Saturday 4 September 2010


Something or someone is stopping me posting there, don't know if it is dirty tricks or what. I wanted to show Stuart these links, so I will post them up here instead.

Jersey/Judicial - September 1931
Boy's alleged theft
Court orders the birch
Out-of-control 13-year-old gets eight strokes

Jersey/Judicial - November 1932
Birch for youthful offender
Eight strokes for 16-year-old after series of thefts

Jersey/Judicial - October 1935
Stolen fruit
Boy delinquents get caned by Centenier Hotton

Jersey/Judicial - June 1936
The Boys and the Lasso: Father Consents to Birching
9 strokes forthwith, 9 more suspended, for 17-year-old American

Jersey/Judicial - August 1936
"An accomplished liar" elects to be birched
"Plausible rogue", 26, gets 12 strokes (of which 6 suspended) instead of jail

Jersey/Judicial - May 1939
Judge's Humane Sentence: No Prison, but the Birch
16-year-old thief and forger given 24 strokes, 12 suspended

Jersey/Judicial - December 1939
Birch For Three Youths
Heavy sentences for teens who took cars

Jersey/Judicial - March 1953
Young thieves to be birched: Headmaster Consulted by Magistrate
Two boys will be birched -- by request
Schoolboys aged 14 and 15 get 12 strokes each for stealing

Jersey/Judicial - May 1954
'Edwardian' Louts Before Police Court
Youth of 18 sentenced to 12 strokes of the birch for inciting others to attack policeman

Jersey/Judicial - March 1955
Birch for Car "Borrower" (with video clip)
Dennis, 16, is birched regardless
Youth gets twelve strokes there and then

Jersey/Judicial - August 1960
Arrived yesterday, Birched this morning, Sailed this afternoon
12 strokes "a sharp lesson" for English ship's crew member, 15

Jersey/Judicial - August 1962
Birch For Youth Who Hit Frenchman
English youth, 18, ordered to receive eight strokes

Twelve strokes of the birch for London youth
19-year-old handbag-snatcher is "dealt with severely"

Jersey/Judicial - August 1964
Parents did not know of birching (illustrated)
15-year-old shows weals on groin after ineptly administered 12-stroke sentence

Jersey/Judicial - November 1969
Jersey ends birching
Channel Island abolishes judicial corporal punishment

Jersey/Judicial - September 1973
Former Jersey doctor condemns birching
Describes procedure he had to witness in 1950s

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