Thursday 31 March 2011


Yesterday I had an email from a lady who sent Stafford Police round to my house just before Christmas. It was all about Viagra. At first I was angry, then it dawned on me that the lady was not at all likely to send such an email completly out of the blue, and the address was not right, the lady's name was on it but there was a bit extra on the email addy. It seemed to me that someone was trying to stir up trouble.

So when that comment was left by that person regarding Stafford Police coming to visit my house again I twigged who the prime suspect of sending the Viagra email in someone elses name would be.

I think everyone else knows who I am referring to. So Jon, you are aware are'nt you that hacking into peoples email addresses and sending emails in other people's names in in fact a criminal offence?

And to think I was beginning to feel a bit sorry for the little rat.


  1. It probably DID come from her PC, but via a virus infection - i.e. she doesn't even know.

  2. Rosemary if you are so sure you have nothing to fear, tell us who you deal with at the Staffordshire Police Department and we will contact them on Jon's behalf.

    These posts against an individual amount to a witch trial.

  3. I have copies plus photographs of the Farce blog where boasts were made about how easy my computer was to hack in to plus how Carolyn Labey's computer was going to be hacked. So go ahead, get in touch with Stafford Police, and if they come to my house I will show them my evidence!

    I dont make random unfounded accusations.

  4. Not that Stafford Police are remotely interested in protecting me. They have treated me so badly, and I dont expect anything else now.

    You people, you have made me so depressed that I cried myselof to sleep last night. Are you happy now? I expect you are. I think you people are trying to drive me to my death. You people are evil, you come here persecutinbg me, you hack my email and send malicious messages to me that look as though they have come from other people, and I know I am not the only person you have done that to. You people are so wicked and evil.

    And there is absolutly nothing at all I can do about it. I feel like even the Lord has deserted me at the moment, I have not felt so low for quite a long time.

    I suppose you are happy about that. You have got what you wanted, you have persecuted me so much that I am in a very dark place. Gopd seems so far away. I wish I knew why God ios allowing this.

  5. Jesus, please help me. I am in such a dark place right now. Don't leave me Lord. I feel so bad, that program has made me feel so miserable and this continuous persecution from these bullies and criminals is making me feel so wretched. You promised to be near, you promised to protect your children. Where are you Lord? Please show yourself to me.

  6. Give us one shred of proof that Jon is connected to the Farce blog.

  7. I am publishing all these comments from these persecuting tormentors.

  8. If you have no proof then you are breaking the law and should be charged.

  9. I am going to continue to publish all your wicked cowardly bullying comments.

    What you are doing is wicked beyond belief. I am a survivor of so much abuse already, and in a very depressed state of mind, because of the programme that was on last night and Monday. You are well aware of the abuse I have suffered and it seems to me that you are trying to push me so far to the edge that I will commit suicide.

    I can't help but wonder how many other people you have done this to, as I know you have done this sort of thing before, you know exactly which buttons to press.

    You are a wicked and evil person. You are cyber stalking me, I am frightened of Stafford Police because of the bad way I have been treated in the past by them, but I am thinking of going to them and making a complaint. I can't be expected to put up with much more of this harrassment, its making me ill.

  10. You are hassling other people, one of which you do not even know.

    You must be thick to believe the mighty words of Stuart Syvret who never repeats his accusations on a more meaningful platform where it can be challenged. But justice will prevail when they stick him inside. Then we will have a party.

  11. Oh thats funny! I think it is hilarious the way paedoscum always turn and twist things around to try to blame their victims.

    I harrassing other people? Excuse me? Which other people would they be? You?

    I am assuming you are a paedophile, because you are talking the way the new breed of Ralph Underwager indoctrinated paedoscum talk. The new bold talking paedo rats. I could be wrong - you could just be some evil corrupt politician, or some other creature of the night from the Farce blog. You could be a corrupt moneygrubbing solicitor. I have no way of knowing which hole you fit in, all I know is that you are an evil bullying scumbag who is coming here trying to throw his weight around.

    Why dont you tell me who you are?

  12. Stuart Syvret is a wonderful man. Stuart Syvret reminds me of Richard Wise so much. Richard Wise also had enemies, because he was doing what Stuart is doing, trying to help the most vulnerable people. That is what Jesus Christ said to do, and so Stuart is doing what Jesus said to do.

    You are not even fit to lick his boots. In future, if you write anything at all about Stuart Syvret I wont be posting it, so go ahead trashing that good man if you just want to waste all your time.

  13. Neither will I be posting any blasphemy against our Lord Jesus.

  14. Oh yes, and this party you are planning on having. Best get in a good supply of shampoo and soap for it. I have been told that it is very expensive to buy those items in HM establishments, and so its best to stock up before you enter therin.

    Stuart wont be going to jail. I do believe that if the judge was foolish enough to be swayed by the corrupt gangsters that have plotted against him, and defy God by punishing this righteous man, the Lord would stretch out his hand and shake the very foundations, and make the walls fall down, just as he did 2000 years ago. The Lord God is watching everything very closely, these things that have been hidden for so long are being revealed, just as was promised, and he will not allow evil to triumph any more.


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  17. Carry on with your harrassment, Scum. It's all being saved as evidence.

  18. Another weird email recieved this morning, with a WARNING and a Word attachment.

  19. Thanks for the comment ACT - I have decided not to publish it, although I am very grateful to you for posting it. xx

  20. They did get Stuart Syvret put into jail.

    These vile people are getting good people put into jail, and they have immunity from punishment for criminal acts themselves.

    That immunity won't last for much longer. The Lord is coming back soon.

    Some people won't see justice in this life, but they will in the next.
