Tuesday 10 August 2010


Well, I have just about as much as I can stomach of the bloody civil service hackers. I cannot get this posted as a private message to Stuart Syvret, and my own email addy is being mucked about with. I wanted to post this letter to Stuart, and one or to other people, but I am so furious about another hacking session on MY computer that I have decided to post it onto my own blog instead, for everyone to see.

I thought the Civil Service was supposed to be for the good of the country, but all these highly paid morons seem to do is to spend all their time hacking into CHILD ABUSE SURVIVORS (NOT TERRORISTS!!!) email accounts. What a disgrace.

Anyway, here is the letter.


10th August 2010
Dear Mr Cameron,
I am quite sure that you are a decent man, otherwise I would not be writing to you.
As you know, the media are broadcasting propaganda instead of the plain straightforward news, and there is nationwide public awareness of this. It is to the great credit of the people of this country that although they are well aware of many things which are, to be frank, downright evil, they are determined to remain calm and self controlled.
The New World Order idea is evil, and this nation, by the laws of this land and the monarchy, is a Christian country; our Queen solemnly promised in front of the whole nation to uphold the Christian faith. The Christian faith is, to put it in its simplest terms, to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, and to be gentle, kind, honest and good. If you examine the New World Order manifesto you will see that the central aim is to divide the world into 10 areas and to put a dictator in charge to rule over them. This is what my own MP Bill Cash has been fighting against all these years. Bill Cash does not know I am writing this letter, but I am going to send him a copy of it. I was angry for a while with Bill Cash because he was not exactly very straightforward with me over the Pindown child abuse scandal, so I was not sure if he was really good or just pretending to be good, like David Kidney. Repeated abuse makes people like me very wary. I found out David Kidney MP of Stafford was pretending to help people, and then I spoke to his spin doctor Diane Smith, she told a lot of lies and got caught out. David Kidney was boasting and sniggering about how he thrashed you in the Stafford election when you first became an MP, but when he and his spin doctor got caught out about sneering about Julie Bailey of Cure the NHS behind her back at the Democracy Club in Burslem in February I think he must have regretted letting her go to that meeting. The truth always comes out in the end though, praise the Lord!
I think you really are a decent man (not a slithering backstabbing money-grubbing hypocrite like David Kidney) and I just want to urge you to do what is right and good always. I am just a child abuse survivor and a mum, and I am not really that clever, but there are a lot of people like me who have worked out why they were abused, and who was responsible and why, and we have managed to find each other and compare our experiences and found out that the same old names keep cropping up time and time again. Names like David Warcup, who sabotaged the Witherwack House child abuse scandal – operation Rose – and also the Haut de la Garenne child abuse scandal, which has resulted in the whistleblower, Senator Stuart Syvret, being persecuted and discredited.
Last year, I had the honour of meeting Mr Syvret in person, at London, and I do wish you would contact him, his email address is st.syvret@gmail.com. He is absolutely not an anarchist or a trouble maker or anything like that; he is just a man who detests child abuse and cruelty of any kind. He has been persecuted because he has tried to help all the people who were beaten up and raped at Haut de la Garenne when they were children. All he has been doing is just trying to help vulnerable people who have been smashed up, how anyone can interpret that as anarchy is beyond my understanding. If you met him and actually spoke to him, you would be shocked I think, because the accusations levelled at him just do not have any grounding in fact at all. I told him that I was going to write to you and asked him to pray that the letter actually reaches you. I hope he will, but I don’t know if he will, because he says that he is not a Christian. I don’t blame him in any way for that though, because of all the terrible things that have been happening in the churches, the child abuses, but obviously, I don’t agree with his scepticism about Jesus Christ.
Anyway, I just want you to know that I am praying for you, the Bible tells us to pray for the Government, that is what it says. So I am praying that you will do what is right, brave, honest and good, and that you will be like your own namesake who was King David, who did try very very hard to be a good king, although he was not perfect, none of us are though. Please do not let fear overwhelm you, because when we walk with the Lord we ought never to be afraid, no matter what threats hang over us. I know all about that, all us child abuse and secret family court torture survivors do, because we were all threatened so many many times. I did tell you in a previous letter that if you do what is right the people of this country will love you for it, and you will have a lot of love coming from all the people instead of all terrible moaning all the time. Gordon Brown wasn’t hated by the people in this country, but the human rights abuses his government inflicted upon his own people caused people to despise the man. You just can’t treat people like that and expect to get away with it, you see. The day that Gordon Brown talked about the merits of entering the New World Order caused a tremor of outrage all over this country, because what he didn’t understand is that many people in this country have been aware of the New World Order plan since the 1970’s, thanks to various Christian publications which have been in circulation all over the country.
May God bless you and keep you and your family in his loving arms, and may God give you faith, strength, deep compassion, wisdom, a thirst for righteousness and a bold spirit, just like your namesake was blessed with.

Barbara Richards aka Zoompad, author of “Tip”


  1. Hi Zoompad

    I totally sympathise with your emotions, but Stuart only has himself to blame. He has used people like you and residents of Haut de la Garenne to try and achieve his own ends. Forget him.

  2. Well said Zoompad

    Stuart if you read this letter , keep strong the abuse victims know what a journey you have had to endure on our behalf This abuse scandal will not be forgotten the truth will come out soon

  3. As you say Zoompad David Camaron seems to be a nice bloke. But is he likely to stick his neck out/rock the boat, as a new boy or is it a bit early for you deep and to the point letter?

    Please keep us informed of his responce, which you surely will do.

  4. Ian, as per usual you are talking out of your bottom.

    Stuart has not asked me to write this letter. I love Stuart, all us abuse survivors do, because he has fought for all of us to be allowed to have our grievances heard.

    I wrote this letter to try to help David Cameron to do the right thing, because I have a gut feeling that he is not a bad man at all. He couldn't help being born into a rich family, people ought not hold that against him. Moses was brought up in spendour, but he turned out ok!

    I really hope David Cameron decides to get in touch with Stuart. He could do with some decent people around him, honest people, which Stuart Syvret is.

  5. I don't know if David Cameron will have the courage to do the right thing, all I can do is hope and pray.

  6. Zoompad you do not know the real Stuart Syvret. As a previous poster said, forget him. Have you read the e-mails he sent to his ex. That is abuse if I ever saw it. You, and others, have been hoodwinked I'm afraid.

  7. No comment then. Perhaps the truth has dawned. Also I was apalled to watch one of your videos that ended up showing a picture of Mario Lundy and the disgraceful things you said. All you know about this man is whay you chose to believe from the Syvret site.You call yourself a Christian, but you are just a very nasty person. May the Lord forgive you.

  8. No I have not seen any of those emails. I challenge you to either post them up onto this blog. I certainly do not believe Stuart Syvret sent abuseive emails to his ex. Post those emails up here and let me see them.

  9. And I am not a very nasty person, it's you who is the very nasty person, coming here spreading malicious rumours about Stuart Syvret. I'm not ashamed of anything I have posted, and it was not Stuart Syvret who denounced Lundy, it was the people he abused who spoke out about him. Let him take me to court for libel then if he wants to complain about my video!

    We are all sick of child abuse, really sick of it. The Lord Jesus likes me doing this, sometimes he wakes me up in the night with another idea for a video, and I have to get up and do it, my videos tell the truth, and Jesus likes us telling the truth, instead of all the lies and spin the BBC and rotton snoozepapers like the JEP keep spouting.

    So I don't need to apologise to Jesus over my videos, I haven't done anything wrong by making them, I am obeying Jesus by doing what he said to do, what he told Peter, take care of my sheep and lambs he said to Peter, and I am doing that by trying my best to expose child abuse. So I am right with God. I don't think you are though. You had better watch out, he is coming back soon, and if you carry on being evil you will go to hell, which is a terrible place you can never ever escape from. You will cry your eyes out and wish you were dead, but you will be burning in hell for ever and ever, that is what the Bible says. That is what happens to wicked people who refuse to repent of their sins. You ought to stop being so wicked you know. The Bible says we have eternal souls, so when our bodies die our spirits live on, either with God or in eternal torment with lucifer.

  10. I don't know how to post the e-mails but if you go to "Jersey Haut de la Garenne Farce Blog" you can read all about it. I am very sorry for you as you have been abused, but believe me I know all about that too. I just don't think you really know what Stuart is all about. God bless you.

  11. I've just had a look at that site and found those emails. They look genuine, they certainly sound like his voice, I asked the Lord Jesus for the blessed gift of discernement over 20 years ago, when I first became a Christian, and that sounds like Stuart's voice in those emails.

    If the publication of them was meant to turn child abuse survivors like myself against Stuart Syvret, then they have had exactly the reverse effect. They made me feel very sad, because although I met Stuart in London last year - a few of us had become aware that he was depressed and we wanted to show him a bit of support, after all he has done for all of us - I had no idea of his personal circumstances, apart from the fact that his relationship was on the rocks. He never went into detail, or bad mouthed his ex in any way. I think he must have loved her very much.

    Both he and his ex must have suffered so much because of the terrible pressure that was put onto their relationship. She and the children were in the house when the police illegally busted the door down in the dead of night. It must have been a terrifying ordeal for all of them.

    Those letters sound like a man who has been hurt so badly, and I am very grateful to you for pointing them out to me, because now that I know how much that dear brave man has suffered on account of trying to defend those who had no means to be able to defend themselves, the survivors of Haut de la Garenne, I can pray for him even more effectively now.

    Dear Lord Jesus,

    Stuart Syvret has been so kind and brave. It must be terrible for him to have his private correspondence posted onto that website. Lord, I know what it is like to feel like a goldfish in a bowl.

    Please help him to not feel any shame, but to rise above this wicked attempt to destroy his spirit. Please help him to feel the love you have for him. Please reveal your own heart to him, and show him how much you love him, because he has done what you said to do - you told Peter to care for the sheep and lambs, and that is what Stuart was trying his best to do. Please heal all his wounds, and if it is possible can you please restore his relationship - you know best dear Lord Jesus - or at least make it so that he can communicate with his ex and find out about all the dirty tricks that the wicked ones played on both of them? Thank you Jesus for hearing my prayer. xx

  12. I've just had a look at that site and found those emails. They look genuine, they certainly sound like his voice, I asked the Lord Jesus for the blessed gift of discernement over 20 years ago, when I first became a Christian, and that sounds like Stuart's voice in those emails.

    If the publication of them was meant to turn child abuse survivors like myself against Stuart Syvret, then they have had exactly the reverse effect. They made me feel very sad, because although I met Stuart in London last year - a few of us had become aware that he was depressed and we wanted to show him a bit of support, after all he has done for all of us - I had no idea of his personal circumstances, apart from the fact that his relationship was on the rocks. He never went into detail, or bad mouthed his ex in any way. I think he must have loved her very much.

    Both he and his ex must have suffered so much because of the terrible pressure that was put onto their relationship. She and the children were in the house when the police illegally busted the door down in the dead of night. It must have been a terrifying ordeal for all of them.

    Those letters sound like a man who has been hurt so badly, and I am very grateful to you for pointing them out to me, because now that I know how much that dear brave man has suffered on account of trying to defend those who had no means to be able to defend themselves, the survivors of Haut de la Garenne, I can pray for him even more effectively now.

    Dear Lord Jesus,

    Stuart Syvret has been so kind and brave. It must be terrible for him to have his private correspondence posted onto that website. Lord, I know what it is like to feel like a goldfish in a bowl.

    Please help him to not feel any shame, but to rise above this wicked attempt to destroy his spirit. Please help him to feel the love you have for him. Please reveal your own heart to him, and show him how much you love him, because he has done what you said to do - you told Peter to care for the sheep and lambs, and that is what Stuart was trying his best to do. Please heal all his wounds, and if it is possible can you please restore his relationship - you know best dear Lord Jesus - or at least make it so that he can communicate with his ex and find out about all the dirty tricks that the wicked ones played on both of them? Thank you Jesus for hearing my prayer. xx

  13. I've just had a look at that site and found those emails. They look genuine, they certainly sound like his voice, I asked the Lord Jesus for the blessed gift of discernement over 20 years ago, when I first became a Christian, and that sounds like Stuart's voice in those emails.

    If the publication of them was meant to turn child abuse survivors like myself against Stuart Syvret, then they have had exactly the reverse effect. They made me feel very sad, because although I met Stuart in London last year - a few of us had become aware that he was depressed and we wanted to show him a bit of support, after all he has done for all of us - I had no idea of his personal circumstances, apart from the fact that his relationship was on the rocks. He never went into detail, or bad mouthed his ex in any way. I think he must have loved her very much.

    Both he and his ex must have suffered so much because of the terrible pressure that was put onto their relationship. She and the children were in the house when the police illegally busted the door down in the dead of night. It must have been a terrifying ordeal for all of them.

    Those letters sound like a man who has been hurt so badly, and I am very grateful to you for pointing them out to me, because now that I know how much that dear brave man has suffered on account of trying to defend those who had no means to be able to defend themselves, the survivors of Haut de la Garenne, I can pray for him even more effectively now.

    Dear Lord Jesus,

    Stuart Syvret has been so kind and brave. It must be terrible for him to have his private correspondence posted onto that website. Lord, I know what it is like to feel like a goldfish in a bowl.

    Please help him to not feel any shame, but to rise above this wicked attempt to destroy his spirit. Please help him to feel the love you have for him. Please reveal your own heart to him, and show him how much you love him, because he has done what you said to do - you told Peter to care for the sheep and lambs, and that is what Stuart was trying his best to do. Please heal all his wounds, and if it is possible can you please restore his relationship - you know best dear Lord Jesus - or at least make it so that he can communicate with his ex and find out about all the dirty tricks that the wicked ones played on both of them? Thank you Jesus for hearing my prayer. xx

  14. If you are to write to David Cameron make sure you limit that to less than half an A4 page font size 11 if you want some chance of he himself actually reading it......
