Thursday 14 May 2009

UK MPs are condemning the arrest of Senator Stuart Syvret by Jersey Police.

MPs attack island senator arrest
Stuart Syvret
Senator Stuart Syvret was released pending inquiries

UK MPs are condemning the arrest of Senator Stuart Syvret by Jersey Police.

A Commons motion has been tabled by Lib Dem MP John Hemming, which has also been signed by Labour MP Austin Mitchell and Tory MP Peter Bottomley.

Police searched Mr Syvret's home and arrested him on 6 April over claims of breaching data protection laws and he was released pending further inquiries.

The island's attorney general said that the search, carried out without a warrant, was legal.

'Intimidatory action'

The motion says the search and arrest was an "intimidatory and anti-democratic action which the senator is virtually powerless to challenge".

It says: "This House deplores the arrest and detention of Senator Stuart Syvret by the Jersey Police Force."

It added that he had "information disclosed in the public interest, with which he is attempting to hold the Jersey government to account for a variety of profoundly serious child protection and clinical governance failures."

Mr Syvret, 43, said four police cars and eight officers arrived at his home in Grouville to arrest him.

A large number of documents and the senator's computer were seized by police.

Attorney General William Bailhache told the States after the arrest that he was confident police followed the law when they searched Mr Syvret's home.

A vote to express concern over the search and arrest was defeated in Jersey States on 30 April.

1 comment:

  1. "Mr Syvret, 43, said four police cars and eight officers arrived at his home in Grouville to arrest him."

    Four police cars and eight officers? To arrest a man who hasn't even done anything wrong?

    And I thought the police were overstretched!

    Mind you, it took four policemen to oversee the forced vaginal examination of a 13 year old girl. (me) I guess the police just have their own way of doing these things.
