Saturday 16 July 2011


David Abrahams donations: no charges in Labour donor row, CPS says
Labour Party treasurers at the centre of the row over "donations by proxy" from the businessman David Abrahams will not face charges, the Crown Prosecution Service has said.
By Andrew Porter, Political Editor
12:42PM BST 07 May 2009
Mr Abrahams gave money to the Labour via third parties – which is against the strict rules governing political donations.
David Triesman, Matthew Carter and Peter Watt received a total of £600,000 in donations from Mr Abrahams that was not registered to him. But the CPS said today there was "insufficient evidence" to charge them with breaches of electoral law.
The revelation in November 2007 about the donations was a hammer blow to Gordon Brown so soon after the aborted general election that autumn. His popularity has never recovered from that period.
However, he will hope that the CPS decision not to pursue successive Labour treasurers will put the matter to rest.
The 18 month police inquiry is the latest into political donations and has ended the same way, without any charges. The final year of Tony Blair's premiership was overshadowed by the "cash for honours" investigation.
Mr Abrahams was anxious to avoid publicity and used a series of conduits including his secretary and a builder. The property developer was one of the party's biggest backers and gave £670,000 but his identity had been secret.
The proxy arrangement was designed to get around the law requiring political donors to be declared under the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000.
Under electoral laws, political parties have to declare their sources of funding and police have been investigating whether Labour Party staff may have deliberately sought to break the rules.
The scandal led to the resignation of Peter Watt, Labour's General Secretary, who is understood to have been investigated by Scotland Yard detectives.
But the revelation created an outcry that led to the resignation of Peter Watt, then general secretary of the Labour Party, when it emerged he knew of the arrangement.
Scotland Yard was handed over its files to the CPS last June.
Gordon Brown, the Prime Minister, who was not interviewed by police, condemned Labour officials at the time for accepting the money and described the arrangement as "illegal".
The Electoral Commission said: "The law requires that political parties and politicians report the source of donations to ensure transparency and integrity in party funding. This is vital to public confidence in the democratic process.
"In this case, following discussion with the Metropolitan Police Service and the CPS, we referred the matter to the police because there was evidence that an offence may have been committed. The police decided to conduct an investigation, and passed the evidence to the Crown Prosecution Service.
"The CPS has concluded that the donation reports in question incorrectly identified the donor but there is insufficient evidence to charge anyone with any offences.
The decision on whether or not to bring a prosecution is a matter for the CPS."

David Abrahams: I value my privacy. Labour knew this was a deal-breaker
The son of a Newcastle mayor has long sought to offer low-profile help to his party, but he feels he is being treated by some as if he had stolen from it
Sunday, 2 December 2007
It is a week since my donations to the Labour Party were made public. The Prime Minister is said to be furious. So he should be. So should I be. I gave my money to help the Labour Party, not to provide an opportunity for the media and Opposition to mock us.
Gordon Brown has been badly let down by his chief fundraiser and the party's poor compliance practices. In the absence of anyone admitting administrative error, the furore has been fuelled by spin, Chinese whispers even downright dissembling on the part of some party figures. I will keep my detailed evidence for any enquiry but first let's just get some of the facts straight.
For 40 years I have been a supporter of, member and activist in the Labour Party candidate, councillor, canvasser, and fundraiser as were my parents before me. The Labour Party is in my blood. My name is David Martin Abrahams. In business I have often been known as David Martin because I wanted to carve out my own business career, away from the shadow of my father who had been a Lord Mayor of Newcastle.
Newcastle is my home town. It is where I am registered to vote, a fact that makes me eligible to donate to a political party. That I am an eligible donor under the law was checked by Labour Party officials, and similarly they checked that my associates were on the electoral roll and therefore entitled to make a donation. At no time did I think I was doing anything wrong. At no time was I told that I was doing anything wrong.
I was brought up to believe that if you make money, you have an obligation to use it to help other people. I have supported a number of charitable causes anonymously, and I wanted to support the Labour Party anonymously too. Party officials knew of my wish to retain my privacy and were only too happy to accept my money via intermediaries. If they were not, they would have returned it sooner.
There is nothing wrong or unusual in wanting to give anonymously. My father taught me that if you make money you don't flash it about; you give with discretion and because you want to. And you do not ask for anything in return.
Since 2003 I understand I have donated more than 670,000 to the Labour Party, although if you had asked me just over a week ago I would not have been able to have put an exact figure on it or told exactly when each donation was made. The money donated was my money, no one else's. Many of the donations I have been told there were 19 in total were made through intermediaries, friends and associates that I have known for many years. I donated in this way in an effort to maintain anonymity. In fact, remaining anonymous was a condition of my giving, and the relevant party officials knew that.
It may be hard for some people to comprehend but I just wanted to support the party in which I passionately believed and to do so without drawing attention to myself or attract unwanted publicity. I sought no benefit or reward from my donations and received none other than thanks.
My political friends in the party's northern region were unaware of any donations whatsoever that I was making; only a very few officials and party figures in higher echelons of the national party structure were aware. Perhaps as a result I was received warmly at functions and was occasionally contacted to make further donations.
On 25 April of this year at a British Board of Deputies dinner in London at which Gordon Brown was the guest speaker, I was placed next to Jon Mendelsohn which, at the time, I felt was just a little more than coincidence. I then realised he was hoping to become Gordon Brown's fundraiser and he knew I was a strong supporter. He did not solicit funds from me at the dinner, however. I told him that I regularly donated to the party, and I described how it was done through intermediaries for the purposes of anonymity, to which he replied, "That sounds like a good idea."
That was that and that was then. This week I have had many phone calls from well-wishers and supporters within the Labour Party who are still grateful for my commitment to the party and for my attempts to help. Some, on the other hand, are running for cover or briefing against me. It is as if I have not donated to the Labour Party but rather stolen from it.
I reserve my anger for those who give ammunition to our political opponents, and I am determined that neither the truth nor the Labour movement will be the victim of this inquiry.
I hope now that the less scrupulous elements of the media who are camped on my doorstep and press camera lenses against the windows of the homes of my friends, and scouring the details of my public and private life to see if there's some juicy titbit to add to the media mix will give the police the time and space they need to do their job. I am deeply concerned for the welfare of my friends. I regret that they have been unwittingly embroiled in this controversy. If I had known that they would be ever caught in the spotlight of publicity I would have made my donations in another way.
Consideration of the events of the past week is as painful to me as would be a family rift. My support for the Labour Party is not just tribal, not just because I am an ordinary lad from the North-east of England, but because I believe in social and economic justice, and opportunity for all, and I hope to continue to be of value to the party in future.

All done in good faith
A desire for anonymity, not secrecy, is behind my use of intermediaries to donate money to Labour
David Abrahams The Guardian, Saturday 1 December 2007

I have been fortunate in being successful in business over the years. Being wealthy brings with it the opportunity and, I would argue, the obligation to use your money to make a difference to people's lives. I don't have family of my own, and I like to spend my earnings on things that I really care about. This is something that people should celebrate, but I worry that our society is all too quick to denigrate people who give their money away.
I have been raising money for the Labour party through coffee mornings and jumble sales for the best part of 40 years, and in more recent times donating money - my own money - to Labour because I passionately believe in social justice and economic prosperity for all. I also feel strongly about the power of education to transform people's lives. I was lucky enough to go to an excellent state grammar that gave me a great start in life. Many kids today aspire to go to university, and I have recently endowed a chair at Warwick University through a gift. I give money to many other charities and causes, such as peace in the Middle East.
I didn't want these things to become public because I want to be anonymous and have a private life. I was brought up to believe that if you donated to a good cause, you didn't make a song and dance about it. And like most sensible lottery winners, I do not want my wealth to change the way I, as a working-class boy, lead my life, or to get in the way of my many friendships with people from a similar background.
If people know you are wealthy, their behaviour towards you changes - often, perhaps through envy, for the worse. The last thing any wealthy person wants is to be inundated with begging letters from people, however well meaning. It ranks a close second to being inundated with calls from the media looking for a scandal that isn't there.
Mistakes were made, of course, and no one is denying that. I didn't read the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 before giving money to the Labour party any more than I read the Warwick University statutes or the Charities Act before parting with my money. I trusted Labour to ensure that donations were received and spent in the manner they were intended, as anyone in my position would.
In any walk of life administrative errors are made and have to be corrected. Humans are not made to be perfect. But only in politics, it seems, do cock-ups get routinely turned into conspiracies. I donated money to the Labour party through intermediaries because of a desire for anonymity, not secrecy. In doing so my associates and I all acted in good faith over these donations. I believe Labour party officials - from general secretary to party treasurer - did so as well.
It may be that clearer guidance needs to be given to those wishing to donate money to political parties; and I would most certainly argue that the clumsy wording of the Political Parties Act should be reviewed, the sooner the better for both donors and parties.
The events of the past week leave me profoundly worried about the cynicism that some parts of the media have about the motives of donors to charities and political causes. There are many people in the world like me, people who simply want to make the world a better place and who don't ask for anything in return. You only have to look at the millions of pounds given to such causes as Children in Need and the Poppy Appeal to see that.
Is it asking too much of our society that being a private individual should be incompatible with having a public-spirited side? If we want a better society, all of us - politicians, press and public - have to change our attitudes. A little more philanthropy and a little less cynicism could go a long way.
• David Abrahams is a Labour party donor and a former parliamentary candidate

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Eagle International Associates Inc.
Eagle International Associates is a global network of independent law firms, adjusters and
claims related service providers throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and South
America. Eagle members are dedicated to providing insurance companies and self-insureds
with the highest quality legal and adjusting services for competitive and fair compensation.
As members, we are committed to the highest ethical standards and act with professionalism
and civility in all our endeavors. Eagle members exceed their clients’ expectations for quality
and service. At every opportunity, we promote the use of Eagle and its members and refer
existing relationships through active participation in Eagle’s meetings, programs and
While the concept of a network is not new, the Eagle network is unique for a number of
reasons: Members are held together, not by contract, but by the common goal of service.
Members offer the advantages and facilities of a global organization with the individual
attention and the local knowledge that are generally expected from a small firm. Members do
not incur referral fees, nor is there any additional cost to the client for utilizing any members
of the network.
Eagle members strive to meet the needs of many clients who want the benefits of small to
medium size firms, but need the extensive resources throughout the country and sometimes
the world.
Eagle International Associates, Inc. does not itself render any legal or adjusting services.
Members of Eagle are independently engaged in handling litigation and/or claims focusing
on major areas such as Professional Liability, Environmental Liability, Products Liability,
E&O and D&O, Toxic Tort, Premises Liability, Travel and Hospitality, Automobile and
Truckers Liability, Medical Malpractice, Coverage Evaluations and General Liability.
David Abrams (Chairman)
Gene Backus (Treasurer)
Mario C. Ciano
David D. Hudgins (Vice Chairman)
Pierre Humblet
David M. Macdonald
David McKeon
Peter Miller
Frank L. Napolitani(Executive Director)
David L. Pennington
Richard J. Rettberg (Secretary)
Timothy W. Waldeck
David Will
David Abrams is a founding partner of STRONGIN ROTHMAN & ABRAMS, LLP. Mr.
Abrams has over twenty years of civil litigation experience, including significant trial
experience in the State and Federal Courts of New York and New Jersey. Areas of
concentration include sports and recreational injury litigation, products liability,
transportation/trucking, hospitality industry litigation, premises and premises security liability,
construction site accidents, insurance coverage, and commercial litigation. Since 1996, Mr.
Abrams has served as national coordinating counsel for Club Mediterranee, S.A.’s insured
litigation in the United States. Long an advocate of alternate dispute resolution, Mr. Abrams
has represented self-insured clients and insureds in dozens of court-mandated and private
mediations and arbitrations. Mr. Abrams is a contributing author to the legal treatise
Products Liability in New York, Chapter 8, “Defending the Design Defect Case: Strategic
Considerations,” published by the New York State Bar Association in 1997. Additionally, Mr.
Abrams has lectured on a variety of civil litigation topics at Bar Association seminars and
before professional organizations. He is Chairman and a member of the Board of Directors
of Eagle International Associates, Inc.
Jerry Austry, a native of Chicago, Illinois, attended Western Michigan University with a
baseball scholarship and majored in Business Administration. He was captain of the
baseball team that won 33 straight mid American Conference baseball games and qualified
for the college world series two out of the three years he was on the varsity team. After
graduation he spent many years in manufacturing in the sporting goods business
concentrating in golf. In June 1994, he purchased Wareham and Associates in Fort Worth,
Texas. The past 12 years he has concentrated his efforts developing the structured
settlement business providing financial services and education to attorneys and claims
managers across the country. The last four years Jerry has been on the Board of Directors of
the National Structured Settlement Trade Association. The trade association concentrates its
efforts to protect the Tax Free status of a structured settlement. This organization is the only
one of its kind with membership that includes, structured settlement brokers, Life Insurance
Companies that issue the annuity contracts and the Property and Casualty companies that
use the product and make up the Structured Settlement Industry. Mr. Austry is a long time
member of Eagle International Associates, Inc.
Bruce Boyd began his trial consulting career in 1987. Since then, he has worked on several
hundred cases throughout the United States and Canada. Boyd is known for his ability to
identify case strengths and weaknesses in order to fashion effective trial themes and
strategies. He has extensive experience in most areas of litigation, including insurance bad
faith, medical malpractice, contract, employment, toxic tort, securities matters, intellectual
property and lender liability. He has broad experience in class action litigation for both
plaintiff and defense. He has given numerous CLE presentations and addresses on a variety
of topics, including Jury Selection, Elements of Jury Persuasion, Witness Preparation, and
Opening Statements and Closing Arguments. He has served on the faculty of the prestigious
Federation of Insurance Corporate Counsel’s college. Boyd holds a master's degree from
City University of New York's Hunter College and a bachelor’s degree from Nebraska
Wesleyan University. He is a member of the American Society of Trial Consultants.
John G. Carroll is Vice President and Claim Counsel at General Start Management
Company, the managing general agent for its affiliated Excess and Surplus Lines Property
and Casualty Insurers, General Star Indemnity Company and General Star National
Insurance Company since 1993. Mr. Carroll has worked for General Star since 1987 as a
Claims Examiner, Specialty Supervisor, Home Office Examiner and Home Office Legal
Examiner. Prior to his tenure with General Star, Mr. Carroll was a Claims Supervisor,
Litigation Adjuster and Claims Adjuster handling Property and Casualty losses for Liberty
Mutual Insurance Company from 1978 to 1985. He received is Juris Doctor Degree in 1990
from Quinnipiac College School of Law – Successor of University of Bridgeport School of
Law, a Master of Science Degree in Biology in 1977 from Fordham University and a Bachelor
of Science Degree in Biology in 1975 from Manhattan College. Mr. Carroll is admitted to the
Connecticut Bar and New York Bar. He is admitted to the U.S. District Court for the
Southern District of New York. He is a member of the American Bar Association,
Connecticut Bar Association and the New York State Bar Association as well as the Federal
of Defense and Corporate Counsel, Excess and Surplus Lines Claims Association and the
Loss Executive Association. Mr. Carroll was a part time faculty member at the University of
Connecticut – Adult Continuing Education – Instructor CEBS Business Law for the Fall
Semester 1993.
Michael T. Coutu is a senior attorney at Sliwa & Lane in Buffalo, New York. Mike obtained
his undergraduate degree (Environmental Studies and Political Science) from the University
of Vermont, and his legal degree from the Northwestern School of Law of Lewis & Clark
College where he also earned a Certificate in Environmental and Natural Resources Law.
Mike also completed trial school at the National Institute of Trial Advocacy and holds a
certificate in Alternative Dispute Resolution from Cornell University's School of Industrial and
Labor Relations. He is admitted to practice in the New York State Courts and the U.S.
District Court for the Western District of New York. He concentrates his practice in the
representation of transportation companies, and the defense of corporations and individuals
involved in tractor- trailer, complex motor vehicle, product liability, and construction related
litigation. He has spoken on varied legal issues at programs sponsored by the International
Young Lawyer’s Association, the New York Bar Association, and other entities. Mike is a
member of the New York State and Erie County Bar Associations, as well as a member of
Eagle International Associates, Inc.
Ellen L. Gandle, M.D. is currently in the private practice of general, child and adolescent and
forensic psychiatry in New Orleans, LA. She is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the
Department of Psychiatry at Tulane University School of Medicine where she served as
Director of Child Psychiatry and the Law from 1999-2006. She is a 1989 graduate of Tulane
University School of Medicine. She completed her residency in general psychiatry at
Ochsner Foundation Hospital in 1993 where she was chief resident during her fourth year.
She completed a child and adolescent psychiatry fellowship at Tulane University School of
Medicine in 1995 and a forensic psychiatry fellowship at LSUMC in 1996. Dr. Gandle is
Board certified in general, child and adolescent, and forensic psychiatry. She has served as
Treasurer for the New Orleans Psychiatric Association and as Chairperson of the Law and
Psychiatry committee for the Louisiana Psychiatric Medical Association. She is a member of
the Louisiana Children’s Code committee workgroup on competency to stand trial and the
Law and Psychiatry Institute. Dr. Gandle’s primary area of interest is juvenile and adult
forensic psychiatry.
Mark E. Hennessy, is the Senior Director of Claims for Rite Aid Corporation. Rite Aid has
over 3300 stores in 27 states. He is responsible for the management of the general liability,
pharmacy liability, product liability, and automobile liability exposures for the corporation. He
has over 25 years of experience in the industry having worked for commercial insurance
carriers, excess carriers, and third party administrators in addition to his current position
within the legal department at Rite Aid.
William Kobokovich, Jr. is a Vice President and Associate Group General Counsel for St.
Paul Travelers. Mr. Kobokovich graduated from Dartmouth College in 1976 and obtained his
JD Degree from the University of Maryland - School of Law in 1979. From 1979 to 1994, he
was in private practice with a Baltimore, Maryland law firm, specializing in insurance defense
litigation. Mr. Kobokovich went in-house to USF&G Insurance Company in 1994 and after
USF&G’s acquisition by St. Paul in 1998, was asked to lead the group that manages all of St.
Paul’s extra contractual litigation nationwide. Since the merger of St. Paul and Travelers in
April 2004, Mr. Kobokovich’s responsibilities include management of commercial lines and
personal lines extra contractual litigation nationwide. Mr. Kobokovich remains active in the
Maryland legal community and directly handles the defense of extra contractual litigation
against St. Paul Travelers in the State of Maryland.
Michael J. Kuzel is a Managing Engineer in Exponent’s Vehicle Engineering practice. Prior
to joining Exponent, he spent several years with a Phoenix, Arizona firm where he was a
consultant in the areas of accident reconstruction and human factors. Mr. Kuzel specializes
in accident investigation/reconstruction and human performance/behaviour as a role in
accident causation. To compliment his engineering degrees, Mr. Kuzel has received training
regarding the analysis of vehicle damage, vehicle component failure, and the download and
analysis of electronic crash module data. Mr. Kuzel’s education and training allows him to
address issues such as accident severity/causation, component/product defects, visibility
and lighting, and human performance/behaviour as a role in accident causation. Mr. Kuzel
has conducted hundreds of low-speed crash tests, vehicle component tests, and restraint
system tests. Mr. Kuzel has experience using computer programs and simulations in
accident reconstruction and human factors analyses. He has been qualified to testify in
State and Federal Court as an accident reconstruction expert, human factors expert, and
vehicle defects expert. Prior to his career in the field of accident investigation, Mr. Kuzel held
several positions in the industry. As a biomechanical engineer, he assisted in the
development, sales, and marketing of a medical device that assessed cervical spine motion.
As a research engineer in a mechanical testing laboratory, he conducted testing of
orthopaedic constructs and instruments, and participated in research projects related to
design and testing of new orthopaedic devices. As a clinical engineer, he acted as a
technical consultant to client hospitals in the areas of equipment management and analysis,
system acquisition and implementation, and quality assurance. Mr. Kuzel received his M.S.,
Industrial Engineering (Human Factors emphasis) from Arizona State University in 2000 and
his B.S.E., Bioengineering (Biomechanics emphasis) from Arizona State University in 1993.
Robert J. McCaffrey, Ph.D., ABPN received his Ph.D. from the University of Georgia in
1979. From 1980 – 1983 he was a Postdoctoral Fellow in Clinical Psychology & Clinical
Neuropsychology. In 1983, Dr. McCaffrey joined the Clinical Training Program in the
Department of Psychology, University at Albany, State University of New York where he is
currently a tenured full professor and director of the neuropsychology laboratories. He has
published over 100 peer reviewed journal articles and six books, including The Practice of
Forensic Neuropsychology: Meeting Challenges in the Courtroom. Plenum Press, 1996.
Dr. McCaffrey is the Editor-elect of Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, the official journal
of the National Academy of Neuropsychology. He also serves on the editorial board of
Neuropsychology Review. Dr. McCaffrey is the past president of the American Board of
Professional Neuropsychology, the Division for Neuropsychology of the New York State
Psychological Association and the National Academy of Neuropsychology. He is a Fellow of
the National Academy of Neuropsychology and the American Psychological Association
through Division 40, Clinical Neuropsychology. Dr. McCaffrey is a board certified clinical
neuropsychologist with Albany Neuropsychological Associates. His major research and
clinical interests are in the areas of traumatic brain injury, posttraumatic stress disorder, and
environmental toxicants (PCBs and lead).
Frank McLaughlin, JD CPCU ARM is Senior Vice President and Chief Claims Officer of
Assicurazioni Generali -US Branch in NYC. Mr. McLaughlin also runs US Operations for
Generali Claims Solutions, a third-party administrator managing litigated claims on behalf of
domestic and foreign clients. With nearly 20 years experience in the insurance industry and
private litigation practice, Mr. McLaughlin has mediated over 220 complex litigated matters
and has trained dozens of claim examiners in various ADR techniques. Prior to joining
Generali, Mr. McLaughlin was instrumental in establishing Riverstone Claims Resources,
(Manchester, NH) as the largest construction defect claim operation on the East Coast and
later managed that company’s Toxic Tort Unit. His extensive background includes primary,
excess and reinsurance claims operations with domestic and international insurers, as well
as third-party administrators, and he has managed nearly every variety of commercial liability
claim, including, aviation, automobile, trucking, hazardous waste, asbestos, products,
professional lines, errors and omissions, mass tort, pharmaceuticals and coverage litigation.
Mr. McLaughlin has extensive audit experience and has led numerous audit teams, both in
the United States and in Europe. Mr. McLaughlin graduated Rutgers Law School – Newark
in 1994, where he served as the Book Review Editor of the Rutgers Law Review. He has a
degree in History from Providence College and earned his CPCU and ARM degrees whilst a
claims trainee at American Reinsurance in Princeton, NJ.
Friday, October 20, 2006
8:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast
8:45 a.m. Conference Registration/Check-In Badge Pick Up
8:55 a.m. Welcoming Remarks
David Abrams, Chairman
9:00 a.m. Successfully Defending Catastrophic Claims: An Overview
Michael Coutu, Esq., Sliwa & Lane
9:15 a.m. The Use of Human Factors in Accident Reconstruction
Michael J. Kuzel, Managing Engineer, Exponent Failure Analysis Associates
10:00 a.m. Defending Traumatic Head Injury Cases
Robert J. McCaffrey, Ph.D., ABPN
10:45 a.m. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Real or Imagined?
Ellen L. Gandle, M.D.
11:15 a.m. Networking Break
11:30 a.m. Advanced Techniques of Alternative Dispute Resolution (Panel Discussion)
John G. Carroll, Esq., Vice President and Claim Counsel, General Star
Management Company
Mark E. Hennessy, Senior Director of Claims, Rite Aid Corporation
Frank McLaughlin, Esq., Senior Vice President and Chief Claims Officer
Assicurazioni Generali, US Branch in New York City
Jerry Austry, Principal, Austry & Associates
David A. Abrams, Esq., Strongin, Rothman & Abrams (Moderator)
12:30 p.m. Lunch
1:45 p.m. Extra Contractual Liability: Rolling with the Changes
William Kobokovich, Jr., CP, National Extra Contractual Group
Counsel, St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Company
2:30 p.m. Maximizing Your Defense: Trial Consulting from before ADR to
Post-Verdict Analysis
Bruce Boyd, Sr. Consultant, Tsongas Litigation Consulting
3: 30 p.m. Putting It All Together: Successfully Defending Catastrophic Claims
Michael Coutu, Esq., Sliwa & Lane
3:45 p.m. Closing Remarks and Farewell Coffee
Note: Certificates of attendance will be provided to each attendee for CE and CLE accreditation.
Attendees are responsible for applying for and obtaining CE and CLE credits from their respective
states, if available.
Register by October 6, 2006
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Attention: Terri Napolitani
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Credit cards are not accepted for seminar registration.
For further information, please contact:
Terri Napolitani
Eagle International Associates, Inc.
Telephone: (888) 313-2661 (in the U.S.)
(702) 221-1399 (outside the U.S.)
Fax: (702) 871-4966
Hotel Room Reservations Due by September 25, 2006
A limited number of hotel rooms at the W New York Hotel are available at a group rate of $369 for the nights of
October 18 - 21, 2006. For more information about the W New York Hotel, please visit their website at All hotel room reservations, and any changes thereafter, are to be made
through Eagle International, not the hotel. Please call Terri Napolitani (888-313-2661) with any questions.
Check In time is 3:00 p.m. and Check Out time is 12:00 p.m.
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By Mail: Complete this form and mail to:
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PO Box 371510
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By Phone: (888) 313-2661 (in the U.S.)
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Your credit card will confirm your hotel room reservation.
Reservations not cancelled before 3:00 p.m. on the day prior to arrival will be billed to your credit card.
For further information, please contact:
Terri Napolitani
Eagle International Associates, Inc.
Telephone: (888) 313-2661 (in the U.S.)
(702) 221-1399 (outside the U.S.)
Fax: (702) 871-4966

Profile: David Abrahams

David Abrahams is a long-standing member of the Labour Party
Property developer David Abrahams says he gave more than £650,000 to the Labour Party using associates' names because of a desire for privacy.
He originally told the BBC he had "gifted funds to my friends and colleagues" so they could make donations on his behalf because he was a "very private person who did not seek publicity".

But he has found himself firmly in the spotlight - at the heart of the "donorgate" row which has forced Gordon Brown to start an internal inquiry into his party's funding - and prompted the Electoral Commission to call in the police.

And he has proved willing to do several interviews to put forward his side of the story - saying people had been "briefing against him" and taking issue with the way events have been portrayed.

'Personal disagreements'

One account of events he disputes is that of Gordon Brown's chief fundraiser Jon Mendelsohn - one of two party officials who admit knowing about the disguised donations.

Mr Mendelsohn has said he only found out about it in September and was determined to put a stop to it.

Mr Abrahams says he told Mr Mendelsohn of his funding arrangements at a dinner in April and was told "that sounds like a good idea" - Mr Mendelsohn says this is "fictional".

He would make a bee-line for the most senior politicians in the room

Stephen Pollard
The two men have a "personal history of past disagreements", according to Mr Mendelsohn. That appears to go back five years, to when Mr Abrahams was a member of the influential lobby group, Labour Friends of Israel.

The BBC has been told that he was expelled from the group by Mr Mendelsohn - in circumstances that no-one will talk about on the record.

But earlier in the week Mr Mendelsohn was dragged into the spotlight over the donations when Mr Abrahams rang BBC's Newsnight and read out a letter from him, describing Mr Abrahams as "one of the (Labour) party's strongest supporters".

'Pushiest person'

Until then it had been suggested that just one senior Labour figure knew about Mr Abrahams's secret (and potentially unlawful) donations - general secretary Peter Watt, who has already resigned.

The image of a shy and retiring philanthropist, which Mr Abrahams - and the Labour Party - appear keen to promote, has been publicly challenged by former Fabian activist and journalist Stephen Pollard who describes him as "the pushiest person (I) ever came across" at Fabian meetings in the early 1990s.

Jon Mendelsohn has "a history of disagreements" with Mr Abrahams
He writes: "He would ring up the office asking about meetings and contacts. At those meetings he would make a bee-line for the most senior politicians in the room.

"He was, in short, keen to be noticed."

Another Labour MP describes Mr Abrahams as "always around".

"He was the kind of person you sometimes see at conferences and such - hanging about and wanting to shake hands with everyone. But no-one quite knew why he was there."

'Hanger on'

Mr Abrahams also appears to have sought the attention of politicians in his native North East, where members of the Sedgefield Labour Party - in Tony Blair's constituency - remember him as a "hanger-on".

Last June Mr Abrahams was in the front row of the Trimdon Labour Club to watch Mr Blair make his farewell speech.

Mr Abrahams inherited his strong Labour loyalties - he served as a Labour councillor in Tyne and Wear - from his father, the late Bennie Abrahams, former Lord Mayor of Newcastle.

A "larger than life" character, his father apparently insisted his son use another name - David Martin - for business activities because, says David Abrahams, he wanted his success to be "independent of the family name".

Durham Green Business Park has come under scrutiny
That business is property, and property development. Mr Abrahams is director of six property companies in Newcastle, which have earned him enough money to afford a home in a leafy Newcastle suburb, Gosforth, as well as a flat in the exclusive St John's Wood area in North London.

One deal that one of his companies made has recently come under press scrutiny.

In July 2005, Durham Green Developments, submitted plans for a business park next to junction 61 of the A1.

No rewards

Two directors of the company - Ray Ruddick and Janet Kidd - had already given £77,000 of Mr Abrahams money to Labour nationally.

In October 2005 the Highways Agency blocked the project - a year later, the agency lifted its objections.

There is no suggestion that any donations made by Mr Abrahams influenced in any way the decision of the Highways Agency to change its mind. He has said he sought no benefit or reward for his donations and received none.

It is as if I have not donated to the Labour Party but rather stolen from it

David Abrahams
Press reports have painted Mr Abrahams as a colourful figure: some reports give his date of birth as 1954 - others that he was born in Newcastle in 1944.

In 1991, his deselection as a parliamentary candidate for Labour in Richmond, North Yorkshire, hit the headlines in local newspapers.

There were claims - which he denied - that Mr Abrahams had presented himself as a married man with a young son when he was actually single.

No confidence

Following the ensuing row, eight local Labour Party officials resigned en masse. Out-going party chairman Steve Hoyland said: "We believe that David Abrahams is totally unsuitable to be the prospective Parliamentary candidate for this constituency and have no confidence whatsoever in him."

Mr Abrahams says he has been a loyal Labour Party member since he was 15. He says he had no idea he was doing anything wrong in making anonymous donations.

Since the story broke he says he has received calls from well-wishers within the party who are grateful for his donations.

"Some, on the other hand, are running for cover or briefing against me. It is as if I have not donated to the Labour Party but rather stolen from it," he added.

"Some children experience " high sexual urges in early infancy. " "There is good reason to believe that most, if not all, children have the capacity to reach orgasm at the time they are born."
Gardner, R.A. (1992). True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics. (p. 15)

"Children are naturally sexual and may initiate sexual encounters by "seducing" the adult ."
Gardner, R.A. (1986). Child Custody Litigation: A Guide for Parents and Mental Health Professionals. Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics (p. 93).

"If the sexual relationship is discovered, " the child is likely to fabricate so that the adult will be blamed for the initiation ."

Gardner, R.A. (1986). Child Custody Litigation: A Guide for Parents and Mental Health Professionals. Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics (p. 93).

"Special care should be taken not alienate the child from the molesting parent. The removal of a pedophilic parent from the home "should only be seriously considered after all attempts at treatment of the pedophilia and rapprochement with the family have proven futile."

Gardner, R.A. (1992). True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics.(p. 537)

"he child should be told that there is no such thing as a perfect parent. "The sexual exploitation has to be put on the negative list, but positives as well must be appreciated"

Gardner, R.A. (1992). True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics.(p. 572)

"Older children may be helped to appreciate that sexual encounters between an adult and a child are not universally considered to be reprehensible acts. The child might be told about other societies in which such behavior was and is considered normal. The child might be helped to appreciate the wisdom of Shakespeare's Hamlet, who said, "Nothing's either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."

Gardner, R.A. (1992). True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse . Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics.(p. 549)
These are the venues that disgusting creepy horrible old paedophile Richard Gardner was invited to, to brainwash people into accepting his paedo promoting crap.

(SINCE 1986)
34 States in the US, Canada, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Russia, Israel, and Italy

(1) June 11 "The Parental Alienation Syndrome"
The Ninth Annual Herschfeld Lecture
St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center
Paterson, New Jersey
(2) Oct. 30 "The Parental Alienation Syndrome"
New Jersey Society for Adolescent Psychiatry
Nutley, New Jersey

(3) Jan. 13 "Differentiating Between Bona Fide and Fabricated
Sex-Abuse Allegations in Children"
New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education
Jamestown, New Jersey
(4) Oct. 31 Full-Day Series of Presentations on the Differentiation
Between Fabricated and Bona Fide Sex Abuse
Allegations of Children
Victims of Child Abuse Laws (VOCAL)
Tampa, Florida
(5) Nov. 4 "Child Sex Abuse Allegations: Actual and Fabricated"
"Mental Health Association of Essex County
East Orange, New Jersey
(6) Feb. 5 Full-Day Lecture Series on Psychotherapy of Child Sex
Abuse and Other Forms of Childhood Psychopathology
Charter Hospital
Jacksonville, Florida
(7) Feb. 26 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Custody Litigation,
Child Sex Abuse, and Child Psychotherapy
Kings View Psychiatric Center
Reedley, California
(8) Feb. 27 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Sex Abuse and
Child Therapy
Clinical Training, Inc.
Los Angeles, California
(9) March 4 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Sex Abuse and
Child Psychotherapy
Psychological Associates
Raleigh, North Carolina
(10) March 11 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Custody Litigation,
Child Sex Abuse, Psychotherapy of Child Sex Abuse,
and Family Therapy
Brookhaven Psychiatric Pavilion
Dallas, Texas
(11) March 25 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Sex Abuse and
Child Psychotherapy
Clinical Training, Inc.
Chicago, Illinois
(12) April 16 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Custody Litigation
and Sex Abuse
State University of California at Fullerton
Fullerton, California
(13) June 28 Full-Day Series of Presentations on the Psychiatric
and Legal Aspects of Child Custody Litigation
and Child Sex Abuse (A joint legal and psychiatric
Forbes Regional Health Center
Monroeville, Pennsylvania
(14) Sept. 30 "The Parental Alienation Syndrome and the
Differentiation Between Fabricated and Genuine
Child Sex Abuse"
American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers
New York, New York
(15) March 11 "Is the Allegation of Sexual Abuse Fabricated or
The Illinois Trial Lawyers Association
Chicago, Illinois
(16) May 17 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Sex Abuse, Divorce,
and Attention-Deficit Disorder
Parkland Hospital
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
(17) June 9 Full-Day Lecture Series on child Custody Litigation
and Child Sex Abuse
Division of Child Psychiatry
Oregon Health Sciences University
Portland, Oregon
(18) June 16 Full-Day Series of Presentations on Parental Alienation
Syndrome, Child Custody Litigation, and Child Sex
The Interdisciplinary Committee on Child Custody
Denver, Colorado
(19) Nov. 17 The Parental Alienation Syndrome and Differentiating
Between Fabricated and Bona Fide Sex Abuse
State Board of Arizona
Phoenix, Arizona
(20) Feb. 17 Full-Day Lecture Series on Custody Litigation and
Child Sex Abuse
Baptist Medical Center
Jacksonville, Florida
(21) June 22 One Week (half-days) Lecture Series on Child and
Adolescent Psychotherapy
Albert Einstein Colllege of Medicine
Eleventh Cape Cod Institute
Eastham, Massachusetts
(22) Oct. 4 "True and False Allegations on Child Sex Abuse"
Department of Child Psychiatry
Queens Children's Psychiatric Center
New York, New York
(23) Dec. 1 "Differentiating Between Fabricated and Bona Fide
Sex Abuse Allegations"
"Psychotherapy of Child Sex Abuse"
Department of Psychology
Adelphi University
Garden City, New York

(24) March 1 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Custody and Sex
Abuse Litigation
Raising a Healthy Child, Inc.
Tallahassee, Florida
(25) March 21 "Differentiating Between True and False Sex-Abuse
"Attention Deficit Disorder: Fact or Fantasy?"
SHP/Health Shield
Poughkeepsie, New York
(26) April 19 Half-Day Lecture Series on Child Sex Abuse
Half-Day Lecture Series on Child Psychotherapeutic
Green Oaks Psychiatric Hospital
Dallas, Texas
(27) Sept. 25 "Differentiating Between True and False Child Sex
New York Society of Forensic Sciences
Lehman College
Bronx, New York
(28) Oct. 3 Full-Day Lecture Series on the Diagnosis and
Treatment of Child Sex Abuse
D.W. McMillan Memorial Hospital
Brewton, Alabama
(29) Oct. 11 "Differentiating Between True and False Child Sex-
Abuse Accusations"
Department of Psychiatry
Manhattan Psychiatric Center
Wards Island, New York
(30) March 20 "The Parental Alienation Syndrome"
"Child Custody Litigation"
National Council on Children's Rights
Arlington, Virginia
(31) April 3 Full-Day Series of Presentations on Child Custody
Litigation and Child Sex Abuse
Creative Educational Enterprises
Nemacolin Woodlands
Farmington, Pennsylvania
(32) April 8 "Guidelines for Deciding Child Custody Disputes"
"Differentiating Between True and False Child Sex-
Abuse Accusations"
Superior Court Judges Orientation Seminar
Princeton, New Jersey
(33) May 1 "Differentiating Between True and False Accusations of
Child Sex Abuse"
"The Parental Alienation Syndrome" (Keynote Speech)
Ninth Annual Conference
New York State Council on Divorce Mediation
Suffern, New York
(34) Aug. 3-7 Five Half-Day Lecture Series on Child Custody, Sex
Abuse, Psychotherapeutic Games, The Antisocial
Child, and Family Therapy
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Cape Cod Institute
Eastham, Massachusetts
(35) Aug. 29 Half-Day Lecture Series on Child Custody Litigation
National Council for Men and Children
Detroit, Michigan
(36) Oct. 14 "Differentiating Between True and False Sex-
Accusations in Child Custody Disputes"
Department of Child Psychiatry
St. Vincent's Hospital
New York, New York
(37) Nov. 5 Keynote Presentations
Half-Day Lecture Series on the Parental Alienation
Half-Day Lecture Series on Differentiating
Between True and False Sex-Abuse Accusations
Thirtieth Annual Meeting of the American
Association of Matrimonial Lawyers
Chicago, Illinois
(38) Feb. 5 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Psychotherapeutic
Desert Hills Center for Youth and Families
Tucson, Arizona
(39) Feb. 27 "Psychological Evaluation of the Allegedly Abused
"Psychotherapy of Child Sexual Abuse"
Dept. of Psychology
Adelphi University
Garden City, New York
(40) April 2 Half-Day Lecture Series on Child Psychotherapeutic
Half-Day Lecture Series on Sexual Abuse in Children
and Adults
Methodist Richard Young Hospital
Omaha, Nebraska
(41) April 15 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Custody Litigation
and Child Sexual Abuse (to mental health
University of Kansas Medical Center
Hays, Kansas
(42) April 16 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Custody Litigation
and Child Sexual Abuse (to law enforcement and
legal professionals)
University of Kansas Medical Center
Hays, Kansas
(43) April 19 Full-Day Lecture Series in the Treatment of Children,
Adolescents, and Families
Independence, Ohio
(44) April 20 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Sex Abuse
Columbus, Ohio
(45) May 1 "Revising the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment
Act: Our Best Hope for Dealing with Sex-Abuse
Hysteria in the U.S."
National Council for Children's Rights
Seventh National Conference
Bethesda, MD
(46) May 6-7 Two-Day Lecture Series on the Diagnosis and
Treatment of Sexually Abused Children
Lancaster County Committee on Child Abuse
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
(47) May 12 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Psychotherapeutic
Baptist Health Care Center
Beaumont, Texas
(48) May 22 "The Parental Alienation Syndrome: Families in Which
Sexual Abuse Has Been Fabricated"
The Association of Trial Lawyers of America
National College of Advocacy
Las Vegas, Nevada
(49) July 25 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child
Psychotherapeutic Techniques
Department of Psychology
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Teaneck, New Jersey
(50) Aug. 20 Full-Day Lecture Series on Differentiating
Between True and False Sex-Abuse Accusations
University of Lund
Lund, Sweden
(51) Sept. 17 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Sexual Abuse
Family Service of Beaver/Butler County
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
(52) Oct. 1 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Psychotherapy
and Sex Abuse
The Family Service League of Suffolk County
West Islip, New York
(53) Oct. 16 Child Sex Abuse and Hysteria:
1890s (Austria)/1990s (U.S.)
1993 Sigmund Freud Laureate Lecture
The Society of Medical Psychoanalysts
New York, New York
(54) Oct. 28-29 Two-Day Lecture Series on Child Sexual Abuse
Sponsored by David R. Lima, ACSW, Inc.
Continuing Education Seminars
Orlando, Florida
(55) Nov. 11-12 Two-Day Lecture Series on Child Sexual Abuse
Sponsored by David R. Lima, ACSW, Inc.
Continuing Education Seminars
Worcester, Massachusetts
(56) Nov. 19 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Custody Litigation
Department of Psychiatry,
School of Medicine
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah


(57) Feb. 17 One-Hour Presentation
"Child Sexual Abuse: Distinguishing Fact
from Fiction"
The Carrier Clinic
Belle Mead, NJ
(58) Mar 10-11 Two-Day Lecture Series on the Diagnosis and
Treatment of Child Sex Abuse and Differentiating
Between True and False Accusations
Sponsored by David R. Lima, ACSW, Inc.
Continuing Education Seminars
Mentor, Ohio
(59) April 8 Full-Day Series of Presentations:"Contemporary Issues
in the Treatment of Child Sex Abuse"
Dept. of School Psychology
Bucknell University
Lewisburg, PA
(60) April 9 One-Hour Presentation: "Sex-Abuse Hysteria in the
United States"
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Washington, D.C.
(61) April 13 Half-Day Presentation on Child Sexual Abuse
Annual Meeting, Children's Rights Council
Washington, D.C.
(62) Apr. 28-29 Two-Day Lecture Series on the Diagnosis and
Treatment of Child Sex Abuse and Differentiating
Between True and False Accusations
Sponsored by David R. Lima, ACSW, Inc.
Continuing Education Seminars
Mentor, Ohio
(63) May 14 Full-Day of Presentations on The Parental Alienation
Syndrome and Differentiation Between True and False
Accusations of Child Sexual Abuse
Forensic Psychological Services
Tempe (near Phoenix) Arizona
(64) May 26 Full-Day Series of Presentations on Assessment and
Treatment of Child Sex Abuse
Psychologists Association of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta - Canada
(65) June 3 Full-Day Series of Presentations on Child-Custody
Litigation and Child Sexual Abuse
Tenth Family Law Institute
State Bar of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico
(66) June 24 Full-Day Series of Presentations on True and False
Accusations of Child Sex Abuse
Utah Psychological Association
Utah Chapter, National Association of Social Workers
Salt Lake City, Utah
(67) Aug. 15-19 Five Half-Day Presentation Series on Child Sexual
Abuse Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Cape Cod Summer Institute
Eastham, Massachusetts
(68) Sept. 12-13 Two-Day Lecture Series on Child Sexual Abuse and
Psychotherapeutic Techniques
Garrison House Seminars
Front Royal, Virginia
(69) Sept. 23 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Sexual Abuse
School of Continuing Education
Marywood College
Scranton, Pennsylvania
(70) Oct. 5-6 One-and-a-Half-Days of Presentations on Child Sexual
University of Oslo
Oslo, Norway
(71) Oct. 27 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Sexual Abuse
Sponsored by David R. Lima, ACSW, Inc.
Continuing Education Seminars
Detroit, Michigan
(72) Nov. 11 "Child Sex Abuse and Suggestibility"
The 1994 Litigation/Claims Management Conference
Eagle International Associates
New York, New York
(73) Nov. 17 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Sexual Abuse
Sponsored by David R. Lima, ACSW, Inc.
Continuing Education Seminars
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

(74) Feb. 11 Full-Day Presentation Series on Child Custody
Litigation and Child Sex Abuse
Idaho Psychiatric Association
Boise, Idaho
(75) March 24 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Sex Abuse
Sponsored by David R. Lima, ACSW, Inc.
Continuing Education Seminars
Charlotte, North Carolina
(76) April 1 "Differentiating Between True and False Sex-Abuse
Accusations in Child-Custody Disputes"
Keynote Presentation
Council for Children's Rights
Washington, D.C.
(77) June 8 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Sexual Abuse
Sponsored by David R. Lima, ACSW, Inc.
Continuing Education Seminars
St. Louis, Missouri
(78) June 9 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Sexual Abuse
Sponsored by David R. Lima, ACSW, Inc.
Continuing Education Seminars
Kansas City, Missouri
(79) Oct. 12 "Sex-Abuse Hysteria in the United States: The False
Sex-Abuse Accusation"
Eagle Associates
London, England
(80) Feb. 20 "The Embedment in the Brain Circuitry Phenomenon"
The American Society of Psychoanalytic Physicians
New York, New York
(81) Mar. 14 "Differentiating Between True and False Sex-Abuse
Accusations in Child-Custody Disputes"
Grand Rounds Presentation
New York Medical College
Valhalla, New York
(82) June 19 "Sex-Abuse Hysteria in the United States: How It
Arose and What We Can Do About It"
The Presbyterian Hospital
New York, New York
(83) Sept. 13 Full-Day Lecture Series on the Diagnosis and
Treatment of Childhood Sexual Abuse
The Child Protection Team and the
Wyoming Chapter of the National Association of Social
Laramie, Wyoming
(84) Oct. 3 "Sex Abuse Hysteria: Fact or Fantasy?"
The Eighth Annual Linda M. Weissman Memorial
The Pennsylvania Hospital
Philadelphia, PA
(85) Oct. 11 Full-Day Lecture Series on the Diagnosis and
Treatment of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Montana Chapter of the National Association of Social
West Yellowstone, Montana
(86) Nov. 18 Full-Day Lecture Series on the Psychotherapy of
Common Childhood Disorders
David R. Lima, ACSW, Inc.
New Orleans, LA
(87) Feb. 18 "Repression, Dissociation, and Sexual Abuse
Accusations: Is Your Patient's Sex-Abuse Allegation
Fact or Fantasy?"
Society of Medical Psychoanalysts
New York, New York
(88) April 30 "Sex Abuse Hysteria in North America and Western
Europe: Will the Hysteria Spread to Russia?"
Department of Psychology
University of St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg, Russia
(89) May 9 "Is Truth in Jeopardy?
True and False Accusations of Child Sexual Abuse"
Full Day Program Presented Jointly with
Stephen J. Ceci, Ph.D.
Sponsored by the Ohio Bar Association
Columbus, OH
(90) June 6 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Psychotherapeutic
Lima Associates
Boston, Massachusetts
(91) Oct. 23 Half-Day Lecture on the Parental Alienation Syndrome
Half-Day Lecture on the Differentation Between True
and False Sex-Abuse Accusations in Child Custody
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Maryland
(92) Oct. 24 Half-Day Lecture on Differentiating Between the
Parental Alienation Syndrome and Bona-Fide Abuse
Children's Rights Council
Washington, D.C.
(93) Dec. 11 Half-Day Lecture on Differentiating Between True and
False Sex-Abuse Accusations
Charter Behavioral Health Systems of New Jersey
Summit, New Jersey

(94) Feb. 20 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Psychotherapeutic
Department of Psychology
University of Loyola, Maryland Campus
Columbia, MD
(95) March 1-5 Four Full-Day Lectures on Child Psychotherapeutic
Techniques and Forensic Child Psychiatry
Israel Institute for Systemic Studies and Family and
Personal Change
Herzylia, Israel
(96) May 14 Full-Day Lecture Series on the Parental Alienation
Syndrome and Differentiating Between True and
False Child Sex Abuse
Lima Associates
Springfield, New Jersey
(97) May 20 Children of Divorce
South Carolina Association of Marriage and Family
Charleston, South Carolina
(98) May 21 Psychotherapy with Children of Divorce
South Carolina Association of Marriage and
Family Counselors
Charleston, South Carolina
(99) June 5 The Parental Alienation Syndrome
Department of Psychiatry,
Mt. Sinai Hospital
New York, New York
(100) June 24 The Parental Alienation Syndrome
Open University
The Netherlands
(101) June 29-
July 3 Five Half-Day Lecture Series on the Diagnosis
and Treatment of Child Sexual Abuse
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Cape Cod Summer Institute
Eastham, Massachusetts
(102) Aug. 23-24 Two-Day Lecture Series:
1) Psychotherapeutic Techniques with Children and
2) The Parental Alienation Syndrome: Diagnosis and
Lima Associates
Indianopolis, Indiana
(103) Aug. 26-27 Two-Day Lecture Series:
1) Psychotherapeutic Techniques with Children and
2) The Parental Alienation Syndrome: Diagnosis and
Lima Associates
Cleveland, Ohio
(104) Sept. 26 1) PAS and Sex Abuse Accusations: Update
2) Misperceptions Versus Facts About Richard A.
Children's Rights Council
Old Town Alexandria, Virginia

(105) Oct. 4-5 Two-Day Lecture Series:
1) Psychotherapeutic Techniques with Children and
2) The Parental Alienation Syndrome: Diagnosis and
Lima Associates
Atlanta, Georgia
(106) Oct. 7-8 Two-Day Lecture Series:
1) Psychotherapeutic Techniques with Children and
2) The Parental Alienation Syndrome: Diagnosis and
Lima Associates
Nashville, Tennessee
(107) Oct. 16 Psychotherapy with Children of Divorce Carrier Clinic
Belle Mead, NJ
(108) Oct. 30 Half-Day Lecture on The Parental Alienation
Syndrome: Diagnosis and Treatment
The American Academy of Forensic Examiners
New York, New York
(109) Nov. 12 Full-Day Lecture Series on the Parental Alienation
Syndrome, Child Sexual Abuse, and
Psychotherapeutic Techniques
Waukesha Memorial Hospital
Waukesha, WI
(110) Feb. 17 The Parental Alienation Syndrome
Long Island Jewish Medical Center
New Hyde Park, New York
(111) June 15-
16 Two-Day Lecture Series on Psychotherapeutic
Techniques with Children and Adolescents
and The Parental Alienation Syndrome: Diagnosis and
Lima Associates
Minneapolis, Minnesota
(112) Sept. 5-6 1) "The Parental Alienation Syndrome"
2) "Differentiating Between True and False Sex Abuse Allegations in Child Custody Disputes"
Pathways Treatment Center
Whitefish, Montana

(113) Sept. 10 "The Causes of the Denial of the Word
Syndrome in The Parental Alienation Syndrome"
Kensington Institute
London, England

(114) Oct. 19-20 1) "The Parental Alienation Syndrome: Past, Present
and Future
2) "How the Denial of the Parental Alienation
Syndrome Harms Women
International Conference on the Parental Alienation
Syndrome (PAS)
Frankfurt/Main Germany
(115) Jan. 30 The Parental Alienation Syndrome
Grand Rounds Presentation
The Montefiore Hospital Medical Center
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Bronx, NY

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