Thursday 6 January 2011





  1. In 1991, after accusing Janner of paedophilic behaviour with a teenager, Frank Beck was arrested and charged with the sexual and physical abuse of children in his care over a thirteen-year period.
    At his trial Beck stated that: - “One child has been buggered and abused for two solid years by Greville Janner“.
    Greville Janner
    Immediately after this, Janner who just happens to be, ironically, a long time member of the boy scouts association, and Sir David Napley, his solicitor, went to Police headquarters in Leicester. Whereupon, the following statement was issued:
    “We have advised Mr. Janner that he is prevented from making any statement at this stage”.
    Shortly afterwards, the Director of Public Prosecutions, Alan Green, let it be known that “for lack of evidence”, Janner would not be prosecuted, even though Paul Winston, who was just thirteen when he and Janner first met, was able to describe Janner‘s home, the hotel rooms they had shared, and Janner’s habits and person in detail.
    The Director of Public Prosecutions, himself, was arrested for kerb-crawling in Kings Cross a little while later.

    Green had come to the attention of the police previously for this same misdemeanour and was quietly given a formal warning. The scandal prompted his resignation from public office and the suicide of his wife. Green, also, is Jewish.

  2. In court, Paul Winston, who was, at the time of Beck’s trial, a married man with children, stood up for him, as did several other witnesses, paying credit to his achievements and behaviour and confirming his anti-Janner testimony.
    He said Beck had counselled him over his relationship with the MP, and had brought the affair to an end. He also stated that he had had a beneficial effect on his life. According to Winston’s evidence, he was invited to Janner’s home near Golders Green, whilst Janner‘s wife was away, and this led to his sharing Janner’s bed where they “cuddled and fondled each other”. Thereafter Winston testified that, over the next two years, he was regularly sodomised by Janner.
    Beck discovered what had been going on after Winston was put into his care, at which point, he informed his superiors at Leicester Social Services. At one point, Janner visited the care home with a new bicycle for Paul but Beck denied him entry and would not allow the gift to be passed on. This was confirmed by another witness at the trial.
    Nevertheless, Beck was found guilty and sentenced to twenty-four years in prison, with five life sentences to run concurrently for his “crimes”.

    Janner was never brought to court, nor was he ever called upon to testify.
    Frank Beck died suddenly of a “heart attack”, shortly before his appeal was due to begin.
    He was, by all accounts, a fit man at the time of his death. He never stopped protesting his innocence and Janner’s guilt. His two main solicitors, who admitted to being sceptical in the first instance, believed him at the time that he was found guilty. One of these solicitors has since been killed in a road accident, and the other has been subjected to police harassment on a major scale.
    Frank Beck was a resident of Braunstone in Leicester when the events described above were taking place.
    When Janner was ennobled in 1997, he took the title, Lord Janner of Braunstone.
    The man responsible for ennobling Greville Janner was Tony Blair.

    Barnett Janner, Greville Janner‘s father, was also an MP and, at one time, was the Chairman of the Zionist Federation of Great Britain.

  3. The paedophiles get away with raping children and all sorts because the police officers all over this country are subdued and manipulated by the paedophile ring leaders. Any toe rag can get a knighthood these days - look at Frank Wa*ker for example - it's about time people stopped getting conned that those things are an indication of the character of anyone!

  4. Yes, and thats good, now what about those politicians and big shots who abused the children? What about, for instance the Pinball Wizard?
