Tuesday 26 July 2011


I feel sick every time I read these comments about myself and my friends on this horrible blogsite.

The people who are running that blog site should be arrested and charged for a variety of offences, and if the British Isles had a proper working judicial system that isw exactly what would happen.

Instead, the victims of child abuse, and those who try to help them, are persecuted.

I am reposting the horrible comments that have been posted about me and my friends on that blog. I have told Stafford Police to look at that blogsite, when Stafford Police were sent by a person connected to MI5 on a malicious fools errand to my house, to accuse me of cyber hate crime (which is clearly being committed every day on this disgusting Farce blog) without a scrap of evidence - Stafford Police didnt even bother to ask the person who had wasted police time to make false allegations about me for any evidence, so much is Stafford Police's hatred of us Pindown child abuse survivors that they came dashing to bang on my door with their accusations, and when I asked "Can I see the evidence please" they had to admit they hadnt seen any! Which was not surprising as the malicious emails I was supposed to have sent didnt exist!

So I asked Stafford Police to investigate the REAL cyber crime that is being committed against me by the people who run the Farce blog, but, I suppose because MI5 are involved in that horrible gang Stafford Police were too scared to do anything, and I was told "WE ARE GOING TO DRAW A LINE UNDER THIS NOW" which is their way of telling me to STFU and stop moaning.

So here are this mornings latest crop of malicious comments made about me and my friends on the apparently untouchable(due to corrupt politicians, paedophiles and MI5 being involved in it) Blog of Doom.

For the record - because all these insults and injustices are being recorded and noted by a higher and more honest judge that Christopher Pitchers - these comments do cause me a great deal of anguish, it hurts to have to look at what these wicked people are writing about me and my friends every day. This is the sort of malicious persecution that can drive depressed people to take their own lives, it is vicious and malevolent. But, as I said before, the police dont care, we Pindown survivors have no resource to justice this side of Heaven.

Anonymous said...
They keep on saying he is going to prison for exposing child abuse! Not contempt of court! He ran away from court for 6 months in case they forgot! But it looks like Stu is forgotten already with even VFC opting for supporting good old Ted Vibert on Clever Trev's blog. 'Its time to bury the hatchet' they say, poor Stu, none of em really gave a to$$ about you after all :-(

July 26, 2011
Anonymous said...
The problem with Trevor Pitman and his rants about tax, the Treasury Minister, The Home Affairs Minister, Ben Shenton and so on is that he has to put himself forward for election on an Island Wide mandate to show the public truly are behind him and his views. Everybody he attacks has got into the States on an Island Wide Mandate, and Ozouf plus Le Marquand have even topped the Polls at one time. What I find strange about Trevor Pitman’s Politics is that if he thinks he is a better thinker than any of these people, that he speaks for almost everybody and that he is not afraid to say what he thinks! That’s fantastic! But he must put his money where your mouth is and stand on the same 12 parish platform as the people he attacks so everybody can have a say because otherwise Trevor you are just a coward and your critics are right that you haven’t got a hope in hell of getting in as a Senator because the public of Jersey do not think much of you and your politics.

July 26, 2011
Anonymous said...
Do not forget that his wife Shona broke the election law last time and thats never going to go away and her attendance record in the States isn't exactly great either.

July 26, 2011
Anonymous said...
Trevor Pitman would be THRASHED on an Island Wide Mandate end of !

Do not worry there will be plenty coming forward for the St Helier seats who will no doubt highlight how full of $hit this idiot is !

July 26, 2011
Anonymous said...
as i lay on my cold hard bunk for close to one year my mind drifts to rico and carolyn, and i wonder which one will be waiting for me when i get out.
will rico be there with a laptop ready for my use,,will carolyn be there ready to pick me up with kennys taxi and the new baby in the rear seat,
will wendy be there with another secondhand mercedes, or best of all will there be a full assembly of states members each of whom i have slagged off ,with the exeption of trevor of course because his boss at kentucky fried chicken wouldnt give him the morning off.

La Moye Prison in the winter brrrrr you couldnt make it up

July 26, 2011
Anonymous said...
Zoompad said...

I dunno about you lot but we are having a party!

July 26, 2011
Anonymous said...
I agree, Trevor Pitman has to stand on an Island Wide Mandate to test his beliefs in this Island's Government and it would be fitting as he doesn't even live in St Helier unlike one of his challengers Mr Nick Le Cornu.

July 26, 2011

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