Friday 7 January 2011

"I had my head split open by one teacher and wasn't even allowed to leave the classroom"

I have just had this remark pointed out to me, from a blogsite that has been very active in trying to stifle the Haut de la Garenne child abuse investigation.

"I had my head split open by one teacher and wasn't even allowed to leave the classroom"

The person who made the remark was comparing the abuse children at Haut de la Garenne suffered, and the accepted punishments dished out to children all over the UK before corporal punishment was abolished in schools.

I don't want to attack the person who made that remark in any way, but what I would like to do is to ask this question, why did the UK allow so many children to be assaulted?

I know that what that person has said is true. Child abuse was rife in schools all over the UK in the 60s and 70s, when I was a girl. But just because a thing was rife, does that make it right? 300 years ago, the buying and selling of human beings was widespread, did that justify slavery?

I believe that we are living in a blessed and exciting new era. It seems to me that there is an awakening of the people of this country, as to what is right and what is wrong. What happened at Haut de la Garenne did not happen in isolation, the Grand Prix system at that place was the same as the Pindown regime which was used all over the UK. Persecuting the victims of that regime, and those brave souls like Stuart Syvret, for speaking out about what happened is not the right response, all that will achieve is to ensure that some very brutal people avoid having to deal with their crimes for a while - of course, in the end we all have to face up to whatever we have done wrong in our lives, on the Day of Judgement - thereby putting the next generation at risk from abuse.

I can understand why people try to conceal these ugly truths. There is a fear that if the truth of what happened becomes common knowledge, that all the people who helped conceal the truth will be severly punished. I know that some of the people who have joined in persecuting the victims of child abuse have done so because they were persuaded that if those loose cannons were not silenced there would be dire consequences for the whole of society, anarchy, riots, rebellion. I can fully understand these fears.

This is why I keep turning to the words of Jesus Christ in the Holy Bible, who spoke of forgiving those who had sinned against you, and rejoicing in those who repented of the bad things they have done. I believe this era is a time when we need to look at ourselves properly, and stop trying to conceal the things that we are ashamed of. I believe in Great Britain, this little nation has much to be ashamed of, but we have much that we can boast of as well, the main one being that behind our monarchy and political and legal system there always has been a genuine desire for fairness and good. If this were not true, the abolishion of the slave trade could never have taken place.

The Lord Jesus told us not to let our hearts be ruled by fear, but by love. There was nothing wishy washy about His message, and it certainly did not mean that we should let violent murderous bullies run riot sticking up two fingers to the law of the land. Allowing child abusers and murderers to commit their evil crimes with no fear of punishment is not love, its stupid and unjust, and causes civil unrest. Thats not to say that rapists and murderers can never be forgiven, the love of God is so extroadinary powerful that He is wanting to forgive even these dreadful crimes. But crimes so terrible have to be very clearly seen to be punished, and the person who committed those crimes has to accept that justifiable punishment, even if the penalty for that crime is death. This is why judicial executions were always preceeded by a visit from a preacher. Sadly, the established church has been such a whore to mammon that there is no longer much respect for the church.

I hope the person who made the quoted remark about the cracked head will feel free to comment on what I have written and perhaps have an open and grown up debate about this matter.

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