Wednesday 2 March 2011


I have been asked to remove this persons article, as I was told I did not have permission to repost it.

Which is quite puzzling to me, as I would have thought that the person, who claims to be against child abuse, would have been pleased about me reposting it. But in no uncertain terms, I have been told otherwise.

We anti child abuse bloggers - particularly those of us who have suffered abuse - tend to take it as a given that if one of us posts something the others will have full permission to repost it, so as to give the article as much publicity as possible.

So I am very suprised about this persons attitude.


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  3. I am a professional writer and do not wish to have my work appropriated by anyone -- particularly someone who has not bothered to contact me and ask my permission. My ratings and pay rate are affected by duplicate material warnings when someone just helps themselves to my work.

    You do not have the right to simply take someone's work and copy it on your own blog. I suggest you do not do so in the future.

    Had you contacted me, I would have been happy to write an introduction with a link to the article. I would also have been more than pleased to offer you material from my years of experience in child protection.

    Further, it would seem to me that plain good manners dictate contact before simply taking a writer's work and publishing it.

  4. And I am a survivor of the Pindown child abuse. Quite frankly, after reading about who you are and what you do, I am shocked at your hard boiled attitude. You can rest assured that I certainly will not be going anywhere near your channel or reposting any of your blog material, and wish I had not been directed to your blog now as being threatened by someone like you has left a sour taste in my heart. As I explained, we anti child abuse/ Pindown survivors are very relaxed about others reposting our blog matierial, as we are all much more interested in trying to stop child abuse than making lots of money.

    It makes me feel very sad when people pretend to care about child abuse survivors then turn out to be so hard hearted. What a shame.

  5. But perhaps you don't realise about the forced adoption industry? Perhaps you don't realise that children are being stolen every day via the secret family courts and given to paedophiles?

    Perhaps if you knew the gigantic monster we who have been abused are fighting you might have been a bit more understanding.

  6. You are very welcome to use any of my blog postings, if it is for the purpose of helping to stop children being stolen from their parents and abused. I would never want to stand in the way of anyone who truly wanted to help stop the abuse.

    I know that Stuart would also say the same, and Rico and all the other good people who are laying down their own lives to try to stop the abuse. Stuart is in prison right now, at La Moye, in Jersey. He's only in there because the paedophile gangsters have powerful friends who plotted against him and had him arrested on trumped up charges. Children died at that horrible hell hole, they found fleshed teeth and burnt childrens bones in the celler. We don't even know how many children died, because they have hidden or destroyed the records. I was also in a hell hole, in Staffordshire near Lichfield. Chadswell Assessment Centre. I thought I was not going to leave that place alive, I was so frightened. I smeared the walls with snot urine and poo in terror. They were raping children there as well, they kept me in a cell but they didnt rape me because I suppose I was too smelly. They sent me to a psychiatric hospital, I was 14, it was heaven compared to the childrens "home". I thought I had escaped from hell.

  7. But I curse anyone who ever tries to make personal profit from my blog postings.

  8. Sorry lady, but I won't be publishing anything else that you write, after all, I don't want you setting gangs of lawyers onto me for publishing any of your precious copyrighted words do I? Plus I don't really see why I should give you any free advertisement space on my anti child abuse blog.

    Can you please stop harrassing me because I really don't want you posting on this blog. Just leave me alone, please.
