Sunday 8 August 2010


I am hopping mad tonight. A friend sent me a link to "This is Uttoxeter" from Monday, July 26, 2010 and this is what I read:

BBC seeking former residents of home at centre of 70s scandal

THE harrowing tale of a controversial Rocester children's care home – which saw youngsters routinely abused by staff – will be featured in a documentary.
The BBC is appealing for people who were in Riverside Children's Home during the 1970s to come forward and discuss their experiences.
The documentary is aimed at highlighting the changes in children's residential care and producers are keen to include Riverside, which was closed down by Staffordshire County Council in 1989.

Now the reason I am angry is because Riverside Children's Home is Chadswells Assessment Centre or The Wissage, which was the filthy hell hole paedophile playhouse where I was incarcerated as a kid. And the BBC know perfectly well I was there, as I have written to them several times plus they have had several copies of my satarical novel about that shit hole Chadswell/Riverside/The Wissage, "Tip", as well - at my own personal expense. The BBC know perfectly well how to get in touch with me, and anyone with a few brain cells would expect them to get in touch with an author who has actually written a novel about the dump. In fact, if you do a google search on Chadswells Assessment Centre I come up over and over and over again! Have they been in touch with me? HAVE THEY ECKERS LIKE!

So the BBC can go and pull the other one, they must think we are all as green as cucumbers. The BBC is a crappy, paedophile/murderer protecting wallet robbing organisation, they can't even be arsed to tell any real news these days, it's all ruddy propaganda, and as for the so called rolling news, well, if an alien only had the BBC to tell them anything they would assume that this country only had about seven things happen all over the country in any one day, less if some pop star died or had a baby or something.

BBC GO AND SCREW YOURSELF! I probably won't even bother watching yout propaganda bullshit about Riverside/Chadswell/The Wissage, as I am too busy helping other abuse survivors and trying to expose vile perverts who steal other people's kids via the secret family courts so that they can have sex with them and sell them abroad. So I haven't got time to waste on BBC bullshit!


  1. The BBC produces propaganda for the bad guys.

    - Aangirfan

  2. don't you think maybe they just want a larger quantity of people?

    But I have less faith in the BBC these days. I am the victim of a narcissistic sociopath ie. psychopath. Journalists DON'T write about narcissistic sociopaths because of defamation laws, but ordinarly people who are vulnerable and honest really need to know what harm may come their way. The general population has loads of misconceptions about what this problem is. BBC journalists run off to dangerous countries, risking their lives reporting on what happens in foreign countries, they won't even rescue the people at home who are really dying, with truth.
    So I have less faith in the BBC these days.

  3. Well I did watch the BBC program about the Pindown "home" that I was in, and just as I predicted, it was rubbish. Neil Morrissey was the main person in the program. Now, much as I like Neil Morrissey, and his funny program with Martin Clunes, I did think it might have been rather nice if the program cfould have had other inmates of the childrens prison in the program. I would have loved to go on that program myself, it might have been a much better program if I had been allowed to, only that was never going to happen was it, what with all the way the BBC have colluded with paedophiles to cover up the whole disgusting Pindown scandal.

  4. What's happend hear is some girl got taken advantage. Of and nobody likes that Watson guy cause he was strict, or looked stern, I know most of the abuse was made up, someone. May have got the cane but as for John Henry Bentley, he told me he lied for the compensation, and asked me if I'm going put in for some I said no, he herd about it so he jumped on it, and really what's happened hear is there was a predeter in there, and someone's got him done then all the others have thought I can make some money hear these are peoples live we are talking about hear, and I know that most of it has being made up,

    1. Have u heard yaself.... Made up indeed...there's always 1 that defends... Idiot

  5. I was at riverside in 81 to 83 and I saw enough abuse to last me a lifetime my name was ann kimberley

  6. I was at Riverside school for boys before the girl unit came. It was a vile sick perverted place for staff that were supposed to look after us did the opposite, my brother and I had our lives ruined before it had even begun.

  7. Hi I'm paul Taylor I was at riverside from 79 till 84. It was a hell hole of a place,my brother and I had our lives taken from the staff at that place. I've never spoken about the beatings I took on a daily.please

  8. Old post I know, but here is my two penny's worth,i started my care life off in rotherwood Stafford, then chadswell assessment centre in Litchfield then on to Riverside in uttoxeter I went in in 1977 and left in 1983, 3 days before my 18th birthday. I was in manifold Thomas Watson was my house master,I was in the room when he shoved the table against Darren Underhill(lurch we called daz) he smashed a plate over his head and punched him a few the way my name is nick ollerenshaw if anyone remembers me, Riverside was a violent Shithole, the staff were violent to the extrem. Other staff were perverts who preyed on the Watson,Mr plant Mr shearsmith Mr Goldie(head master) Mr betterage jnr,and a few others liked to throw there fists about.the perverts I will leave for another time.crutchley the caretaker/night Watchman was a perve and a cruel heartless bastard, always stunk of whiskey. My childhood was teens and adult life is still ruined.tales to tell,tales to tell I can remember it all like it was yesterday and yes I can name most of the lads that was there and all the staff.laters all

  9. I was at the wissage, I remember a poor kid called Finney, with mental health issues. He was always badly beaten. I remember 1 night they got us all out of bed and made us squat with hands on our heads for hours, or locked in the cell upstairs.And the teacher who used to throw a bunch of keys at you if you where not paying attention. It left a profound scar on me psychologically. It was run by a group of sadistic bullies who tortured kids. I was their in 1971 in those days local authorities didn't give a toss about kids welfare. Today they would be in prison for what went on their.
