Sunday 31 July 2011


The Psalms

A Prayer for Rescue from Enemies
A Psalm of David.

1 Plead my cause, O LORD, with them that strive with me:
fight against them that fight against me.

2 Take hold of shield and buckler,
and stand up for mine help.

3 Draw out also the spear,
and stop the way against them that persecute me:
say unto my soul, I am thy salvation.

4 Let them be confounded and put to shame
that seek after my soul:
let them be turned back and brought to confusion
that devise my hurt.

5 Let them be as chaff before the wind:
and let the angel of the LORD chase them.

6 Let their way be dark and slippery:
and let the angel of the LORD persecute them.

7 For without cause have they hid for me their net in a pit,
which without cause they have digged for my soul.

8 Let destruction come upon him at unawares;
and let his net that he hath hid catch himself:
into that very destruction let him fall.

9 And my soul shall be joyful in the LORD:
it shall rejoice in his salvation.

10 All my bones shall say,
LORD, who is like unto thee,
which deliverest the poor from him that is too strong for him,
yea, the poor and the needy from him that spoileth him?

11 False witnesses did rise up;
they laid to my charge things that I knew not.

12 They rewarded me evil for good to the spoiling of my soul.

13 But as for me, when they were sick,
my clothing was sackcloth:
I humbled my soul with fasting;
and my prayer returned into mine own bosom.

14 I behaved myself as though he had been my friend or brother:
I bowed down heavily, as one that mourneth for his mother.

15 But in mine adversity they rejoiced,
and gathered themselves together:
yea, the abjects gathered themselves together against me,
and I knew it not;
they did tear me, and ceased not:

16 with hypocritical mockers in feasts,
they gnashed upon me with their teeth.

17 Lord, how long wilt thou look on?
Rescue my soul from their destructions,
my darling from the lions.

18 I will give thee thanks in the great congregation:
I will praise thee among much people.

19 Let not them that are mine enemies wrongfully rejoice over me:
neither let them wink with the eye that hate me without a cause. Ps. 69.4 · Joh. 15.25

20 For they speak not peace:
but they devise deceitful matters against them that are quiet in the land.

21 Yea, they opened their mouth wide against me,
and said, Aha, aha, our eye hath seen it.

22 This thou hast seen, O LORD: keep not silence:
O Lord, be not far from me.

23 Stir up thyself, and awake to my judgment,
even unto my cause, my God and my Lord.

24 Judge me, O LORD my God, according to thy righteousness;
and let them not rejoice over me.

25 Let them not say in their hearts,
Ah, so would we have it:
let them not say, We have swallowed him up.

26 Let them be ashamed and brought to confusion together
that rejoice at mine hurt:
let them be clothed with shame and dishonor
that magnify themselves against me.

27 Let them shout for joy, and be glad,
that favor my righteous cause:
yea, let them say continually,
Let the LORD be magnified,
which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.

28 And my tongue shall speak of thy righteousness
and of thy praise all the day long.


The Jersey Haut de la Garenne Murder Farce
"It's not brain surgery, anybody, any reasonable person could see that the way in which the initial press matters were handled was totally and utterly wrong. Anybody with any common sense can see that." - Home Affairs Minister, Ian Le Marquand, 14/10/2010.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011Muppets in Feeding Frenzy Mode
It seems that the local Muppets in blog land are all aerated this fine morning. Now, why is that? It seems to me that feeding frenzy, Hollywood style number 421 has started.

They do not seem to like anyone calling a spade a spade on this blog. So, they go into overdrive when someone does something that seems to be happening all over the UK media.

So, what has upset our local Muppet media? Why are they all upset this morning while they munch crushed valium with their cornflakes? Well, the only thing one can put this orgasm of excitement down to is that three States Members, in this case, Senator’s Perchard, Shenton with Deputy Power have asked the Jersey Attorney General and the Chief of Police to find out if any money was paid to any serving Jersey officer at that time and during the Haut De La Garenne investigation. That seems to be a useful thing to do. What are the Muppets worried about?

Media that intrudes is now not acceptable. Hacking into Millie Dowler’s phone after she was missing was a new low. Hacking into the phones of celebrities is one thing. Hacking into the phones of wounded and dead British soldiers and their families has a new form of media depravity. A quick look at the UK media in the past few weeks shows one Rupert Murdoch with his son James giving evidence to Commons Select Committee on the management and operation of his media companies that involve the Sun, News of the World and the Sunday Times. Andy Coulson resigned as David Cameron’s media guru. Rebekah Brookes is history and has resigned. The News of the World has closed. Murdoch has abandoned his attempt to control BskyB. One unfortunate ex News of the World journalist has allegedly committed suicide. Andy Coulson and Rebekah Brooks have both been arrested and interviewed under caution.

David Cameron, Ed Milliband and a raft of MP’s including the gutsy MP for Rhondda Valley, Chris Bryant have all made powerful speeches about media hacking and about UK police being compromised or having to resign. Sir Paul Stephenson, the head of the Met and his assistant John Yates have both resigned. A true meltdown!

What have our local bloggers being doing? Apart from jerking off on Trevor Pitman’s knob review, not much to be honest. A lot of panting probably went on last night with sweaty fingers pounding over sticky keyboards while they all post on each other’s blogs. Oh dearie me! What a sad bunch of Muppets! Hello boyos! There are bigger stories out there! Wakey wakey!

It seems that while the Messiah Syvret is packing his bag and getting ready to be a guest of the Jersey taxpayer in another form and that is full bed and breakfast and evening meal, he will not have much time to post about toxic filth, corruption, oligarchies and all the usual stuff he bangs on about. He should enjoy the bracing air out at La Moye again! He won’t be allowed any wine or KFC.

This blog should have run out of material by now. After all, the Haut de la Garenne investigation is closed. Then all this media stuff is disclosed in the UK. It seems that the hatchet job one Lucy Panton did on Jersey is still a current news story and it will not go away yet. Lucy Panton may well be married to a serving officer in the Met. However, the same Lucy is and was very close to Rebekah Brooks. She was also close to Andy Coulson, the onetime editor of the News of the World. One story is now under investigation where it is alleged that money was paid for information and that was the story on the 23rd October 2005. The headline was Ronaldo: “I roasted rape Girls”.

The story was of course complete nonsense. This is the Lucy Panton that enjoyed fine food in London paid for on a credit card issued by Jersey Police. This is the Lucy Panton that was interested in Jersey and wrote numerous stories including: “HELLFIRE Jersey Homes dossier to reveal children were murdered...then burnt”. Let’s follow the money. Let’s hope News International do give full disclosure.

Lucy, we have to tell you that down here in little Jersey, we think you are still a lousy journalist that worked for a terrible proprietor who owned a scumbag paper.

Why does Lenny not visit all his mates in Jersey? One can only guess, but we think a number of people in Jersey, in certain law offices, would like to know how much data from Rouge Bouillon was forwarded to a certain number of e-mail addresses and that the redoubtable Lenny would probably be asked to get into a nice Skoda at Jersey Airport and be whooshed down to a certain building for a nice cosy chat under caution.

There is still going to be fall-out over Haut de la Garenne. While that happens, we stay online.

So, we say to our bold bloggers out there squatting in the sand dunes looking for ^&%$", good on ya boyos. Keep it up and don’t get caught!
Posted by Saturn 5 at 8:14 AM Email This
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Anonymous said...
Another good post and great to see an amusing look at it all for what it's worth!

But the reaction of these blogs to the news shows there has to be something to hide here, no doubts about it because why bother to comment at all?

July 27, 2011
Anonymous said...
At the moment its all Lenny (partial remains of a child) Harper's word against theirs and you can easily see the Rico Team (we have no children but think we can act like loving dads movement) is only going by the one person's version of events. This investigation will at least clear things up so what is their problem?

July 27, 2011
Anonymous said...
Dear rico,
i am writing this letter from my cold hard bunk in LA MOYE.
i am very scared at the moment because a lot of the inmates were put
here by my bent cop mate LENNY HARPER. Every man jack of them are adamant that he tucked them up by fabricating evidence against them
and they are eagerly waiting the outcome of the NOTW investigation. If Lenny The Liar as he is known up here is proven to have peddled lies to Ms Lucy Panton they all stand a chance of being freed on appeal.
You may wonder how they discovered Lenny was my mate, but i suppose i was really stupid putting up a pictures of both him and you on my cell wall, i imagine you will think that was a daft thing to do, but i have to have something to fantasize about and Zoompad doesnt do it for me, its ok for you, you can always revert back to the dating agency, but me i have six months of wrist action and i dont mean on the lap top I hope you are keeping your pipes nice and clean..

Yours Ever lovingly

STUART xxxxxxx

July 27, 2011
Anonymous said...
All joking aside this has to be looked into there are no doubts about it and the feeding frenzy by these idiots only demonstrates their selective thinking.

July 27, 2011
Anonymous said...
You are right this story is far from over and as it goes on the can of worms gets bigger!

Keep up the good work guys.

July 27, 2011
Anonymous said...
Can't see Pitman trying desperately to up his profile ahead of the election by offering to chair this enquiry can you ? How about challenging that Bald Truth Trev ?

July 27, 2011
Anonymous said...

Will it be ok to publish on this blog the names of people who post regulary on the nutters blog under the heading ANONYMOUS ?
After all the general public have a right to know the identities of the cowards who contribute to the nutters ramblings. ?

July 27, 2011
Anonymous said...
I cannot stop laughing at the vile blog and boy have they got the knives out for these 3 States Members. They will get my vote alone for this last 24 hours! YES! What a goal!

July 27, 2011
Anonymous said...
Yes, they have just proven including the pipe fitter that they are unable to actually cope with challengers of their propaganda. They are therefore only bullies, blog bullies and how fitting clever Trev has joined them.

July 27, 2011
Anonymous said...
Your work gets better and better! I fully support what you are doing and I am so glad this blog is back up and running again. I like it so much I have copied your main excellent post into my blog to distribute around the UK. Love you lots x


July 27, 2011
Anonymous said...
There are plenty of people in Jersey who would like to know more about this expensive meal with the News of the World so don't let the blogster idiots get in the way! They just do not want the truth to come out.

July 27, 2011
MACH III said...
I take offence to Zoompad's naive stupid comments. There is nothing on this blog that I have ever seen which attacks the survivors of child abuse. There are plenty of attacks on idiots who still live at home and have no children, have criminal records including attacking police officers, spend all day sponging off the benefits system, but nothing like this stupid woman makes out. Its like the past 24 hours on the blogs, attempts to crush freedom of speech. If people think Lenny Harper's work was a load of cobblers then that is their right to say so.

July 27, 2011
Anonymous said...
The blogs seem to missing the point and so is Harper. These are 3 people from the Governement, with power. If they want an enquiry then so be it.

July 27, 2011
Anonymous said...
Rico has it in his head that Team Voice will get more done by interviewing Harper than the London MET! No you couldn't make it up!

July 27, 2011
Anonymous said...
Rico is just a over zealous prat. Meddling with a Scrutiny Report by trying to influence it via his blog was raised only last week and he is too stupid to see it or even admit it.

Besides if Harper thinks he can clear his behavior by liaising with these idiots on blogspot then more fool him. His behavior going down to their level brought attention to himself in the first place.

July 27, 2011
Anonymous said...
I have read it all now. Clever Trev allows a comment on his blog saying Stuart Syvret is a decent man after its well documented and commented upon about the same loon calling his wife 'thick' and Geoff Southern all sorts as a former teacher. To top it all SS has comments relating to Clever Trev's association with Teddy boy only recently which isn't exactly complimentary reading. Is this how desperate progressives are, they allow blog assaults even on their family members yet still let through praising posts on the same predator? Sad stuff Trev and if I was an abuse survivor who only could put trust into Stuart Syvret I would be the last person to complain if nothing came of it.

July 27, 2011
Anonymous said...
"If I was an abuse survivor who only could put trust into Stuart Syvret I would be the last person to complain if nothing came of it."

Very true, following his crass behaviour over the past 3 years nobody should be surprised their trust in this idiot hasn't got them one step closer to any form of justice, he was never qualified for starters. Its the same as the pipe seller who tells his readers, his group do it all for abuse survivors. Well maybe some of these abuse survivors could inform the world what these people with a """massive influence""" have done for them so far because I can only measure FA.

July 27, 2011
Anonymous said...
Well the abuse investigation is closed like your blogger says and thats that. Insulting others is only getting their leader into one place and thats the dock and ruomour is one of his closest admirers will be following the same route pretty soon.

July 27, 2011
Anonymous said...
I will tell you how stupid these people are. Operation Rectangle was closed last year and they still pretend its ongoing. Who is Rico trying to get justice for god only knows because they must be as dopey as he is if they think his game plan has a hope in hell of getting the police to re-open any files. 'We will get to the truth' what a load of self delusional crap. He is neither a policeman, states member, a qualified journalist or a private investigator.

July 27, 2011
Anonymous said...
They all live in a dream world because they were taken in by all the rubbish of Harper and Syvret from the offset. Neither of these people are taken seriously anymore yet they think just because blogs are running they have influence. The people they attack do have influence and they are using it. But with these old conspriracies the fat lady sung and packed up ages ago.

July 27, 2011
Anonymous said...
Very simple but straight observations.

So good to see some people in cyber-world can see Operation Rectangle is closed :-0

July 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
I am just laughing at the comments about Clever Trev's recent proposal on Channel online and now he has allowed a poster on his own blog to blow the fake id of Tom Gruchy as Team Voice’s Mike Dunn as he obviously believes Nick Le C is a serious threat to his precious seat in Number 1. Yes you can make it up, you can!

July 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
Nicl Le Cornu has 'is this jersey' and with all its hatred of finance and right wing politics funny he's another one that avoids using his real name.

July 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
All quiet on the battle fields today lol

July 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
Muppet feeding frenzy, he he he, thanks, guys for making me chuckle, Lenny and the Team muppets snigger, luv you lots and will be dedicating a song to you all soon oh and p.s., up yours coppers! x x x


July 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
Whats going on, is ted allowed to stand even after it was rumoured he booked himself into the funny farm after the last elections?
As for the Pitmans, well there is more chance of Syvret getting married than those two norberts getting re elected. Everyone i have spoken to in the last year regarding the calibre of people in our government has said the pitmans are useless and have achieved nothing for the island.
I think it has been the only time i have agreed with Syvret when he stated that Shona Pitman was thick.

July 28, 2011
Gee I look old. said...
I see Lenny Harper is in the paper and on the voices of the paranoid blog. Why doesn't he just come over to Jersey from Scotland on a direct flight and hold a press conference so that everybody can ask him questions about his views, behaviour, affidavit on a nutter’s blog, questions raised by the people who pay his pension etc. Because if if his conscience is so clear then what’s stopping him?

July 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
I agree, if this man is so honourable then he shoud come back to Jersey and answer the questions.

July 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
Nah, Lenny wont come back because he keeps leaking info from his missing day books to the nutter, He is bluffing now saying i have nothing to hide , of course he has otherwise why doesnt he put the matter to rest by visiting Jersey.
You can tell by the tone of his letter in the Jep tonight, he is a worried man.

July 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
Scan of the blogs:

Neil McMurray, obviously hurt by the thought of this investigation decides insulting Senators Shenton, Perchard and Deputy Power is the best course of action to respond;

Rico Sorda uses a similar strategy and decides to use his copy and paste weapon against one senator who called him a pipe fitter lately;

Trevor Pitman seems to have gone silent since his hero Syvret said what he thought of Ted Vibert but he still allows a claim that these states members are deflecting attention away from the investigation. This again sounds stupid because the historic abuse investigation was officially closed last autumn;

Other blogs that mimic VFC and SS, nothing new. Ian Evans thinks he can use his American Blog domain to verbally insult and slur Ian Le Marquand on top of attacking these States members but nothing unusual about that.

July 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
I just read Lenny's letter and agree with the comments that he should come back to Jersey and sort this out once and for all. He must have unfinished business here because he seems unable to retire and get on with it. So until he physically comes back here his situation will always remain unaltered and crappy camcorder interviews with the voice of children idiots is no substitute.

July 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
What a crap letter. He seems to think he is too important to be questioned on anything and is also an expert in other leaked data all of a sudden! He and the blogs hate Mick Gradwell so much you have to laugh and Ian Le Marquand standing for CM on the news from yesterday, heaven forbid that one! How on earth can caring Rico and innocent Ian sleep at night now? Hey and listen everyone, the Haut de la Garenne investigation together with historic child abuse is closed! Yes closed, its no longer ongoing, so how the &!^" can you trash something thats been closed for yonks by the Police? Maybe the almighty vile blog has the answer to that one?

July 28, 2011
Zoompad said...
What a twat.

This tit reminds me of the pigs we have in Staffordshire. Nice but dim.

Keep up the good work you lovely people x

July 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
Mr Harper is becoming more and more delusional. He seems to actually believe his distorted, perverse version of the truth. When working on the Island he displayed tendencies to mislead, exaggerate and seek the limelight, his insecurity, then, was always deflected by his bullying nature.
His illness now seems to have got a great deal worse.
This man is now confused and completely unstable. Without any credibility, actually he needs help.

July 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
What gets me is that the investigation this dipstick started has all been closed down. No murder and the historic abuse investigation is closed so what’s he trying to resurrect half the time, attention to all his shoddy work, because thats all what ever happens....

July 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
You have to laugh, Lenny's letter was put online by the JEP some 6 hours ago and not a single person can be arsed to even comment on it!

July 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
There was that much confidential information in Lennys affidavit that must surely be in breach of data protection, why havnt our authorities arrested him. The man is carrying out a vendetta against Jersey with the assistance of Syvret. Both of them should be arrested and put to trial.

July 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
I agree, Harper is a loose cannon firing at all and sundry. Insulting States Members and bullying his ex staff still. Whats wrong with the man, is he possessed with demons, chuckle :-)

July 28, 2011
Anonymous said...
Kickstart to syvret supporters names.

Tony Musings. Ian Evans. Philip Sinel.Montford Tadier. Trevor Pitman.
Tony Nightingale. Zoompad. Mike Dunne. Rico Sorda. Paul the lecturer who works at police station. Lenny Harper.


July 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
Just imagine if Harper was still working in Jersey, what a nightmare, the abuse investigation would be up to £50 Million, the bar tab bill would be into tens of thousands, the skull fragment would have been around the world twice for opinion and he would still be arguing with the AG about charging people for flicking towels. Jersey must be thinking he was the worst person in the force they have ever had.

July 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
I see the SS blog is back into thinking it can influence election results again like the great job it did last time. What a load of sorriful souls. Actually I think these 3 states members will be looked upon with admiration for what they have done, outside the pipe fitter and the ex fisherman's world people think the handling of HDLG was a farce.

July 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
the nutters supporters
rob kent-robert parker

July 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
Very good points about the historic abuse operation being officially closed because it does make one wonder what on earth these bloggers are trying to do in pretending its not closed.

July 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
Good heavens a Syvret supporter working at the police station I hope he has not got access to sensitive information.

July 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
That's nothing I came across 2 Deputy Southern supporters on Facebook yesterday. Apparently the pi$$ heads and smack heads in the parks complain to him whenever their social / Income Support hand-outs are late or reduced and he goes down Social for them to complain. He's sort of like their errand boy.

July 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
Yes that is an unusual find. Statistically you must have more of a chance in finding a Twenty Pound Note than a genuine Deputy Southern supporter.

July 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
Syvret supporters

Is gill grazia a real person ?

July 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
Dear Lenny, i am about to be banged up for data protection crimes would you be so kind as to appear as witness on monday morning at the jersey magistrates court. Witness that is to me crying my eyes out as they drag me kicking and screaming to the van. Remember the James Cagney movie angels with dirty faces i think it was , he decided to play the good guy at the end to discourage his followers from following in his footsteps to the gas chamber, i think i may do this to deter anyone else from being the dickhead that i have become, but i suppose big Ian Evans will inevitably follow me to La Moye because they dont call him bungalow for nothing (nothing upstairs if you get my meaning) the other lot who also have very limited intelligence will do as i say and fade away into the general population.
I have boasted today that i will show contempt for the court and slag off all and sundry but i have not got the bottle to do that because the cold hard bunk is going to be hard to get used to without adding another month to my use of it.

July 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
I see Shona Pitman couldn't help herself yesterday in passing an insult to Senator Le Marquand in calling him Mr Bean. Good point made by Tel, will she get back in this time without cheating, who knows....

July 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
Hot from the nutters blog:

'I - the only person who was an anti-corruption politician in Jersey - become the only person who was a politician in Jersey to get jailed; jailed for months.'

He really is living in a world of his own. Contempt of court is the charge and breaking data protection and Road Traffic laws.

Further on he isn't even a politician so where is the anti-corruption in all that!

He calls everybody in the court gangsters to add. What a fine example to the young we have in Jersey who are members of the 'Prison me no way' scheme.

July 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
The JEP are just showing everybody how childish and silly the Pitmans are. Imagine sending an e-mail around at work making a comment about another employee like that, it would end up on your staff file for life and the atmosphere afterwards between you and that employee plus bosses could be damaged forever. It is time for the Public to cut the chaff from the wheat this October and they can start with the back benchers who clown around.

July 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
Trevor pitman deserves a medal, how could any sane person get excited about Shona. Myself and my close freinds would really appreciate it if the baldy one would print on this blog a copy of his diet sheet because it must be some wonderful aphrodisiac he is consuming. The laughter around this office when her mickytaking of Le Marquand was read out, Mrs Pitman is in no position to critisize other peoples looks, shes got to be a farmers daughter cos her head resembles a fourty kilo cabbage

July 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
Can anyone put names to the posters on Syvrets blog as named below.

The Beano is not the rag ......................
Crapaud o pinion...............................
Web guru.......................................
One day........................................

July 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
Page 3 JEP Deputy Shona Pitman e mails states members poking fun at the home affairs ministers looks.
Take a good look at the photographs and consider who you would like to go to bed with but dont count Worzel Grummidge pictured far left.

July 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
I was informed because there is pending court action against SS people have worked out who most of the posters are already.

July 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
I hope he gets help if he is going inside because some of the things he has written about people on his blog is not even normal. How long will it be for a person with his profile completely cracks with all this bottled up hatred of the Government, the Police, the Civil Service and anybody else he thinks has done him injustice before he goes out and does a Norway massacre? Its serious, the material he is writing profiles a very unstable man sometimes and if he did do something crazy, people will be saying the signs of a madman were there all the time but people failed to act.

July 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
I cannot believe the behaviour of Shona Pitman in today's paper. We have very serious issues coming up with possibe prolonged recession if the USA does not get its act together yet we have a paid states member farting around with the government e-mail system on the next CM. Lets hope people use their vote properly this Ocober and get this piss take couple out. Funny though to play it down I see clever trev is still writing to himself on his blog, just like CTV.

July 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
"I hope he gets help if he is going inside because some of the things he has written about people on his blog is not even normal. How long will it be for a person with his profile completely cracks with all this bottled up hatred of the Government, the Police, the Civil Service and anybody else he thinks has done him injustice before he goes out and does a Norway massacre? Its serious, the material he is writing profiles a very unstable man sometimes and if he did do something crazy, people will be saying the signs of a madman were there all the time but people failed to act."

Heard this suggested before and some of the extreme views of his supporters also suggests dangerous patterns of unstability. The police should be monitoring these bloggers closely.

July 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
Talk about bogus, you should look at what's happened to Chris Clifford's Planet Jersey, the person who sold that dead horse must of been laughing all the way to the bank! Funny its got 83 visitors right at this moment reading Boaty Boy's (Paul Letherbarrow's) latest rant against the establishment. Sure, 83 people, who are they kidding?

July 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
Planet Jersey lost its direction years ago, no states member will comment on that forum ever again.

July 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
Trevor Pitman is getting into another strop about his darling being rightly questioned for her stupid e-mail in the post today. Funny though, Clever Trev attacks the JEP all the time. I have lost count of his line, 'its in the JEP so it must be true' comment he frequently uses. It makes one wonder whats going on between him and the local media. He goes onto to say he will attack the States Members he despises, but note they are all senators which is one mandate neither he or his wife will ever risk standing on. Still who would be stupid enough to ever vote for anybody that's broken the election laws in the past for any position anyway?

July 29, 2011
Anonymous said...
desperation from the pitmans trying to draw attention to themselvs before october, one of them or even both of them will quite possibly be out of a job after the elections, how are they going to live then without their £100.000p pa combined earnings, what a pair of stupid people.
She needs to tidy herself up before she shows herself to the public, its a disgrace the way she attends the states sittings that is when she bothers to show up.

July 29, 2011
Saturn 5 said...
Thank you to the poster for information in relation to an ongoing legal action but because it is not common knowledge we do not think it is fair to publish it. But the poster could well be right that this action in the long run will not do the plaintiffs any favours publicity wise.

July 30, 2011
Anonymous said...
if i were an accountant and got convicted and fined for fraud i would not be allowed to practice again in that trade. so how can shifty shona possibly run for office again ?

July 30, 2011
Anonymous said...
It's not just Shona it's Geoff Southern. He should of stood down and gone for re-election at the start and should have further done the same last year when he went for the by-election Senator. Its very cowardly.

July 30, 2011
Anonymous said...
This profile I am getting in my mind of a person that hates the Government, hates the Police and hates the justice system is staring to paint a picture of a very dangerous anarchist. Ian Evans and Rico Sorda give similar impressions from their blogs. Be hoarding fertiliser next.

July 30, 2011
Anonymous said...
Southern and Shona Pitman are two convicted election fraudsters how can they possibly be allowed to stand for public office again. They were able to keep their positions after their convictions probably so that they could pay their fines from cash provided by us the taxpayer.
Let us have done with these two . the electorate will vote for truth and honesty, qualities that the pair of them dont possess .

July 30, 2011
Anonymous said...
Well i larfed and i larfed and i larfed eh Deputy Shona Pitman describing a fellow politician as MR BEAN. Are there no mirrors in her house .

July 30, 2011
Anonymous said...
Deputy pitman should eat humble pie and offer L e marquand an apology a sign of contrition from her would help her in the coming election, but we should not hold our breath for this because she obviously eats lots of pies and the humble type is not amongst them.
WHO ATE ALL THE PIES WHO ATE ALL THE PIES you f.. b...... you f.. b......

July 30, 2011
Anonymous said...
I reckon anybody that calls others names like gangsters, criminals and half-wits is not only a danger to the public but themselves.

July 30, 2011
Anonymous said...
Evans and Sorda have no need to store fertilizer they already have tons of horse s..t its printed on their blogs. The implosion will be heard from here to England when their dick head messiah enters HMP La Moye.

July 30, 2011
Anonymous said...
How did they pay off their original fines by the way? Help the elderly fill in cheques?

July 30, 2011
Anonymous said...
They should be dancing in the streets next week:-o

July 30, 2011
Anonymous said...
Some of these messages for Monday on the Vile Blog almost brings a tear to your eye (of inner laughter). Still if you spend a many drunken night writing hatred towards others, making a mockery of the judicial system and pretending you are better than a system that rules everyone perhaps its only inevitable that system will come back and break your back eventually. As the saying goes fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

July 31, 2011
Anonymous said...
He is such a nasty piece of work a lot of people will be chuffed if he is put inside and I mean it. Dick Shenton said it lightly when he referred to his career at the end as an embarrassment and sitting for hours on his own in Pizza Express with a laptop shows a solitary pathetic lonely life, so going inside won't take much effort to adjust.

July 31, 2011
Anonymous said...
'Talk about bogus, you should look at what's happened to Chris Clifford's Planet Jersey, the person who sold that dead horse must of been laughing all the way to the bank! Funny its got 83 visitors right at this moment reading Boaty Boy's (Paul Letherbarrow's) latest rant against the establishment. Sure, 83 people, who are they kidding?'

You can say that again, one post the whole of yesterday. There was even more action on the Evan's blog even though its posts to himself.

July 31, 2011
Zoompad said...
Lets all hope they forget about him and never let him out again!

July 31, 2011
Anonymous said...
I have got a bottle of Moet en Chandon champagne in the fridge and its been stuck in there since the Easter. So I think next week I may pop it open and enjoy a really nice glass with cherry on top :-)


  1. WOW! God is good, Praise the Lord!

  2. Lord, they even write evil comments using my name. You can see them as they are doing it. Perhaps it's wrong of me to pray for this Lord, but I really wish they would be stricken with paralysis the next time they try to make an evil post in my name.

  3. Thanks for the loving message brother xxxx
