Tuesday 8 September 2009

Vile comments from the paedophiles, left on my YouTube channel

scottyknowsbest7 (2 months ago) Show Hide

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Aaah, the "child abuse industry" is alive and well here. realLooney you can ask for the forgiveness from that imaginary entity you call "God" for these innocents who have done nothing more than have loving relations. But, please remember that sex is natural and will always exist even for children. (even endorsed in your bible). King Michael has shown the love between a man and a boy, and the world has understood. realLooney - your small world is ending !


jenhow69 (1 month ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam
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| Remove | Block User your a funny old thing


DWMC93 (5 days ago) Show Hide -1 Marked as spam
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| Remove | Block User I'm not saying that i'm for or against NAMBLA personally i respect any persons right to love and be loved in a consentual manner, but have any of the people here who class them as child molesters, pedophiles, or rapists, and basically verbally abuse them, actually done any research into what the organization is? i'm just saying dont follow everything the media tells you, think for yourself, and at least respect that you may not understand what other people feel.


BurningAlive409 (5 months ago) Show Hide -1 Marked as spam
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| Remove | Block User HAhahahaha Nae luck you got raped


RrogueBblood (4 months ago) Show Hide -1 Marked as spam
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| Remove | Block User attention whore, that is all


chopsticksteve (7 months ago) Show Hide -2 Marked as spam
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| Remove | Block User I disagree you nothing but ordinary - in fact your a loon and if you were a bird you'd be big bird


chopsticksue (7 months ago) Show Hide +1 Marked as spam
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| Remove | Block User there once was a woman named zoompad
who was going slightly mad
She now calls herself realzoomy
and has gotten a little more looney
lock her up and then I'd be glad!


chopsticksue (7 months ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam
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| Remove | Block User No the point is making a point that children can exhibit sexual behaviour. It was in the context of the evolutionary benefits of deviant sexual practices(one of them being (paedophillia). And how these practices can be seen as having species survival value. i.e "The younger the survival machine at the time sexual urges appear, the longer will be the span of procreative capacity ..."
Its a bit of a naturalist theory - I cant say I agree or disagree - I have no idea.....


chopsticksue (7 months ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam
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| Remove | Block User Omg, you dont even know how or why he even killed himself! yet you claim to know so much about this man. And no he didnt 'obtain data from the Kinsey Insitute to invent PAS to cover up paedophile behaviour' NO this is wrong - I know now your getting your info from some misleading website probably run by some sort of feminist group. chopsticksue (7 months ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam
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| Remove | Block User The things Gardner studied were taboo subjects, to me and you it is 'creepy' I mean in today's society its not really acceptable to hear if an infant can reach orgasam or not, if children are capable of sexual thoughts and etc..and its not just things like that about his studies other things as well - what you are doing are burying your head in the sand about facts. To understand pedophiles and victims of such abuse mentally/ physically it is necessary to cover such taboo subjects.... chopsticksue (7 months ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam
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| Remove | Block User if you find it hard to swallow then dont read his work, it was prob not intended for the use on the likes of people like ourselves because of the misunderstanding it would represents for lay-man like ourselves who do not understand psychology. I studied child psychology for 1 year - I dont claim to be a professional or understand everything but I do know some things and how the study of human psychology should be interpreted


chopsticksue (7 months ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam
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| Remove | Block User I am not defending pedophilia, I have never defended pedophilia. Just because you ASSUME Gardener is a pedophile..you tell me I am defending pedophilia? I know he got the data from Kinsey who got his from interviewing pedophiles whom he did not report. There you go..I still think that is irrelevant. This data has been studied again and has been shown to be accurate with only slight differences. So whats your point? We're debating in the grey area now and thats a dangerous place to be...



  1. These sickos will always try to justify their vile perversions.

  2. I haven't even posted the worst of them! Some of them were too disgusting to put onto my blog.

    What gets me is how cheeky these bas*ards are - they don't even bother to hide it! I suppose that's because there are no deterrents in our UK (in)justice system any more, with this corrupt mob who are ruling over us at the moment.

  3. I would fight to the death against these sicko's and I'm sure many many other decent human beings would do the same.
