Tuesday 16 June 2009


Jersey Police keep secret files on States members
Jersey's Home Affairs minister has told States members the police have been keeping secret files on every elected States member. It was called 'Operation Blast' and was known to only a handful of top police officers.

Each file included a photograph of the member, their full criminal record and information gathered from both local and national police forces.

Senator Ian Le Marquand says the operation was so secret every effort was made to keep the 'recording of the information out of normal procedure.'

The revelation has angered States members. They've been told they can contact the acting police chief but they can't look at their files.

Deputy Trevor Pitman has likened Jersey to Zimbabwe and Deputy Mike Higgins wants to know why, under the Freedom of Information Act, members cannot look at their files.

Senator Stuart Syvret has asked whether any former crown officers knew about 'Operation Blast'. Senator Syvret is also worried MI5 and Special Branch have been gathering information on his involvement with Greenpeace.

Acting Police Chief David Warcup of the States of Jersey Police has issued the following statement:

"Action has already been taken to instigate a review to look at the retention of information within the States of Jersey Police. When the review is complete, I will then determine what if any, action needs to be taken.

I would, however, like to reassure the public that there are clearly laid down and regulated practices and procedures governing the handling of information by the police and I will be making sure that they are fully complied with.

At this time, we have nothing further to add in addition to the minister's statement."

We'll have more on this story in Channel Report on Channel Television, tonight at 6pm.

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