Friday 17 September 2010


Full house for upcoming child protection conference
Waiting list for child protection event

15 September 2010
Nearly 200 professionals have signed up to attend the Jersey Child Protection Committee's 'Our Children, Our Future' conference later this month and there is now a waiting list.

GPs, teachers, youth and charity workers are among those signed up to hear from UK and Jersey child protection experts at the 1 day conference at the Grand Hotel on 24 September.

During the conference, which is the first Jersey conference in many years to focus on promoting the welfare of vulnerable children, the JCPC will also announce the publication of Jersey’s new child protection procedures.

If the event is a success, it could become a regular fixture in the calendar of the JCPC, the independent body overseeing the statutory and voluntary agencies that work with the Island’s children.

The conference is aimed at all Jersey professionals who have contact with vulnerable children and their families. Delegates from Guernsey are among those who are attending.

Independent chair of the JCPC Mike Taylor said “There is a real hunger for people to get together, share ideas and learn.

“The conference will also help inform the first Children and Young People’s Plan for Jersey, which has been commissioned by the States of Jersey’s Children’s Policy Group.”

Programme and speakers
The conference is just one response to the JCPC’s recommendations on training in its recent Serious Case Review (SCR) into the care of a child known as BA, the first SCR in Jersey to closely follow the UK Government’s Working Together to Safeguard Children guidance.

The SCR highlighted the need to identify neglect and respond to it, and to learn from research and other SCRs on safeguarding practice. These are both issues that will be covered by the 2 keynote speakers, who are experts in child protection from the University of East Anglia:

David Howe, professor of social work
Marian Brandon, senior lecturer in social work
Professor Howe will speak on the effect of abuse and neglect on children and young people. Marian Brandon will speak on safeguarding, having researched which interventions prove most effective in keeping children at high risk safe.

A number of professionals from Jersey agencies will present workshops in the afternoon.

Mike Taylor said “If it’s a success, the JCPC will consider running more conferences to maintain the momentum of the Island’s commitment to improve child protection services for all children.”

The process of publishing and implementing Jersey’s new child protection procedures will be confirmed at the conference, which will be attended by Andrew Williamson, author of the 2008 Inquiry into Child Protection in Jersey.


  1. We can only hope and pray. You can't force people to be good and to tell the truth. Goodness has to come from the heart.

    Lets just hope something good comes out of all of this, rather than yet another cover up.

  2. Zoompad, this sadly is just another PR exercise put together by the Jersey establishment to show the world that Jersey does care about it's children. Just look at what the States are doing to the children this week! School milk cut, school visits to Durrell Wildlife cut, child Psychologist cut, child education cut, anti natal clinic cut etc. There is more yet to come and this is from an island who wants to be seen to be looking after their children.
    Jersey is run by a dictatorship and does not give a toss about the children. You only have to look at the lengths they went to to cover the historic child abuse investigation.

  3. I know. But all the same, whatever these cover uppers do, they are never going to succeed unless we let them.

    Child abuse is evil. The Lord detests it, and He is going to stop it. We can't do it, but He will, with our help! He's bigger than the biggest paedo ring, it does not matter how big and important and untouchable these people think they are, the Lord laughs at their puniness.

    Look back. Did you ever imagine that any of those seagull hat men would have fallen on their swords? Could you have ever imagined that passionate denouncement that tough policeman Lenny Harper gave?

    The wicked child abusers will have to pay for what they did, in this world or in the next. For anyone who does not believe in heaven and hell, all I can say is that anyone who has been through the PINDOWN children's whorehouse abuse scandal will have had a taste of hell, and anyone who managed to escape from the horror has experienced heaven on earth already!I will never ever ever forget how I felt when my Social Worker arrived to take me away from that horrible hell hole, never.

  4. If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to your
    mountain, "MOVE!" and it WILL move... and NOTHING will be
    impossible for YOU!
    - Matthew 17:20

  5. I know one or two people who are attending Zoompad so I will keep you posted. It should be quite lively in view of the recent assault on children's services outlined by anonymous!

