Thursday 9 June 2011


Channel Islands future to be examined at Jersey conference
July 28, 2010
A group of leading constitutional thinkers will be travelling to Jersey in September to examine the question of the Channel Islands' future independence at a conference organised by the Jersey and Guernsey Law Review.

This is a unique opportunity to hear from an exceptional group of participants who are prepared to share their expertise and experience, and to debate the future with an audience of interested Channel Islanders.

The Rt. Hon Lord Falconer, PC QC, The Rt Hon Lord Hoffmann, PC, HSH Prince Nikolaus of Lichtenstein and Sir David Simmons, former Chief Justice of Barbados, are among the group of 16 experts assessing the island's constitutional position and examining future options at the conference entitled 'Dependency or Sovereignty? Time to take stock'.

Charlie Falconer was the Justice minister I repeatedly wrote to, when I was going through being tortured (and I do not use that word lightly) in the secret family courts of Stafford and Wolverhampton. I begged him to do something about the use of a syndrome that was being used against me called Parental Alienation Syndrome, which had been invented by an American paedophile psychologist called Richard Gardner, and I asked him to make the family courts not secret any more as the secrecy was hiding corruption.

I noticed afterwards that every time I appealed to Falconer and Straw things got even tougher for me. Falconer also got together a select committee to question wether it was in the best interests of children to keep the family court secret, and they came to the conclusion that it was. This did not surprise me, as they had some very dodgy characters on that select committee, one of the men was in charge of a children's home, and he had KNOWINGLY employed a convicted paedophile and allowed him to molest a little girl at his home. There were other people who were involved in discrediting Operation Ore on that committee. To ask me to believe that Falconer did not deliberatly choose those bad characters is like asking me to believe that the moon is made of Stilton.

There is also the little matter of the murder of Dr David Kelly and the dodgy dossier.

All in all, it looks like Jersey has got the right man for this little task though. Falconer and the Bailhache brothers probably get on like peas in a pod.

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