Sunday 5 June 2011


When I was going through the hell which is the Secret Family Courts I prayed to God to help me. I had asked for help in so may places, and although many people wanted to help me, they were powerless,. because once the machinery of the system gets hold of a person, there is no escape, you have to go through the system.

Stuart Syvret has been persecuted by the Jersey Oligarchy. He has been persecuted because he wants to bring the abusers of the children at Haut de la Garenne to justice. So the Oligarchy have thrown the book at Stuart, they have tried to smash a peanut with a sledgehammer, in order to hush up the whole sordid affair.

The people who are responsible for this insane persecution of this good man are those who would like to class themselves as the upright worthies of Jersey. They are the ones who head the dignified Church processions.

God sees everything. He does not like being mocked. He does not like child abuse, or injustice. God is very powerful and has his own way of doing things.

These crazy old boys are breaking themselves to pieces over thisw ridiculous court case.

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