Tuesday 7 July 2009

Don't be fooled by Lord Falconer's deadly Trojan Horse

Don't be fooled by Lord Falconer's deadly Trojan Horse

By George Pitcher Last updated: July 7th, 2009

In a few hours, the House of Lords is scheduled to debate Lord Falconer’s amendment to the Coroners and Justice Bill, which would enable British citizens to assist others to travel abroad to commit suicide without the threat of prosecution.

Lord McColl writes most persuasively against this amendment in the Telegraph today from a medical perspective, exposing as a sham Charlie Falconer’s claim that he is building in safeguards against abuse of such new law. Dominic Lawson is also great today on the dark and sinister death lobby behind the proposed cull of “loved ones”.

I have written more than enough here about how palliative care has to be the focus of end-of-life policy, not euthanasia; how it is ridiculous to suppose that this generation is uniquely equipped to decide when we should die; how “it’s my life to do with as I wish” is a post-modern and meaningless presumption; how proponents of euthanasia are sneakily trying to get by cynical means what they have failed to win more honourably before; how there is no dignity in Dignitas and how the medical profession would be undermined by such legislation.

Let me now just add one thing: Falconer’s amendment is a Trojan Horse. The death-cult Dignity in Dying, formerly the Voluntary Euthanasia Society, has the good grace to admit openly that it would use this proposed change in the law as its next step in its campaign to have euthanasia, legal in only a handful of small countries and two US states, instituted as common practice in the UK.

A vote for Falconer is a vote for legalised euthanasia in Britain. Throw it out.

George Pitcher
George Pitcher is Religion Editor of The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph. He was ordained priest in the Church of England in 2006 and is Associate Priest at St Bride's, Fleet Street, in London – the "journalists' church".

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