Wednesday 22 September 2010

Senior Labour politician helped paedophile headmaster establish false identity

Senior Labour politician helped paedophile headmaster establish false identity
By Eileen Fairweather
Created 7:18 PM on 11th September 2010
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A paedophile who was sentenced to 21 years in prison last week has links with a Labour politician who is a senior figure in the judicial system, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.
Derek Slade, who abused boys at the boarding school where he was headmaster in the Eighties, was given help in establishing a false identity by Derek ­Sawyer, former leader of Islington ­Council and now chair of the London Region Courts Board.
Mr Sawyer facilitated Slade’s escape from his past by setting up educational companies in which the disgraced teacher used a fake name and CV.
Help: Slade, left, was able to maintain a false identity after his first abuse conviction thanks to assistance from Derek Sawyer, right

Oxford-educated Slade, 61, was jailed last Monday after being found guilty at Ipswich Crown Court of abuse against 12 boys aged eight to 13 between 1978 and 1983.
They were pupils at St George’s School, at Great Finborough, Suffolk. But he escaped justice for years using an alias with Mr Sawyer’s knowledge. The politician has been chairman of ­numerous bodies involved in London’s probation service and justice system.
Mr Sawyer, who denies any ­wrongdoing, helped Slade after the paedophile was first convicted of child abuse in the ­Eighties. Slade was found to have ­savagely beaten boys at Dalesdown School, in ­Sussex, and was jailed for three months, though the ­sentence was reduced on appeal to a conditional discharge.

More...Islington People Website

The pair set up International British ­Educational Projects, which allowed Slade to work with children in India and Africa under the pseudonym Dr Edward Marsh – a name taken from a child who died aged eight in 1955.
He obtained a copy of the child’s birth certificate and acquired a false passport.
Mr Sawyer, who was an Islington ­councillor until 2006, became leader of Islington Council in 1992, after the ­discovery that paedophiles had infiltrated all 12 of its children’s homes. The council barred an inquiry from ­naming anyone suspected of involvement in the abuse.
Mr Sawyer said he was unaware Slade had given him false information or was using a fake passport. He said: ‘I have been very shocked by Derek Slade’s ­conviction for child abuse. I have been taken in and have been used by him.’

The paedophile and and law chief: It took 32 years to bring pervert headmaster to justice ...but he was helped to hide from his past

The soldiers’ sons blinked back tears as the television news showed their fathers setting sail for the Falklands War. In 1982, the soldiers’ battle for survival had just begun – but so had the children’s.
The scared youngsters were packed off to a new military boarding school, St George’s, in Suffolk where they were abused by the sadistic, paedophile headmaster.
At the start of this month, Derek Slade was found guilty at Ipswich Crown Court of numerous serious crimes against 12 boys aged eight to 13 between 1978 and 1983. He was jailed for 21 years last Monday.
Now The Mail on Sunday can exclusively reveal how Slade, 61, escaped police for years using an alias with the knowledge of a Labour politician at the heart of Britain’s justice system.
Derek Sawyer, former Labour leader of Islington Council and now head of the London Region Courts Board, helped Slade maintain a fake identity after Slade was first convicted of abuse in the Eighties.
The politician even set up a limited company – International British Educational Projects (IBEP) – with the paedophile that allowed him to work with vulnerable children under his false name with a fake CV and a reference.
The pair have a connection that spans four decades.
Slade’s downfall last week resulted from simultaneous investigations on three continents. A sugar company in Swaziland, the London branch of the charity Help A Poor Child (HAPC) which briefly funded an orphanage school IBEP opened in India in 2003, and former victims of Slade’s brutal military school, all helped police untangle a complex web of evidence – about Slade and his connections with Sawyer.
It is not known when Derek Slade and Derek Sawyer first met, but records show that in 1977, Sawyer set up Anglemoss, the company behind St George’s School, with Slade. Sawyer was then 27, and had recently joined the Labour Party. He resigned as a director of Slade’s British schools soon after helping set them up.
Four other directors then joined the company. When contacted by The Mail on Sunday last week, Sawyer denied that he was ever a founding director of the school.
Slade, then 28, an Oxford classics graduate, had no formal teaching qualifications but was the head teacher of the school which was based first at Wicklewood, Norfolk, then at Great Finborough, near Stowmarket, Suffolk.

'I didn't even see it coming, a slap across the side of my face and I hit the deck screaming with pain... he went crazy because I couldn't stop crying'
The school, which had 350 pupils within six years, had low fees and was aimed at the lower ranks in the Armed Forces. At Slade’s trial, several witnesses described his ‘reign of terror’. One of them, Alistair – not his real name – told the jury that he was broken physically and mentally by the headmaster within 72 hours of arriving at the school.
Alistair, whose father fought for Britain in the Falklands, wrote home that he was unhappy. He was unaware that Slade read the children’s letters. He was summoned to Slade’s office.
When he did not address him as ‘sir’, Slade knocked him to the floor.
‘I didn’t even see it coming, a slap across the side of my face and I hit the deck screaming with pain,’ said Alistair. Slade flew into a rage and resumed his attack. ‘I was lying in a heap. He went crazy because I couldn’t stop crying.’
Slade dragged him to a chair where he was caned. During the hour-long assault, Slade pulled off Alistair’s shorts and slashed both his face and body.
‘I couldn’t work out what I’d done wrong. Slade looked like a monster, a madman. In his eyes there was evil.’
Journal: A handwritten document of the beatings dished out by Derek Slade. He was interviewed by ITN in 1982 when he spoke in favor of corporal punishment
Alistair described how he was eventually made to take part in what Slade called his ‘midnight feasts’, dinner parties at his house in the school grounds for Slade’s male friends, where the boys were sexually abused.
In 1983, after whistleblowers had brought the abuse to the attention of the BBC’s Roger Cook, Slade was forced to leave the school. But a Government inquiry proved a whitewash and Slade remained a school governor.
However in November 1986, Slade was convicted of savagely beating boys at Dalesdown Preparatory School in Sussex.
The trial was the result of The Mail on Sunday publicising pupils’ allegations in February of that year. The judge described photos of their injuries as ‘sickening’.
Slade was jailed for three months at Chichester Crown Court. He appealed and his sentence was reduced to a conditional discharge.

Sawyer took over the leadership of Islington Council in 1992, when the media revealed paedophiles had infiltrated all 12 of its children's homes
By then he had left four British schools after brutality and indecency allegations. Following his criminal conviction, he could never again teach in Britain.
‘Derek Slade’ disappeared and ‘Edward Marsh’ was born – or, rather, reborn. Police believe that Slade picked the name after trawling cemeteries until he found the grave of a boy who would have been a similar age to his own, had he lived.
He then obtained a copy of the dead boy’s birth certificate and used this to obtain a false passport in Edward Marsh’s name in 1988. The passport was used by him to travel in the United States, India, Russia and Africa. Slade also used a genuine passport in his own name to travel to India.
Meanwhile, his friend Derek Sawyer became a Labour councillor in Islington in 1982. Oddly, the ward he represented was St George’s – the same as the name of the school he and Slade founded.
Sawyer took over the leadership of Islington Council from Margaret Hodge in 1992, when the media revealed that paedophiles had infiltrated all 12 of its children’s homes. Hodge took the flak for the scandal but the role of her successor also now demands closer scrutiny.
Although a damning independent inquiry confirmed Islington had employed 26 alleged child pornographers and pimps, the council – now headed by Sawyer – had set its terms of reference and barred it from naming anyone. No one was ever arrested in the UK.

Aide: Derek Sawyer helped Slade maintain a fake identity after his first abuse conviction
Two ringleaders were eventually apprehended by police in Morocco and Thailand for the abuse of local children.
Four days before the report was published in 1995, Sawyer and Slade registered the company that allowed the latter to access more children abroad. The pseudo-charity, International British Educational Projects (IBEP), aimed to bring education ‘on the British model’ to impoverished children in Africa, Russia and India.
The Mail on Sunday has obtained an early IBEP sales pitch, which gives both Sawyer’s home address in North London – where he still lives – and a Mickleover, Derbyshire, address for the fictitious Edward Marsh.
It is undated but Sawyer’s phone number has an 0171 prefix, which dates it to prior to BT’s 2000 move to 020 numbers for London. It suggests that interested clients ring either Sawyer – described as ‘Director, London office’ – or Mr E. Marsh, ‘Projects Co-ordinator, Derby’.
Following Slade’s trial, police revealed he had been working on a charitable schools project in Swaziland.
The project was sponsored by Ubombo Sugar. Police have confirmed that in 1999 – by which time Slade had a criminal conviction – ‘Dr Edward Marsh’ visited Swaziland as IBEP’s appointee. Sawyer went on to run the school board.
Staff and parents swiftly became suspicious of the bullying manner of ‘Dr Marsh’, who left soon after in 2000. Sawyer claimed Marsh had suffered a breakdown and he continued running the board.
IBEP’s foreign ventures were not limited to Africa. Derrick Pereira, UK chairman of Help A Poor Child (HAPC) met Slade at Sawyer’s home in North London in 2005. Mr Pereira was expecting to meet ‘Dr Marsh’, whom he understood was a wealthy philanthropist author.
Slade let slip his real name. Mr Pereira picked up on the gaffe but was told Slade preferred to use his pseudonym as an author, which was allegedly acquired after a rich, childless uncle made changing his name a condition of inheriting.
In 1990, Slade and Sawyer had cofounded a publishing company called Oriflamme, to publish educational textbooks by Slade under the name of Edward Marsh.

Former victims organised a school reunion at St George’s to get access to the building. In the attic, they found a box of old photos, which helped confirm dates and put names to faces
HAPC for a time funded IBEP’s Anglo-Kutchi English Medium School in Gujarat, India, for young earthquake orphans. Labour MP Keith Vaz – Islington’s senior solicitor in the early Eighties, and patron of HAPC – supported fundraising for the school in his Leicester constituency.
A Labour councillor raised thousands for the school at a dinner-dance Vaz attended. Slade visited Leicester to be presented with donations by local children.
However, HAPC ended the association after Slade’s British victims, who had sought each other out on the internet and joined forces to try to expose him, alerted the charity.
Last week, Sawyer said: ‘I was not aware that Derek Slade had obtained a false passport and not aware of the false information he had given.’
Slade’s former pupil Alistair had read HAPC’s description of its support for IBEP’s orphanage school, which mentioned Slade, but Sawyer’s name was unfamiliar to him. When he found a picture of him on the internet, Alistair recognised Sawyer from visits to St George’s and felt sick.
The former victims organised a school reunion disco at St George’s in order to get access to the building. In the school attic, they found a box of old photos, which helped confirm dates and put names to faces. They say they also found an Eighties photo of Sawyer visiting the school.
In February 2007, HAPC announced on its website: ‘Recent events, which we are unable to disclose at this time, made his [Slade] position untenable.’
Exposed: How the Mail on Sunday revealed Slade's brutality
The charity says that it has since demanded that IBEP return its funds and provide assurances about the children’s safety. Derrick Pereira says that Sawyer has still not supplied these.
Mr Pereira also says that concerned sources in Swaziland eventually spotted HAPC’s website warning, and contacted him. The charity’s delicate wording was understand able, given the involvement of powerful Labour politicians with the project.
The Africans asked, on a conference call, what the charity knew about ‘Dr Edward Marsh’, Slade and Sawyer. Mr Pereira says: ‘They were so shocked to be told that Marsh and Slade were one and same man that they dropped the phone.’
The African investigation established Marsh’s passport fraud from his visa details. Issued in London on September 25, 1998, it was for an Edward Marsh born on May 31, 1947, in Derby, two years before Slade was born in Southampton.
They scrutinised Slade’s fake CV as Marsh, which claimed a first class BA degree from University College, Oxford, in the Trinity term of 1969, and a BA Education from the University of Birmingham via Saltley Teachers’ Training College, on July 23, 1973.

At his end-of-terrace home, police found huge amounts of child pornography and his fake passport
Slade actually graduated later and had no teaching qualifications. Through Sawyer’s company IBEP, a convicted child abuser was able to work with vulnerable African children having obtained money under false pretences.
Sawyer is a man who has acquired key positions on bodies running the capital’s police, magistrates and probation services. He represented all London’s councils on the Metropolitan Police’s public safety board and was made a trustee of two crime prevention youth charities, including Catch 22 – patron the Princess Royal. He is currently chair of the London Region Courts Board, which works with Her Majesty’s Courts Service to achieve effective and efficient administration of the courts.
On discovering his links to Slade, Ubombo Sugar removed Sawyer from its school board – even placing a notice in The Times of Swaziland in January 2009 making it clear that the parting was not amicable. Mr Pereira remains furious that through Sawyer, ‘a man at the heart of the British capital’s justice system’ – as a source described him – a dangerous child abuser was protected and promoted.
A separate source in Swaziland told The Mail on Sunday last week: ‘I hope Slade rots. There is no doubt as to the closeness and longevity of his and Sawyer’s relationship. It is said that in support of the application for “Marsh” to come into Swaziland, Sawyer/IBEP presented a very glowing CV with documents attached.’
The British police, who had met the group of victim investigators, now knew Slade’s fake identity and arrested him in England last February when he attended a medical appointment as Edward Marsh.
At his end-of-terrace home in Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire, police found huge amounts of child pornography, and his fake passport.
'Reign of terror': These images show Slade speaking in favour of corporal punishment during an interview for ITN in 1982
There were more than 70,000 images of children, some apparently African and Indian. Almost 5,000 were eventually judged indecent.
Police also found audio tapes Slade had made of boys being beaten and boxes of explicit material. About 50 new witnesses came forward after Slade’s arrest, including former pupils who now have senior defence forces roles.
Before his six-week trial, Slade offered to plead guilty to the indecency, assault and child pornography charges, if the three witnesses describing rape backed down. His trial would then have been a brief formality, gone unreported and protected his friends. But all witnesses refused.
At his trial, Slade admitted 15 offences of indecent assault and five of actual bodily harm, and denied but was found guilty of six additional offences of assault, four indecent assaults and three serious sexual assaults. They were sample offences, many more are suspected.
Slade also pleaded guilty to 16 charges of making indecent images of children, possession of almost 4,500 indecent images of children and being in possession of a false passport. When he was sentenced, a dozen of his victims were present. They applauded the judge and jury.
One said afterwards that they persisted with the prosecution in order to show that ‘the bad guys don’t always win’.
Shortly after Slade’s arrest, Sawyer dissolved IBEP – the accounts of which are peppered with large financial transactions involving the fictitious ‘Edward Marsh’ – and wrote to Help A Poor Child to demand it stop linking his name with Slade’s on their website, as this was ‘damaging’ to him. It has not yet done so.
Detective Inspector Adrian Randall, who headed Slade’s 18-month investigation, says that police enquiries are continuing.
In response to The Mail on Sunday’s allegations, Derek Sawyer said: ‘I have been very shocked by Derek Slade’s conviction for child abuse. The revelations which emerged during the court hearings have been very disturbing.
‘I am glad that justice has been done and has seemed to be done by his many victims. Like many others I have been taken in by Mr Slade and have been used by him.’

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Newest Oldest Best rated Worst rated View all We all know politicians and the police don't get punished in this country no matter what they do.
- paul, london, 12/9/2010 14:32
Click to rate Rating 119 Report abuse
Twisted culture we are served by??

There is not one respectful characteristic within ANY public services or servants for us mature citizens to applaud or use as examples for our children.

Quite disturbing.
- JASPER, Warrington, 12/9/2010 14:30
Click to rate Rating 91 Report abuse
Well, I didn't think this would come out so soon. But well done you Eileen.
- Wondering Brit, Devon, 12/9/2010 14:09
Click to rate Rating 86 Report abuse
I don't know about sawyer being fired he needs jailing for helping this thug and pervert
- mary, lancashire, 12/9/2010 11:11
Click to rate Rating 135 Report abuse
Only the tip of the iceberg I'm afraid
- Noddy, birmingham england, 12/9/2010 11:05
Click to rate Rating 119 Report abuse
After the ­discovery that paedophiles had infiltrated all 12 of its children's homes, the Council response was...............

"The council barred an inquiry from ­naming anyone suspected of involvement in the abuse."

Good job I'm not the suspicious type
- Alan, Pontyclun, 12/9/2010 10:44

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  1. WHY do some people assume that school canings are an essential part of the curriculem?

    There were far too nany perverts involved in education in the past. School is meant to be a place where children can learn all the things which will be useful to them to take their place in society, to enable them to live useful and happy lives as adults.

    What these horrible stick happy tyranical perverts have produced is men with broken spirits and depression, and physical health problems, because depressive illness more often than not is the open door to other illnesses.

    When I was young, I remember reading a book called JAGO, about a beautiful high spirited stallion who ought to have been a super fast racehorse, but for the stupidity of the trainers, who tried to break the young colt by force, to accept the bit and the saddle. The horse ended up killing a man, before gallopping to freedom in the mountains.

    I hope the new government will do more than the last one in rooting out these stupid evil bullies who have tried to destroy the blessing of this country, which is the children which God entrusts to us as a nation to raise and nurture. It's worth remembering that one day one of these children might be a highly skilled surgeon who saves your life!

  2. I have been investigating this for over 2 and a half years, the whole story stinks I have a lot more info available to you on my blog site regarding the background to this story, you may want to take a look


  3. Oh God! I have just had a look at your blog, you brave brave man!

    I am sitting here unable to read any more at the moment, because its so horrific what that bastard did to you, but I will read it all, my eyes have catteracts and your account of what Slade did to you m,ade me cry and physically impossible to read.

    When I was a little girl we had a teacher called Mr Walters who was doing what Slade did, except not as extreme, or at least not in front of the class, it was at Doxey Primary School Stafford, and I saw him caning boys just for the fun of it, they hadnt been naughty, it was just him, getting his kicks. At the time it was acceptable to beat children, but I knew there was something really wrong, but because I was a little girl and didnt know about sex I didnt understand at the time, but now I do

  4. He never touched us girls, it was just the boys he caned. I think if he had touched me my dad would have given him what for. My dad went to the school to complain about him caning my brother, I know that Mr Walters moved to Australia. I know there was a lot of stuff like that going on in the 60s. Anyone who thinks it is a good idea to bring back the cane needs to read your blog. I will read all of it, I promise, I will put it onto my kindle then I will do that poll, I cant do it timI have read all the blog through, but I am sure you are right. These sadists could never get away with this stuff if they were on their own, they have people covering their hides, thats how they get away with stuff liuke that.

  5. Derek Sawyer

    Last updated at 12:47 AM on 2nd June 2011

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    An article about convicted paedophile Derek Slade was published on 11 September 2010. Derek Sawyer, the former chairman of the London Regional Courts Board, has complained that it falsely alleged that he knew Slade was committing crimes against children and protecting him. We did not intend to make this allegation and are happy to make this clear.

    Read more:

  6. Wednesday, August 03, 2011
    Roger Cook, Derek Slade and Derek Sawyer
    Last night BBC1 screened An Abuse of Trust, a documentary by Roger Cook about the headmaster Derek Slade who was imprisoned last year for the physical and sexual abuse of boys both in Britain and abroad. You can watch in on BBC iPlayer for the next six days.

    The sad thing is that Cook first exposed Slade's activities in a Checkpoint programme for BBC Radio 4 as long ago as 1982. But the authorities failed to do anything about it.

    Interestingly, programme last night was concerned almost as much with Derek Sawyer, the former leader of Islington Council, as it was with Slade.

    Last September the Daily Mail published an article by Eileen Fairweather on the relations between Slade and Sawyer. It has since disappeared from the paper's website, though you can find a note of clarification there.

    Derek Sawyer declined to appear in An Abuse of Trust, but a BBC News report about the programme quotes some of the statement he gave its makers:

    Former Labour councillor Mr Sawyer, who has been chairman of the London Courts Board and director of the youth offending charity Catch 22, said he had been led to believe Slade had legally changed his name.

    He also said he was kept "in ignorance" about the violent disciplinarian's true nature.

    "I was shocked by Derek Slade's conviction for sexual abuse but I am glad that justice has been done for his many victims," he said.

    "Like many others, I have been taken in by Mr Slade and used by him. I knew nothing of any allegations of sexual abuse by Mr Slade, nor did I know that he should not have been put in a position of trust with children.

    "I have had intermittent contact with Mr Slade over the past 40 years, which I now regret, but if I had known or believed that he was a risk to children I would obviously have had no association with him whatever."

    Clearly the prog was about Slade but to get at Sawyer.

    The interesting thing is the lack of Media coverage.

    The second interesting thing is there was not a traditional Cook doorstepping of Sawyer.

    Clearly Sawyer needs challenging on his definition of 'intermittent'. Cook showed a cover of a 1985 published children's book, allegedly written by Sawyer and Slade, with dedications to both their parents.

    The third interesting thing is a possible Islington connection with its strong Labour party links and many child care difficulties.

    Why was Slade so successful in gaining major access to children after his massive outing in Media, back in 80's. He seems to have used two names, and I thought continued to be professionally active with the Slade name and was backed in BOTH names by Sawyer.

    Are some MUCH senior people being protected.

  8. Daily Mail printed a retraction of report about Sawyer so maybe he is actively using M learn'd friends to defend his reputation.

    What next. there are several victims from the Finborough days on his tale, it seems as if they need help.

    This is the one highest web-pages in a search that includes Derek Slade and roger cook - I clicked because it mentioned t'other Derek as well.

    As a former Social Worker who recalls vague recollection of outstanding stuff from 70's and 80's I was very interested in Programme and looked for follow up. Presumably after 30 years Cook is not about to give up, but surely he needs the sort of Investigative help that Nick Davies got when things began to be flushed out.

    Maybe a Select Committee trawl back into the annals of the criminal records to examine repeat offending by child abusers?

    Are any interested MPs and/or advisers following this stuff up, are any national journos, Cook apart, active?
    # posted by Tolkny : 04 August, 2011 02:38
    Anglemoss Ltd


    War heroes children abused (Labour25)
    Posted on June 19, 2011 by labour25
    Labour Party senior Councillor gives new Identity to a serial Paedophile Headmaster who abused the Children of a Falklands war Veteran.

    Sick Labour Party Senior Councillor Derek Sawyer for Islington Council & NOW Chairman of the ‘London Region Courts Board’ set up ‘educational companies’ to allow the NEW Identity of Paedophile Headmaster Derek Slade to be passed through its system using a fake name and CV.

    Headmaster Derek Slade, had abused no less than 12 underage boys between the ages of 8 years old and 13 years old. the boys attended the Military Academy of St Georges school in Finborough in the County of Suffolk. His Peadophile reign of terror on these children lasted over 5 years. Labour Party Councillor Derek Sawyer helped paedophile Derek Slade the first time around when Paedophile Derek Slade had been jailed for 3 months for savagely beaten boys at Dalesdown School in the County of Sussex. Someone in a high position got Paedophile Derek Slade out of prison early, but Labour Party Councillor Derek Sawyer Denied he had helped the evil paedophile Derek Slade.

  10. The Labour Party’s Paedophile overseas agenda for children…’International British Educational Projects’

    Labour Councillor Derek Sawyer set up an educational program with the paedophile Derek Slade, under Derek Slade’s NEW name called Dr Edward Marsh. This name was taken from a child who had died in the 1950′s. the educational program was set up to help children in India and other third world countries… ones ‘rife‘ in child prostitution.

    It is obvious that paedophile rings were going to be set up by the Labour Party for it’s paedophile Mayors, MP’s, MEP’s, Councillors & Activists, in poor countries to satisfy these Labour Party disciples of ‘paedophile sex tourism.’

    Because of Paedophile Derek Slade’s Labour Party help, his Identity was maintained a secret for years by the Islington Labour Council while boys were being abused in all 12 care homes. Two of the boys that were abused by Derek Slade at the St Georges School were the sons of a Falklands war Veteran.

  11. The school was a Boarding Military Academy, and their father had put his faith in the School until his

    return from serving with the Armed Forces. Derek Slades new Identity given to him by Labour Party Councillor Derek Sawyer, allowed the evil Paedophile to Beast the Two boys.

    Derek Slade was finaly captured when he and Labour Party Councillors Derek Sawyer set up a sugar company in Swaziland, a charity called ‘Help A Poor Child’ which was behind the finacial running of a haven for homeless Indian children, called ‘IBEP’ and Paedophile Derek Slade’s photograph was recognised by one of his abusers in a photo on the internet.

    Labour Party Councillor Derek Sawyer, set these businesses and Child Charities up and then, quickly resigned from them leaving Evil Paedophile Derek Slade in charge.

  12. In court, Labour Party Councillor Derek Sawyer denied being part of the ‘setting up’ of Paedophile Derek Slade in a charity at St. Georges Military School to which Derek Slade was appointed. The charity was called ‘Angelmoss. ‘One abused child who was made to join Paedophile Derek Slade’s ‘midnight Feast’ was sexualy abused and caned by Derek Slade.

    Labour MP Margaret Hodge was pushed aside because in her islington constituency, 12 of the care homes had been infiltrated with Paedophiles. She was replaced by another Paedophile Protector..

    Labour’s Derek Sawyer… it just couldn’t get any worse.

    When an Independent Inquiry had found that Islington Council had Employed 26 Child Pornographers and Child Prostituion ‘Pimps’ yet Islington Council under Labour Partys Derek Sawyer, Barred any information on these Paedophiles and nobody was arrested. Just like with his friend Paedophile Derek Slade, Paedophile a Protection racket was right up on the Labour Party’s main agenda

  13. The ‘Help a poor child’ ( HAPC ) charity set up by Paedophile Derek Slade under his new name Dr Edward Marsh had donations pooring into its school in India, especialy from another source in Leicester. The fund raising money was coming from the efforts of None other than Labour MP for Leicester, Keith Vaz.

    Derek Slade was caught finaly when one of his victims recognised him, not as Dr Edward Marsh, but as the evil Paedophile Derek Slade whom the Labour Party had given a new Identity.

    The child who caught him was one of the sons of the Falklands War Veteran.

    Police raided Derek Slades home in Burton-on-Trent Staffordshire and found 70,000 images of abused children who were also Swahili and Indian. Derek Slade admitted over 14 assault charges against boys and was found guilty of at least 5 rapes on boys and sexual assaults. Derek Slade recorded the boys being whipped, caned and beaten.

    That’s the sort of people protected by the Labour Party.

  14. Sentence was passed and the 50 boys assaulted and abused by Derek Slade all cheered. Detective Inspector Adrian Randall is continuing his Investigations into this case.

    Follow us on twitter – Labour25 twitter

  15. Keith Vaz, yes, I remember getting a letter from himn, when I wrote to every MP in the UK about the fact that a dirty paedophile called Richard Gardner had been allowed to influence the Secret Family Courts. Vaz's disinterestedness shocked me, but now I understand why he didnt give a toss.


    Labour MP Keith Vaz faces sleaze inquiry over his outrageous bid to sway judge on behalf of crooked lawyer friend By Stephen Wright and Richard Pendlebury

    Last updated at 5:27 PM on 20th September 2008

    A senior Labour MP is facing demands for a sleaze inquiry after intervening in a court case on behalf of a party donor.

    Keith Vaz, chairman of the influential home affairs select committee, urged the High Court to delay proceedings involving a friend from whom he and his family had received

  17. We can reveal that the friend - controversial lawyer Shahrokh Mireskandari - was on the brink of losing a long-running legal costs battle with an airline when Mr Vaz intervened

    The stakes were high as the lawyer is desperately challenging a court order to pay £400,000 in costs to the liquidator of the airline.
    He is now facing a bankruptcy action after losing his latest appeal.
    At a critical point in the case, 51-year-old Mr Vaz wrote to the High Court asking the presiding judge to adjourn proceedings pending the outcome of complaints by Mireskandari about how the case had been previously handled, involving hotly contested allegations of racism and bias.
    Legal sources said the judge was furious at what he perceived to be 'political interference'.
    As head of the home affairs committee, the MP for Leicester East has a key role in law-and-order issues.
    Iranian-born Mireskandari, 47, is the lawyer at the centre of the Scotland Yard race row involving Britain's top Asian policeman, Assistant Commissioner Tarique Ghaffur, who has launched a £1.2million racial discrimination claim against Met chief Sir Ian Blair.

  18. Last week, we revealed that Mireskandari is a convicted fraudster with suspect legal qualifications. He is a close friend of Met Commander Ali Dizaei, president of the National Black Police Association, who was suspended on Thursday after the Mail revealed disturbing links between the pair.
    Lib Dem deputy leader Vince Cable, who has campaigned on behalf of a constituent ripped off by Mireskandari, said: 'I am absolutely flabbergasted.
    'I have had a long letter from Keith Vaz in which he tries to tell me that he does not have a close relationship with Mireskandari and that his dealings with him were solely motivated by concerns for ethnic-minority lawyers.
    'This does not tally with the information becoming available, of him going to extraordinary lengths of approaching a judge in an ongoing court case.
    'I am not aware of any other precedent in modern times of politicians seeking to influence a member of the judiciary in this way. It raises serious questions about conduct.'
    Mr Cable called for Jack Straw, who as Lord Chancellor has responsibility for ensuring the independence of the courts, to investigate.
    But Mr Vaz could also face a second parliamentary inquiry if a complaint is made to the Committee on Standards in Public Life.
    The MPs' code of conduct states that 'members shall at all times conduct themselves in a manner which will tend to maintain and strengthen the public's trust and confidence in the integrity of Parliament'.

    Mr Vaz refused to discuss the contents of his letter to the High Court. He said: 'On many occasions, especially in this particular case, people write to me who allege racism and ask for things to be done. We send their letters on to the judges or CPS.'
    Later, he confirmed that he had sent a joint letter with Virendra Sharma, MP for Ealing Southall, to the Lists Clerk of the High Court after Mireskandari's firm Dean and Dean wrote to a number of ethnic-minority MPs alleging racism by a deputy judge.

  19. REVEALED: Vaz's breathtaking abuse of his position

    The scene is the opulent Turandot restaurant in central Moscow, a baroque palace where staff in period costume serve 'pan-Asian cuisine' while bewigged colleagues play chamber music.

    In May, MPs from the House of Commons home affairs select committee found themselves there as dinner guests of the Russian deputy prime minister, Alexander Zhukov.

    Around two dozen were at the £400-a-head table in a private room, a mixture of Russian and British politicians and officials.

  20. In the position of honour at Mr Zhukov's side sat the Rt Hon Keith Vaz, Labour MP and chairman of the home affairs committee, a man who has long enjoyed the company of the very rich.
    But there was one face among the British party which was unfamiliar to most of those in the room. 'Who is that?' Vaz was asked.

    The chairman wrinkled his brow as if struggling to recall and replied: 'I think it's Shahrokh Mireskandari', adding: 'He is one of London's leading ethnic-minority solicitors.'
    Vaz's hesitation was disingenuous, to say the least. He knew full well the identity of this unexplained guest since the MP and his wife, the immigration lawyer Maria Fernandes, enjoy a close and mutually beneficial relationship with 'Sean' Mireskandari.

    But Vaz, whose reputation was originally tainted by sleaze through his part in the Hinduja passport scandal seven years ago, does not seem keen to advertise this closeness. His reasons will become clear.

    Last week we revealed that Iranian-born Mireskandari, 47, had once been convicted for his part in a consumer fraud in the US.
    His legal qualifications are also the subject of an investigation by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. And yet he is now a £750-an-hour lawyer to the international super-rich, as well as being the outspoken ringmaster of a race war paralysing Scotland Yard.
    Mireskandari is the lawyer masterminding Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Tarique Ghaffur's claim of racial discrimination against Commissioner Sir Ian Blair.

    He is also lawyer and close friend to another controversial senior police officer, fellow Iranian Ali Dizaei, a commander in the Met and president of the National Black Police Association, for which Mireskandari's firm Dean and Dean provides legal services.

    We revealed last week that Mireskandari had secretly employed Dizaei as a defence consultant to undermine a Met investigation into one of Dean and Dean's clients, an Eastern European woman charged with death by dangerous driving and attempting to pervert the course of justice.

    Dizaei is now under investigation for the allegation, one of three current official inquiries into his conduct. On Thursday he was suspended from duty.

    Mireskandari and Dizaei are two of three public figures whose cronyism moved one employee of Dean and Dean to describe them as the 'Three Musketeers'. The third? Keith Vaz.

    Now we can reveal the true extent of the 'favour-for-a-favour' relationship between the
    senior politician and the dodgy lawyer, who is also a Labour Party donor.

  21. Mireskandari has twice persuaded Vaz, who as chairman of the home affairs select committee is the most influential backbencher in the field of law and order, to intervene and delay or even derail official examination of his dubious activities.

    On neither occasion did Vaz, whose family have frequently enjoyed the lawyer's hospitality, declare their close personal relationship.

    Last week we exposed the official letter which Vaz wrote to the SRA, the professional watchdog which was looking at a number of complaints by Mireskandari's clients. A 'concerned' Vaz demanded an urgent answer from the SRA to the alleged 'prejudicial and discriminatory conduct' against Dean and Dean.

    Now we can reveal the existence of a second, even more extraordinary letter which Vaz wrote to the High Court this year. In it he asked that a case involving Mireskandari be adjourned, pending investigations into the lawyer's complaints against two judges previously involved in the case.

    The furious High Court judge ignored his intervention. Instead, we can reveal, a petition for bankruptcy was issued against Mireskandari in the High Court three weeks ago. Officials are now seeking to serve the papers physically on him.

    VAZ'S 'love-in' with Mireskandari began last summer, according to sources, but its roots lay in the politician's long-standing connections to two billionaire foreign families - the Hindujas and the Auchis.
    The Hinduja brothers are the Indian magnates who were implicated in an arms scandal back home and whose attempts to get British passports led to the resignation in 2001 of then Northern Ireland

    Secretary Peter Mandelson. He had been accused of lobbying for those passports in return for donations towards the cost of the Millennium Dome.
    Vaz was then a foreign office minister

  22. While most of the complaints against Vaz were not upheld, parliamentary standards commissioner Elizabeth Filkin criticised the ' collusion' between husband and wife, whose answers she described as 'misleading' and 'disingenuous'. She recommended that Vaz be suspended from the House.

    Mireskandari has subsequently represented the Hindujas, but some sources suggest that he was introduced to Vaz by another client, Iraqi-born tycoon Nadhmi Auchi.

    'Sean Mireskandari was desperate to get a top contact in the political world,' said a source. 'Vaz was the key. He became a regular visitor to Sean's office.'

    Central to the relationship was hospitality. Two sources say that Vaz and his wife sat alongside Mireskandari in his box at the first concert held at the new Wembley Stadium in June last year. George Michael was the performer.

    This was to be a pivotal weekend. The day before the Wembley concert, Petr Zhukov, the investment banker son of the Russian deputy prime minister, had been jailed in London for his part in a drunken attack on a friend's neighbour.

    Zhukov family immediately planned an appeal and sought a new lawyer to handle it. A contact suggested Mireskandari. By June 21 he was instructed.
    An associate recalls his glee. 'Sean said, "There are 250,000 Russians in this city. Most of them are rich. I want to corner the market".'
    Mireskandari went into overdrive, cementing his Vaz relationship. One associate recalls sitting alongside Vaz's wife at a Barbra Streisand concert in mid-July, in the box at the O2 Arena used by Mireskandari.

  23. Vaz had also hosted a table for a £1,000-a-head Labour Party fundraiser at Wembley Stadium on July 12. At his table were the wealthy family of Mireskandari's death-by-dangerous-driving defendant.
    That favour was rewarded with a mutually beneficial networking coup. July 31 saw the gala opening night of the Bolshoi Ballet's season at the London Coliseum.
    Tickets were 'to kill for'. But Mireskandari managed to get two for Mr and Mrs Vaz, courtesy of Mrs Zhukov, according to an associate. Although Vaz was unable to go, his wife, hosted by Mireskandari's firm Dean and Dean, was allowed into the high-security VIP area where other guests included Baroness Thatcher.
    Afterwards she was driven to the Russian embassy, where a barbecue was held in the gardens. According to witnesses, Mrs Vaz partied until late with members of the ballet corps and Russian diplomats.
    According to one of the lawyer's ex-clients, Mrs Vaz was again in the Dean and Dean box at the O2 Arena to see the Rolling Stones in late August.

    That same week, on August 23, the register of political donations shows that Dean and Dean gave the Labour Party £11,000, in two lump sums. Six days later, on August 29, Mireskandari wrote a formal letter to his friend Vaz complaining about his treatment at the hands of the Solicitors Registration Authority.

    On September 4, the SRA's chief executive Anthony Townsend duly received an official letter from Vaz.

    It referred to a 'Dr S Mireskandari' and his allegations of discrimination and prejudice. It failed however to mention the dinners, the concerts, the gala evenings that the politician and the lawyer had enjoyed together.

    The letter led to a meeting in October between Vaz and Mr Townsend. One wonders whether the MP then disclosed that he had recently given the eulogy at a memorial dinner for Mireskandari's mother, during which Vaz told the gathering that Gordon Brown had sent his personal sympathy.
    On December 11 in Committee Room 2a at the House of Lords, the Three Musketeers launched a combined offensive.

    Junior justice minister Bridget Prentice had agreed to meet Vaz and SRA officials to discuss the allegations of racism.
    But Vaz turned up with Dizaei and Mireskandari also in tow. The latter claimed to be representing an obscure body called the European Muslim Lawyers' Association. At the bad-tempered meeting Vaz attacked the SRA leadership and demanded that the body stop investigating ethnic-minority lawyers.

  24. Extraordinarily, he also suggested that the National Black Police Association - headed by Mireskandari's friend Dizaei - should work alongside the lawyers' watchdog. For his part Dizaei told the gathering that he wore the 'battle scars of institutional racism'.
    Did Mr Townsend, the SRA head, have a problem 'with people of colour?' because his disrespect was ' breathtaking'.
    Let us recall now the more ' breathtaking' aspects of Dizaei's chequered career. Five years ago he was sensationally cleared at the Old Bailey of corruption charges. But the long investigation into Dizaei had served to reveal a deeply flawed character. In one taped phone call he told one of his many mistresses: 'I will take such revenge from you, that like a dog, you will be sorry.
    'You are not safe. I am going to come and catch you, on my mother's life. You want war, bitch, you're going to get some war. You will see now what I can do so you will cry for years. First I will start with your family ... I will spread all over London that you are a prostitute.'

    There were still outstanding disciplinary charges against him, but when the NBPA threatened a black recruitment boycott the Met were forced to reinstate him, pay compensation and put him on the promotion fast track.

    Following her meeting with Vaz, Dizaei and Co, Mrs Prentice said she could not interfere with the SRA as it was an independent body.

    But Mireskandari's cronies had made their point. Vaz was thanked for his hard work when Mireskandari presented him with a special 'award' at Dean and Dean's lavish annual Christmas party in a Park Lane hotel.

    The compliment was returned at the House of Commons on February 21 this year, when Vaz presented his friend with the 2007 'Asian Lawyer of the Year' award.

    But the Mireskandari-Vaz partnership was now bearing more important fruit than such baubles.

    One week after the prize-giving 'following pressure from Keith Vaz', according to reports in the liberal press, an 'independent working party' was set up by the SRA to investigate whether it had been disproportionately investigating ethnic minority firms.

    It was chaired by the respected black QC Anesta Weekes.

    And who else was on this independent working party? None other than Ali Dizaei, at whose wedding the previous August Mireskandari had given the principal speech.

    Miss Weekes told the Mail that she was unaware of this, adding: 'It would have been helpful for Ali Dizaei to disclose his relationship to Mr Mireskandari at the outset.'

  25. The networking continued. On March 14 Mireskandari was the auctioneer at a gala dinner in Mayfair for the Silver Star charity, of which Vaz is patron.

    Deputy Prime Minister Harriet Harman, Paymaster General Tessa Jowell and Dizaei were among the guests at the tables which cost £1,000 apiece.
    Mireskandari bought as many as six. During the evening Vaz announced to polite applause that Dizaei had been promoted from chief superintendent to commander.

    Weeks later, no doubt emboldened by Vaz's support, Mireskandari announced that he was launching a £10million racial harassment and defamation claim against the SRA.

    We now come to the quite extraordinary events of the home affairs select committee trip to Moscow this spring.

    On May 13, some ten MPs and officials, led by Vaz, flew to Moscow to discuss human trafficking. That evening they had dinner at the aforementioned Turandot, where deputy prime minister Zhukov, his wife and officials as well as Mireskandari were waiting for them.

    It is clear, from the accounts of at least two British MPs, that the special relationship between Vaz, Mireskandari and Mr Zhukov - whose son Dean and Dean was representing - was not explained.

    Anne Cryer MP said: 'There was a man there, a solicitor. He came to functions we went to but I could not work out who he was.'

    The next day the MPs went to the Duma (the Russian parliament) for a meeting with officials. One MP recalls: 'We were taken into a room where the Russian politicians were formally waiting for us.
    'Everyone sat down around a table and introduced themselves. The British were on one side, the Russians facing us on the other.' And sitting confidently at the end of the table was Mireskandari. One member of the British delegation said: 'I remember thinking, what the hell is this solicitor doing here?
    'When it was his turn to introduce himself, one of the Russians said, "We think you know Shahrokh Mireskandari already". And that was that. A solicitor from London, with no obvious reason for being there, sat in on a diplomatic meeting between Britain and Russia.'

    The following month the Vaz-Mireskandari partnership was behind perhaps the most shocking example of secret conflicting interests.

    Mireskandari had once represented a Romanian company called Angel Airlines. The company had been shocked by the size of Dean and Dean's subsequent bill and litigation followed.

    A cost judge agreed with the airline (which went into liquidation during the protracted litigation) but Mireskandari appealed on no fewer than 20 occasions against the decision - an 'appalling piece of litigation' according to one judge.

    By June this year Mireskandari was running out of options and facing ruinous cost claims from the Angel Airlines case.

    It was at this critical point that a letter, signed by Keith Vaz, was sent to the High Court, asking for the case to be adjourned pending investigations into various complaints against previous judges.

    Mr Justice Coulson became aware of the letter shortly before he was to decide Mireskandari's last appeal.

    A source close to the judge said: 'He was very surprised to get a letter asking for an adjournment from someone (Vaz) who was not a party in the case. The judge had never come across something like this before in his long career.'

  26. The judge's astonishment was understandable. Here was the chairman of the home affairs select committee using his position to interfere in the judicial process.

    On Monday, June 23, Mr Justice Coulson revealed the letter's existence to the court and the depth of his displeasure. One lawyer present said: 'He was visibly upset ... absolutely furious about this interference in the judicial process. He gave the letter very short shrift.'

    He also said the whole Angel Airlines case had been an ' extraordinary saga' and dismissed the appeal. This meant that costs of more than £400,000 had to be paid to the airline's liquidators.
    Of this, Mireskandari, a senior partner, has been deemed personally liable for £265,000.

    In July the liquidators duly sent him a statutory demand for payment. When this was not forthcoming a bankruptcy petition was issued against him, on August 27.

    Petition No 8411 will be heard at 10am in the High Court on November 19 when, unless he coughs up, the good doctor will be declared bankrupt.

    Needless to say, he has launched a further action, this time claiming a breach of Romanian law. In all, a legal source, estimated, his 'beanstalk litigation' as one judge called it, has cost more than £1million.

    What price now Vaz's reputation and his continued chairmanship of the home affairs select committee, whose integrity he has compromised?

    Last night Vaz said of Mireskandari: 'He's not a close friend of mine.'

    Asked why, then, he had delivered the eulogy at the lawyer's mother's memorial, the MP replied: 'I give eulogies to many people. People invite MPs to come and we say things. I regularly give eulogies.'

  27. GRRRRRRR! What a two faced toad Vaz is!

    I wrote to him, several times, begging him to help me, because I was being dragged through the secret family court by a man I have formally accused of raping me, and he said he couldn't do anything, but look at this! Trying to use his position to help his scumbag lawyer friend! He cant use the excuse he didnt know, because he did know, his letter to me proves that much!

  28. And he isnt the only Labour Party dud to have had secret vested interests, his chum Lord Falconer had a few tucked under his overstuffed shirt, Gibson Dunn and Crutcher and their links to the forced adoption industry in North America, while Falconer was overseeing the secret family childstealing courts in the UK!
