Thursday 13 January 2011


Richard Webster is a journalist, at least, that’s what he pretends to be. I certainly would not call him one, because I suppose I am a bit old fashioned, and expect someone who prepares and presents newspaper articles for publication to gather and analyse their materiel for the purpose of simply trying to broadcast the truth. When I buy a newspaper I do expect some sort of quality control, for instance, I want to know that the credentials of the journalists who have presented the article are identifiable and checkable. This is what is prompting me to write this Blog article on Richard Webster. I hope that other Bloggers will be inspired to look carefully at the media which they pay for, in their newspapers and on their televisions. I think the public has a right to know that the news they are presented with is accurate and unbiased. As Richard Webster himself points out, in his article for the New Statesman February 1999 titled “WHAT THE BBC DID NOT TELL US”, in which he denounced the child abuse investigation at BRYN ESTYN
“By far the most disturbing feature of the programme, however, was that the journalists who worked on it failed utterly to discharge the most basic duty of all journalists - the duty to investigate” With that thought in mind, I am sure Mr Webster can have no objections to his own integrity being put under the microscope, with that basic duty of accuracy and unbiased motives to get to the very heart of the truth being the driving force.

This is how Richard Webster presents himself, on RICHARDWEBSTER.NET
“RICHARD WEBSTER was born in 1950 and studied English literature at the University of East Anglia. He is the author of A Brief History of Blasphemy: Liberalism, Censorship and 'The Satanic Verses', 1990; Why Freud Was Wrong: Sin, Science and Psychoanalysis, 1995; Freud (Great Philosophers), 2003; and The Great Children's Home Panic, 1998. His most recent book, The Secret of Bryn Estyn: The Making of a Modern Witch Hunt (2005), was shortlisted for the Orwell Prize. He lives in Oxford.”
What Richard Webster failed to include in this micro biography is his affiliation with the British False Memory Society, which readers of this blog can check out at, but please be quick in case they take it down, although many of us have already copied and saved the webpages. The first thing you will see on that website homepage is a wierd eye shaped logo in blue with the letters bfms in the centre of the eye, and these words “Serving People and Professionals
in Contested Allegations of Abuse” directly underneath.
Click into the site and you will see it is a registered charity, Registered Charity No: 1040683, Now the fact that this website is a registered charity is a good thing, because this means that it will be subject to the Freedom of Information laws, and so anyone affected by any issue on this site has the right to ask questions, which m,ust be answered by law within 20 working days. The contact details for the BFMS are as follows:
Bradford on Avon
BA15 1NF
UK Tel: 01225 868682
Fax: 01225 862251
And the email addy is
The site lists the management of the BFMS
“Established by Trust Deed, the BFMS is a Registered Charity, No. 1040683. The Society is also registered under the Data Protection Act.
Management and Administration
Madeline Greenhalgh, Director
Sue Ryder, Administrator
Roger Scotford, Consultant
Scientific and Professional Advisory Board
Professor R J Audley, Emeritus Professor of Psychology, University College London
Professor Sir P P G Bateson, FRS. Professor of Ethology, University of Cambridge
Professor H L Freeman, Honorary Visiting Fellow, Green Templeton College, University of Oxford
Professor C C French, Professor of Psychology, Goldsmiths College, University of London
Professor R Green, Emeritus Consultant Psychiatrist, University of California
Dr Cara Laney, Lecturer of Forensic Psychology, University of Leicester
Mrs Katherine Mair, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Retired
Mr D Morgan, Child Educational & Forensic Psychologist, London
Dr P L N Naish, (Chair), Senior Lecturer in Psychology, The Open University
Professor Elizabeth Newson, OBE. Emeritus Professor of Developmental Psychology, University of Nottingham
Dr J Ost, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, International Centre for Research in Forensic Psychology, University of Portsmouth
Mr K Sabbagh, Writer and Managing Director, Skyscraper Productions
Dr B Tully, Chartered Clinical & Forensic Psychologist
Dr Kimberley Wade, Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Warwick
Professor L Weiskrantz, FRS., Emeritus Professor of Psychology, University of Oxford
Professor D B Wright, Professor of Psychology, Florida International University
Board of Trustees
Sally Thompson (Chair)
Richard Oade
Bernard Reed
The Reverend John Young
Tony Poole
Anne Noble”

There are two title headings called Disclaimer and Detractors. These are very interesting, as they reveal the BFMS are trying to disassociate themselves with the founder of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, their very roots, a man called Ralph Underwager. This is what the BFMS says:
“The material in this site is provided for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional consultation.
Although the BFMS has made reasonable efforts to ensure that the information given is factually accurate, no responsibility is assumed for any errors or omissions or for the consequences thereof. The BFMS cannot accept liability for or warrant the accuracy of any information accessed from this site or downloaded through linked sites.
Since 1993, when the BFMS was founded, there have been a number of journalists and others who have tried to claim that we are part of an 'abusers' lobby', which, of course we are not. The first of these was Marjorie Orr; an astrologer who claimed that she could tell that someone was an abuser because of their 'star sign'. Her campaign against us was joined by Judith Jones, of Shieldfield infamy, and her partner, journalist Beatrix Campbell. Together, Jones and Campbell co-authored a book, Stolen Voices, which contained much vitriol aimed at the BFMS and in particular its founding member, Roger Scotford. The book was withdrawn before publication because of its inaccurate and libellous content.
Unfortunately, our detractors were presented with a chance to smear the whole false memory movement when one of the American, False Memory Syndrome Foundation founders, Ralph Underwager, gave an extremely disturbing interview to a Dutch magazine, Paidika, in 1993. A Lutheran minister, Underwager appeared to be endorsing paedophilia as part of God's will. Despite attempts to claim that his interview had been misunderstood, its effect was to cause a widespread smear to hang over the BFMS which was damned through its association with the FMSF. Although Underwager resigned from their board of advisers, the damage had been done.
At no time has the BFMS ever supported or encouraged paedophilia. We believe that genuine cases should attract the full force of the law.”
Ralph Underwager was a very nasty man. Here is a video of him, from when he did an interview with Paidika,
a European pro-pedophile publication. This interview was conducted in Amsterdam in June 1991 by "Paidika," Editor-in-Chief, Joseph Geraci. Here is a little extract from that interview so that people can judge for themselves what kind of man Ralph Underwager was.
“RALPH UNDERWAGER: Certainly it is responsible. What I have been struck by as I have come to know more about and understand people who choose paedophilia is that they let themselves be too much defined by other people. That is usually an essentially negative definition. Paedophiles spend a lot of time and energy defending their choice. I don't think that a paedophile needs to do that. Paedophiles can boldly and courageously affirm what they choose. They can say that what they want is to find the best way to love. I am also a theologian and as a theologian, I believe it is God's will that there be closeness and intimacy, unity of the flesh, between people. A paedophile can say: "This closeness is possible for me within the choices that I've made."
Paedophiles are too defensive. They go around saying, "You people out there are saying that what I choose is bad, that it's no good. You're putting me in prison, you're doing all these terrible things to me. I have to define my love as being in some way or other illicit." What I think is that paedophiles can make the assertion that the pursuit of intimacy and love is what they choose. With boldness, they can say, "I believe this is in fact part of God's will." They have the right to make these statements for themselves as personal choices. Now whether or not they can persuade other people they are right is another matter (laughs). “

So its not really surprising that the FMSF want to disassociate themselves with this horrible creep. The problem (for them) is that they can’t, how can they when Underwager invented the whole thing? Perhaps they should have stopped Underwager going round doing interviews for paedophile media outlets like a big loose cannon, letting all their dirty little secrets out?
Webster is a very busy man, as well as writing articles for the New Statesman and his activities with the BFMS, he also runs an organisation called FACT (False Allegations against Carers and Teachers), which has a parallel purpose to the BFMS, in that it supports professionals who are accused of child abuse. Webster was very active in trying to discredit the people who had been abused at St Georges/Clarence House School in Formby, Merseyside, during the 1990’s Operation Care police investigation. Webster used the same tactics as he did when trying to discredit the Haut de la Garenne police investigation in Jersey, we can see this in his article The Jersey skull fragment, the police and the facts that changed
A short but important extract from that article is reposted here, just to illustrate how “journalists” are involved in the cover up of the abuse at Haut de la Garenne as well as other children’s Pindown homes:
“On 3 March, after a full month had passed, Jersey Evening Post reporter Diane Simon even ventured to ask during a press conference whether the skull fragment might turn out to be a red herring.
More than a month later, on 8 April, her question was partly vindicated when the police announced that scientists had been unable to date the fragment at all”

Wednesday 23 April 2008

To sum up, Richard Webster appears to be absolutely besotted in his quest to protect professionals who are accused of child abuse, and I just cannot help wondering why?
He also took it to Parliament (how did he do that, and who helped him to do it, a FOI request will provide the answer to that question) The Select Committee on Home Affairs Memoranda
Submitted by Richard Webster (CA 104)

1. The fundamental safeguard in our system of justice has always been the presumption that defendants are innocent until they are proved guilty. It is precisely in order to protect this presumption of innocence that defendants are not generally required to face evidence which, while it may be highly prejudicial, does not actually prove the particular case against them. For this reason "similar fact evidence", which suggests that the defendant may on other occasions have committed crimes similar to those now alleged against him, or may be inclined to do so, is generally excluded from criminal trials.
2. It follows from the very nature of the common law system that any move to relax the restrictions on the admission of such prejudicial evidence might, if not made with the utmost care, lead to the erosion, or even the destruction of the presumption of innocence.
3. The reason why dispensing with the presumption of innocence is rarely, if ever, seriously contemplated is that there has long been a recognition that justice, whose evident purpose is to protect against social ills and to promote moral good, can, if it is not wisely administered, inflict forms of harm on innocent citizens which are incalculably more damaging than the mere failure to punish a particular crime. By convicting innocent defendants of offences they have not committed, justice can itself become a form of inadvertent crime, more terrible for the fact that it is committed, or abetted, by servants of the state—by judges themselves.
4. However, in the last century, and particularly in the latter part of that century, the law on similar fact evidence was subjected to a series of changes. As a result the safeguards which once protected innocent defendants against the introduction of prejudicial evidence were progressively weakened. In one particular respect they disappeared almost completely. It was this development in the law, which took place in 1991, which made it for the first time relatively easy to obtain convictions on the basis of multiple uncorroborated allegations, all of which might be false.
5. The spectacular growth in police trawling operations which took place in the last decade of the twentieth century was a direct result of these legal changes. It is therefore not possible to understand the nature of the problem posed by trawling operations without considering the changes in the law relating to similar fact evidence which were the precondition of their emergence.
6. The modern similar fact principle was formulated in the case of Makin v. Attorney General for New South Wales, 1894 (AC 57, 65). In this case Lord Herschell reaffirmed the presumption that similar fact evidence would not normally be admitted. He went on to outline the exceptional circumstances in which this exclusionary principle could be overridden. Evidence of similar facts could not be admitted merely because it seemed relevant to the count on the indictment, but only if it was both relevant and probative.
7. In Makin (1894) the two defendants, a husband and wife, were accused of murdering a baby they had fostered. In their trial evidence was offered of a number of other murders they had apparently committed. The admissibility of the similar fact evidence in this case turned on the improbability of there being any innocent explanation for the presence of the bodies of 12 other fostered infants buried in the gardens of premises previously occupied by the defendants.
8. In R v Smith, 1915, (11 Cr App R, 229), the "brides in the bath" case, the defendant was accused of one murder but evidence was offered of two more. The admission of this evidence followed similarly from the improbability that three different women with whom he had gone through a form of marriage, and who had made financial arrangements from which he would benefit, had all drowned in the bath by accident shortly afterwards.
9. In these two classic cases the probative power of the similar fact evidence, which made it just to admit it in spite of its prejudicial effect, derived from the improbability of the strikingly similar facts having any rational explanation other than the guilt of the accused.
10. Although the leading cases in which the similar fact principle was established concerned the crime of murder and the admission of similar facts which were not disputed, from the beginning of the twentieth century onwards there was growing pressure on the judiciary to lower the threshold for the admission of such evidence in order to obtain convictions in sexual cases. This pressure was particularly strong in relation to cases involving allegations of homosexuality.
11. The most decisive move in this direction was made in an appeal court judgment drafted by Denning J, later to become Lord Denning. In the case of R v Sims, (1946, 31 Cr App R 158) the Court considered an appeal which turned on whether allegations of buggery made by three different men against the accused could be admitted within the same trial in support of one another.
12. In the judgment drafted by Denning J, the Court ruled that the principle applied to strikingly similar facts in such cases as Makin and Smith should be extended and applied to similar allegations. The judgment failed to present any sound rationale for changing the law in this manner. In place of such a rationale, however, it offered Denning J's own view that homosexuality was an abomination, quoting with approval the words of Lord Sumner to the effect that "Persons . . . who commit the offences now under consideration, seek the habitual gratification of a particular perverted lust, which not only takes them out of the class of ordinary men gone wrong but stamps them with the hallmark of a special and extraordinary class, as much as if they carried on their bodies some physical peculiarity" (see R v Thompson, 1918, 13 Cr. App R, p. 80).
13. In the case of DPP v Boardman (1975), which concerned allegations made by three adolescent boys against their male teacher, the House of Lords lent its own authority to the judgment in Sims, while rejecting its view of homosexuality. At the same time that it did this, however, it drew attention to the grave dangers which might follow from this change in the law. Lord Cross pointed out that there was a marked difference between cases which involved allegations and the cases (such as Makin and Smith) which involved counts of murder and undisputed evidence of previous deaths. In the original cases there was, said Lord Cross, "no question of any witness for the prosecution telling lies".
14. Lord Cross went on to note that the crucial consideration in cases like Sims and the case then before their Lordships, was that the similar fact evidence was disputed and that a series of allegations were all denied by the accused: "In such circumstances the first question which arises is obviously whether his accusers may not have put their heads together to concoct false evidence and if there is any real chance of this having occurred the similar fact evidence must be excluded" (DPP v Boardman, 1975 AC 457).
15. Lord Wilberforce underlined this view and warned against the danger that, as a result of the extension of the similar fact principle, innocent defendants might find themselves facing a series of grave allegations, all of which were false.
16. He clearly states his own view that the courts should be on their guard against the possibility that a series of false allegations might arise either from collusion or from a process of contamination. If there was any real possibility of this having occurred there should be no question of the similar fact evidence being admitted. Instead the judge should order separate trials.
17. The general test prescribed by Boardman was a cautious one. In deciding the question of admissibility, the judge should weigh the probative value of the evidence against its prejudicial effect. If the similar fact evidence was so weak, so unreliable or so contaminated that its probative value was outweighed by its capacity to prejudice a jury, then it should be excluded.
18. In their judgment their Lordships reinforced the caution embodied in this test by placing particular stress on the need (already acknowledged in Sims) for there to be "striking similarities" between allegations before the possibility of their being admissible could even be considered.
19. In Boardman their Lordships in effect accepted the highly dangerous precedent created by Denning J, but did so only after insisting on two vital safeguards against the injustices it might lead to.
20. However, in two crucial House of Lords judgments, delivered in 1991 and 1995, the two safeguards which had been put in place by Boardman were both removed.
21. In 1991 in a judgment given by the Lord Chancellor, Lord Mackay, in the case of DPP v P, no reference was made to the manner in which the judgment in Sims had transformed the original similar fact principle. Moreover Lord Mackay went on to reject the requirement that allegations, in order to be admissible, should be "strikingly similar". In doing so he wrongly claimed that this requirement applied only to cases where identification was at issue.[32]
22. The effect of the judgment in P was dramatically to lower the threshold for the admissibility of multiple allegations and make it much more likely that innocent defendants would find themselves facing a series of false allegations.
23. In 1995, in R v H, the second safeguard which had been put in place by Boardman was also removed. Lord Mackay, who once again gave judgment, made explicit what had already been implicit in his earlier judgment and held that, in ruling on the admissibility of a series of similar allegations, the judge should generally assume that the allegations in question were true.
24. The main objection to this approach has been made pointedly by Professor Sir John Smith: "But the judge has to weigh the probative value [of a series of allegations] against the prejudicial effect. How can he assess the probative value of the statements without taking into account their reliability? If he has to assume that they are true for the purpose of this exercise, they will always be admissible because if they are true, they are conclusive proof of the defendant's guilt—the probative value then obviously outweighs the prejudicial effect. [Yet] if the witnesses have put their heads together to concoct false stories the evidence is obviously worthless (Criminal Law Review, 1999, Commentary on "Severance" by John C Smith, pp 859-60).
25. The objections which Professor Smith so trenchantly makes draw attention to the existence of a state of affairs which is little less than astonishing. For what Smith points out is that judges, bound as they are to follow the precedents created by P and H, have little choice but to renounce their judicial responsibilities in this matter. Under the guise of prescribing an exercise whose purpose is to protect innocent defendants against having to confront dangerous, unreliable and highly prejudicial evidence, the House of Lords has in fact given its authority to a principle which ensures that just such dangerous evidence will regularly be allowed to become the very basis on which criminal trials are conducted.
26. It so happened that the decision of the House of Lords to dispense with the two vital safeguards which had been ratified in Boardman coincided with the emergence among social workers and police officers of the paedophile ring theory of sexual abuse in children's homes. As was almost inevitable, the newly created weakness in the law was almost immediately seized on by police forces in order to successfully push through a number of highly dangerous prosecutions which could never have been brought prior to the decision in P.[33]
27. The massive growth of police trawling operations has followed inexorably from these early successes. As trawling has grown exponentially, the legal channels which have enabled it to do so have become, if anything, deeper and more dangerous as a result of constant use. The similar fact principle, once zealously guarded by the Defence as an essential means of keeping prejudicial evidence out, is now the favoured device of the Prosecution, valued as an almost ever-open conduit for letting prejudicial evidence in.
28. In any society where the crime of child sexual abuse has been demonised to the extent that it has in our own society, the presumption of innocence in relation to those who are accused of this crime is seriously threatened. When defendants are compelled to face large numbers of allegations of sexual abuse made by different complainants in a single trial, the presumption of innocence is almost inevitably destroyed.
29. In such cases the effective destruction of the presumption of innocence has been brought about by the courts themselves and in particular by the decisions made by the House of Lords in P and H. Because these decisions have permitted, and indeed encouraged, the admission of evidence which is both highly unreliable and massively prejudicial, innocent defendants have again and again found themselves facing large numbers of allegations, all of which are false. Again and again, as could readily have been predicted (and as was foreseen in the original exclusionary similar fact principle), juries have convicted on the basis of such evidence.
30. The result over the past 11 years has been a systematic and continuing perversion of justice on a scale which would once have been unimaginable. Unlike previous systematic injustices in the twentieth-century, the original authors of these injustices are the courts themselves.
31. Because, ultimately, it is the state of the law which has led to the gravest series of miscarriages of justice in British legal history, it is the law which must now, as a matter of urgency, be changed and reformed.
February 2002

32 This point has been made by Professor Colin Tapper who also notes that, of the panel of five law lords, there were three whose only experience before their elevation was in Scottish Law and one whose experience was exclusively in Chancery. ("The erosion of Boardman v DPP", New Law Journal, August 11 1995, p. 1224, note 15). Back

33 In his opening address to the North Wales Tribunal Gerard Elias QC implicitly acknowledged this: "In relation to allegations of sexual abuse . . . questions of corroboration clouded the issue for much of the period, but at least since the House of Lords decision in DPP v P (1991), the prosecution of those against whom more than one similar offence (or type of offence) is alleged has been made procedurally and evidentially easier" (Opening Statement, Press Copy). Back

Another journalistic outlet Richard Webster writes articles for is SPIKED.


  1. Fact of the matter is Zoompad, that no matter what your experiences of life, I WAS at Haut de la Garenne and KNOW what a pack of lies has been reported. I do not deny the recent convictions but that is hardly in the same league as what was alleged by Harper, Syvret and others.

  2. Hello Richard, I wondered when you were going to drop a comment.
    Right then, perhaps you could explain why you wrote all those articles dismissing the child abuse at Haut de la Garenne without clearly stating your conflict of interests? You never once mentioned that you are involved with the British False Memory Society, neither did you mention FACT, and you should have.
    To write such articles without mentioning your own conflicting interests is dishonest. I do not know all the laws on journalism, but I should think it is highly likely that you and the newspapers who published your essays have broken the law by omitting to publish your membership of those organisations.
    Even if there was no such law in the UK to prevent such conflicts of interests, God's law ought to have stopped you doing such a wicked thing. Do you ever read the Holy Bible Richard? You should, you would certainly learn to be a better man if you read a portion of that blessed book every day. You would come across the 10 commandments; those simple rules which God gave to Moses for the people at Mount Sinia, to help the people how to live properly conducted lives. This is the 9th Commandment:
    “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour”
    Do you understand what that commandment means? I think you do, if I can understand it, I am just some insignificant scumbag who didn’t even get the chance to finish her education, due to child abuse, and I understand it, so I think you, who have had such a wonderful education and the privileged company of so many learned men and women, you should be able to understand the meaning so well.
    It is not very nice what you have done. I don’t know why you have done it, except to cover stuff up that you might be ashamed of. I don’t know how you can be a happy man, I don’t suppose you are a happy man. I have been abused and reabused and reabused, as have so many of us, but I think I am probably a much happier person than you are, because I know where I am going for all eternity. God has given me my portion in this life, and it has a bitterness that turns sweet. I have clung to the promises of my father in heaven, who promised, through the Lord Jesus Christ, “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”. We who have been abused do well to remember these things that Jesus Christ promised, because God always keeps his promises.
    There have been some terrible things going on in this country, and those things have been hidden by people like you. But this is the year that the Lord is going to shine light all over this land – no evil will remain hidden in such bright light. If you want to go to a head to head with Almighty God, then that is entirely up to you, but I do not think challenging God to a fight is a very good idea. Repentance is far better, God is very forgiving, even mass murderers like Hitler could have been forgiven had he repented. I might be wrong but think probably Hitler didn’t make it, and is in hell. You never get back from hell, I know what its like in hell because I have been tortured in the secret family courts and in Pindown, those places are like a taste of hell, a little sip. That is why Jesus told the parable about Lazarus.

  3. I dont quite understand Richards comment?

    Is he stating he got the guided tour or that he spent time in care of the States of Jersey at Haut de la Garenne?


    TUESDAY 14 MAY 2002

    Members present:

    Mr Chris Mullin, in the Chair

    Mr David Cameron Bob Russell
    Mrs Janet Dean Mr Marsha Singh
    Bridget Prentice Angela Watkinson
    Mr Gwyn Prosser David Winnick

    The Committee deliberated.

    The Conduct of Investigations into Past Cases of Abuse in Children's Homes: Richard Webster, Bob Woffinden and David Rose, The Observer, were examined.

    [Adjourned till Thursday 16 May at a quarter past Ten o'clock.

  5. Steve,

    I am so sorry, I can't. I just simply do not know who to trust any more, I have been stabbed in the back so many times.

    Please don't be offended by that, I am just going to try to keep myself safe.

    I know there are some good proper police and other professionals really trying their best to sort this awful stuff out. Please join me in praying for those people.
