Wednesday 16 March 2011


Dear Sir,

I would have sent this to you by email if I could have found out where to send it to. I know that if I post it on my blog you will get it anyway.

Stuart Syvret has been helping all the victims of Haut de la Garenne, and he has also been very kind to me, by listening to me, and not condemning me, not telling me to "get over it" or being cruel in any way to me.

The reason Stuart does that blog is not to cause malicious trouble to the justice and administration system, he is not an anachist. He does that blog to help people like me, who have been abused as children, and reabused and reabused.

I have been through all the proper channels to get help. I went to the doctor, who, unbeknown to me at the time, already knew all about the Pindown abuse. The doctor kept giving me very dangerous prescription drugs, drugs with side effects of causing depression, and sleeping pills, which I used to save up for a suicide pot, I was so very very depressed at the time that I stashed them for when things got too bad for me to bear. I will say this again - THE DOCTORS IN THAT SURGERY KNEW ALL ABOUT THE PINDOWN CHILD ABUSE INVESTIGATION.

I went to the police - again, the police knew all about the Pindown child abuse investigation, but repeatedly lied to me and claimed to know nothing about it.

When the HDLG investigation was in the media, I called the helpline and Jersey Police (under Lenny Harper) tried to help me by contacting Stafford Police and repeatedly urging them to get in touch with me and investigate the abuse I suffered. Stafford Police did nothing, they would not investigate the abuse, they did not want to know. Jersey Police rang me back and asked if Stafford Police had contacted me yet, several times, I think it was three times, it will all be in the files somewhere, but the Stafford Police just refused to do anything at all.

I went to the church, and asked the vicar to pray for me and my family - at the time I was being persecuted in the secret family courts - and asked to be put on the church prayer rota. The vicar would not do that, I asked him several times, in the end he told me "I GAVE UP A GOOD JOB TO BE VICAR HERE" I went to another church, the vicar was too scared to help, and another, I was told off for praying (silently) after the Sunday service in a quiet area as too many people saw me every Sunbday and wanted to join in, the vicar seemed to have a big problem with people praying for child abuse survivors, I later discovered he was a Catholic Jesuit (educated at Maynooth) in charge of a PROTESTANT church. I complained about that to the Archbishop and Bishop, no response, surprise surprise, noone wanted to talk about it and offer any explaination at all. But the crafty so and sos changed a picture they had of him on a website to try to cover up what they had done, too late as I had already copied the origional website and the photo. I think the Lord nudged me to do that!

So when I found Stuart Syvrets blog I decided to write on it, and that is how I got to know Stuart Syvret. I thought he might not let me post on his blog, because I am in Staffordshire and not Jersey, but he didnt, and has never said anything to frighten me and put me down and further traumatise me.

I am writing this letter to tell you the reason why Stuart Syvret does that blog. I now realise that the JEP were trying to make out that you had spoken to Stuart in an angry way about his blog, but I just wanted you to hear about why Stuart does the blog anyway, it is a lifeline to all of us who have been abused and repeatedly reabused.

From Zoompad a survivor of Chadswell Assessment Centre and St Georges Psychiatric Hospital, the Staffordshire PINDOWN system (Grand Prix in Jersey)


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  4. Jason TraskMarch 2011Paedophile on CEOPS Most Wanted websitePolice have appealed to the public to help find a missing serial paedophile who has links to London and Yorkshire.
    Jason Trask, 63, has been convicted of a string of serious sexual abuse offences against children in the UK and Holland during the past four decades.
    Trask, who is British, has been missing since he returned to this country from the Netherlands at the beginning of March and is considered a high-risk offender who poses a danger to children, said officers from the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (Ceop).
    His picture and details were published on the Ceop website today.
    He is white, 5ft 9in and of thin build, with blue eyes, thinning hair and he may wear glasses, police said. He has a scar in the middle of his neck from a tracheotomy.
    Trask is believed to be in the South of England, but may have travelled further as he has links to Bradford and Huddersfield in West Yorkshire; Greenwich and Woolwich in south east London; and Canterbury, Medway and Maidstone in Kent.
    Police want to find him for breaching the notification requirements of the sex offender register.
    Ceop chief executive Peter Davies said: “We have had massive success with the Most Wanted site since it was launched in 2006 and it is highly likely that, once again, someone at some stage will recognise Jason Trask now his details are out there.
    “If you do see him or know of his whereabouts, then please contact Crimestoppers using the Ceop Most Wanted website.
    “I would like to take this opportunity to again encourage people to register on the Most Wanted website via, to look at the details of Jason Trask and those of other individuals who are still missing, to see what they can do to bring those offenders to justice.”
    TRASK has blue eyes and may wear glasses. He has a deep voice and may have a west country accent. He has a tracheotomy scar on the centre of his neck.
    TRASK was last known to be resident in Holland but has previous links to Bradford, Huddersfield, Woolwich, Greenwich, Medway, Maidstone and Canterbury.
    5’9” (1.75m)
    Alias Names David Michael BRISTOW
    John William BRISTOW
    Christian HOUGHTON
    Ceop Reference: CS1103-5984

  5. I am wondering if this is one of the ones who got away from Operation Ore? I have just been reading about that investigation and was about to make a post on it.
