Monday 22 November 2010



  1. if you think the British police are horrible, try the Nigerian police, who slaughter citizens, and try the police in China, who beat innocent people into saying they murdered when they never did.
    It's useless to label police officers and doctors as 'horrible' when they are clearly employed to do their jobs. If you can't face the examination, just keep the rape as a secret and never make the rape allegation.
    If you decide to make an allegation there will be an exam.
    Doctors sit shedloads of exams and have to prevent their own nervous breakdowns in order to be able to treat you and you don't understand what they go through. Many police officers get assaulted in their course of duty in order then their blood flies everywhere, to protect you and you don't understand what they are going through.
    If you think the British police are horrible, then go to the Philippines, where police officers gang-rape girls all the time. They even abduct and kidnap girls then put them in brothels and run brothels full of 12-yr-old girls.
    And you call British cops horrible.

  2. No, you are very much mistaken. I am not calling the British police "horrible".

    What I am saying, is that the British police - who I have enormous respect for, for the reasons you have outlined, and more, have been shafted by a really wicked not for profit "charity" called COMMON PURPOSE.

    What happened to me as a child was awful, illegal, cruel and wicked. I should never have been treated like that, and furthermore, someone ought to have apologised to me for the disgusting way I was treated long ago, and it is still not too late for an apology. It does not make a jot of difference comparing it with what happens in Nigeria or China. To just try to sweep bad things under the rug by comparing them favourably with the worst is not going to help anyone! I don't hate the police, or all the doctors or all the other peoploe in positions of authority and power - all I wish is that all these people could do their jobs without being politicised and leaned on by organisations with malicious intent.

    You appear to have me marked down as an anachist, and if thats the case then you are completly wrong. I am a Christian, and order not chaos is the Christian ideal. I want the police to arrest bad people, people who hurt children, commit murder, steal other people's property and generally try to make everyone elses life a misery. I do not want the police to be prevented from arresting wicked people by a big gang of criminals. I want doctors and nurses to heal sick people. I do not want them to be roped in to a wicked plan to murder thousands of old people (the Liverpool Care Pathway)

    Likewise, Courts of Justice are meant to be there to try people accused of crimes, but the way those places are being used at the moment is as an oyster knife is used to force open the shell and scoop out the flesh, they are squeezing families dry and taking children who are certainly not being abused into the forced adoption industry, because that is where the money is. I have first hand experience of what goes on in those torture chamber secret family courts, the ganging up, the perjury, and I have been to the police at Stafford and London's MET as well, and all the politicians and many Lords and nothing has been done, NOT because all the police are wicked, but because the police are leant on and squashed flat - THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DO THEIR JOB!

    So you are dead wrong when you accuse me of labelling all the police and doctors as "Horrible", I have said no such thing. I am going to nhave a stab at a guess, that you are a police officer, in the Staffordshire area, if I am correct then why not contact me and we can talk about this in a civilised way, over a pot of tea? If I am correct you will already have my contact details. I do not think it is breaking any law for an off duty police officer to call in on a lady after being invited round for a chat, so I just hope you will take me up on this, as I would very much like to be healed of the dreadful things that happened to me as a child, and the only way that is going to happen is when people start simply being honest and allow forgiveness to win the day. I am trying very hard to forgive the people who hurt me, but I need to be met halfway.

  3. No, you are very much mistaken. I am not calling the British police "horrible".

    What I am saying, is that the British police - who I have enormous respect for, for the reasons you have outlined, and more, have been shafted by a really wicked not for profit "charity" called COMMON PURPOSE.

    What happened to me as a child was awful, illegal, cruel and wicked. I should never have been treated like that, and furthermore, someone ought to have apologised to me for the disgusting way I was treated long ago, and it is still not too late for an apology. It does not make a jot of difference comparing it with what happens in Nigeria or China. To just try to sweep bad things under the rug by comparing them favourably with the worst is not going to help anyone! I don't hate the police, or all the doctors or all the other peoploe in positions of authority and power - all I wish is that all these people could do their jobs without being politicised and leaned on by organisations with malicious intent.

    You appear to have me marked down as an anachist, and if thats the case then you are completly wrong. I am a Christian, and order not chaos is the Christian ideal. I want the police to arrest bad people, people who hurt children, commit murder, steal other people's property and generally try to make everyone elses life a misery. I do not want the police to be prevented from arresting wicked people by a big gang of criminals. I want doctors and nurses to heal sick people. I do not want them to be roped in to a wicked plan to murder thousands of old people (the Liverpool Care Pathway)

    Likewise, Courts of Justice are meant to be there to try people accused of crimes, but the way those places are being used at the moment is as an oyster knife is used to force open the shell and scoop out the flesh, they are squeezing families dry and taking children who are certainly not being abused into the forced adoption industry, because that is where the money is. I have first hand experience of what goes on in those torture chamber secret family courts, the ganging up, the perjury, and I have been to the police at Stafford and London's MET as well, and all the politicians and many Lords and nothing has been done, NOT because all the police are wicked, but because the police are leant on and squashed flat - THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DO THEIR JOB!

    So you are dead wrong when you accuse me of labelling all the police and doctors as "Horrible", I have said no such thing. I am going to nhave a stab at a guess, that you are a police officer, in the Staffordshire area, if I am correct then why not contact me and we can talk about this in a civilised way, over a pot of tea? If I am correct you will already have my contact details. I do not think it is breaking any law for an off duty police officer to call in on a lady after being invited round for a chat, so I just hope you will take me up on this, as I would very much like to be healed of the dreadful things that happened to me as a child, and the only way that is going to happen is when people start simply being honest and allow forgiveness to win the day. I am trying very hard to forgive the people who hurt me, but I need to be met halfway.

  4. No, you are very much mistaken. I am not calling the British police "horrible".

    What I am saying, is that the British police - who I have enormous respect for, for the reasons you have outlined, and more, have been shafted by a really wicked not for profit "charity" called COMMON PURPOSE.

    What happened to me as a child was awful, illegal, cruel and wicked. I should never have been treated like that, and furthermore, someone ought to have apologised to me for the disgusting way I was treated long ago, and it is still not too late for an apology. It does not make a jot of difference comparing it with what happens in Nigeria or China. To just try to sweep bad things under the rug by comparing them favourably with the worst is not going to help anyone! I don't hate the police, or all the doctors or all the other peoploe in positions of authority and power - all I wish is that all these people could do their jobs without being politicised and leaned on by organisations with malicious intent.

    You appear to have me marked down as an anachist, and if thats the case then you are completly wrong. I am a Christian, and order not chaos is the Christian ideal. I want the police to arrest bad people, people who hurt children, commit murder, steal other people's property and generally try to make everyone elses life a misery. I do not want the police to be prevented from arresting wicked people by a big gang of criminals. I want doctors and nurses to heal sick people. I do not want them to be roped in to a wicked plan to murder thousands of old people (the Liverpool Care Pathway)

    Likewise, Courts of Justice are meant to be there to try people accused of crimes, but the way those places are being used at the moment is as an oyster knife is used to force open the shell and scoop out the flesh, they are squeezing families dry and taking children who are certainly not being abused into the forced adoption industry, because that is where the money is. I have first hand experience of what goes on in those torture chamber secret family courts, the ganging up, the perjury, and I have been to the police at Stafford and London's MET as well, and all the politicians and many Lords and nothing has been done, NOT because all the police are wicked, but because the police are leant on and squashed flat - THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DO THEIR JOB!

    So you are dead wrong when you accuse me of labelling all the police and doctors as "Horrible", I have said no such thing. I am going to nhave a stab at a guess, that you are a police officer, in the Staffordshire area, if I am correct then why not contact me and we can talk about this in a civilised way, over a pot of tea? If I am correct you will already have my contact details. I do not think it is breaking any law for an off duty police officer to call in on a lady after being invited round for a chat, so I just hope you will take me up on this, as I would very much like to be healed of the dreadful things that happened to me as a child, and the only way that is going to happen is when people start simply being honest and allow forgiveness to win the day. I am trying very hard to forgive the people who hurt me, but I need to be met halfway.

  5. I don't expect you will have the bottle to turn up at my house, it's one thing to anonymously come onto a person's blog, but it is quite another thing to be prepared to meet them eyeball to eyeball.

    But I really do hope that you will steel yourself up to meeting with me face to face. You will discover that I am not some kind of angry vindictive monster, as some of the anonymous contributors to my blog have tried to portray me.

    You should not jump to the conclusion that everyone who rocks the boat is wanting to sink it - the boat rocker may in fact be trying to mend it.

    Any system which protects child abusers and murderers and squashes whistleblowers is not functioning correctly - such a system has cancer and the cancer needs cutting out lest it spreads and causes total failure. Stop thinking of people like me as the enemy.

  6. Well that was what it sounded like anyway. By the way I have never been to Staffordshire in my life. also you want to read and hear what the Member of Parliament George Galloway said about the Charity Commission which is the charity regulator, pretty much the boss of all registered charities. He wrote a very strongly worded letter to describe the failings of the Charity Commission.

    best wishes.

  7. I don't understand why you sound so angry already. If you hate the 'annoymous people' who write comments on your blog, just block them, and prevent their content from getting published. From a technical point of view, this is very very easy to do.
    You don't have to include those people in your territory for whatever reasons you have.
    My name means nothing so it's just pointless for me to write it. Besides, Human Resources would be really confused if I wrote it down and they spend hours reading blogs when they should be paying salaries into bank accounts.

  8. I think I will ignore your "helpful" suggestions and just continue to run my own blog in the way that I want to, if its all the same to you.

    I would really like you to tell me who you are. Do you live in East Grinstead?

  9. "If you hate the 'annoymous people' "

    Who said I hate them? angry at times with them but why would I hate people who are on the road to hell? I feel sorry for them.
