Wednesday 24 August 2011


I had an email from him, SUPPOSEDLY from him, but it wasn't Brian who sent it.

I know who really sent the email. It was the same person who has hacked into other anti child abuse campaigners emails, and impersonated them in order to stop anti child abuse campaigners working together.

It was a drunkard who already has a criminal record, a wicked man who sticks up two fingers to God.

I just want that person to know he has been busted. Brian Gerrish is a good and kind man, he would never have spoken to me like that, because he knows what I have been through.


  1. What a fool I have been! I should win an award for being a first rate mug!

    Brian Gerrish is now blocked. I want nothing at all to do with him, not after this morning.

    Hope the donation I gave him rots his wallet.

  2. What do you mean? What is wrong with Brian Gerrish? He looks a nice man, working on the side of the people.

  3. That's what I thought, until the Stoke on Trent conference last year. Believe me, I am not having any pleasure in posting this, in fact it makes me feel terrible. But I am still waiting for him to contact me and give me an explaination, and so fat he hasn't, so what am I supposed to think?

  4. so what do you think is the agenda of Brian Gerrish and the British Constitution group?

  5. I wish I knew the answer to that question. I don't know what his agenda is. I thought he was a kind hearted man who just wanted to stop people getting abused. The only reason I got involved with Brian Gerrish was because he said he was a retired navel officer who wanted to do something nice for teenagers who had nothing to do, and started a boat building initiative, which a creepy organisation, a charity called Common Purpose prevented him from doing. And he explained all about this charity, which was all over the place, and they had all this strange diagram stuff, and it was all the same as a man called Stafford Beer had invented, all these boxes and diagrams that looked like electric circuit diagrams.

    So I thought he was a really nice man. But now, well after what he did to me, I don't think he's a nice man any more. I can't understand why he's treated me like this. But I think the Edge TV is a bit strange. I don't trust RT, because Max Keiser, thats not his real name, his real name is Timothy Maxwell, and he has that program On The Edge, and Brian Gerrish got Stafford onto the RT, and Brian promotes a man called Jordan Maxwell, and Jordan Maxwell made a blasphemous video. Sorry if that sounds all jumbled up, but I am really puzzled by it all and don't know what to think.

    I thought Brian was a Christian, so why would he be promoting the blasphemous Jordan Maxwell? Perhaps he doesn't realise or something.

    I don't know what to think now, but I do know that Brian Gerrish invited a man that was part of a gang of bullies who bullied me for two years for posting about Ralph Underwager and Richard Gardner being paedophiles (which they were) on a website for supporting mothers who were suffering judicial abuse. One of the men who bullied me was Nigel Oldfield. Brian knows I am a survivor of Pindown child abuse and judicial abuse in the secret family courts, so I cannot understand why he has treated me in such a cruel way. I have invited him to explain himself, both on this site and on Harry's site, but so far he has not done so.

  6. I was on RT, because the Stafford conference was featured on RT and I am the lady in the bright orange dress holding up the Magna Carta, in front of a massive orange banner. I contacted Max Keiser using the email address supplied on the RT program, and told him he had had me on RT and I wanted to tell him all about the secret family courts and the use of a syndrome invented by a paedophile, but I had no response. I would have thought that Max Keiser would have been really glad to have me on his show, seeing that RT has already featured the conference I was at and had that striking picture of me on the program. I didnt give my permission for RT to put that photo of me on their show, they never made any attempt to ask for my permission, but I am certainly glad that they used it, as I am so desperate that what is happening in the secret family courts should be known to everyone in this country. But I would have thought they would have really been so pleased to have someone like me talking on their programme, because I experienced both Pindown and secret family court abuse.

  7. I can't help wondering if Timothy Maxwell is related to either Jordan Maxwell or Robert Maxwell, why did he change his name from Timothy Maxwell to Max Keiser? His face looks quite a lot like Robert Maxwell's face, if you have a look at pictures of them both.

    Anyway, I don't want anything to do with anyone who has any other agenda than trying to make this country safer for children. I am sick of child abuse. I am sick of paedophiles trying to change the law to make paedophilia legal. I am sick of human trafficking. I don't want to be coerced in to some sort of anachistic plan to overthrow the government, I just want the government to apply the common laws of this country, which are based on the Queens coronation oath to the Lord God Almighty, and stop children and other vulnerable people being hurt by preditors. I can see that some of these preditors are craftily mingling with anti child abuse campaigners and inserting a different agenda, and I don't want anything to do with people like that. It's not what Jesus said to do, Jesus said to pray for the government, not try to overthrow it. Jesus was a healer and a social reformer, not an anachist. He never plotted against anyone, he just healed people who were broken and rebuked people who were bad.

  8. can you post the link of the video of the Stafford conference, please? I have not been able to find it.

  9. Here is one of the videos


    This is me at that rally

  11. Brian Gerrish? My eyes are opened. I think the man stinks.
