baby P who really are in danger. Your response has been to tighten the secrecy even more.

Therefore, I have decided to write no more letters appealing to common sense and compassion, to you and everyone else in Parliament and the MOJ. Instead, I will pray to the Lord Jesus Christ my God to protect the children of the UK from this wicked and corrupt government.

Yours faithfully,

“It is not good to be partial to the wicked or to deprive the innocent of justice” Proverbs 18 v 5

4th March 2009

Dear Bridget Prentice,

I have written many letters to you, Jack Straw and the Prime Minister, begging you to put an end to the secrecy of the family courts, which, as I have pointed out, is putting the whole nation’s children at risk.

This poor child died a horrible death which might have been avoided, if the Social Services all over the UK were not having their time and resources wasted by the secret family courts and the corrupt gangs of lawyers, particularly with regard to the use of a syndrome invented by an American paedophile psychologist. It’s no use you writing another longwinded letter to me full of spin and deceit, I tell you, this government is downright wicked for what it is turning a blind eye to – you all know full well what is happening in this country.

I won’t write any more letters to you. I am praying to Jesus Christ about this dreadful situation. Clearly, I am wasting my time appealing to you for justice and compassion, but I know that I will certainly not be wasting my time appealing to God in intercession for these poor vulnerable children.

Yours faithfully,

“Whoever gives heed to instruction prospers, and blessed is he who trusts in the Lord” Proverbs 16 v 20


5th March 2009

Dear Mr Brown,

I, and other concerned people, have written many letters to you and the MOJ, begging you to put an end to the secrecy of the family courts, which, as I have pointed out, is putting the whole nation’s children at risk.

This poor baby died a horrible death which might have been avoided, if the Social Services all over the UK were not having their time and resources wasted by the secret family courts and the corrupt gangs of lawyers, particularly with regard to the use of a syndrome invented by an American paedophile psychologist. You all knew all about this, in all of the political parties. We have written many letters to everyone.

We are praying to God, asking Him, as Moses did so long ago, to stretch out His hand in tenderness for all the children of this nation, to protect them from the wicked unjust laws and policies that your government is endangering their lives with. Clearly, it is a waste of time appealing to you for justice and compassion, but it will certainly not be a waste of time appealing to God in intercession for these poor vulnerable children.

Yours faithfully,

“He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm”” Proverbs 13 v 20

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