Thursday 25 August 2011


I know I am probably quite mad expecting anything to be done, but I just thought I had better publish this little comment from that Blog of Doom...

"Anonymous said...
Everyone is asking about Syvret and his Royal Court sentence of Community Service, what I am going to say is not the usual rumour and hearsay, Syvret has produced a GP's letter to the Court Officers claiming his health precludes him from being able to do Community work."

Erm, excues me, but I thought that confidential medical data was supposed to be just that - confidential?

How does this person know that Mr Syvret has handed a doctors note to the Court Officers?

How does this person know what is in the letter?

It looks like someone has been very naughty, and has broken the Data Protection Act, which is the very same act that Mr Syvret was given a fine and community service for breaking!

Mr Syvret has argued that he has only ever acted in the public interest, whereas the person who has apparently been given access to Mr Syvret's confidential and personal medical information appears to be acting for no other reasons than political gain and malicious spite.

Judge for yourself the motive behind this latest law breaking incident.

Anonymous said...
Two good letters on the nutter in today's paper. Dunno how he is going to deal with so many Trolls because they seem to have infected half the population......

August 24, 2011
Anonymous said...
PMSL! I just read them, "The Recently convicted former Health Minister" and "He has a Cheek in Standing Again".

In standing he has left himself wide open to attack and he can only blame his own stupidity of the past. Nobody with a criminal record like his and admission that he's suffered from clinical depression should even be allowed to stand.

August 24, 2011
Anonymous said...
A fool and anybody who did and said what he has said about the states will be treat like an idiot by the public and thats whats been happening the the JEP for the past couple of weeks. Looking forward to it actually, its like out of the frying pan into the fire for this muppet.

August 24, 2011
Anonymous said...
Have the police arrested him yet, for not turning up to do his community service
If he ever gets elected , which is highly unlikely I might add. How the hell could he possibly work along side anyone.
The man is loathed by so many.

August 24, 2011


  1. I have got the offending web page safely copied, just in case it mysteriously dissapears, as the Jon Haworth death threats video has.

    If this is true then Stuart Syvret has a strong case of harassment and theft and misuse of personal data to bring against the Jersey Royal Court.

  2. YOU are NOT mad at all...
    YOU are one of the most Moral/ Ethical/ Spiritual people on the island of JERSEY...
    Understand [the Evil] Freemasonry...
    There you have the answer - LINKING [the EVIL] Philip Bailhache [ex Governor of Haut De La Garenne & practising Freemason (he is a Senior Freemason {they promote Ritual Sexual Abuse/Masonic Sexual Abuse of Innocents)] TO William Bailhache [the ex Attorney General & practising Freemason (both Philip Bailhache & William Bailhache are brothers)]. The Attorney General decides which characters in Jersey get prosecuted.

    FREEMASONRY is the scourge of JERSEY - it has almost snuffed out good DEMOCRACY - but for good people like you & Stuart Syvret & many many others on Jersey (who tend not to say anything - through fear of the unknown?).

    Yet there is a Conflict of Interest [Private Interest/Public Duty - thus there can be no DUE PROCESS of Law - ask any Lawyer (that is not part of the Rotten Corrupt System of {Masonic} Law {that rules} in Jersey) that the Law in Jersey is totally compromised ("Fu*ked_Up")].

  3. Stuart Syvret would have no legal redress in London but in the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg. [The ECHR is NOT the same as the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg].

    Always keep copies of everything. Many people in Jersey are sick of the EVIL in the midst of Jersey.

    Duke of Kent is the Grand Master of Freemasonry but the Queen is the Patroness of Freemasonry. [Her husband Prince Philip is also a Freemason].

    Learn about the subject & you discover that the senior men in the States of Jersey are EVIL Freemasons!

    [David Cameron, Gordon Brown & ACL Blair were/are all Freemasons - that is why they do what the US President dictates - as he is a puppet to Rothschild & Rockefeller who control the PRIVATE Central Bank of the UK (Bank Of England Nominees - "BOEN") & the Federal Reserve Bank ("Fed") of the US & the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) of the EU.

    The Rothschilds were put in a position of trust to look after the enormous wealth of the Knights Templars [& Vatican Treasury].

    The President Of The US ("POTUS") is [a puppet - the current one was born in Kenya - in breach of Article 2 of the US Constitution look at HE Peter Ogego - who confirms that fact] decided by the Council on Foreign Relations (Chairman Emeritus is David Rockefeller). They bought the mainstream (manipulating) Media [look at the excellent clip on YouTube] under JP Morgan [Agent of Rothschild (original name Bauer)].

  4. I will have a look.

    I don't live in Jersey, I live in Staffordshire. I got to know Stuart because when the HDLG investigation started I contacted Jersey police and told them how I had been abused in a Pindown home (as HDLG was) and how Staffordshire police had not only covered it up and denied me justice, they had also allowed me to be persecuted at great taxpayers expense (over £100,000)and Jersey Police were really kind and tried to help me, that was when Lenny Harper and Graham Power were there, thats how I came to find Stuarts blog. The Pindown abuse at Staffordshire was the same as the Grand Prix abuse at HDLG, the same cruel wicked system, it was all over the UK and some of the same people are involved in the cover ups, the British False Memory Society and FACT and groups like that.

  5. Illuminati abuse is not only all over the UK it is all over Europe. Not all Masons are members of the Illuminati by any means (not that a secret society like the Masons is a good idea - but often its for things like fiddling planning permission but not the kind of HDLG horror) - the Illuminati just like to provide covers for what they do. Certainly a secret society in a democracy (or a feudal society like Jersey) is completely unnecessary and suspect. Don't get me wrong - Masons who happen to be Illuminati are scum but Illuminati who aren't masons are also scum. I'm sure its possible some Masons do horrible abusive things and aren't Illuminati - that's possible. My parents aren't Masons but they are Illuminati. The Illuminati are responsible for the abuse at HDLG - I don't know if they infiltrated it or started it but they were certainly doing it when I was a kid and a teenager and was taken there by some of my family (illuminati members) from the UK and abused there. I was bought up in the Illuminati and expected to carry it on but I never did and haven't done as I know from gut instinct it is wrong.

  6. Then you have broken a link in the chain xx

    I dont hate freemasons for being freemasons. I dont see how a freemason can be a Christian though, I know Rowan Williams said the same thing, and was attacked for it. I am sad he is stepping down, I wish he had stayed and fought. I've been openly critical of him, but I am really impressed with what he said when he first became Archbishop of Canterbury.
