Friday 11 December 2009

Police checks on parents who help out in schools

Is anyone fooled by this latest bit of NWO Nu Nazi nonsense?

Lets put it this way - The freemason Thomas Hamilton was checked and approved by the police, but he committed the bloodiest classroom massacre that we have ever had in this country, on a group of tiny little kiddies. Dunblaine, and yes, as per usual, the investigation has been covered up.

Cynical old me tends to think that with less parents going into the schools will ensure that any wierd masonic nastiness will go unchecked. The nation's children will be in even more danger.

Parents are the best people to protect children, NOT the police, as for the government, well, they are bleeding useless at it!


  1. oh that'd be like your parents protected you then???!!!! And they really brought your brother and you up well didn't they?! Good at conspiracies, not so good at truth are you?
    Most abused people are abused by their parents too.

  2. The checks may well be useless for let's face it most abusers won't have convictions that show up. Doesn't mean they should do nothing, does mean they should think a bit more strategically about it all, educate children and make sure there is good support available.
    The masons have sod all to do with it, and you belittle your argument by bringing that up.

  3. I see you are familiar with my life history, Nonny Mouse. Care to reveal your own identity rather than hiding behind a cowards veil?

    My own parents. Well, as you already know, they were working class grafters. My dad was a lovely man, I would say he brought me up just fine, taught me good moral values, do not steal, do not hurt other people, be kind ect ect. My dad was a lovely man. My mum slogged her guts out as well to keep us kids clothed and fed, none of us ever went hungry, we always had toys on our birthday and at Christmas, we always went on holiday, though how my parents managed to get us all to the seaside every year is nothing short of a miracle.

    My parents were very good parents, and yet I STILL got abused - not by them though. My brother, as all the kids were. was abused by a cane yielding sadist who liked the shape of little boys bottoms, and this wanker used to get a lot of orgasmic pleasure from torturing and humiliating the little people under his control. I guess it must have done something to my brother's brain, because I became the little poison pot to take out all his aggro upon, and the results were such that I fell prey to the Staffordshire Pindown sadists.

    Most children are NOT abused by their parents, that is such a big whopper and well you know it Nonny Mouse. And if my parents ever hurt me in any way, it certainly was not because they had not tried their very best to be fantastic parents, but rather that they were stressed out by the corrupt state that is piulling the strings of all of us.

  4. you only have to speak to any group of abuse survivors to see that MOST have been abused by fathers, step-fathers, mothers, step-mothers..... of course others are also abused by brothers, sisters, teachers, priests, uncles, etc etc. Check your facts.
    So sorry your parents were so hopeless at protecting you and your brother, and from stopping your brother go on with the cycle.

    Not the first or only anonymous here, not a Nony mouse, as you so childishly say- not like you use your real name on your blog is it?

  5. The first Anonymouse did NOT say that most children are abused by their parents so your "Most children are NOT abused by their parents, that is such a big whopper and well you know it Nonny Mouse." is yet mnore evidence you can not listen to what people are sharing with you, that is so sad. They said "most abused people are abused by their parents.." and that is true. Get your facts straight ZoomyZingyZongy before you accuse someone of lying.

  6. Aha, NOW I know who you nasty little ratbags are!

    The SAFELINE creeps!

    Well well well, you just can't keeep a lid on it, can you?

    So, in short, what we have here, is a gang of creepy moles who have set themselves up to help victims of child abuse, actually kicking shit into the face of those very same victims!

    Tut tut tut. You know perfectly well what you are doing is not only illegal (cyber bullying is a crime, as you lot well know) it is also completly immoral.

    Go back to the muckhole you crawled out of, and stay there. You've banned me from your site, banned me for simply telling the truth about your involvement with the Freemasons of Warwick, what a bleeding cheek you lot have coming here and starting up your bulling nonsense! Get along with you, go on, scram!

  7. Predators are very clever people- I know of 7 professionals who all failed to spot one- a psychopath predator in assessments. Predators are charmers, smooth operators.

    Stats show that children are 7 times more likely to be abused in care than at at home.

    Propaganda states that ALL parents are abusers- after all that was Hitler and SS motto- In the best intersts of the child of course.

    Today, the same slogan re best interests of the child is used by so called child protectors.

    As a retired teacher I know from experience that police checks are a waste of time.

    What ever happened to good old gut instinct- is that not something to teach all children- after all gut instinct is always right and children are light years ahaead of adults in seeing truth.

    We adults are conditioned to think we know best, but hindsight tells us the children were telling us truth all along.

    What of the care system which deliberately placed children inside a pedo ring for 6 years ,sanctioned by a Guardian and rubberstamped by a judge.The one decent social worker who tried to get the children to safety was ripped apart in court by the judge for doing the right thing.

    That is not conspiracy but truth.

  8. I am sorry you’ve had such a horrific time of it Zoompad. I am though confused as to what Safeline has to do with it all? (I have now read a lot of your posts there and here) You can’t possibly know that the people commenting here have anything to do with Safeline- and I imagine that their website moderators and staff would post their names if they chose to comment here. (though considering how nasty you’ve been about them I can’t see why they would bother) I am not sure why you choose to mix things up in such a way all the time. It is the world wide web, I found here when searching for something else, and have now read your posts all over the place- it is not like you are a silent person, your presence is all over the web, including some at Safeline forums, but by no means all. So point being, anyone can find here, and anyone can have and share an opinion about the things you have said, that doesn’t mean they have anything to do with Safeline or you.

    Libel is a crime, and you have much of it on your blog. I only hope for your sake that those who you have lied about don’t take action on it.

    So, Safeline had a donation from some Freemasons- perhaps those Freemasons are abuse survivors and want to make a difference, perhaps they know people who have been raped and tortured, and want to help. Perhaps they are perfectly decent people who happen to be Freemasons. Just like there are good and bad in every organisation. Don’t get me wrong, I find the Freemasons ethos bizarre and misogynistic but then so is a lot of Christian doctrine. Still, what has it do with Safeline? They are not run by the Freemasons, they probably don’t even know most of them- it may have been just one or two who gave the money, who knows. Either way, it is what they do with the money that matters, and Safeline does a huge amount of important and valuable education and offers a tremendous amount of support.

    It seems you don’t have a job, so I guess you get benefits? So you are getting money from the tax payers, some of whom will be Freemasons. Does that make you a bad person? No, definitely not, for I’m sure you use your money for sensible ends, like a roof over your head, food and clothing for you and your family etc. Safeline is a good organisation.

    I am fairly sure you will choose to not hear or listen to this, but I really think you owe Safeline, its users, volunteers, workers, an apology. You have spread a lot of lies and misinformation about them, and been cruel and verbally abusive to and about people who offered you friendship and support. It is sad you are so full of bitterness, and awful you have been so hurt, but please try keeping the issues straight and stop misplacing all your anger.

    Laura- an outsider looking in, and nothing to do with Safeline, and have never met you.

    Oh and good luck with working on changing the family court system, that is a worthy cause.

  9. I am sorry you’ve had such a horrific time of it Zoompad. I am though confused as to what Safeline has to do with it all? (I have now read a lot of your posts there and here) You can’t possibly know that the people commenting here have anything to do with Safeline- and I imagine that their website moderators and staff would post their names if they chose to comment here. (though considering how nasty you’ve been about them I can’t see why they would bother) I am not sure why you choose to mix things up in such a way all the time. It is the world wide web, I found here when searching for something else, and have now read your posts all over the place- it is not like you are a silent person, your presence is all over the web, including some at Safeline forums, but by no means all. So point being, anyone can find here, and anyone can have and share an opinion about the things you have said, that doesn’t mean they have anything to do with Safeline or you.

    Libel is a crime, and you have much of it on your blog. I only hope for your sake that those who you have lied about don’t take action on it.

    So, Safeline had a donation from some Freemasons- perhaps those Freemasons are abuse survivors and want to make a difference, perhaps they know people who have been raped and tortured, and want to help. Perhaps they are perfectly decent people who happen to be Freemasons. Just like there are good and bad in every organisation. Don’t get me wrong, I find the Freemasons ethos bizarre and misogynistic but then so is a lot of Christian doctrine. Still, what has it do with Safeline? They are not run by the Freemasons, they probably don’t even know most of them- it may have been just one or two who gave the money, who knows. Either way, it is what they do with the money that matters, and Safeline does a huge amount of important and valuable education and offers a tremendous amount of support.

    It seems you don’t have a job, so I guess you get benefits? So you are getting money from the tax payers, some of whom will be Freemasons. Does that make you a bad person? No, definitely not, for I’m sure you use your money for sensible ends, like a roof over your head, food and clothing for you and your family etc. Safeline is a good organisation.

    I am fairly sure you will choose to not hear or listen to this, but I really think you owe Safeline, its users, volunteers, workers, an apology. You have spread a lot of lies and misinformation about them, and been cruel and verbally abusive to and about people who offered you friendship and support. It is sad you are so full of bitterness, and awful you have been so hurt, but please try keeping the issues straight and stop misplacing all your anger.

    Laura- an outsider looking in, and nothing to do with Safeline, and have never met you.

    Oh and good luck with working on changing the family court system, that is a worthy cause.

  10. "Libel is a crime, and you have much of it on your blog. I only hope for your sake that those who you have lied about don’t take action on it"

    Yes, "Laura", libel IS a crime, and if I were guilty of libel I might be taken to court and prosecuted over it.

    But telling the plain and simple truth is NOT a crime, and that is what I have done, on this blog and elsewhere.

    Cyber bullying is also a crime. An organisation which not only allows but activly encourages a group of people to bully one person, a person who has been raped and abused for decades, is certainly guilty of criminal offences.

    Incidentally, you seem to be much more interested in me than a mere passer by, as you seem to have read so many of my posts. You asked me what I do for a living - I would love to hazard a guess as to what your profession is - "Laura"

  11. "been cruel and verbally abusive to and about people who offered you friendship and support"

    I can't let that one pass by without pointing out that REAL friends do not stab each other in the back or spy on each other.

    Neither do they pretend to be professional therapists and attempt to diagnose someone they have never ever met in their life with made up psychological illnesses.

    And they certainly do not send threatening emails in red ink to their so called friends.

    With friends like those, who needs bleeding enemies!!!
