Tuesday 10 May 2011


Birmingham City Council have always prided themselves that they have a rich history in scientific and mathematical knowledge. If you take a walk to the Birmingham Science Museum, you will find plenty of exhibits of super complicated machinery that the clever historical Brummies have invented, using their vast skills of practical mathematics.
With all that Birmingham mathematical brilliance in mind, I thought I would take the opportunity to put a simple question to the Birmingham City Council officials. They can think of it as a little test, if they like, just to check if they are able to do their sums.
The question is this – does 1 + 1 = 1?
I know a few people who are not regular readers of this blog might be scratching their heads in confusion, so for the sake of clarity I will flesh the question out a little.
There is one Colin Tucker, who was recently suspended as Birmingham’s Director of Children’s Services Department, for what precise reason Birmingham City Council are reluctant to discuss.
There is one Colin Tucker also known as Arthur C. (Colin) Tucker of Messrs, Burnett, Walker, Lindesay & Rae, W.S. Stafford Street, Edinburgh.
who was the homosexual lover of a lawyer called Ian Walker, his senior partner, who hung himself in the garage after being discovered to be involved in embezzlement of client’s funds. This Colin Tucker was involved in the Magic Circle paedophile investigation. This Colin Tucker also had a gay pal called Gordon May, who had a little funny handshake club thing going on in Thailand called the Gay McMafia.
Now, maths is not my best subject, so if I have done the maths wrong, I hope people will excuse me, after all, I did get abused as a child, and lost a lot of schooling as a result. I keep trying to do this sum in my head, and it keeps coming up as 1 + 1 = 1.
But I really do not think I should be to hard on myself. After all, the very highly paid civil servants at Birmingham City Council don’t seem to be any better than me at maths, judging from their expenses last year. I quote - “THE cost of placing troubled children from Birmingham in private care has rocketed after council chiefs closed four kids’ homes in the city.
In a four month period last year, the bill was £13,772,491 – the equivalent of £41 million a year, compared to just £18,434,830 for the whole of 2009/10.
Some youngsters are costing the taxpayer as much as £790 for every day they spend in a private care home”

(Birmingham Mail May 9th 2011)
Here is the Freedom Of Information request I have just sent to Birmingham City Council:

I have already asked you for a CV of the recently suspended Director of Children’s Services for Birmingham, Colin Tucker, to ascertain wether this man had the correct qualifications to do the job on behalf of the taxpayers of this country to a satisfactory standard. There was great reluctance to provide me with any relevant information about this man, I was made to feel as if I was having to wring water out of a stone.
I have discovered that there is a Colin Tucker, a lawyer from Scotland, who was caught up in the Magic Circle Rent Boy scandal just over 20 years ago.
Could you please tell me if this is the same Colin Tucker as you employed as Director of Children’s Services?

Right then, now I am going to post the rather large envelope addressed to Lockheed Martin, the American terrorist organisation that makes cluster bombs and sends paedophile psychologists round the world to teach secret family court judges the most efficient way of taking new born babies and children away from their mothers. Two big men that banged on my door last week seem very anxious that they get all my personal details to these terrorists and what nots as quickly as possible, so I had better dash, because I certainly do not want them booming my door down again!


  1. Philip J Measures

    11 April 2010
    Dear Birmingham City Council,

    Can you please confirm that all 6 sacked social workers referred to
    in recent media publicity as stated by Mr Colin Tucker have been
    referred to the General Social Care Council (GSCC) and if not, why

    Can you also please advise how many Registered social workers
    (including Managers) have been referred to the GSCC in connection
    with the death of Krya Ishaq?

    Yours faithfully,

    Philip J Measures

  2. Birmingham City Council

    14 April 2010
    Dear Mr Measures

    Thank you for your request for information held by the Council under the
    provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 which was received on
    12th April 2010.

    We will contact you again once it has been ascertained what data is held
    by Birmingham City Council. In some circumstances a fee may be payable
    and if that is the case, we will let you know. A fees notice will be
    issued to you, and you will be required to pay before we will proceed to
    deal with your request.

    If you require any further information or are not happy with our response
    please do not hesitate to contact me quoting the reference number above in
    any future communications.

    Yours sincerely
    Steve Cullen

    Data Protection and Freedom of Information Manager
    Children, Young People and Families Directorate
    Birmingham City Council

  3. Philip J Measures

    11 May 2010
    Dear Birmingham City Council,

    You have failed to respond to my Freedom of Information request
    within the required timescale - when can I expect a response by

    Yours faithfully,

    Philip J Measures

  4. Birmingham City Council

    12 May 2010
    Dear Mr Measures

    Further to your Freedom of Information Request dated 11/4/2010 requesting
    information under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

    We are still in the process of gathering and reviewing the relevant
    information, therefore we wish to apologies for the delay in responding to
    your request.

    As soon as the data is available we will be in a position to response to
    your request.

    Once again we do apologies for the delay.

    If you require any further information or are not happy with our response
    please do not hesitate to contact me quoting the reference number above in
    any future communications.

    Thank you

    Melanie Sewell
    Data Protection & Freedom of Information Officer
    Children Young People & Families Directorate
    Tel: 464-4591

  5. Philip J Measures

    12 May 2010
    Dear Birmingham City Council,

    Quite frankly I am extremely surprised that you are unable to
    respond as yet to my Freedom of Information request.

    I would have thought that all sacked social workers would
    automatically be referred to the General Social Care Council in
    order to, first of all, ensure the protection of the general public
    and also to ensure that an independent evaluation was carried out,
    which enable them to be represented, to ascertain if such actions
    were appropriate and justified.

    I loom forward to receiving a more definite response as soon as

    Yours faithfully,

    Philip J Measures

  6. Birmingham City Council

    20 May 2010
    Dear Mr Measures

    We would like to take this opportunity to apologies for the delay in your
    response regarding your request. However you will be pleased to know in
    respect of your recent enquiry for information held by the Authority under
    the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 please find below
    your response:-

    I am writing in respect of your recent enquiry for information held by the
    Authority under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000:

    Can you please confirm that all 6 sacked social workers referred to in
    recent media publicity as stated by Mr Colin Tucker have been referred to
    the General Social Care Council (GSCC) and if not, why not?

    Can you also please advise how many Registered social workers (including
    Managers) have been referred to the GSCC in connection with the death of
    Krya Ishaq?

    Please find herewith the following:

    Can you please confirm that all 6 sacked social workers referred to in
    recent media publicity as stated by Mr Colin Tucker have been referred to
    the General Social Care Council (GSCC) and if not, why not? Yes the 6 cases
    were reported to the GSCC.

    Can you also please advise how many Registered social workers (including
    Managers) have been referred to the GSCC in connection with the death of
    Krya Ishaq?At this point 3 names have been given to the GSCC

    Whilst we have undertaken a thorough search of the information held by
    Birmingham City Council, it may be that, due to the size and amount of
    information held by Birmingham City Council, some information may have been
    inadvertently missed.

    If you have any information which may assist us in determining or locating
    any missed information, we would be grateful if you would contact us with
    details of this information, quoting the FOI reference number so that we
    can conduct a further search.

    If you are not satisfied with the response you may ask for an internal
    review. If subsequently you are not satisfied with the Council’s decision
    you may apply to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Generally,
    the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the complaints
    procedure provided by the Council. The Information Commissioner can be
    contacted at the following address:

    The Information Commissioner
    Wycliffe House
    Water Lane
    SK9 5AF

    Telephone: 01625 545745 Web Address: www.ico.gov.uk

    Yours sincerely

    Steve Cullen


  8. Colin Tucker - worth investigating.

    - Aangirfan

  9. Which one Aang, B'ham Colin Tucker, Scottish Colin Tucker, or a hybrid of both, hahaha!
