Friday 14 August 2009

American Intellegence General says 911 was a fraud


  1. Praise the Lord that this brave man has come forward and told the truth.

    The truth will be revealed, bad things will not stay hidden.

    God sees everything.

  2. From all the evidence and witness's statements it does suggest that 9/11 wasn't all it seemed - the same can be said about the London bombings and I suspect the Madrid ones.

    Whoever is behind them - they are evil beyond belief and need to be tracked down and made to pay dearly for what they did.

    The tragic thing is that the real monsters behind all these murders will go free because they will be heavily protected.

  3. "The tragic thing is that the real monsters behind all these murders will go free because they will be heavily protected"

    No, they will pay the full quota for what they have done.

    No-one ever really gets away with wickedness, though they can run to the devil for a while.

    There is divine justice, even though the people on this planet cling to the corruption and refuse to acknowledge that there is a better way than this rat tailed system of backscratchers that we have now.

    Everyone gets their just desserts in the end.
