Thursday 19 May 2011

The Mysterious Nathaly Dedeyan

This "lady" sure does get around quite a bit! Cambodia, Bradford, Bern, Athens, Belgium, Little Rock, Brazil, you name it, "she's" been there.


  1. Iran 2

    United Kingdom 1

    Ah yes, Iran. Wonder if I have an Iranian General reading my blog, wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. Iranian Generals seem to have a keen interest in Staffordites!

  2. The truth is out there for anyone to see, you don't have to be a genius to work out what's been going on.

    Try googling Nathaly Dedyyaqn for example. You might come accross a picture of a pretty lady in a school sports day race. You might come accross a Facebook page with some people using pictures of babies as their avaters. And you might come accross a whole world full of gay bars that this "lady" apparently owns. She really is quite an amazing woman!

  3. United Kingdom 6

    Jersey 2

    United States 2

    Hong Kong 1

    India 1

    Blooming heck, that was quick!

  4. Czech Republic 7

    United Kingdom 7

    Jersey 2

    United States 2

    Hong Kong 1

    India 1

    Hahaha, this is getting silly now!

  5. Russia 82

    United Kingdom 34

    United States 22

    Czech Republic 7

    Jersey 3

    Australia 2

    Belgium 2

    Italy 2

    Malaysia 2

    Poland 2

    WOW! The Russians are back!
