Wednesday 20 May 2009


Paedophiles abused three-month-old

May 7 2009

Eight members of a paedophile ring have been found guilty of a catalogue of child pornography and abuse charges, including the sexual assault of a three-month old baby.

Two of the men - convicted sex offender Neil Strachan and gay rights campaigner James Rennie - were convicted of sex attacks on children.

Strachan, 41, and Rennie, 38, both from Edinburgh, were also found guilty of conspiring to abuse youngsters, as were three other members of the gang.

And all eight accused in the 10-week trial at the High Court in Edinburgh were convicted of a series of child porn offences.

The gang members were traced through their explicit internet chats about sexual fantasies involving children.

Nearly 125,000 indecent images were seized during Operation Algebra, which uncovered the group, believed to be Scotland's biggest paedophile network.

Ross Webber, 27, of North Berwick, Craig Boath, 24, from Dundee and John Milligan, 40, from Glasgow, were all found guilty of conspiring to participate in the sexual abuse of children along with Strachan and Rennie.

The five men, with Colin Slaven, 23, from Edinburgh and Neil Campbell, 46 and John Murphy, 44, from Glasgow, were also convicted of a catalogue of child porn offences.


  1. Operation Algebra


    Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill today met members of the Operation Algebra investigative team at Craigmillar Police Station in Edinburgh which helped gain convictions against a paedophile ring earlier this week.

    Afterwards he said:

    "Operation Algebra is a historic case and a landmark for our criminal justice system, as it involves the first ever convictions in Scotland for conspiracy to commit abuse against children.

    "It means that not only those who commit abuse - but also those who plot such crimes - can expect to be caught and treated with the full severity of the law.

    "Developments both in the techniques employed by investigators and the nature of the prosecution mean that those who use the internet to plan crimes of abuse against children know that we can find them and they will be punished.

    "Truly appalling crimes were uncovered and the perpetrators successfully brought to justice thanks to the outstanding work of the police officers and prosecutors involved in Operation Algebra, and as a society we are deeply grateful for the work they do, day-in day-out.

    "However, Operation Algebra could result in further prosecutions and will also assist police and justice authorities in other parts of the world, who will benefit from the excellent work of the Scottish criminal justice system in helping to bring appalling crimes against children to the attention of the law, and to justice."

  2. Operation Algebra

    Following the conclusion of a 10 week trial at the High Court at Edinburgh, eight men have been convicted of a variety of child sexual abuse charges.

    This case, known as Operation Algebra, was one of the biggest and most challenging ever investigated by Lothian and Borders Police and represented the largest paedophile network dismantled in Scotland.

    As the investigation unfolded it revealed a web of people who had a common interest in child sexual abuse. They made initial contact via the internet and used it to share vile imagery and discuss the abuse of children.

    Lothian and Borders Police had tremendous support from agencies throughout the UK and abroad during this inquiry. And the expertise provided by SCDEA, SOCA, FBI and CEOP proved invaluable in bringing these individuals to justice.

    Neil Strachan and James Rennie will be sentenced in July while their co-accused Ross Webber, Colin Slaven, Craig Boath, Neil Campbell, John Milligan and John Murphy will be sentenced in June.

    After the convictions on Thursday, May 7, 2009 Det Supt Allan Jones said: “Our thoughts go out to the victims and their families who have gone through untold trauma as a result of these despicable acts. It is every parent’s nightmare that their children have been abused and they knew nothing about it. It is even more daunting that, due to their young age, these children were not able to communicate what was happening to them. Despite that, the families have been a source of unwavering support throughout this investigation and it is our sincere hope the children will flourish and they will be able to enjoy the normal family lives they rightly deserve.’

    Det Supt Jones added: “The internet is an integral part of our daily lives but those who seek to use it for criminal purposes should be warned that it is not as anonymous as they may think. They leave a digital footprint which law enforcement will follow and hold them to account.

    “This case has shown that Lothian and Borders Police and other law enforcement agencies will follow this forensic trail to pursue them and bring them to justice. “The skills the Force has learnt from this inquiry in this area will stand it in good stead in the future.

    “All the accused led classic double lives. Some of them were respected members of their professions and communities.

    “As a result of this inquiry, information on around 70 other people was sent to Forces throughout the UK and resulted in numerous arrests.”

    Det Supt Jones added: “What everyone must remember is that behind every image is a child who is being abused – it is definitely not the victimless crime some would like to portray it as.”

    The Force also received invaluable assistance from LGBT Youth, who co-operated from an early stage; Microsoft , who helped trace email addresses and identities, Prof Sue Black of Dundee University – a world acclaimed forensic anthropologist, and US academics –Prof Hany Farid, University of Dartmouth, and Prof Miroslaw Goljan, University of Binghamton, who are leaders in Stegananlysis – a forensic technique which links an image with the camera on which is had been taken.

    Press Release

  3. Statement following conclusion of Operation Algebra trial

    Lothian and Borders Police react to verdict

    1720hrs, 08/05/09
    Press Office, Fettes
    Craig Boath Neil Campbell John Milligan John Patrick Murphy
    Craig Boath Neil Campbell John Milligan John Patrick Murphy
    James Rennie Colin Slaven Neil Strachan Ross Phillip Webber
    James Rennie Colin Slaven Neil Strachan Ross Phillip Webber

    Following the conclusion of the trial at the High Court of eight accused in relation to alleged child abuse, Lothian and Borders Police have issued the following statement.

    Det Supt Allan Jones, of Lothian and Borders Police, said: 'This case, known as Operation Algebra, was one of the biggest and most challenging ever investigated by the Force and represented the largest paedophile network dismantled in Scotland.

    'As the investigation unfolded it revealed a web of people who had a common interest in child sexual abuse. They made initial contact via the internet and used it to share vile imagery and discuss the abuse of children.

    'Lothian and Borders Police had tremendous support from agencies throughout the UK and abroad during this inquiry. And the expertise provided by SCDEA, SOCA, FBI and CEOP proved invaluable in bringing these individuals to justice.'

    He continued: 'Our thoughts go out to the victims and their families who have gone through untold trauma as a result of these despicable acts.

    "It is every parent's nightmare that their children have been abused and they knew nothing about it. It is even more daunting that, due to their young age, these children were not able to communicate what was happening to them. Despite that, the families have been a source of unwavering support throughout this investigation and it is our sincere hope the children will flourish and they will be able to enjoy the normal family lives they rightly deserve."

    Det Supt Jones added: 'The internet is an integral part of our daily lives but those who seek to use it for criminal purposes should be warned that it is not as anonymous as they may think. They leave a digital footprint which law enforcement will follow and hold them to account.

    'This case has shown that Lothian and Borders Police and other law enforcement agencies will follow this forensic trail to pursue them and bring them to justice.

    'The skills the Force has learnt from this inquiry in this area will stand it in good stead in the future.

    'Apart from Strachan, none of the accused was known to the Police and all led classic double lives. Some of them were respected members of their professions and communities.

    'As a result of this inquiry, information on around 70 other people was sent to Forces throughout the UK and resulted in numerous arrests.'

    Det Supt Jones also praised the work of the forensic specialists who had to examine the imagery associated with the case.

    'They do not have the option to look away and have to live with the memory of what they have seen. It is a testament to their expertise that they did this day in, day out. They did it for the good of children and provided us with a first class service.

    'What everyone must remember is that behind every image is a child who is being abused - it is definitely not the victimless crime some would like to portray it as.

    The Force also received invaluable assistance from LGBT Youth, who co-operated from an early stage; Microsoft , who helped trace email addresses and identities, Prof Sue Black of Dundee University - a world acclaimed forensic anthropologist, and US academics - Prof Hany Farid, University of Dartmouth, and Prof Miroslaw Goljan, University of Binghamton, who are leaders in Stegananlysis - a forensic technique which links an image with the camera on which is had been taken.


    SCDEA - Scottish Crime and Drugs Enforcement Agency

    SOCA - Serious Organised Crime Agency

    CEOP - Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre

    07 May 2009 1-07/05 / 2009




