Friday 5 June 2009


Simon Bellwood, an experienced and senior social worker, approaches Stuart Syvret to warn him of the abusive "Grand prix" system being used to punish children at Greenfields childrens home.

Simon Bellwood was sacked by the States.

Stuart spoke out in the States condemning the abusive practices being used by States employees. Stuart contacted the Howard league for penal reform and professor June Thorburn to investigate the charges.

Stuart was sacked as health minister.

Both reports (and another commissioned by the states) decided that the Grand prix punishments were illegal.

During this time, unknown to anyone outside of the police dept, Lenny Harper was leading an investigation into allegations of years of child abuse within the islands childrens services.
Through these investigations and then a public appeal for any more information over 160 people came forward claiming to have suffered abuse.

Police investigations led to the search and excavation of Haut de la Garenne, a former childrens home, where charred human remains, unexplainable lime pits and dozens of childrens teeth (some with the complete root structure attached) were discovered.
Lenny Harper brought in forensic experts and additional police from the UK and conducted the investigation under regular guidance from the Association of chief police officers.
The investigation found a number of people they wished to charge with crimes against children.

But now Lenny Harper has retired, his superior officer has been suspended for allegedly mishandling the case and now we are told that there is no evidence for a prosecution.

Please feel free to copy this and send it to any news source you like and ask them if they think it looks suspicious.

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