Thursday 3 February 2011

Sun Sea and Satan by Bill Maloney PienMash Films


  1. Here is my version of Bill's story, and like Bill's version, mine is also A TRUE STORY



    An Elderly Paedophile Plumber by the name of T*** P**** is a child abusing monster.
    Whatever you do, do not employ, or let this evil creature into your home, at any cost!!! I believe he is living in South Wales now, with a woman who has a young teenage daughter, and this woman knows of his past, but he may be coming back and forward to Jersey for work as he (I believe) has a plumbing contract with The States of Jersey. He has abused many children for most of his years and I doubt he will ever stop. This is also the view of his family.

    T*** P**** came to Jersey many years ago after doing a 'wages snatch' in England, seriously injuring a man. Somewhere along the line, perhaps through his knowledge and paedophile tendencies, he entered the Sea Cadets in Jersey. Unknown to most people, he had two stints in the Sea Cadets. The first stint ended when there were allegations of sexual abuse against minors, he was simply ordered to move on. However, some time later, amazingly, (to any rational way of thinking) he was reinstated into the Sea Cadets in Jersey and began to abuse children again.

  3. He was one of the animals that use to take the children from Haute De La Garenne, on their 'special' boating trips. It also transpires that T*** P**** was highly ranked in the Sea Cadets. This next extract is from family member, J*** P**** (family) “Haute De La Garenne used by the Sea Cadets, yes, shit head was a leader”. Perhaps not an unreasonable response from a family member, that is, until you are informed that T*** P**** horribly abused his own siblings also!

    In 1998, T*** P**** seriously sexually assaulted a 13 year old female (Jersey) Sea Cadet, and then told her “he would kill her if she mentioned the incident to anyone”. She kept her mouth shut for several days before she finally broke down at school, but by this time, her mother had washed her clothes and the evidence was lost. She was so traumatized by the ordeal, that at one point she tried to take her own life, and spent time in hospital. Thankfully, she lived. This young Lady now has a small child of her own, who T*** P**** (last year) had also threatened “TO GET”. Shortly after this incident another victim came forward, but retracted her statement, perhaps out of fear, or being deterred from following on! There were also a number of other alleged victims that the Jersey Police wanted to trace and interview. During this time, T*** P**** told the investigating Jersey Police Officer, D.C R** M*****, that he “had committed the crime, but they (the Jersey Police) couldn’t ever prove it”.The case was then dropped, shattering the victim a second time!

  4. Then in 2007, the Jersey Police contacted her (the Jersey victim) again, this was to ask her if she would go ahead with her original complaint. They wanted to use this complaint as a holding charge for T*** P**** whilst they investigated other allegations from new witnesses/victims. T*** P****’s house was raided and he was arrested. Two days later, the Jersey Police informed the young victim that T*** P**** had produced a fax, allegedly sent from the Investigating Officer D.C R** M*****, who had died shortly after the original investigation!!! The fax was alleged to have said that “no further action would be taken against T*** P**** in this case”. I must add that the victim has told me that D.C R** M***** was absolutely passionate and determined that T*** P**** should never get away with his crimes. Also, neither the victim, nor any member of her family has ever seen this fax. She states, “It’s once again, all because the Jersey Police have f*@*ed up, or are trying to hide something. I don’t believe this crap about a fax, that they have tried to blame on a dead man. I have never seen a copy of the fax and I have never received anything in writing from them (the States of Jersey Police) to explain any of this”.And you guessed it; the case was dropped again, shattering the victim a third time!

    One thing that is of note in this case is the astonishing fact that, a certain Jersey Policeman had told the victim, and her family that he had some sympathy for the abuser??? I have since discovered that this is not the first time that this same Jersey Policeman has said this to a victim and their family.
    And I Quote the 2nd Instance; “There is a small amount of sympathy for (name of paedophile) in this case as he will be prosecuted for indecent assault, even though he has been honest about his actions and admitted the offence”.“EVEN THOUGH” !!! This is what Jersey’s young vulnerable children are up against when dealing with our sick and twisted regime. After being sexually assaulted by adults, they are then humiliated and degraded even further by the Jersey Policemen who are supposed to, and sworn too, protect them???
    I personally retain (along with others) a copy of the above meetings, minutes. These are available for any interested States of Jersey members.

  5. Then in 2007, the Jersey Police contacted her (the Jersey victim) again, this was to ask her if she would go ahead with her original complaint. They wanted to use this complaint as a holding charge for T*** P**** whilst they investigated other allegations from new witnesses/victims. T*** P****’s house was raided and he was arrested. Two days later, the Jersey Police informed the young victim that T*** P**** had produced a fax, allegedly sent from the Investigating Officer D.C R** M*****, who had died shortly after the original investigation!!! The fax was alleged to have said that “no further action would be taken against T*** P**** in this case”. I must add that the victim has told me that D.C R** M***** was absolutely passionate and determined that T*** P**** should never get away with his crimes. Also, neither the victim, nor any member of her family has ever seen this fax. She states, “It’s once again, all because the Jersey Police have f*@*ed up, or are trying to hide something. I don’t believe this crap about a fax, that they have tried to blame on a dead man. I have never seen a copy of the fax and I have never received anything in writing from them (the States of Jersey Police) to explain any of this”.And you guessed it; the case was dropped again, shattering the victim a third time!

    One thing that is of note in this case is the astonishing fact that, a certain Jersey Policeman had told the victim, and her family that he had some sympathy for the abuser??? I have since discovered that this is not the first time that this same Jersey Policeman has said this to a victim and their family.
    And I Quote the 2nd Instance; “There is a small amount of sympathy for (name of paedophile) in this case as he will be prosecuted for indecent assault, even though he has been honest about his actions and admitted the offence”.“EVEN THOUGH” !!! This is what Jersey’s young vulnerable children are up against when dealing with our sick and twisted regime. After being sexually assaulted by adults, they are then humiliated and degraded even further by the Jersey Policemen who are supposed to, and sworn too, protect them???
    I personally retain (along with others) a copy of the above meetings, minutes. These are available for any interested States of Jersey members.

  6. In 2009, Officer D.C T** H***** from the Worthing Police Force contacted the Jersey victim to inform her that “two of T***’s siblings had come forward with a number of allegations of rape and sexual assault against T*** P****”. The officer said that “T*** P**** had been arrested and was on bail awaiting trial”. She (the Jersey victim) was asked to give evidence of (bad character) against T*** P****, which she gladly agreed to do. They kept in touch with her over the months leading up to the trial, kept her informed, and treated her “far better than the Jersey Police ever have”.During these months, the Worthing Police had informed her that the Jersey Police were being “very uncooperative with them”, and would not provide Worthing Police with a number of details, including the reasons why hers, and the other girls cases in Jersey were dropped. Leading up to the trial there was a hearing between the prosecution and defence to agree the witnesses that would be used. This is where the Judge “STAYED” the case, (threw it out) on the grounds that it would be an unfair trial against T*** P****. This being because they did not have the reasons to tell the jury why the cases in Jersey were previously thrown out. Worthing Police needed this information as it was the backing for T***’s sibling’s cases, as they were all historical cases. Since the case was “stayed”, the Jersey victim has received notification from the C.P.S in England, explaining this reasoning.
    And you guessed it; the case was dropped again, shattering the victim a fourth time!
    I personally retain (along with others) a copy of this document, and that it is available for any interested States of Jersey members.

  7. IN SUMMARY: It appears that The States of Jersey Police, and perhaps, others in Jersey’s Government, have done all they can to prevent this case getting to trial.
    WHY? You may ask!
    One explanation could be that T*** P**** was in a wonderful position to name the names of the adults accompanying the HDLG children on their “special” boating trips. Remember what was said by J*** P**** (family) in the third paragraph of this document. “Haute De La Garenne used by the Sea Cadets, yes, shit head was a leader”.
    I will leave you with a few quotes from associates, friends, and family members with which to try and ponder the imponderable!!!

    J*** P**** (family) “The police lost some statements; Jersey seems to not want anyone to know how many perverts they have”.

  8. Anonymous M.B (friend) “About time someone did something positive. Jersey has a serious problem if they cannot bring perverts like T*** P**** to justice. Does not say much for the whole Jersey legal system. Wake up Jersey politicians why aren't you looking after the people who elected you, or are you only after the money you receive from us”.

    J*** P**** (family) “Jersey politicians, ha, don’t make me laugh; the whole Jersey Government are corrupt as are the Jersey Constabulary”.

    S**** P**** (family victim) “Loads and Loads of proof, when he went to court in 2009 he might have knobbled the judge, probably another paedo anyway, but this time he won’t. I have managed to get copies of 4 statements made that were made to the police last time, and am working with another 3 people. The family that are helping me and financially backing this next case (that will be going through the European Court) are so powerful that they will win this case. Those people that know me will know the ********** family that I am on about, so will know that this time the sick ba*tard will pay the price for a lifetime of perverted sick acts”.

    Female Jersey Victim “I have seen him (T*** P****) twice in people’s houses, with children running around and I have also seen him at Fort Regent twice, standing on his own watching kids in the Jungle Gym. None of our kids are safe! But what the hell can I do Ian?”

    S**** P**** (family victim) “Everyone will know, I already have four newspapers booked to come with us, the bloody Jersey Paedo Society..oooops sorry, I meant the Jersey Government ain’t gonna know what’s hit them, and there ain’t enough coppers on the island to stop it, not with the amount of people showing an interest in coming. I really can’t wait, it’s gonna be great, and will certainly put Jersey back in the limelight again. I know there are loads of innocent residents in Jersey but there are also hundreds of sick ba*tards covering all this up, WHO WILL BE HELD TO ACCOUNT!!!!”.

    S**** P**** (family victim) “No, coz it’s the truth. I don’t mind letting the whole world know he is a pervert kiddie fiddler who has only avoided jail on 11 COUNTS OF RAPE, AND COUNTLESS INDECENT ASSAULTS”.

    This story has taken nearly a year to research, and put together. It stands as an everlasting testament to the bravery and tenacity of the victims, their families, and friends. May Justice Prevail.

    For those of you out there who know

  10. 12 comments:
    Anonymous said...

    The sea cadets again oh mr Bonjour now what are you going to do? you do remember what you did last time don't you?

    November 14, 2010 8:11 PM

    Anonymous said...
    You mean Andre Bonjour the policeman who is now a member of the Jersey Child Protection Committee and high ranking officer in the sea cadets that has been investigated by an outside police force for his involvement in the child abuse investigation?

    November 14, 2010 8:25 PM

    Ian Evans said...
    To our 9/11 fan, this scumbag will be getting life eventually so we must not jeopardize matters. Thank you.

    November 14, 2010 8:35 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Andre Bonjour

    The Unit's 1st Lieutenant is Lieutenant (SCC) Andre Bonjour RNR. Andre is a senior sailing instructor and also a seamanship instructor.

    He is second in command and is responsible for the correct running of the ship. He also teaches the senior cadets

    November 14, 2010 8:58 PM

  11. Anonymous said...
    understood ian

    keep up the good work

    9/11 out

    November 14, 2010 9:10 PM

    Gee Gee said...
    Another sickening story from the lovely Island of Jersey, a story of abuse and cover-up and one where yet again the Sea Cadets rears its ugly head once more.

    Ian, I know the police officer you are referring to (DC R** M*****) who sadly passed away. He was a good and decent man, and if he was concerned enough about this case, that is good enough for me, so why was this not followed through by other officers?

    When is this all going to end.

    November 15, 2010 9:08 AM
    Ian Evans said...
    Yes GeeGee, I have spoken to a number of people who say that this officer was in the class of a certain Deputy Bob Hill, as a police officer.

    A decent and honourable policeman who cared about his community, and the people in it. Sadly, those days are almost gone....

    November 15, 2010 5:03 PM
    Anonymous said...
    How terrible that it appears certain sections of the Jersey Police do not prosecute perverts God help the poor victims of Jersey Government cover ups there must be very famous names of perverts being hidden form the public when will all the scum be exposed publicly?

    November 15, 2010 5:33 PM

  12. Hymie said...
    I do hope that the victims of this evil pervert get justice in the end.

    November 16, 2010 12:53 PM
    Ian Evans said...
    Yes Hymie, and before he rapes the young daughter of the sick woman he is living with as well!!!

    November 16, 2010 2:46 PM
    Anonymous said...
    T*** P**** & Andre Bonjour knew each other, they were both in the yacht club together, they were at sea cadets also.

    I think you should re-post this because of its importance. It is far more important than some of the other stories covered above.

    November 16, 2010 6:30 PM
    Anonymous said...
    Today's BBC news story regarding Syvret's release.
    MPs condemn decision to send Stuart Syvret to prison
    Three MPs are condemning the decision by Jersey's magistrates' court to send former senator Stuart Syvret to prison.
    Liberal Democrat MP John Hemming tabled a Commons motion claiming Mr Syvret was the victim of "political persecution".
    The 45-year-old has been jailed for 10 weeks after being convicted of contempt of court and breaking data protection laws.
    Mr Hemming wants the British government to raise concerns about his treatment.
    Mr Syvret was arrested after publishing a confidential police report into suspicious deaths at the island's General Hospital, containing the name and details of a suspect.
    He argued there had been a "cover-up" and said he was acting "in the public interest".
    John Hemming, along with fellow Liberal Democrat Bob Russell and former Conservative minister Peter Bottomley, said he has been jailed for "criticising the Jersey establishment for its failures to enforce the rule of law".
    They say the sentence "is an attempt to frighten others away from raising concerns about the failings of the justice system in Jersey".
    Mr Syvret stayed with Mr Hemming for six months while in self-imposed "exile" in the UK.
    Mr Hemming told BBC Jersey he felt Mr Syvret wanted to make a point.
    He said: "I'm not surprised because what he wants to do is see the rule of law properly instated.
    "One of your problems in Jersey is you do not have judicial review on the Attorney General.
    "Which means you cannot challenge the failings of the prosecutary apparatus to prosecute people who have committed real offences and not nonsense offences.
    "He needs to highlight this and I understand all of that and I am not surprised that he wasn't going to compromise."

    November 18, 2010 8:33 PM
