Thursday 11 June 2009


As an survivor of institutional child abuse (Staffordshire Pindown) and a survivor of seven years persecution and harrassment from the inhuman torture chamber secret family courts (to try to force me to give a freemason rapist visitation "rights"), I was very interested to read this newspaper report on Mark Oaten, plus the response, presumably from one of his collegues.

Incidentally, while this was going on, I was being tortured at Stafford County Court! But, you see, not being a well connected politician, and living in the corrupt police state which is Britain, I don't have anyone to argue mine or my family's case, to plead for a little bit of respect and privacy - they pawed over me and my family like a pride of greedy lions.

Also, I have committed no crime. That seems to go against a person these days though, in Nu Nazi Britain!

Oaten quits over '3-in-bed' rent boy scandal

Last updated at 14:49 22 January 2006

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Mark Oaten

Shame: Mark Oaten

The Liberal Democrats have been plunged into a new crisis after Mark Oaten quit as the party's home affairs spokesman over an affair with a rent boy.

In a statement, the 41-year-old married father-of-two apologised to his family and party for what he described as "errors of judgment" in his personal behaviour, after reporters from a British newspaper confronted him at his Hampshire home with evidence of the relationship.

Mr Oaten was forced to make the humiliating confession that he had a long-running affair with the rent boy - with whom he is alleged to have engaged in three-in-a-bed sex sessions.

Just two weeks ago, Charles Kennedy was forced to quit as the Lib Dem's leader after admitting a long-rumoured drink problem.

According to the paper, Mr Oaten first contacted the unnamed man - then aged 23 - in 2004 through a gay website, and they met regularly over a six month period. On one occasion, a second male prostitute was said to have been involved.

The man told the paper: "Oaten was a regular punter for six months ... He's a very troubled man living a very dangerous double life."

The MP for Winchester last week pulled out of the race to succeed Mr Kennedy, admitting that he lacked sufficient support among MPs to mount a credible leadership bid.

The party's opinion poll ratings plummeted after Mr Kennedy's resignation, and the latest disclosures are unlikely to improve its standing.

Although Mr Oaten's leadership bid ran out of steam, he was regarded as one of the party's rising stars who could have expected to play a prominent role in the frontbench team of Mr Kennedy's successor.

As home affairs spokesman he has enjoyed a high profile in recent months, taking a leading role in the battle over the Government's controversial anti-terrorism legislation.

He sought to underline his credentials as a family man, inviting the cameras into his home on the eve of his leadership bid to film him sitting down for a meal with his wife and children.

Lib Dem leadership contender Chris Huhne said that Mr Oaten's resignation was an "extremely regrettable" loss to the party.

"I think if you are in public life and you are an MP and you take a high profile role, than I'm afraid you are going to be subject to scrutiny," he told BBC1's Sunday AM programme.

"Mark has been very straightforward about this. He has apologised to his constituents, whom he has served very well, his family and I think he needs the time and the privacy to consider things with his family."


As someone very close to both Bellinda and Mark I feel deeply saddened. Mark knows and realises the extent of what he has done - he has to live with this for the rest of his life - whatever that may be in the future. He is a devoted father to his children and I know he adores Belinda. He has not done anything illegal, but morally he has made a huge mistake. People are judging him on what the papers say and not the person they know.

Belinda needs all the help she can get in coming to terms with this and the strength to carry on with her life and to care for her children.

They now need to be left alone to build the necessary bridges and for the sake of their children be able to rebuild their lives. By the papers and news constantly talking about it, it will not help.

The buzz word "respect" - what chance does anybody have of learning to respect when the gutter press have to print a story such as this in such detail.
The paper has not respected Belinda or their children.

- Anonymous, Hampshire, 24/1/2006 10:40


1 comment:

  1. Friday, 13 March 2009
    Extrapolate this if you will

    Just what was it that you had on Blair
    that put you where you are Mandy?

    Well before we extrapolate anything, a few short words about Peter Mandelson, probably the slimiest and crookedest person ever to walk on this planet.

    Reading how this notorious pervert (reminder to self. Find out what happened in South America) and crook has transferred his financial interests into a "blind trust" in order to prevent people discovering just how crooked he is, I discovered that he is a patron of the NSPCC.

    Well that set me off for sure. Off I went, digging to find out what was in it for Mandy? On the way I discovered, yet again that yet another charity spends millions more on promoting itself and Directors remunerations than it does on helping the children it was set up to assist.

    I was also interested to read that it "bought" Childline and that now any donations made to that "Charity" now get passed over to the NSPCC. Just a business like any other you see.

    By the way, reading over on one of the sites dedicated to charities, I see that because of the credit crunch they are talking of accepting "reduced payments" from their "customers" and "payment holidays" for those with direct debits who have lost their jobs. You are not even a donor anymore. You are just a customer and your donations are payments, which incidentally, they consider to be never enough.

    But back to the NSPCC, I also discovered how heavily politicized it has become and perhaps also the reason why the pervert Mandelson is a Patron. They campaigned actively for the lowering of age of consent for young 16 year old boys to be sodomised.

    Strange how 16 year old boys cannot make informed decisions about buying cigarettes, alcohol or voting but are considered experienced enough in the ways of the world to allow perverts bordering on paedophiles to bugger them anally and possibly infect them with AIDS.

    Anti-family, the NSPCC is firmly opposed to an automatic right of contact for both parents to visit children in the event of their parents separation and portray men as being violent abusers.

    Looks to me as if the NSPCC is one sick puppy. Time to call in the RSPCA and have them put down.

    Looks at though the extrapolation will have to wait a bit.

    Some interesting links to the "special relationships" in politics.

    BP Chief quits in rent boy scandal

    Mandelsons rent boy and Lord Browne

    Tags: Peter Mandelson, NSPCC, RSPCA
