Friday 10 September 2010


"Oh God, forgive me (sniff) for I beg you (sob sniff), I have been a wicked bad boy and deserve to be punished severely (blubber) I have posted lies on my paedo defending blog (BOO HOO HOO), please do not send me back to the stone I crawled from under WAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I WANT MY MUMMY! BOO HOO HOO!


  1. Never mind, dry your eyes little boy, I will come and visit you once a month when you are in jail and I will bring my Bible so that I can read to you, now, that will be nice for you, won't it? I might even bring my Ukeleli and we can sing some lovely hymns together.

  2. And Gazza, I might even bring you some clean underpants as I know how scary it is in those jails, there are a lot of big blokes in there who really are very intolerant of paedos and their assistants.

  3. ha ha ha, well done hun, this has made my day.....aaahhhahah ahhahahha hahah ha ha ha

  4. Rob, I am sure you won't mind me reposting this on my blog:

    Rob Kent said...

    That's my last comment on this subject as I have other things to do, but one last request: could you please stop posting anything by Zoompad, or the fake Zoompad, or anything that mentions her. It only causes hurt, and she is not a powerful civil servant in a comfortable job protected by her employers.

    September 13, 2010

    Those bullies don't care about hurting people. They have hearts like blocks of concrete. They'll care one day - when they find themselves in front of the judgement seat, but they still won't care for anyone except their own selfish cowardly souls.

  5. That day when I was crying and screaming at Stafford secret family court has taught me exactly how hard boiled these criminals are. They deliberatly posted the man who raped me outside the door, and they kept me in that place against my will, trying to force me to sign documents against my will for two hours. They would not allow victim support to support me, they were left in one of the other rooms, and those two women were scared, they heard me screaming and crying, as did the whole blasted courthouse. THAT IS HOW THEY TREAT CHILD ABUSE SURVIVORS, AND WORSE!

    All these heartless freaks want to do is to shut the mouths of people like me, they will do anything they can get away with to do so.

  6. Don't you think it is rather unfair on the real Gazza that his image should be misappropriated by those who wish to conceal child abuse and harass survivors?

    I'm sure he'd be disgusted if he knew he was being associated with such behaviour.

  7. My eyesight is very poor these days, and I just assumed that picture that creepy paedo lover is using was his own visage. I didn't realise it was that footballer.

    Thank you for pointing this out. Yes, I think it is very unfair, and something urgent needs to be done about it. Its a bit late, so I will sort it out tomorrow.

  8. Sorry Zoompad - I wasn't having a go at you when I mentioned the photo, rather those two inadequates and their organ grinders.

  9. I know. But, I'm glad you mentioned it, because I think Paul Gascoine will want to know about this. I don't think he will be very happy about how those creeps are using his identity at all.

  10. I am going to find out how to get in touch with Paul Gascoigne, and tell him, to stop these paedo cover up vermin from using his identity. I will have to find out what football club he belonged to, so I am going to do that now, and write a letter to him.

  11. Newcastle United

  12. Wow, thanks! Thats really great, I will give him a ring tomorrow, hope I get through to him! xx

  13. Hello Zoompad

    Good luck - but maybe you should remove the picture from your site too?

  14. No, I am leaving my site as it is, as evidence. I did not realise that was a photo of Paul Gascoigne at the time, I just assumed it was Gary Cummins - I think that is his name.

    To the Anon poster who gave me more useful info on how to contact Paul Gascoigne - thank you so much xx
