Thursday 30 December 2010


I did not think he would post it onto his blog, but he has. Praise the Lord! Now I will certainly keep my side of this bargain, as I am a woman of my word. Lets see what happens now.

December 30, 2010
Gazza said...
Dear Zoompad

Will you please stop coming into this blog and trying to pass curses on us all because you don't like its view point.

We have asked you time and time again to stop coming on here.

Just ignore us like others ignore the Vile Blog.

Message for other posters.

Please stop talking about Zoompad as its winding her up.



December 30, 2010
Zoompad said...

I promise not to curse you again. Why would I need to curse you again, do you think God is deaf and needs a hearing aid? He heard me the first time, you don't need to tell him things over and over and over again.

I have cursed you, but thats ok, because God is very kind and loving, and will forgive repentant sinners right up to the moment the breath of life leaves their bodies, and so you can ask God to remove the curse yourself, if you are prepared to beg him to forgive you and turn away from all your wicked evil ways. Best do that in a place of worship, its easy, you just go into the church and go up to the front, kneel down and start talking to God. Anyone can do it, its so easy. God will know you really mean it if you do it in front of other people, I do not think he will listen to you otherwise. You can pray to God on your own, but in your case I think he will not hear you unless it is in the place of worship, with witnesses. You could try Rev Shaws church.

I will make a deal with you if you like. You put an end to posting anything about me on your blog of doom, and I will be able to stop visiting this hateful place to check for more crap posted in my name. Does thout sound fair enough to you?

December 30, 2010


  1. Oh dear. Looks like Gazza remains unrepentant, here is the latest post directed at me. I am just about to put the kettle on for a nice cup of tea, I don't know what Gazza is encouraging me to drink out of a glass, I hope it was not alcohol he had in mind, as I do not approve of drinking alcoholic beverages so early in the day, and with all the abuse he has given that good honest sober decent man Stuart Syvret concerning alcohol he really ought to know better!

    Gazza said...
    Dear Zoompad

    Go and have a glass of something and relax.



    December 30, 2010

  2. Looks like the curse is not going to be removed then. What a shame.

  3. Greetings from Jersey. Jon and Adrian will feel the wrath of God very soon. Just ignore them, Zoompad. Happy new year.

  4. Hymie, Happy New Year to you and all my other Jersey friends.

    Yes, there is a big change on the horizon. I think 2011 is going to be a good year for all who have suffered institutional abuse - I feel it will be a time of healing.

    We have fought long and hard to get our voices heard. I know there are people in authority who are very sympathetic, David Cameron and Nick Clegg certainly are, I am quite sure of that. I had a lovely personal letter off Nick Clegg - not off his secretary, but from him - before he became deputy PM so I know that he is very concerned about institutional abuse.

    I am sure that a big change is coming soon.
