Tuesday 12 July 2011


Welcome to Dods PeopleDods People is a comprehensive online service that provides you with unparalleled access to both the political representatives and public affairs professionals across the UK and European Union.


Whether you are want to email female MPs who sit on the Transport Select Committee, invite Labour and Lib Dem PPCs in the Midlands and Wales to an event, or simply discover who the key political representatives across all parliaments and assemblies are with a specific political interest, Dods People can help.

Dods People has been designed to provide you with control over the data. Each dynamic function ensuring you can quickly and intuitively access the information you require.

Whether you use the intelligent quick search, build a list of contacts based on your specific criteria using filters, navigate to an organisations structure, or simply read the background information on a future boundary changed constituency, Dods People provides you with the necessary tools.



With such a wide variety of information available, Dods People not only helps you find the individuals you are looking for it also helps you communicate, track and monitor your groups and favourite contacts.

The new filter options available allow you to refine your choices on a myriad of options, from Gender, Party and Roles, to COI regions, Committee memberships and other membership of bodies, Dods Poeple gives you the power to build a list based on your exact requirements. Whether you are looking for all Female MPs in the North East, or all Government Whips, Male PPSs' or all Special Advisers, Dods People allows you to choose. Filter options are available across all our people datasets listed opposite.

Once you have refined your list, you have a number of options available using the new MyPeople functions. MyPeople allows you to group contacts, save filtered contacts, add notes, send emails and export. However you want to communicate, MyPeople will track, monitor and provide you with a comprehensive log of all activity undertaken.



Covering the Houses of Parliament, all devolved institutions and the European Union, Dods People provides a comprehensive hierarchical breakdown of all the key bodies within each institution.

Once you have found the specific Select Committee or All-Party Group, the Shadow Labour Cabinet in the Scottish Parliament, or the Welsh NDPB you need, Dods People will display the people and their responsibilities giving you direct access to biographical information.

Furthermore, if you wish to group and contact these individuals, the MyPeople functionality provides a useful save contacts option, furthering the dynamic nature of the service.



With the general election looming large, Dods can offer the tools to ensure you are prepared.

Whether you are looking for on overview of the political history or social and economic issues affecting each existing constituency, or looking to see the impact of forthcoming boundary changes on the make-up of a constituency and the declared candidates, Dods People can guide you to the information quickly.

Through using the new filters that are available across the site, you are able to refine your search to pinpoint a the information you need, whether you are looking for the safest Conservative seat in the North West, or the most vulnerable Labour seat in Wales, you have the control to filter, modify and access and print the wealth of information available.

How do I interact with the information?


Dods People offer you an in-built contact management system called MyPeople. MyPeople has been integrated across the site to ensure that you are always in control.

Saved filter searches - Whether you want to save the filter you have built ensuring you can return to it, MyPeople remembers to criteria you have built to enable you to quickly replicate you search. Use the customised search function to find MPs, Civil Servants and Public Affairs professionals, keep track of your activity and make immediate contact.

Groups - Once you have created your activated your preferred filters, MyPeople provides you with a Group option to save these people in a group for future reference. This allows you to add notes, email and export these contacts at any time.

Notes - MyPeople also provides a Add Notes section that allows you to add a note to an individual, a filtered search or a pre-saved Group. MyPeople provides the functionality to search within your Notes to find activity you undertook with a specific contact.

Email - MyPeople offer you a built in email module that enables you to email your selected contacts directly from Dods People. Each email you send allows you to personalise, add HTML content and attachments to suit your requirements. MyPeople also allows you to schedule email activity to be delivered when suits you.

Activity Log - All activity you undertake through MyPeople is recorded against the individual contact ensuring you are always aware of the contact and conversation you have had with each contact.

How can I access Dods People?


This is a subscriber only site, and you will require a username and password. To register for a free trial and demonstration, please click here.

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  1. What does Tom Watson know that we don’t, about News International?

    by Sunny Hundal
    July 8, 2011 at 8:20 am

    Following the big announcement yesterday, for me the most striking interview was with Labour MP Tom Watson on Channel 4 News (video below).

    Essentially, Tom Watson says that there is far more to come from this cesspit than previously thought, and goes far beyond phone-hacking.

    So the question is, what’s next and how do we campaign on it?

    Here is a short transcript:

    Jon Snow: Tell us, is there something more that you have up your sleeve that you think could be in this dynamic. I mean is there… what is it?

    Tom Watson: I think there is more evidence that shows there was more invasive technologies used than just phone hacking. I think we’ll be seeing the use of computer hacking, tracker devices and other forms of covert surveillance. And I think it will cross over to other News International newspapers. And I think there are other rogue private investigators out there we haven’t begun to hear from.

  2. What does Tom Watson know that we don’t, about News International?

    by Sunny Hundal
    July 8, 2011 at 8:20 am

    Following the big announcement yesterday, for me the most striking interview was with Labour MP Tom Watson on Channel 4 News (video below).

    Essentially, Tom Watson says that there is far more to come from this cesspit than previously thought, and goes far beyond phone-hacking.

    So the question is, what’s next and how do we campaign on it?

    Here is a short transcript:

    Jon Snow: Tell us, is there something more that you have up your sleeve that you think could be in this dynamic. I mean is there… what is it?

    Tom Watson: I think there is more evidence that shows there was more invasive technologies used than just phone hacking. I think we’ll be seeing the use of computer hacking, tracker devices and other forms of covert surveillance. And I think it will cross over to other News International newspapers. And I think there are other rogue private investigators out there we haven’t begun to hear from.

    It’s a bit bizarre Jon Snow doesn’t press him on the issue because it means this whole saga could go on for years still and envelop many more big names.

    But this also presents a challenge for activists. In taking aim at advertisers during the NotW frenzy this week, we had an opportunity to shape our own narrative and make ourselves heard. It worked.

    Making the case and campaigning to block the BSkyB deal won’t be so easy, now the government has essentially made up its mind. If I understand correctly, only Ofcom stands in the way.

    So it essentially comes down to what Tom Watson said yesterday. This is a scandal of massive proportions, with corruption, criminal negligence and catastrophically bad judgement (on part of the PM) at its heart. The issue isn’t keeping the story going, but doing so in a way that makes it easier for campaigners to have some impact. I don’t know how that could play out. Your thoughts?

  3. I wont be posting any of that Penn and Teller rubbish, so you are wasting your time sending it. I've seen those videos already and dont think much of them.

    You well advised to buy yourself a copy of that great book you are attempting to discredit. That way you might be able to control yourself from telling lies in the House. If thats possible for a politician to do so. Miracles can happen I suppose.

  4. Hacked on Facebook now. I cannot use my Hotmail account and I cannot use my Facebook account either.

    I see.

    Well, you lot are wasting your time. I am only a child abuse survivor, and you MI5 clowns are throwing every big gun at me to shut me up. I'm telling you, you can shut me up but you will never shut the Lord Jeses Christ up.

    Those Penn and Teller videos are stupid. No wonder you MI5 floozies are so dim watching that crap.

  5. You lot are just a gang of big stupid bullies.

    You think you are like James Bond 007 and are able to do exactly what you want, do horrible things to child abuse survivors and all sorts, worse things than that, and that noone will find out but you are wrong because the Lord has his eye on you.

    You chose the wrong victim, I am a child of the living God, I might be very weak but the Lord my God is very very strong and he loves me very much.

    The Lord God Creator of heaven and earth promised that he would look after his children, and he does.

    You will always get found out because God is watching you and he never goes to sleep.

  6. Well, I am back on facebook again, after being locked out of that site for a few hours.

    It's really pathetic that you lot have no bigger fish to fry than me. Pathetic.

  7. Dear Zoompad...

    [Verse 1]
    You only listen when it suits you
    I don't know why I try
    I will not explain the facts
    'Cause words just float on by
    You are always saying that
    You think you know what's best
    We get so sick of hearing you
    So just give it a rest

    You only hear what you want to
    That is so unfair no-one seems to care about you
    Now we are talking but
    You still hear what you want to
    Maybe you should open your ears and
    Listen to what people have to say
    Still you will not change and
    You still hear what you want to

    [Verse 2]
    I'm talking but you don't listen to me
    You will never change and you can't see
    What it is you are doing to me
    To your friends and to to your family
    The people you upset when you close your ears
    When you don't want to face your fears
    I'm so sick of this game you put me through
    This time it is the end of me and you

    You only hear what you want to
    That is so unfair no-one seems to care about you
    Now we are talking but
    You still hear what you want to
    Maybe you should open your ears and
    Listen to what people have to say
    Still you will not change and
    You still hear what you want to


    [Verse 3]
    You are always saying that
    You think you know what's best
    We get so sick of hearing you
    So just give it a rest

    You only hear what you want to
    That is so unfair no-one seems to care about you
    Now we are talking but
    You still hear what you want to
    Maybe you should open your ears and
    Listen to what people have to say
    Still you will not change and
    You still hear what you want to hear

  8. Well Mr Idiot, you certainly won't be winning any awards for that song.

    You could try giving it to Gorgon Brown to sing at the next Eurodirision Song Contest though. Getting him to go on telly to complain about he has been hacked after all the letters he has had off child abuse survivors who have been hacked by the MI5 paedoprotection squad under his watch didnt exactly wring a tear out of my eye, it make me want to throw up.

  9. And another thing about your stupid song lyrics, its not true. I HAVE been listening to the Paedorights drivel, I have read plenty of the loathsome pro paedophile literature that is being pumped out all over everywhere.

    After reading so much crap I have come to exactly the same conclusion as I did before I read any of it - that the sexual activity between a child and an adult is wicked, ingodly and evil.

    You paedos need to learn some respect for Lord God, because at the moment you are running riot. You ought to be ashamed of what you are, and you ought to humble yourself before the Lord and you ought to beg Gods forgiveness for attacking the Lords children and ask him to help you repent and help you to change your hearts. You ought to ask the Lord Jesus Christ to take away your lustful feelings for children. Thats what you ought to do, if you have any sense, because I tell you Lord God has got his eye on you and you are picking a fight with him by attacking his blessed children.
