Tuesday 16 June 2009

Antidepressant Nightmares

SSRI Stories Antidepressant Nightmares

What Drug Date Where Additional
School Shooting Prozac WITHDRAWAL 2008-02-15 Illinois ** 6 Dead: 15 Wounded: Perpetrator Was in Withdrawal from Med & Acting Erratically
School Shooting Prozac Antidepressant 2005-03-24 Minnesota **10 Dead: 7 Wounded: Dosage Increased One Week before Rampage
School Shooting Paxil [Seroxat] Antidepressant 2001-03-10 Pennsylvania **14 Year Old GIRL Shoots & Wounds Classmate at Catholic School
School Shooting Zoloft Antidepressant 1995-10-12 South Carolina **15 Year Old Shoots Two Teachers, Killing One: Then Kills Himself
School Shooting Med For Depression 2009-03-13 Germany **16 Dead Including Shooter: Antidepressant Use: Shooter in Treatment For Depression
School Shooting Plot Med For Depression Withdrawal 2008-08-28 Texas **18 Year Old Plots a Columbine School Attack
School Shooting Anafranil Antidepressant 1988-05-20 Illinois **29 Year Old WOMAN Kills One Child: Wounds Five: Kills Self
School Shooting Luvox/Zoloft Antidepressants 1999-04-20 Colorado **COLUMBINE: 15 Dead: 24 Wounded
School Shooting Prozac Antidepressant WITHDRAWAL 1998-05-21 Oregon **Four Dead: Twenty Injured
School Shooting Antidepressant 2006-09-30 Colorado **Man Assaults Girls: Kills One & Self
School Machete Attack Med for Depression 2001-09-26 Pennsylvania **Man Attacks 11 Children & 3 Teachers at Elementary School
School Shooting Antidepressants 1992-09-20 Texas **Man, Angry Over Daughter's Report Card, Shoots 14 Rounds inside Elementary School
School Shooting Threat Med for Depression* 2004-10-19 New Jersey **Over-Medicated Teen Brings Loaded Handguns to School
School Shooting Antidepressant? 2007-04-18 Virginia **Possible SSRI Use: 33 Dead at Virginia Tech
School Shooting Antidepressant? 2002-01-17 Virginia **Possible SSRI Withdrawal Mania: 3 Dead at Law School
School Shooting Prozac Antidepressant 1992-01-30 Michigan **School Teacher Shoots & Kills His Superintendent at School
School Violence/Murder Antidepressants* 1998-05-04 New York **Sheriff's Deputy Shoots his Wife in an Elementary School
School Threat Antidepressants 2007-04-23 Mississippi **Student Arrested for Making School Threat Over Internet
School Suspension Lexapro Antidepressant 2007-07-28 Arkansas **Student Has 11 Incidents with Police During his 16 Months on Lexapro
School Shooting Antidepressant WITHDRAWAL 2007-11-07 Finland **Student Kills 8: Wounds 10: Kills Self: High School in Finland
School Shooting Paxil [Seroxat] Antidepressant 2004-02-09 New York **Student Shoots Teacher in Leg at School
School Threat Prozac Antidepressant 2008-01-25 Washington **Student Takes Loaded Shotgun & 3 Rifles to School Parking Lot: Plans Suicide
School Shooting Plot Med For Depression 1998-12-01 Wisconsin **Teen Accused of Plotting to Gun Down Students at School
School/Assault Zoloft Antidepressant 2006-02-15 Tennessee **Teen Attacks Teacher at School
School Shooting Threat Antidepressant 1999-04-16 Idaho **Teen Fires Gun in School
School Hostage Situation Paxil & Effexor Antidepressants 2001-04-15 Washington **Teen Holds Classmates Hostage with a Gun
School Hostage Situation Antidepressant WITHDRAWAL 2006-11-28 North Carolina **Teen Holds Teacher & Student Hostage with Gun
School Knife Attack Med for Depression 2006-12-06 Indiana **Teen Knife Attacks Fellow Student
School Shooting Celexa & Effexor Antidepressants 2001-04-19 California **Teen Shoots at Classmates in School
School Shooting Celexa Antidepressant 2006-08-30 North Carolina **Teen Shoots at Two Students: Kills his Father: Celexa Found Among his Personal Effects
School Shooting Threat Antidepressant 2003-05-31 Michigan **Teen Threatens School Shooting: Charge is Terrorism
School Stand-Off Zoloft Antidepressant 1998-04-13 Idaho **Teen [14 Years Old] in School Holds Police At Bay: Fires Shots
School Shooting Antidepressant WITHDRAWAL 2007-10-12 Ohio **Teen [14 Years Old] School Shooter Possibly on Antidepressants or In Withdrawal
School Threat Antidepressants 2008-03-20 Indiana **Teen [16 Years Old] Brings Gun to School: There Is a Lockdown
School Suicide/Lockdown Med For Depression 2008-02-20 Idaho **Teen [16 Years Old] Kills Self at High School: Lockdown by Police
School Threats Prozac Antidepressant 1999-10-19 Florida **Teen [16 Years Old] Threatens Classmates With Knife & Fake Explosives
School Stabbing Med For Depression 2008-02-29 Texas **Teen [17 Year Old GIRL] Stabs Friend & Principal at High School
School Hostage Situation Prozac/ Paxil Antidepressants 2001-01-18 California **Teen [17 Years Old] Takes Girl Hostage at School: He is Killed by Police
School Knife Attack Treatment For Depression & Strattera 2009-03-10 Belgium **Three Dead in School Day Care: Two Children & a Caregiver: Happened Jan 23, 2009
School Arson Incidents Paxil 2002-04-12 Michigan **Unusual Personality Change on Paxil Caused 15 Year Old to Set Fires inside High School
School Violence Antidepressant 2005-11-19 Arizona **Violent 8 Year Old GIRL Handcuffed by Police at School
School Violence Celexa Antidepressant 2002-01-23 Florida **Violent 8 Year-Old Boy Arrested At School
School Threat/Lockdown Lexapro* 2008-04-18 California **Violent High School Student Shot to Death on Campus by Police
School / Child Endangerment Antidepressants 2008-02-27 Canada **Wacky School Bus Driver Goes Berserk: Also Involved Painkillers
School Violence Paxil 2004-10-23 Washington DC **Young Boy, 10 Year Old, Has Violent Incidents at School
School Threat Wellbutrin Antidepressant 2007-04-24 Tennessee **Young Boy, 12, Threatens to Shoot Others at School
School Hostage Situation Med for Depression 2006-03-09 France **Young Ex-Teacher Holds 21 Students Hostage
School Shooting/Suicide Celexa 2002-10-07 Texas **Young Girl [13 Years Old] Kills Self at School With a Gun
School Hostage Situation Paxil 2001-10-12 North Carolina **Young Man Holds Three People Hostage in Duke University President's Office
School Murder Attempt Med For Depression 1995-03-04 California **Young Woman Deliberately Hits 3 Kids with Her Car at Elementary School: Laughed During Attack
Murder Attempt Wellbutrin* 2006-02-12 Washington *82 Year Old Man Found Not Guilty: Med Defense
Air Rage Paxil* [Seroxat] 2006-01-25 England *Diplomat Cleared of Drinking Charges: Drug Blamed
Murder-Suicide Paxil* [Seroxat] 2001-08-09 Wyoming *Jury Finds Paxil Was Cause of Murder-Suicide
Shooting Antidepressant* 2005-03-05 Florida *Man Acquitted in Gas Station Shooting: Involuntary Intoxication by Med
Robbery/Armed Paxil [Seroxat] WITHDRAWAL* 2003-08-10 England *Man Cleared of Charges by Using Paxil Defense
Murder Zoloft* 2001-05-24 Australia *Man Found Not Guilty Using Zoloft Defense
Murder Attempt Zoloft* 2004-04-24 California *Man Found Not Guilty: Used Zoloft Defense
Murder Attempt-Suicide Attempt Effexor & Paxil* [Seroxat] 2003-06-17 Australia *Mother Acquitted by Using SSRI Defense
Murder Attempt Antidepressants* 2002-11-04 Arizona *Mother Acquitted of Attempted Child Murder
Murder Paxil & ADHD Drug* 2000-05-18 Washington *Mother Stabs Daughter: Not Guilty by Reason of Drug Induced Insanity
Murder Attempt Prozac 2008-05-20 Connecticut *Not Guilty Because of Psychosis Brought On by Prozac & Adderall
Murder Cymbalta Antidepressant 2007-05-15 Texas *Not Guilty by Reason of Cymbalta Induced Insanity: Man Kills Wife
Embezzlement/Bizarre Behavior Paxil* 2006-11-17 Florida *Not Guilty by Reason of Paxil Induced Insanity
Bank Robbery Prozac* 2002-11-16 Connecticut *Not Guilty by Reason of Prozac Induced Insanity
Murder Prozac* 2003-07-11 Louisiana *Not Guilty by Reason of Prozac Induced Insanity: Mother Kills Daughter
Violence Prozac* 2000-06-30 England *Woman Acquitted in Stabbing Incident
Stabbing Prozac 1998-10-13 Scotland *Woman Stabs Boyfriend: Used Prozac Defense: Placed on Probation
Adverse Reaction SSRIs 2006-12-20 Global ++1 Preliminary Study: LSD & SSRIs Share Same Mechanism in Some Ways: U. of Arizona
Mania & Psychosis Antidepressants 2004-02-02 U.S.A. ++200,000 a Year Enter Hospital Due to Antidepressant- Induced Mania/ Psychosis: FDA Testimony
Mania Antidepressants 2006-11-28 U.S.A. ++4.8 Million Person Increase in Bipolar Disorder in Last 11 Years: Majority Due to SSRI Use
Alcohol Craving Zoloft 2004-07-14 Global ++45 Out of 100 Alcoholics Increased Their Drinking on Zoloft
Deaths Wellbutrin* 2006-08-02 Washington DC ++468 Deaths Reported to FDA Thru 2003 : Freedom of Information
Misdiagnosis Med For Depression 2008-03-25 Global ++60% of 'Bipolars
Not Recommended For Youth SSRIs 2008-11-12 U.S.A. ++74% of Youth Will Not Respond to SSRIs: CNS Response Data
Suicidal Thoughts Antidepressants 2007-06-07 Global ++8.8% of Non-Suicidal People Had Suicidal Thoughts on Antidepressants
Self-Mutilation Prozac 2000-05-07 Global ++According To Patent, Prozac, launched in Dec.1987, Causes Self-Mutilation
Alcohol Abuse Effexor 2007-05-01 Global ++Alcohol Abuse & "Feeling Drunk" Listed as Side Effects in PDR
Alcohol Abuse Paxil 2007-05-01 Global ++Alcohol Abuse is Listed as an Adverse Reaction to Paxil in the Insert
Suicide/Impulsivity Antidepressants 2008-07-06 Global ++Almost One-Third of Suicides are Impulsive: Antidepressants Can Cause Impulsivity
Appear To Look Older Antidepressants 2009-02-04 Global ++Antidepressant Use Can Make People Look Older Than They Are: Also Causes Face Sagging: ASPS
Ineffectiveness Antidepressants 2008-02-25 Global ++Antidepressants Are Ineffective: PLoS Medicine
Cancer Acceleration Antidepressants 2008-09-13 Global ++Antidepressants Can Both Accelerate and/or Shut Down Cancer Growth
Mood Destabilization Antidepressants 2008-03-04 Global ++Antidepressants Cause Rapid Cycling & Mood Destabilization in Bipolar Disorder: Am J Psychiatry
Infertility Antidepressants 2008-09-24 Global ++Antidepressants Could Harm Sperm & Lead to Infertility
Ineffective Antidepressants 2007-03-29 Global ++Antidepressants Don't Help Bipolar Patients: New England Journal of Medicine
REM Sleep Inhibition Antidepressants 2008-08-01 Global ++Antidepressants Inhibit REM Sleep: Loss of Dreaming Can Lead to Serious Illness
Parasomnia Antidepressants 2007-11-28 Global ++Antidepressants May Cause Violence in Sleep: Journal Article
Misprescribing Antidepressants 2009-06-07 Global ++Antidepressants Not Recommended in Mania but Frequently Prescribed: Research Study
Deaths SSRIs/Antidepressants 2009-02-23 England & Wales ++Between 1993 & 2002 there were 4,767 Deaths On SSRIs/ Antidepressants
Death Effexor 2005-05-28 England ++Between 1993 & 2002, 118 People in England & Wales Died While on Effexor
REM Sleep Disorder SSRIs 2009-02-20 Global ++Body Does Not Become Paralyzed During REM Sleep: Allows People on SSRIs To Act Out Their Dreams
Ineffective Celexa 2009-06-01 Global ++Celexa Has No Effect on Repetitive Behaviors in Autism: Causes Many Adverse Effects
Vivid Dreams/Nightmares Cymbalta 2009-01-07 Global ++Certain Antidepressants Such As Cymbalta Have Been Associated with Nightmares
Suicide Chantix & Zoloft 2008-07-15 Global ++Chantix & Zoloft Share Similar Mechanism: Lawsuit Over Suicide on Chantix
Conflict of Interest Psychotropic Medications 2009-06-03 Global ++Creators of Psychiatric Bible, the DSM-V, Have Economic Ties with Pharma
Suicide SSRIs 2008-07-17 Global ++David Healy, M.D. Responds to WSJ Article: Doubling of Suicidal Acts on SSRIs Over Placebo
Osteoporosis SSRIs 2008-02-06 Global ++Double The Risk for Osteoporosis for Those on SSRIs
Mania/Violence/Suicide Prozac 1990-08-16 Global ++Dr. Martin Teicher: Between 1.9 to 7.7% of Prozac Users at Risk for Mania, Violence/Suicide
Crime Against Humanity SSRIs 2009-01-04 Global ++Drug Companies Kept Information Secret About SSRIs
Drug Interaction Prozac, Paxil & Zoloft 2009-06-01 Global ++Evidence Shows Antidepressants Cut Effectiveness of Tamoxifen in Breast Cancer: Medco Health
Helps Depression Exercise 2000-09-21 Global ++Exercise Better Than Antidepressants for Depression: Duke University Study
Suicides & Homicides SSRIs 2009-05-11 U.S.A. ++FDA Adverse Reaction Reports from 2004 to 2006
Serotonin Syndrome Antidepressants 2006-08-03 Global ++FDA Issues Public Health Advisory on Mixing Meds with Antidepressants
Panic Attacks, Hostility, Mania, Etc. SSRIs/Antidepressants 2004-03-22 Global ++FDA Public Health Advisory: Warning About Antidepressants: Also Withdrawal
Serotonin Syndrome SSRIs & SNRIs 2009-03-27 Global ++FDA Upgrades Warning on Serotonin Syndrome
Suicide Cymbalta 2005-07-01 Global ++FDA Warns of Higher Suicide Risk: Studies in Women Using Cymbalta for Incontinence
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome SSRIs/SNRIs 2009-02-05 Global ++FDA Warns of Life Threatening Disease: Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome With Antidepressants
Unethical Zoloft & Cymbalta 2008-09-15 U.S.A. ++FDA Web Site on Drug Ads Developed by Drug Industry PR Firm
FDA Warning Antidepressants 2004-03-22 U.S.A. ++FDA: Depression Meds Can Cause Mania, Hypomania, Hostility, Panic Attacks, Worse Depression, Etc.
Suicides & Homicides Chantix 2007-11-28 Global ++Fifty-five Suicides Reported in One Week to FDA: Freedom of Information Act
Abnormal Behavior Prozac 2008-08-07 Global ++Fish Exposed to Prozac Exhibit Abnormal Behavior
Suicide Prozac 2008-10-14 U.S.A. ++Govt. Study: 9% More Children On Prozac Alone Were Suicidal Compared to Those on Therapy Alone
FDA Medication Guide Antidepressants 2007-08-15 U.S.A. ++Guide to Be Given by Pharmacies to All Parents/Guardians of Those Under 18
Adverse Reactions Prozac 2001-04-29 Global ++Head of World Health Organization Warns of Side Effects
Violence Antidepressants 2009-05-22 Japan ++Health Ministries Revise Warnings On Med Guides: Causal Relationship Between SSRIs & Violence
Serotonin Syndrome SSRIs & SNRIs 2008-11-09 U.S.A. ++In 2004, 103 Deaths Recorded from Serotonin Syndrome & 8,187 People Had Toxic Effects
Suicide Increase Antidepressants 2008-10-21 U.S.A. ++Increase in Both Suicide Rate & Antidepressant Use Among Middle Aged White Adults
Falls Med for Depression 2008-06-19 Global ++Increased Risk of Falls in Older People Taking Meds for Depression: Public Library of Science
Bleeding SSRIs 2009-06-01 Global ++Increases Risk of Fatal Bleeding For Those on Low Dose Continuous Aspirin
Depression & Abnormal Thoughts Prozac 2008-11-02 Global ++Lilly Removed Data on Depression & Abnormal Thoughts as Frequent Adverse Reactions:Clinical Trials
Adverse Reaction Prozac 1999-05-10 Global ++Little Difference Between the Street Drug Ecstasy & Prozac: Noted Mental Health Journalist
Diabetes SSRIs/Antidepressants 2009-04-17 Global ++Long-Term Use of Moderate to High Daily Doses of SSRIs Doubles the Risk For Diabetes: NIH
Decrease in Suicides None 2007-10-19 Maryland ++Maryland Has Seen a Decrease in Youth Suicide Since the Black Box Warning
Worsens Depression Antidepressants* 2009-05-08 Global ++Mayo Clinic Physician Believes Antidepressants Can Worsen Depression & Also Cause Mania
Infertility SSRIs 2009-06-12 Global ++Men on SSRI Antidepressants Have Reduced Fertility
Suicides Antidepressants 2009-02-05 Iraq/Afghanistan ++More Soldiers Committed Suicide in Jan. 2009 Than Died In Combat: Excessive Antidepressants Cited
Ineffective Prozac & Zoloft, etc. 2009-05-19 Global ++Most Studies of Prozac & Zoloft Were Negative But Still Approved by FDA: Book: Beyond Prozac
Turbulent Emotions/Compelling Thoughts SSRIs 2009-02-07 Global ++One in 20 People Without Depression Had Side Effects Such As Turbulent Emotions & Thoughts: Study
Homicidal Ideation Zoloft 2008-11-03 Global ++One in Sixty-six Children Aged 17 & Under Had Homicidal Ideation in this Study from the NEJM
Serotonin Toxicity Antidepressants 2008-09-01 Australia ++One in Twelve Older Men at Risk for Serotonin Toxicity by Drug Combinations
Apathy Antidepressants 2009-06-01 Global ++One of the Side-Effects of Antidepressants is Apathy: Research for DSM-V
Violence Paxil 2004-11-07 Global ++One Out of Five Paxil Users Surveyed by MIND Reported Violent Behavior
Overprescribing Antidepressants 2008-12-02 Australia ++Over 4000 Children Under 10 Years of Age,, including 48 Babies, were Prescribed SSRIs Last Year
Adverse Reactions Chantix/Champix 2009-02-05 Canada ++Over 800 Complaints to Health Canada: 520 Involved Psychiatric Problems
Homicidal Ideation Effexor 2007-05-01 Global ++Package Insert Lists Homicidal Ideation as Adverse Reaction
Adverse Effects Paxil 2004-10-03 England ++Panorama TV Investigates Paxil's Effects of Aggression, Suicide & Withdrawal Syndrome
Homicidal Thoughts Zoloft 2004-12-19 U.S.A. ++Patient in Clinical Trials for Zoloft Had Thoughts of Killing Self & Others
Hyponatremia SSRIs 2009-03-28 Global ++Patients Taking SSRIs More Likely to Have Hyponatremia & Fracture Limbs During Falls
Do Not Prescribe Zoloft 2008-11-03 Australia ++Pfizer, Zoloft's Manufacturer, Recommends Zoloft No Be Prescribed To Those Under 24 in Australia
Ineffectiveness SSRIs 2008-01-17 Global ++Pharmaceutical Companies Witheld Negative Results in Trials of SSRIs; You Tube
Hypertension & Preeclampsia SSRIs 2009-03-02 Global ++Pregnant Woman Who Use SSRIs Have 4 X the Rate of Hypertension & 2 X the Rate of Preeclampsia
Sleep Problems SSRIs 2009-02-16 Global ++Prepubescent Children Who Take Antidepressants Are Susceptible to Sleep Problems Thoughout Life:
Ineffective For Autism Prozac 2009-02-24 Global ++Prozac Is Ineffective For Autism: Clinical Trials
Uncontrolled Actions Antidepressants 1995-04-05 Global ++Psychopharmacologist at McLean: Antidepressants Involving Mania Can Cause Uncontrollable Actions
Unethical Zoloft 2008-05-23 Global ++PTSD Alliance Group Is the Creation of a Public Relations Firm Working for Pfizer
Anxiety/Panic Attacks SSRIs 2000-05-14 Global ++Research: Serotonin Levels 8 Times Higher Than Normal in Unmedicated Anxious People
Suicide SSRIs 2008-05-05 Iraq/U.S.A. ++Soldiers Have More Post War SuicidesThan Combat Deaths in Iraq & Afghanistan
Crime Against Humanity Chantix 2008-06-17 U.S.A. ++Soldiers with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Recruited to Test Drug the FDA Says Causes Suicide
Homicides SSRIs 2007-11-20 Global ++SSRIs & Homicide: The New York Review of Books
Suicide SSRIs* 2006-10-16 Global ++SSRIs Can Increase the Number of Serotonin Receptors Linked to Suicide
Weight Gain SSRIs/Antidepressants 2009-02-18 Global ++SSRIs Cause Weight Lose At the Beginning of Use But Weight Gain After Continuous use
Ineffective SSRIs 2009-01-26 Global ++SSRIs Ineffective For Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder: Meta-analyses
Effectiveness Questioned SSRIs & SNRIs 2007-11-25 Global ++SSRIs Only Have a 10% Effective Rate Over Placebo and the 10% Is Suspect
Mania St. Johns Wort 2009-02-18 Global ++St. Johns Wort Can Cause Mania In People With So Called Bipolar Disorder
Adverse Reactions Prozac 1991-11-05 Colorado ++State Dept. of Health Reports Prozac Had More Adverse Reactions Reported Than Any Other Drug
Crime Against Humanity Antidepressants 2007-09-17 U.S.A. ++Statistics on Suicides Among the Young Have Been "Manipulated": 1st Article
Crime Against Humanity Antidepressants 2007-09-17 U.S.A. ++Statistics on Suicides Among the Young Have Been "Manipulated": 2nd article
Crime Against Humanity Antidepressants 2007-09-17 U.S.A. ++Statistics on Suicides Among the Young Have Been "Manipulated": 3rd Article
Crime Against Humanity Antidepressants 2007-09-17 U.S.A. ++Statistics on Suicides Among the Young Have Been "Manipulated": 4th Article
Suicide Rates Decline SSRIs 2007-12-04 U.S.A. ++Statistics: As SSRI Use Declined Among Youth Between 2004 & 2005, Suicide Rates Declined: AJP
Diabetes Antidepressants 2008-03-13 Global ++Study Shows Increased Risk of Diabetes with Antidepressant Use
Violence SSRIs 2001-05-11 Global ++Study: Excess of Serotonin in Brain Causes Violence
Suicide Rate Antidepressants 2008-09-06 U.S.A. ++Suicide Rate Among Teens Declines as Antidepressant Use Among Teens Slows
Suicide Rates Antidepressants 2008-04-14 Denmark ++Suicide Rates Were Five to Six Times Higher Among those Taking SSRIs Than Those Who Were Not
Suicides Antidepressants 2009-01-12 Global ++Suicide Risk Higher for First 12 Weeks Following Antidepressant Start: J of Affective Disorders
Treatment-Emergent Mania Antidepressants 2009-02-12 Global ++TEM Caused by SSRIs Can Lead to Damaging Behaviors, Arrest & Incarceration
Sexual Dysfunction SSRIs 2008-12-15 Global ++Thirty- Ffity % of Those on SSRIs Have Sexual Dysfunction: Some May Not Recover After Withdrawing
Kleptomania Med For Depression 2009-05-04 Global ++Three-Fourths of Kleptomaniacs Were on Depression Meds at Time of Thefts: U. Of Minnesota Study
Stock Market Crash Prozac 2003-05-28 U.S.A./Global ++Trader Becomes Hypomanic on Medication
Stock Market Crash Antidepressants 2008-10-08 U.S.A./Global ++Traders on Antidepressants May Have Contributed to the Financial Crisis: Journalist Adam Hanft
Stock Market Crash SSRIs 2008-03-26 U.S.A./Global ++Traders on Wall Street Admit to Antidepressant Use
Suicide Risk Antidepressants 2008-09-01 Europe ++Update From European & Irish Agencies on Suicide Risk in Young Adults
Side-Effects List Paxil, Effexor & Imipramine 2009-04-09 Global ++Warning on Side-Effects of Antidepressants: British Medical Journal Publishing
Seizures Wellbutrin 2008-08-19 Global ++Wellbutrin Alone Produced Seizures in Mice: Larger Effect When Alcohol Was Added
Birth Defects Prozac & Paxil 2008-11-24 U.S.A. ++Women Who Took Prozac & Paxil During Pregnancy Had 3 to 4 Times As Many Babies With Birth Defects
Maladaptive Behaviors SSRIs 2007-07-07 Global ++Young Mice Given SSRIs Have Maladaptive Behaviors in Adulthood
Adverse Reaction Prozac* 1995-12-10 Colorado +10 Year Old Boy Becomes Like Someone on Heroin, According to Psychologist
Murder Prozac 2004-08-31 Texas +10 Year Old Kills his Father, Who Is a Physician
Murder Zoloft* 2001-11-28 South Carolina +12 Year Old Kills His Grandparents
Suicide Paxil 2005-04-09 Virginia +14 Year Old Girl Kills Self: Made into TV Show
Murder Prozac 1994-10-23 Iowa +14 Year Old Girl Stabs Great Aunt: Given Life in Prison
Murder Zoloft 2004-05-03 Montana +14 Year Old Murders his Mother & 10 Year Old Brother
Violence Zoloft* 2004-09-12 Colorado +15 Year Old Girl 'Knife Attacks' Mother
Murder Paxil WITHDRAWAL 2002-11-14 Texas +15 Year Old Girl Kills 6 Year Old Brother
Murder Paxil 2008-05-26 Texas +15 Year Old Girl Kills Grandmother 13 Years Ago: Life Sentence
Murder Wellbutrin 2000-03-11 Massachusetts +16 Year Old Girl Kills her Mother, a Psychiatrist
Murder Zoloft* 2005-03-06 Idaho +16 Year Old Girl Kills her Parents: Court TV
Murder Med For Depression 1994-09-09 Kansas +16 Year Old Kills his Mother & Sister: No Illegal Drugs or Alcohol
Murder Prozac 2006-11-26 Maryland +16 Year Old PATIENT in Mental Hospital Kills Nurse: Gets Life Without Possibility of Parole
Suicide Attempt Prozac & Zoloft 2001-07-01 Oregon +17 Year Old Attempts Suicide: Lawsuit Won
Murder Prozac 2004-01-12 Michigan +17 Year Old Kills his Two Sisters & his Mother: No Illegal Drugs or Alcohol
Suicide Cymbalta Antidepressant WITHDRAWAL 2004-02-10 Indiana +19 Year Old Healthy, Normal Woman Kills Self During Clinical Trial
Murder-Suicide Prozac 1994-06-05 New Jersey +77 Year Old Woman Stabs Husband 35 Times & Stabs Self 50 Times
Anthrax Murders Celexa 2008-08-08 U.S.A. +Anthrax Suspect Took Celexa First: Became Psychotic.: Psychosis is Listed as an Adverse Reaction
Murder-Suicide Paxil* 1997-04-14 California +Asian: Father Drowns Two Children: Kills Self: Lawsuit
Murder Antidepressant 2004-07-25 England +Britain's Most Wanted Man
Murder-Suicide Zoloft 1998-05-28 California +Comedian Phil Hartman Shot in his Sleep by Wife, Brynn: She Then Kills Self
Assault & DWI Lexapro 2003-11-27 Arizona +Country Singer Arrested
Murder-Suicide Antidepressants 2001-08-06 Nepal +Crown Prince of Nepal Kills 9 Family Members & Self
Murder Prozac 1991-11-06 California +Daughter, A College Professor, Bites her 87 Year Old Mother to Death
Road Rage Mania Prozac* 2001-03-29 Paris, France +Dr. Discusses the Driver [Henri Paul] of Princess Diana
Shoplifting Zoloft 2001-12-15 California +Famous Actress, Winona Ryder, Arrested for Shoplifting
Suicide Prozac 1997-10-15 California +Famous Author's Son Commits Suicide
Murder Paxil WITHDRAWAL: Prozac* 2006-01-20 North Carolina +Father Murders 5 Year Old Twin Daughters: Featured on Oprah Winfrey Show
Murder Paxil 2008-05-25 Canada +Father Who Murdered Son Four Years Ago Campaigns Against SSRIs
Workplace Violence/Murder-Suicide Luvox 1998-03-06 Connecticut +Five Dead: State Lottery Business Office
Nervous Breakdown Antidepressant 2003-07-24 California +Football Player Misses Superbowl
Violence Antidepressant WITHDRAWAL 2008-01-31 England +Man Attacks Woman with Machete: Given Reduced Sentence Because of Withdrawal
Murder Paxil 2003-07-24 New York +Man Shoots NY City Councilman in City Council Chambers
Stabbing Prozac* 1992-06-11 Florida +Man Stabs Wife: Physician Testifies Prozac Was Main Cause
Mania Prozac 2008-10-06 Canada +Margaret Trudeau Becomes Manic on Prozac: Is Now Off All Antidepressants
Workplace Violence/Murder-Suicide Prozac 1989-09-14 Kentucky +Nine Dead: 12 Wounded: Standard Gravure Printing Company
Murder Prozac 2006-11-26 California +O. J. Simpson on Double Dose of Prozac at Time of Murders
Bizarre Behavior Paxil & Prozac 2008-01-12 California +Pop Star Britney Spears Exhibits Bizarre Behavior on Paxil
Murder Effexor* 2006-07-10 Texas +Postpartum Depression: Andrea Yates Retried for Murder of Five Children
Murder Zoloft 2006-01-12 New Mexico +Sam Donaldson's Ranch Manager's 14 Year Old Son Murders his Parents & Sister
Workplace Violence/Murder Prozac* 2000-12-26 Massachusetts +Seven dead at Edgewater Technology Computer Company
Workplace Violence/Murder-Suicide Zoloft & Celexa 2003-07-10 Mississippi +Six Dead: Lockheed Martin
Death Paxil/Seroquel & Benzo 2008-06-08 U.S.A. +Soldiers [Twelve] Die in Sleep from PTSD Meds As Uncovered by the Father of One of the Soldiers
Affair With Minor Antidepressants 2007-12-10 Canada +Woman School Teacher Accused of Affair with 13 Year Old Male Student
Affair With Minor Prozac 2001-09-01 Utah +Woman School Teacher Gets Jail for Sexual Abuse of 16 Year Old Boy
Affair With Minor Med For Depression 2008-07-17 Wisconsin +Woman School Teacher Has Affair with 13 Year Old Boy
Affair With Minor Paxil/Wellbutrin 2004-12-03 Florida +Woman School Teacher Has Affair with 14 Year Old Boy
Affair With Minor Antidepressants 2007-12-11 New York +Woman School Teacher Has Affair with 15 Year Old Male Student
Affair With Minor Celexa 2009-04-23 New York +Woman School Teacher Molests 13 Year Old Male Student
Affair With Minor Antidepressants 2009-02-06 Texas +Woman School Teacher, 42, Molests her 10th Grade Male Student in a Classrom After School Hours
Affair With Minor Prozac/Wellbutrin 2006-06-22 New Hampshire +Woman SchoolTeacher Has Affair with 16 Year Old Boy
Affairs with Minors Prozac 2006-03-24 West Virginia +Woman SchoolTeacher Molests Four Students Under 15
Murder Paxil 1999-10-16 California +Woman Serial Killer was on Paxil at Time of Murders
Murder Antidepressant* 2002-09-21 Tennessee +Woman Stabs Man Over 100 Times
Affairs With Minors SSRIs 2009-04-18 Idaho/Global +Women Molest Minors: SSRIs: More Mania: More Bipolar: More Women Become Pedophiles
Murder Paxil 2003-05-22 Pennsylvania +Young Woman Murders Two People: Made into TV Show
Death Bipolar Meds 2009-06-07 Kansas 3 Year Old Girl Dies from High Dosages of Bipolar Meds
Death Bipolar Meds 2007-02-08 Massachusetts 4 Year Old Girl Dies From Overdose of Meds
Behavioral Change Prozac 2006-07-07 Connecticut 5 year Old Goes from Anxious to Angry
Overdose Remeron Antidepressant & Others 2006-08-06 Washington 6 Year Old Dies on Psych Cocktail
Inappropriate Behaviors Antidepressants 2005-04-13 U.S.A. 6 Year Old With Selective Mutism Exhibits Bad Behavior in Kindergarten: Is OK When Med Is Stopped
Suicide Prozac & Zyprexa 2009-04-22 Florida 7 Year Old Boy Hangs Himself
Death Antidepressant 2007-11-28 Oregon 7 Year Old In Foster Care Dies From Poweful Antidepressant
Tantrums Prozac 2007-11-24 Michigan 8 Year Old Asperger's Patient Misdiagnosed With Depression: Becomes Worse on Prozac
Behavioral Change Luvox, Ritalin, etc. 2006-01-29 Illinois 8 Year Old Becomes Zombie
Death Prozac 1995-02-15 Pennsylvania 9 Year Old Boy Dies From Prozac Toxicity
Suicide Attempt & Rages Paxil 2002-03-18 Pennsylvania 9 Year Old Girl Becomes Worse on Meds
Arson/Murder Attempt Med For Depression 2002-01-03 Ohio 10 & 11 Year Old Boy & Girl Attempt Arson & Murder
Violent Behavior Prozac WITHDRAWAL 2006-06-14 England 10 Year Old Becomes Violent
Suicide Effexor 2002-08-14 Texas 10 Year Old Boy Hangs Himself
Suicide Med for Depression 2005-10-24 South Africa 10 Year Old Boy Hangs Himself
Suicide Attempt Antidepressant 2004-10-12 Illinois 10 Year Old Girl Attempts Suicide
Death Effexor/Psychotropics 2001-04-04 Colorado 10 Year Old Girl Dies During "Rebirthing" Therapy: Meds May Have Been a Factor
Assault/Gun Prozac 1996-03-09 Florida 10 Year Old Uses 3 Year Old Niece as Shield: Aims Gun at Sheriff's Deputy
Violence Prozac 2000-02-27 Pennsylvania 11 Year Old Becomes Violent & Aggressive on Prozac & Ritalin
Suicide Effexor & Zoloft 2008-09-20 U.S.A. 11 Year Old Boy Hangs Self in 2002: Reported In the Book Medication Madness
Violence & Suicide Attempt Paxil 1999-01-05 Michigan 11 Year Old Boy is Violent & Suicidal on Paxil
Suicide Lexapro 2006-07-26 Utah 11 Year Old Girl Hangs Self; Family Sues
Robbery/Shooting Paxil 1996-02-28 New York 11 Year Old Goes On Robbery & Shooting Spree
Suicide Prozac 1997-09-13 Louisiana 11 Year Old Hangs Himself
Suicide Effexor & Zoloft* 2004-10-06 Nebraska 11 Year Old Hangs Himself: Lawsuit
Suicidal Behavior Antidepressants 2007-12-26 Arizona 12 Year Old Boy Recovers After Doctors Take Him Off Antidepressants
Suicide Zoloft 2004-01-15 Virginia 12 Year Old Girl Commits Suicide
Suicide Zoloft 2000-01-05 Texas 12 Year Old Girl Commits Suicide
Suicide Paxil 2004-02-09 Idaho 12 Year Old Girl Commits Suicide
Suicide Attempt & Self-Mutilation Prozac & Zoloft 1988-01-15 Washington DC 12 Year Old Girl Given Meds Deteriorates
Homicidal Ideation Prozac & Paxil 2000-04-18 U.S.A. 12 Year Old Girl Plots to Kill her Mother
Suicide Attempt Med for Depression 2004-08-09 Maine 12 Year Old Girl Self-Mutilates & Attempts Suicide
Murder Zoloft 2006-08-11 Arkansas 12 Year Old Kills 11 Year Old Sister
Suicide Med For Depression 2008-01-15 Missouri 12 Year Old Kills Self: On Both Antidepressants & ADHD Med
Child Suicide Prozac 2006-03-01 Michigan 12 Year Old Shoots Himself
Cure Exercise Program 2008-04-19 Australia 12 Year Old With Depression & Suicidal Thoughts is Cured with Exercise-Based Therapy Program
Injury to Child Paxil 2002-09-24 New York 12-Year-Old Driven Insane By Medicine
Murder Attempt Med For Depression 1993-04-16 Iowa 13 & 14 Year Olds Attempt to Kill Police Officer: 26 Mile Chase
Mania Antidepressants 2007-09-05 Texas 13 Year Old Becomes "Bipolar" after Antidepressant Use
Suicide Zoloft 1997-07-28 Kansas 13 Year Old Boy Commits Suicide
Suicide Attempt Zoloft 2003-09-17 Arizona 13 Year Old Boy Intends to Commit Suicide at School
Violence Med for Depression 2005-07-12 New York 13 Year Old Girl Attacks Police: Child is Critically Injured
Suicide Med For Depression 2007-03-15 Georgia 13 Year Old Girl Commits Suicide
Suicide Lexapro 2005-04-02 Georgia 13 Year Old Hangs Himself
Murder Antidepressants* 2008-04-18 Colorado 13 Year Old Killed Mother & Grandmother in 1999: Is Released From Prison: Now Has Adult Sentence
Murder Prozac 2006-03-24 Washington 13 Year Old Kills Grandmother
Suicide Antidepressants 1998-03-26 California 13 Year Old Kills Himself
Suicide Paxil 2008-02-03 California 13 Year Old Kills Self: Lawsuit: Dismissed Because of State Law
Suicide Prozac 2000-06-02 Utah 14 Year Old Boy Commits Suicide
Murder Med For Depression Withdrawal 2009-03-04 California 14 Year Old Boy Fires Into Crowd: One Man Killed: Five Day Withdrawal
Violence Antidepressant 2008-02-07 Massachusetts 14 Year Old Boy Stabs Police Officer in Chest
Murder Antidepressant 2005-04-09 Virginia 14 Year Old Boy Stabs Store Clerk
Suicide Paxil 2007-06-13 Indiana 14 Year Old Commits Suicide: Lawsuit
Suicide Attempt Paxil 2001-05-15 New Jersey 14 Year Old Girl Attempts Suicide
Suicide Attempt Zoloft 2008-09-19 Australia 14 Year Old Girl Attempts Suicide: Possible Lawsuit
Murder Attempt Zoloft 1999-09-29 Florida 14 Year Old Girl Attempts to Kill Mother
Injury to Child Paxil 2003-04-06 New Jersey 14 Year Old Girl Becomes Suicidal & Violent : Lawsuit
Arson/Death Antidepressants 1996-12-15 Indiana 14 Year Old Girl Burns Down Her House: Mother & Sister Die
Suicide Celexa/SSRIs 2002-06-07 U.S.A. 14 Year Old Girl Commits Suicide
Suicide Prozac 2000-10-31 Arizona 14 Year Old Girl Commits Suicide
Suicide Prozac 2007-02-06 Canada 14 Year Old Girl Commits Suicide
Suicide Lexapro 2008-07-12 Missouri 14 Year Old Girl Commits Suicide While On Lexapro
Suicide Lexapro 2009-04-13 New York 14 Year Old Girl Commits Suicide: Fund for Funeral Expenses Announced
Self-Mutilation/Cutting Med For Depression 2009-02-18 Pennsylvania 14 Year Old Girl Deliberately Harms Herself
Self-Mutilation Antidepressant 2007-06-06 Illinois 14 Year Old Girl Has Increase in Self-Mutilation While On Antidepressant
Suicide Effexor 2004-09-27 California 14 Year Old Girl Kill Self: Took 4 SSRIs in One Year
Murder Antidepressant 2006-09-14 Oregon 14 Year Old Girl Kills Friend of Same Age
Suicide Prozac 2005-09-27 Canada 14 Year Old Girl Kills Self
Suicide Med For Depression 2007-11-12 Missouri 14 Year Old Girl Kills Self
Suicide Prozac 2009-06-08 Connecticut 14 Year Old Girl Kills Self: Happened in 2005: Lawsuit in 2009
Arson Antidepressant* 2004-12-04 Ohio 14 Year Old Girl Sets Fires
Suicidal Behavior Effexor 2005-08-05 Virginia 14 Year Old Girl Suffers Adverse Reaction
Suicide Prozac 2000-12-05 Alabama 14 Year Old Hangs Himself
Suicide Zoloft & Paxil 1995-04-09 New Jersey 14 Year Old Kills Himself
Suicide Zoloft 1997-04-21 Florida 14 Year Old Kills Himself
Murder Paxil 1995-03-11 Illinois 14 Year Old Kills his Mother
Suicide Zoloft & Effexor 2005-07-07 California 14 Year Old Kills Self
Murder Zoloft & ADHD Drug 1997-09-02 Michigan 14 Year Old Kills Woman During Robbery: Life Sentence
Shooting Effexor & Seroquel 2007-10-31 Tennessee 14 Year Old Shoots at Store Clerk
Knife Attack Med For Depression 2008-08-04 Tennessee 14 Year Old Stabs his Parents: They Are Hospitalized in Serious Condition
Suicide Attempt Antidepressants 2005-01-06 Massachusetts 15 & 17 Year Old Brothers Attempt Suicide
Assault Antidepressant 2007-05-03 England 15 Year Old Assaults Police: Also Involved Alcohol
Suicide Attempt Antidepressants 2006-01-25 Arkansas 15 Year Old Attempts Suicide at School
Suicide Attempt Med For Depression 2007-08-28 Pennsylvania 15 Year Old Attempts Suicide: Tries to Jump from Bridge
Murder Attempt-Suicide Antidepressant WITHDRAWAL 2005-05-16 Nebraska 15 Year Old Attempts to Kill Father: Kills Self
Assault Zoloft, Straterra & Risperdal 2005-01-25 New York 15 Year Old Boy Assaults Neighbor Girl
Suicide Antidepressant 2008-07-30 North Carolina 15 Year Old Boy Commits Suicide
Suicide Zoloft 2003-12-17 Texas 15 Year Old Boy Commits Suicide on Zoloft
Death Antidepressants 2008-12-18 Australia 15 Year Old Boy in Three Day Withdrawal Killed by Police When Boy Became Violent
Homicidal Thoughts Zoloft, Paxil & Effexor 2004-02-02 Georgia 15 Year Old Boy Injured by Meds
Murder Paxil 1997-10-31 New Jersey 15 Year Old Boy Kills 11 Year Old Boy Who Was Selling Cookies Door-To-Door
Murder Med for Depression 1999-08-25 Illinois 15 Year Old Boy Kills Father: Injures Mother
Murder Prozac* 2009-01-28 England 15 Year Old Boy Murders Man: Trial Is In Progress
Murder Zoloft 1997-05-22 New York 15 Year Old Commits Murder in Central Park
Suicide Antidepressants 1998-10-27 North Carolina 15 Year Old Commits Suicide
Suicide Zoloft 1997-03-20 Florida 15 Year Old Commits Suicide
Suicide Attempt Prozac 1995-02-22 Florida 15 Year Old Deliberately Drives Car into House
Death Antidepressant 2009-04-11 Michigan 15 Year Old Dies From One Taser Shock
Suicide Zoloft 1996-05-19 Missouri 15 Year Old Girl Commits Suicide
Suicide Med For Depression 2007-05-05 Colorado 15 Year Old Girl Commits Suicide
Suicide Antidepressants 2006-07-21 England 15 Year Old Girl Dies from Overdose
Suicide Zoloft 2004-10-24 Utah 15 Year Old Girl Given Zoloft for 'Warts'
Suicide Zoloft & Accutane 2004-10-28 Australia 15 Year Old Girl Hang Self
Suicide Prozac 1996-07-12 California 15 Year Old Girl Jumps Off Cliff with 14 Year Old Girl
Suicide Prozac 2001-04-15 Idaho 15 Year Old Girl Kills Self
Murder Plans Paxil 2004-09-12 Florida 15 Year Old Girl Plans to Kill Mother, Brother & Self
Self-Mutilation Prozac, Zoloft & Paxil 1997-10-19 Massachusetts 15 Year Old Girl Self-Mutilates
Murder Prozac 2000-11-30 North Carolina 15 Year Old Girl Shoots Grandfather
Murder Cymbalta Antidepressant 2009-06-01 Maryland 15 Year Old Girl Solicits her Father's Murder
Suicide Attempt Prozac 2006-03-26 Georgia 15 Year Old Girl Tries to Hang Self
Suicide Prozac 2006-03-26 Texas 15 Year Old Hangs Himself
Suicide Med For Depression 2009-04-27 Georgia 15 Year Old Kills Himself in the Year 2000: Mother Now Helping Other Survivors
Murder Paxil 2000-04-18 Tennessee 15 Year Old Kills his Father
Suicide Antidepressant 2005-06-16 Nebraska 15 Year Old Kills Self
Murder Effexor 2006-06-29 Virginia 15 Year Old Kills Store Clerk
Murder Zoloft 2003-01-19 Florida 15 Year Old Murders His Uncle
Arson Prozac 1999-03-10 Florida 15 Year Old Sets Fires
Suicide Prozac 1992-01-11 Florida 15 Year Old Shoots Self
Suicide Prozac 1999-05-02 California 15 Year Old Shoots Self
Murder Paxil 2000-03-06 California 15 Year Old Stabs his Grandmother
Unlawful Possession of Gun Zoloft 2008-01-09 Tennessee 15 Year Old Student Brings Gun to School: Other Charges Expected
Arson & Vandalism Paxil 2002-04-13 Michigan 15-year-old Sets Fire & Vandalizes School
Mania & Violence Antidepressants 2008-09-20 Rhode Island 16 Year Old Becomes Worse on Antidepressant: Finally Diagnosed as Bipolar As They All Are
Road Rage Antidepressant 2004-11-09 Minnesota 16 Year Old Boy Causes $45,000 in Damages
Murder-Suicide Antidepressant 2004-03-17 Tennessee 16 Year Old Boy Kills Deputy Sheriff & Himself
Arson Paxil 2008-03-06 Texas 16 Year Old Burns Down High School
Suicide Zoloft 2004-12-31 U.S.A. 16 Year Old Commits Suicide
Suicide Lexapro & Steroids 2004-07-21 Texas 16 Year Old Commits Suicide
Suicide Attempt Zoloft 2009-02-25 Iowa 16 Year Old Girl Attempts Suicide
Suicide Attempt Zoloft 2008-03-19 Australia 16 Year Old Girl Attempts Suicide: Civil Trial Against Doctor Begins
Murder Paxil 2005-01-11 England 16 Year Old Girl Commits Murder: Kills Self in Prison
Suicide Antidepressants 2009-05-25 Ireland 16 Year Old Girl Commits Suicide in 2006: Had Spent Time in Foster Care
Suicide Antidepressant 2008-07-16 California 16 Year Old Girl Commits Suicide: RCC Scholarship Set Up
Suicide by Cop Prozac 1996-11-21 Washington DC 16 Year Old Girl Forces Police to Shoot Her
Missing Teen: 'Amber Alert' Med for Depression 2004-08-19 Indiana 16 Year Old Girl Found Safe & Sound
Suicide Zoloft 2004-02-21 Massachusetts 16 Year Old Girl Hangs Herself
Suicide Antidepressant 2006-09-14 Utah 16 Year Old Girl Hangs Self: Lawsuit
Murder Prozac 2004-05-28 Arkansas 16 Year Old Girl Kills her Father
Suicide Zoloft 2003-03-03 New Jersey 16 Year Old Girl Kills Self
Suicide Prozac & Desipramine 2005-08-12 Washington 16 Year Old Girl Kills Self
Suicide Prozac & Adderall 2008-01-13 New York 16 Year Old Girl Kills Self
Suicide Effexor 2005-04-13 Florida 16 Year Old Girl Kills Self: Documentary On Meds for Kids
Suicide Attempt & Self-Mutilation Paxil 2005-01-16 Texas 16 Year Old Girl Self Mutilates: Also Attempts Suicide
Suicide Lexapro 2008-01-05 Washington 16 Year Old Girl Shoots Self: Lawsuit
Bizarre Behavior Med For Depression 2007-06-07 U.S.A. 16 Year Old Girl Writes the Word "Die" on Wall Using Her Blood
Suicide Celexa* 2005-07-13 Canada 16 Year Old Girl: Coroner's Inquest
Suicide Zoloft 2004-12-01 Kentucky 16 Year Old Girl: Permanent Injuries: Lawsuit
Suicide Celexa 2004-07-25 Florida 16 Year Old Hangs Himself
Inappropriate Behavior Antidepressants 2004-11-13 Texas 16 Year Old Improves When Taken Off All Meds For Depression & Other Psychotropics
Suicide Attempt Zoloft 2000-05-31 Tennessee 16 Year Old In Private Detetion Facility Suffers Permanent Brain Damage in Suicide Attempt
Suicide Prozac 1999-06-15 South Carolina 16 Year Old Kills Himself: Lawsuit
Murder Paxil 2005-03-02 California 16 Year Old Kills his 17 Year Old Brother
Murder Antidepressants 2004-09-30 Pennsylvania 16 Year Old Kills his Mother
Murder Med For Depression 2000-06-20 Louisiana 16 Year Old Kills his Neighbor
Murder-Suicide Antidepressants 2004-09-29 California 16 Year Old Kills Neighbor & Himself
Suicide Paxil & Accutane 2005-05-16 Nebraska 16 Year Old Kills Self
Suicide Zoloft 2001-07-22 Virginia 16 Year Old Kills Self on Zoloft
Suicide Straterra 2008-04-06 Massachusetts 16 Year Old Kills Self Unexpectedly After Starting Straterra for ADHD
Suicide [Lawsuit] Paxil 2008-09-06 Pennsylvania 16 Year Old Kills Self: Judge Strikes Down Pre-Emption Ruling: Lawsuit Moves Forward
Murder Med For Depression 2007-09-05 Virginia 16 Year Old Kills Sister: Attacks Niece
Murder-Suicide Wellbutrin 2004-01-31 Iowa 16 Year Old Kills the Housesitter, His Counselor & Himself
Suicide Antidepressants 1997-06-22 North Carolina 16 Year Old On Antidepressants Kills Self 17 Days After Leaving Hospital
Suicide Attempt Med For Depression 2008-09-10 Australia 16 Year Old Overdoses: Had Heart Attack: Exhibited Bizarre Behavior while on Med
Suicide Paxil WITHDRAWAL* 2005-02-01 Canada 16 Year Old: Paxil Still in Body 2 Months After Discontinuing Drug
Murder Attempt Paxil 2002-07-05 Canada 16-year-old Attacks A Family
Arson Antidepressant 2005-06-29 Tennessee 17 Year Old Accepts Responsibility for Fire
Suicide Attempt Prozac 2005-12-17 Illinois 17 Year Old and Family Sue Lilly
Suicide Attempt Prozac 2005-01-12 New Hampshire 17 Year Old Attempts Suicide
Suicide Attempt Prozac 2006-06-14 New York 17 Year Old Attempts Suicide in Clinical Trial
Murder Zoloft 1997-03-16 Alabama 17 Year Old Commits Murder: Life Sentence
Suicide Antidepressant 2003-01-31 Oregon 17 Year Old Commits Suicide
Suicide Antidepressants 2000-07-30 Florida 17 Year Old Commits Suicide
Suicide Zoloft & Celexa 2003-02-27 Kansas 17 Year Old Commits Suicide on the Internet
Psychosis Antidepressants 2007-05-22 U.S.A. 17 Year Old Driven Crazy by Psych Meds
Suicide Attempt Prozac 1994-01-11 Texas 17 Year Old Girl Attempts Suicide: Joins Group to Petition for Prozac Warning
Suicide Zoloft 2003-07-22 Pennsylvania 17 Year Old Girl Commits Suicide
Suicide Antidepressants 2002-05-22 California 17 Year Old Girl Commits Suicide: Was Suspect in Murder Case
Self-Mutilation & Rage Paxil & Zoloft 2002-12-15 U.S.A. 17 Year Old Girl Exhibits Bizzare Behavior on Meds
Suicide Antidepressants 2006-10-27 England 17 Year Old Girl Hangs Self
Murder Med For Depression Withdrawal 2009-03-10 North Carolina 17 Year Old Girl Kills her Mother
Suicide Lexapro 2004-11-01 Wisconsin 17 Year Old Girl Kills Self
Suicide Med For Depression 2008-06-08 Arizona 17 Year Old Girl Kills Self
Suicide Antidepressant 2008-03-31 Illinois 17 Year Old Girl Kills Self After Restarting Antidepressant
Murder Antidepressant 1996-05-11 Texas 17 Year Old Girl Murders Her Father
Running Away Prozac Withdrawal 2008-10-20 New Hampshire 17 Year Old Girl Runs Away From Home: 2n Time This Happened During a Recent Prozac Withdrawal
Murder-Suicide Attempt Prozac 2007-03-18 Nevada 17 Year Old Girl Shoots Step-Mother
Suicide Wellbutrin 2006-06-14 Indiana 17 Year Old Goes Crazy and Dies
Suicide Lexapro 2003-04-16 New York 17 Year Old Hangs Himself
Suicide Antidepressants 2008-04-04 England 17 Year Old Hangs Himself
Suicide Antidepressants 2008-09-29 Illinois 17 Year Old Hangs Himself
Car Crash Zoloft 2004-02-25 New York 17 Year Old Has Car Crash: Kills Teammate
Suicide Antidepressant 2008-11-02 Colorado 17 Year Old Inmate Has Antidepressants Constantly Switched: Hangs Self
Suicide Paxil 1999-04-01 Utah 17 Year Old Jumps From Freeway Bridge
Suicide Effexor 2000-10-31 Arizona 17 Year Old Jumps In Front Of Train
Murder Wellbutrin Withdrawal 2005-02-16 Colorado 17 Year Old Kills Father: Had Plotted to Kill Parents
Suicide Antidepressants 2005-07-18 Wisconsin 17 Year Old Kills Himself
Suicide Prozac 2004-07-30 Utah 17 Year Old Kills Self
Suicide Prozac 2004-02-26 California 17 Year Old Kills Self in Youth Facility
Suicide Prozac 2008-03-30 New Zealand 17 Year Old Kills Self: Mother Marches For Awareness
Murder Prozac 1999-07-27 Michigan 17 Year Old Murders Driver of Van
Murder Med For Depression 2001-05-18 Florida 17 Year Old Murders her Baby
Murder Paxil* 2002-03-28 Texas 17 Year Old Murders His Friend
Murder Antidepressant WITHDRAWAL 2005-07-02 Washington 17 Year Old Murders School Tennis Coach
Robbery Lexapro 2007-09-23 Oregon 17 Year Old Robs Store with Unloaded Gun
Suicide Prozac 1997-01-03 Montana 17 Year Old Shoots Himself
Murder Med for Depression 2003-02-03 Colorado 17 Year Old Stabs 91 Year Old Former Mayor
Suicidal Thoughts Prozac 2009-06-14 U.S.A. 17 Year Old Starts on Prozac: Then Has Suicidal Thoughts: Peoples Pharmacy
Suicide Med For Depression 2008-03-20 Minnesota 17 Year Old Swim Star Hangs Himself
Suicide Attempt Prozac 2006-01-29 Illinois 17 Year Old Tries to Hang Self
Missing Med For Depression 2008-06-04 Minnesota 17 Year Old's Personality Changed on Med: Massive Search of Mississippi River
Murder Attempt Antidepressants 2002-05-21 Nevada 17-Year-Old Attacks Two Muslim Men
Suicide Prozac* 1994-06-05 Washington 18 Year Old Asphyxiates Himself
Suicide Attempt Antidepressant 2008-01-20 Pennsylvania 18 Year Old Attempts Suicide: Jumps 9 Stories From Building
Suicide Paxil 2004-11-07 England 18 Year Old Begins Self-Mutilation on Paxil: Kills Self
Death Antidepressants 2008-04-21 Canada 18 Year Old Coed Found Dead: Probable Suicide
Murder Prozac 2007-09-13 Alabama 18 Year Old Girl Asks Boyfriend to Kill Another Man
Suicide Med for Depression 2004-11-24 Virginia 18 Year Old Girl Commits Suicide
Suicide Antidepressant 2008-01-20 Scotland 18 Year Old Girl Commits Suicide: Internet Partly Blamed
Death Zoloft 2008-11-05 England 18 Year Old Girl Dies from Anorexia She Developed on Zoloft
Suicide Paxil 2006-03-17 England 18 Year Old Girl Dies; Mother Campaigns
Self-Mutilation Antidepressants 2008-03-03 Wales 18 Year Old Girl Engages in "Cutting" While on Antidepressants
Assault Antidepressant 2008-10-22 England 18 Year Old Girl Injures her Boyfriend in an Assault
Murder-Suicide Prozac 1998-01-06 Texas 18 Year Old Girl Kills Boyfriend & Self
Suicide Lexapro 2007-05-08 Texas 18 Year Old Girl Kills Self: Lawsuit Could Be Decisive
Death Zoloft 2004-11-21 Wisconsin 18 Year Old Goes Berserk: Shot by Police
Suicide Prozac 2000-01-06 Hawaii 18 Year Old Hangs Himself
Suicide Med for Depression 2005-10-08 New York 18 Year Old Hangs Himself
Suicide Zoloft/Strattera 2006-03-17 California 18 Year Old Hangs Self in Hospital
Felony/Thoughts of Murder Antidepressants 2008-08-29 Minnesota 18 Year Old Heart Transplant Patient Commits Felonies & Has Thoughts of Murder
Murder Prozac* 2009-03-08 Pennsylvania 18 Year Old Imprisoned for Murder of Father Has New Evidence Against Prozac
Suicide Lexapro 2003-07-23 Virginia 18 Year Old Jumps to his Death
Death-By-Cop Prozac 2001-10-09 California 18 Year Old Killed by Policeman Forced to Shoot
Murder Wellbutrin 1998-12-02 Michigan 18 Year Old Kills 5 Family Members
Murder-Suicide Antidepressant 2006-07-18 Ohio 18 Year Old Kills Girlfriend, Then Self
Suicide Effexor & Prozac 2005-03-20 Nebraska 18 Year Old Kills Himself
Suicide Wellbutrin [Zyban] WITHDRAWAL* 2003-02-24 England 18 Year Old Kills Himself: Coroner Rules Wellbutrin May Have Been a Factor
Murder Antidepressants 2009-04-19 Oklahoma 18 Year Old Kills his Father
Murder-Suicide Antidepressant WITHDRAWAL 2006-08-23 California 18 Year Old Kills Mother & Self
Murder Prozac 2000-10-04 Alabama 18 Year Old Kills Parents: Injures 3 Siblings
Murder Prozac 2004-01-25 Florida 18 Year Old Kills U. of Florida Research Analyst
Murder Effexor 2003-01-07 Maryland 18 Year Old Murders His Best Friend

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