Thursday 22 April 2010



  1. Julia had a little plan
    She got her pal McKenna
    To brainwash half the world asnd send
    The whole thing up the spanner

    Jolly Jack, he liked it, oh
    He liked it, not a lot
    He sat a smarming next to Broon
    And watched Great Britain rot

    Whats this a mincing into view
    Is is green custard pie?
    Oh bow to the king, Lord Peter Scum
    Ain't he a naughty boy?

    The saggy old bear of Parliament
    He sets his face to GRIN
    Fixed gurn at tragedy and glee
    The effect is very grim

    "Come unto me, all you little kids"
    The man in charge is Balls
    The paedos laugh and skip with glee...
    The man in charge is balls

    The New World Order is their plan
    And us lot are thye nutters
    Leave Blighty by the nearest plane
    And pull down all your shutters

    They're killing England. smashing it
    please open your eyes and lugs
    They're selling your kids and charging you the bill
    And you are all the mugs!

  2. It has been alleged on the net that Gordon Browns sexual preference is for children. This is either a very malicious slur or fact.

    We have laws that protect discrimination based on sexual 'orientations' This could include peadophiles. We have high street retailers trying to push goods that sexualise children.

    Either way something very sinister has been allowed to go on not only in family courts and the stealing of our children but within state owned childrens homes and such like.

    Everywhere around us the boundaries of what is acceptable are being pushed to the limits by those in power.

    It is only a matter of time before the true extend of the deravity of those in power comes to light and decent people wake up and take action against these monsters.

  3. Yes, I've seen those Gordon Brown rumours, and at first I did not believe them at all.

    I'm not so sure now though. I've written to Gordon Brown many times regarding paedophile activity in the family courts, and judging from the responses I have had, either the people who are dealing with his correspondence are very evil and corrupt people, or else the rumours are true.

    It's hard for me to believe that he is a paedophile. He certainly does not come accross as one, to me. But I just cannot understand why he is so tolerant of the paedophiles that surround him.
