Wednesday 17 March 2010

Social services 'warned' about Kent baby killer

Social services 'warned' about Kent baby killer

A relative of a baby killed by her violent father in Kent claims he warned social services twice about the man before the child was born.
Christopher Sellman, 25, of The Hurst, Tonbridge, was convicted at Maidstone Crown Court of the manslaughter of 25-day-old Tiffany in November 2008.

The court heard that Sellman had a previous conviction for violence and had been cautioned for child cruelty.
Kent County Council said it would not comment until Wednesday.

'Not listened to'
The relative, who asked to remain anonymous, told the BBC he had contacted social services on two occasions to warn them that Sellman's partner was expecting a child.

He said: "I feel the information I passed on was not listened to.
"If they had done more checks on the computer, they may have found something out. Maybe the baby would have been better looked after."
Within 25 days of her being born prematurely, Tiffany suffered a fractured skull and died in hospital after being left in her father's care.

It is only right for all of the agencies involved to look at their practices and seek to learn lessons wherever possible. David WarlockKent Safeguarding Children Board

The youngster's death has been the subject of a serious case review by the Kent Safeguarding Children Board, which is made up of representatives from the county council, police, health and court services.

David Warlock of the Kent Safeguarding Children Board said: "This is a very distressing case and I would like to express my sadness at Tiffany's death.
"The death of any child is deeply upsetting and when a child dies in these circumstances it is only right for all of the agencies involved to look at their practices and seek to learn lessons wherever possible.

"An independent expert from the NSPCC was commissioned by the Kent Safeguarding Children Board to take a thorough and impartial look at all of the agencies' actions to identify what lessons could be learned.
"The findings have been accepted and several recommendations made, all of which are being acted on.

"The Kent Safeguarding Children Board will monitor the impact of these on practice in Kent


Kent's CEO Peter Gilroy previously the 'Director of Childrens Services' also wrote to Lord Laming offering

'to write a piece for the Conservative Shadow


Jammed packed with info relating to Kent County Council and 'common purpose' graduates

Kent Common Purpose Costs

"Ian Rossiter left an annotation (12 March 2010)

I have received a list, going back to 2001 showing a total expenditure of £131,684.04. This includes details by Directorate, Service, cost centre, invoice number, invoice amount and description of course, sometimes with the name of the attendee."

Kent's CEO Peter Gilroy previously the 'Director of Childrens Services' and speaker at 'common purpose' events - also wrote to Lord Laming offering

'to write a piece for the Conservative Shadow

List of graduates including 'childrens and families social services'


Will be interesting to read the authorities answer; hopefully it will be more transparent than they have been in these FOI requests


A Maidstone Borough Councillor has also recently spoken out about

'her grave concerns' regarding Kent County Council's 'childrens services'


9th March 2010 External Scrutiny Committee – about ¾ of the way through
(from 01.06 hour/minute ) – concerns being raised about childrens services and data collection - without parental consent.


Social services 'warned' about Kent baby killer

No mention of Kent Social Services being forewarned here; in the local Kent Messenger

'how many families have gone to them with concerns , later to find they do not support families/relatives but instead by-pass relatives in favor of 'forced adoption'?


Thanks to the anonymous truther who sent me this



    CP Exposed Takedown

    Please spread the word as fast as possible: has been taken down by the web hosting company, Hostgator, as the result of a complaint by Common Purpose alleging copyright infringement.
    The notice from Common Purpose can be downloaded from here:
    We are puzzled since all the documentation is in the public domain, and has been for some considerable time. It seems strange that this has happened since we recently posted information from Common Purpose’s own website showing the links between the Scottish paedophile James Rennie and the Common Purpose organisation. Are we getting too close to the truth? How many other paedophiles are protected by Common Purpose networks and their secretive Chatham House confidentiality rules?
    Spread the word. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible

  2. Caroline Duckworth - managing director

    didnt she used to be the operating officer ?

  3. Kent Local Authorities are deliberatly hiding information which MUST be in the public domain. They are hiding how much money - TAXPAYERS money remember - that they have frittered away on Common Purpose.

    Kent Common Purpose Costs

    "Ian Rossiter left an annotation (12 March 2010)

    I have received a list, going back to 2001 showing a total expenditure of £131,684.04. This includes details by Directorate, Service, cost centre, invoice number, invoice amount and description of course, sometimes with the name of the attendee."

  4. Kent County Council are a disgrace, all those in position of power must be removed with immediate effect.

    Ignoring a call from a relative and allowing a baby to be murdered, can not be blamed on human error, these money grabbers who are responsible forced adoptions of thousands of children , equates to money laundering / child trafficking for profit

    They are clearly not HUMAN
