Friday 3 December 2010


Thu 20 - Sat 22 May 2010

By David Tristram
An amateur show by MiG Productions

The Great Gordo, an alcoholic stage hypnotist in the twilight of his career, randomly chooses Alan Briggs as his next stooge. Briggs, a mild-mannered policeman, is a good sport, the audience laughs, and everyone goes home.

For Gordo, it's just the end of another show, and time for a drink or three before bed. But someone out there has other ideas!

To find out more log on to


Sardar Mehdi is a former Iranian military leader and statesman, living in Iran. He joined eRepublik on 28 March 2008, invited from forums.

Early Life
Sardar started out working in the gifts industry before going on to work in the food industry. He worked for about 1 months and during this time strengthened his relations with fellow Iranians. On the 29 of April, Sardar started his first company named basij foods. This company was rapidly bankrupt and Sardar was forced to sell it. He then proceeded to continue to work in the food industry to further strengthen his skill. On the 21 of may Sardar was awarded his first important post; the mayor of Ahvaz (population of 6 back then).

On the same day that Sardar became mayor, he founded his first successful company named the Gift Factory. During this time, Sardar left the Victorious Iran party and joined IRAN EMINENT. On June 1, Sardar became a congressman and Iranian defense minister. Sardar elaborated many plans for the defense of Iran and re-introduced Aryamehr idea's of mobile units which was dropped by the victorious Iran administration. In late June Sardar decided to open one of Iran's most successful companies; Zulfiqar Defence inc. (now T-REX weapons). This company was immensely successful because of the lack of competitors. The revenue from this weapons company later allowed Sardar to open two more companies (Khuzestan Gifts and Khuzestan Railways). On July 1, due to Izirbat leaving the game, Sardar was promoted to foreign minster. During his time as foreign minister, Sardar actively supported Greece's entry into FIST, but was forced to overturn his previous decision by the Iranian president.

On the 27th of July, Sardar decided to go on vacation IRL which was a very bad decision. On the 29th the current president, President Ahmadi Nejad, was banned and Sardar's long time rival, Mojtabaw assumed leadership of the party. On August 1st, Mojtabaw became president by questionable means. He immediately sacked Sardar out of office and chose a new foreign minster who could barely speak English. When Sardar came back from vacation on the 3rd, he was profoundly shocked of the changes that occurred in Iran and decided to go on a brief trip to Japan to change his ideas.

Once Sardar came back from Japan he re-started his life as before be unfortunately his companies where lacking workers because Iran's q4 companies used them all. Sardar then decided to sell all his companies and try a new life in eNorway where he moved on the 17th of August. He founded a q4 company called Mosin-Nagant rifle which he sold after a week because he said that eNorway was boring. He then moved to South Africa after participating in the Mexican and WW1 was. He has founded his new company called Mamba Weapons which is Africa's only q4 company. Sardar lead a happy life away from all the troubles of politics and war but now he has resumed his political ambitions and is traveling the world to acquire fame and foreign accounts. He is now currently in Occupied China, helping China regain its independence. Due to the refusal of /v/ers to give a job to Sardar, he has founded his own food company, named White Rabbit Food. But he soon got bored of that to and briefly immigrated to Portugal before returning to Iran to fight the goons.

General Manager of MIG Productions
General manager of Sardar Holdings

Sardar has achieved a military rank of General and was awarded 3 Super Soldier medals.

Sardar's Chronicles is the newspaper owned and published by Sardar Mehdi.

Quick Facts
Sardar is fluent in Farsi, English and French.
Sardar means General in Iranian.
Sardar has all the current currencies in the World


  1. Most interesting.

    - Aangirfan

  2. That creepy eye picture that I posted, that eye with that funny distorted black and white square sort of pattern was part of the advertising blurb for the event.

  3. Zoompad, the details you provided were from an online 'strategy game' called eRupublik. The character 'Sardar Mehdi' is a fictional element of that game. The MIG Productions mentioned there is not linked to the Staffordshire theatre company of the same name.

    It was an easy mistake to make. These things are designed to look real.

  4. No, it's real. Look at this:

    Comedy play ready to take flight .Wednesday, September 02, 2009 This is Staffordshire
    Follow.IF YOU want to get away from it all, the latest play from MiG Productions promises to be the perfect escape.

    The amateur dramatics group are performing Club Class, a comedy set aboard a commercial charter flight to Portugal, at the Stafford Gatehouse from Tuesday.

    The talented cast of four – veterans of the Stafford stage Martin Voyle and Emma Courtney along with newcomer Andy Kilpatrick and Dudley-based Sophie Harris – take on a number of roles in the show, from cabin crew to baggage handlers.

    "It's an evening of entertainment," says director Dave Love, who also runs the company. "It's high-energy, fast-paced and extremely funny."

    And it's not for the faint-hearted either. Some of the cheekier aspects of the script, penned by former airline pilot Harry Denford, are unsuitable for under-16s.

    Fancy dress is encouraged and audience participation is a must. There's even a dance routine from Steps, if you fancy a slice of late 1990s nostalgia.

    "We're suggesting people come as airline stewards, pilots, holidaymakers – whatever takes their fancy," adds Dave.

    Club Class is at the MET Studio in the Stafford Gatehouse Theatre, from Tuesday, October 6 until Saturday, October 10. Telephone 01785 254653 for tickets and further information.

  5. I've had thos before - spooky people with names that turn out to be from films or games. But this MiG productions is a real theatre company and the General Manager is put down as being that Iranian general. So someone isw pulling some funny stunts.


  7. That's not where I got my information from him, it's a different website, and had a photograph of him. I have the webpage screendaved, so will have to have a good search for it and repost it. It didnt have an avater it had a photograph of a real man, aged between 50 - 60, he looked a bit like Saddam Hussain. I will look for the webpage again
