Thursday 16 September 2010

Letter sent to Paul Gascoigne

Dear Mr Gascoigne,
My name is Barbara Richards, I am a published author and political lobbyist and my pen name is Zoompad. I am a survivor of institutional child abuse in a Staffordshire Pindown children’s home, where we children were locked in a celler cell and used as whores by the pimps who were running those dreadful places.
There is a man, I think his name is Gary Cummins, who, along with another man who calls himself Andy, has set up a blogsite called The Jersey Haut De La Garenne Murder Farce.

These men have committed criminal acts on this site, because they have hacked into people’s Google accounts for malicious purposes. They have set up that blog with the sole purpose of ridiculing and discrediting victims of institutional child abuse. Gary Cummins is calling himself “Gazza” and is using a photograph of yourself.
As I did not know much about football and also due to my poor eyesight, I did not realise at first that this man was using a photograph of yourself, until another child abuse survivor pointed it out to me. I thought that you ought to be made aware of how this man is using your identity in order to persecute people who have suffered child abuse, as I am sure that you would never want to be associated with such wicked wicked men.

Yours faithfully,

Barbara Richards aka Zoompad, author of “Tip”

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