Thursday 14 May 2009

Two songs

Haut de la Garenne is a very sad place
No more crying, Lord, no more crying,
Haut de la Garenne is a very sad place
What went on there was a human disgrace
Oh Lord, no more crying.

Poor little boy hurled against the door
No more crying, Lord, no more crying,
Poor little boy hurled against the door
The Pinball Wizard keeping score
Oh Lord, no more crying.

How many teeth did you find today?
No more crying, Lord, no more crying,
How many teeth did you find today?
Has the bad tooth fairy been around today?
Oh Lord, no more crying.

Child, be still, don't question why
No more crying, Lord, no more crying,
Child, be still, don't question why,
Blend in, and the evil may pass you by
Oh Lord, no more crying.

The water is deep, the water is wide,
No more crying, Lord, no more crying,
The water is deep, the water is wide,
Took out for a sail and taken for a ride,
Oh Lord, no more crying.

Ghosts of sorrow weep and wail,
No more crying, Lord, no more crying,
Ghosts of sorrow weep and wail,
Never be silenced their haunting tale
Oh Lord, no more crying.


Dear God, I'm feeling very sad
And don't know what to do
Whenever I am feeling sad
I always turn to you.

It started 40 years ago
Abused, then put in care
To be abused in there as well!
You saw it; you were there.

I didn't know you then, of course,
That you were really real
To ask to get me out of there
Because of how sad I'd feel.

Well, I got out, my head messed up
And the ones who did it tried
To cover it up and persecute me
Until I nearly died.

I didn't understand, of course,
I just thought I was cursed
When all these strange things kept happening to me
I don't know which was worst.

Malicious vindictive persecution:
Of that I'd never heard
Until a nice man who'd been abused
Told me of these three words.

Then I realised I was not alone;
There were others just like me
Who'd been abused whilst in state care
Then left adrift at sea.

We all started to talk about
What we had all endured
Lots of us have PTSD
And just want to be cured.

But we can't, because the ones who messedUs up have got away
Scot free, and some hawk over us
Right to this very day!

They persecute us to this day
And won't leave us alone
It makes me feel so very sad
It makes me weep and groan.

I've got a leech solicitor
A very nasty bloke
I sacked him over 2 years ago
But he's got me in a strangle choke!

The Masons all run rings round us
It really is not right
And then pretend that we are bad
And they are gleaming white!

So, dear Jesus, please can you help
Us, I do hope that you will
We've tried to help ourselves, you see
But it's like trying to ski uphill.

Please get these ratbag people off
Our backs, and let us be
No more persecuted, scorned, mistreated
But happy, healed and free.

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