Sunday 7 August 2011


I should have posted this article on my blog last year.

Falconer, if any of my readers are not already aware, is the man who chose to keep the secret family courts, which are using syndromes invented by paedophiles to falsely accuse good parents of child abuse, in order to steal their children and give them to some very unsavoury characters, plot one parent against another in secret family court battles which can last for over a decade, thus making a nice little earner for many unscrupulous secret family court lawyers and judges and other "professionals", and other even more disgusting misuse of authority. Falconer was well aware that it was paedophiles who invented the syndromes used in the secret family courts, I know that for certain because I was one of the people who wrote to him on several occasions and told him so, showing evidence of the syndrome inventors were paedophiles.

Falconer got together a dodgy survey, in which he claimed he asked a small number of children wether they wanted the family court to remain secret, then the results of this were published in yet another glossy expensive looking Government consultation paper report. Well, none of the 400 people on Mothers for Justice forum who were being dragged through the secret family courts said that their children had been contacted. I wrote to the MOJ and told them what I thought of their survey and decision to keep the family courts secret. I told them that people had not even been aware that such a survey was being done until it was published! I told them I could have spent less than £100 and got real children from all over the country to participate in that survey, simply by sticking up an invitation on a piece of A4 with a bit of sellotape or blutack into the lobby of all the secret family courts.

But Falconer and his criminal gangsters didnt want to do a real survey. He just wanted to pretend he had done a real survey, so he and his Gibson Dunn and Crutcher human trafficking gang could continue to steal children from the UK and keep their wallets fat off the proceeds.

Why have the UK police not arrested this odious creep yet? Who is protecting him? He appears to be so cocksure that he is above the law of the land that everyone else has to abide by that he isn't even bothering to conceal his wicked crimes properly!

Here is the article, and I am including the comments that were published as well, because I think some of my readers might also find them very interesting as well.

George Pitcher
George Pitcher is an Anglican priest who serves his ministry at St Bride's, Fleet Street, in London – the "journalists' church".

Lord Falconer launches his sham 'Commission on Assisted Dying' tomorrow. He will call it 'independent'. Yeah, right…
By George Pitcher Politics Last updated: November 29th, 2010
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Lord Falconer favours a change in the law on assisted suicide (Photo: Christopher Pledger)
I have been asked to give evidence to Lord Falconer’s entirely bogus “Commission on Assisted Dying”, which launches itself at the London offices of think-tank Demos tomorrow. The former Lord Chancellor will do his best at this event to present his “Commission” as “entirely independent”.
It is, of course, nothing of the sort. Charlie Falconer himself chairs it and he is an outspoken advocate of assisted dying – otherwise known as assisted suicide or voluntary euthanasia – having tried and failed to introduce an amendment to legislation in the House of Lords in 2009 that would have made the practice lawful.
The always colourful novelist Sir Terry Pratchett, who publicly supports people being euthanised when they ask for it, is bankrolling the “Commission” and Dignity in Dying, which needs no introduction but was previously called the Voluntary Euthanasia Society, is also sponsoring it.
It seems that Lord Falconer has learned all he needs to know about independent inquiries from his old boss Tony Blair (or perhaps vice versa). This “Commission” is nothing more than a lobby group for death-on-demand disguised as an inquiry. The euthanasia lobby has become adept as circumventing the parliamentary process to get its way – the Director of Public Prosecutions re-defining when someone could expect to get away with assisting a suicide is a case in point – and this is a mischievous and cynical attempt to re-write a proper House of Lords inquiry that exposed all the flaws and dangers of assisted-suicide legislation in 2004/2005.
Don’t get me wrong. I would support an evidence-based and rational public debate on assisted suicide. But this is a sham. If you don’t believe me, consider this: under what possible circumstances can you imagine Lord Falconer’s “Commission” concluding next year that “there is no case for a change in the law on assisted suicide or euthanasia”. Exactly.
I know that more eminent members of the House of Lords have already written to Falconer to point out how he is debasing the parliamentary principles of independent inquiry. For my part, I will hear him out as he justifies his “Commission” and then write to him with my thoughts as to whether I will appear to give evidence to his kangaroo court. I will publish that letter here.
Meanwhile, Demos and its director Kitty Ussher should be ashamed of themselves. Demos established over a decade a fine reputation for non-partisan analysis and discourse. That it has been co-opted by this shallow attempt to suggest that Falconer’s “Commission” somehow bears the integrity of the House of Lords is not only shameful, but cheap and rather nasty.
Tags: Assisted suicide, Commission on Assisted Dying, Demos, Dignity in Dying, euthanasia, Kitty Ussher, Lord Falconer, Terry Pratchet, The Voluntary Euthanasia Society
12/01/2010 09:28 AM
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As opposed to the tactics used by the late Earl of Cork and Orrery who used procedural methods time after time after time to block any such initiative? You can't have it both ways, if what he did was fair, then this is fair.

Moreover, as a priest, you're supposed to love people. That includes allowing them to choose to die - your opposition is totally unworthy of your vocation, as it forces some to live on in suffering, reducing your morality to that of sadism at best, and a torturer at worst.

Moreover, your position becomes hypocritical as it forces those choosing to die to do so before they need to, while they still can travel.

A right to life is encapsulated in the CFR, and that sufffices for your needs. It is not a requirement to life. Enough of your ill-conceived mumbo-jumbo, as it harms the Church in the long run.
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11/30/2010 01:01 PM
The commissioners are listed at http://commissiononassisteddyi...
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John Bullock
11/30/2010 10:17 AM
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I agree that it isn't right to go around proper process, but considered the disgraceful way that Parliament has handled some important decisions lately (Digital Economy Bill, anyone?) I'm not surprised that people think they can, or should, ignore the proper way to do it.

Personally, I am fully in favour of assisted euthanasia, and think that most of the arguments against it show short sightedness at best, and laziness at worst, so it is nice to see the legal system being screwed over by something that isn't insidious for a change.
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11/29/2010 11:54 PM
Who has given George Pitcher the right to insist that patients who want to die because they find their condition intolerable must linger in torment? Does he have greater insight into their lives and suffering than they do themselves?

One of the members of the commission is Stephen Duckworth, a disability campaigner paralysed from the neck down in a rugby accident 29 years ago. Although he asked a friend to take his life two years after the accident, she refused. 27 years later, he has either changed his mind or is procrastinating terribly.
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11/29/2010 10:49 PM
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auntycensorship has a good point.

Was Dr. David Kelly's death a case of "assisted dying?," and why did Falconer block a genuine, under-oath coroner's inquest which would have examined that possibility?

Meanwhile, the Russian Duma - in the spirit of glasnost which we so badly need in the West - has passed a resolution acknowledging Soviet responsibility for the Katyn Massacre.

Lou Coatney,
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11/29/2010 09:33 PM
Always looks like he's been caught slipping away after a satisfying lunch and a jug of claret, does our fatty Falconer.
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11/29/2010 07:42 PM
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jamie_macnab. so many hours ago. You are soooo behind the times....................the country was appalling years ago, it's much worse now. as for that tub of lard falconer, assisted suicide is recommended.
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11/29/2010 04:50 PM
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Falconer is about as genuine as one of those fake pound coins doing the rounds- Lord F and that smiling sycophant Straw come from the same mould of Blairite lap dogs who were employed to cover up the lies and misdeeds of their leader-they are a truly despicable pack of jackals feeding on the detritus of Nulabours despoliation of Britain.
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11/29/2010 02:11 PM
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A scurrilous knave who thinks us all stupid.
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11/29/2010 02:07 PM
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He will be bearing the costs of this think tank we presume?
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11/29/2010 12:35 PM
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It's bad enough that this garrulous, fat, unelected oaf is never off the radio or tv without having to look at his expense-account baw-face in the Telegraph.
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11/29/2010 01:14 PM
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Re; Baw-Face Pus.

Another ''Twat'' as ''dave c'' would say, that has not missed a meal in his puffy puff puff.

This would be good to rectify
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11/29/2010 12:19 PM
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Is life to be saved at any price? Aren’t the most skilful torturers those who keep their victims alive and in agony? In fact, isn't martyrdom a form of assisted suicide?
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11/29/2010 12:11 PM
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Apart from the mere act of suicide itself, the main danger from legalising it comes from those who would wish to push the boundaries of the law. Remember how stringent the abortion law was meant to be?

I do not look forward to the day when the old and sick fear for their lives when being sent to hospital or 'care' for treatment. But that day will come if this proposal becomes law.
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11/29/2010 12:34 PM
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Too frigging late Jamie! They kill old folks already with neglect, filthy hospitals, foreign staff with little English, rationed drugs and management by pie-charts. The last person we need in charge of Gummint Euthanasia is that grinning lickspittle Falconer, the Rubber Stamper of Bliar's Iraq fiasco.
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11/29/2010 01:12 PM
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I fear you're right, Old Dog. The state of the country is appalling.
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11/29/2010 11:49 AM
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Quite right George..oppose it with all your might, Why should those spending years in terrible pain be allowed to escape their miserable life. Why should we allow the old the ability to escape a couple of years wetting themselves, dribbling while forced to watch daytime tele' in the lounge of the old peoples home. Since when was choice flavour of the month...if we start allowing folks to choose their day and time of death where will it all end...they'll be wanting a referendum on the EU next!
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11/29/2010 12:12 PM
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I agree with your views on being able to choose time of death. But I don't think the blog is about that. It's about, I think, the fact that this inquiry is not at all independent, and the result is clear to all already. The level of bias is astonishing.
I agree with you wholeheartedly that a person, young or old, should be able to set down that they wish to die whenever a certain event occurs... i.e. total incontinence or terrible chronic pain.
However, the debate/inquiry, should it result in a yay or nay, requires independence and a lack of bias if it is to have any validity.
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11/29/2010 11:39 AM
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Why isn't this lying piece of crap under arrest for his role in the cover up of Dr. Kelly's murder?
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11/29/2010 09:36 PM
He supports assisted dying.


  1. Ignorant thick bitch.
    But euthanasia for paedophiles and many others is not only desirable but necessary and ought to be encouraged. Women suffering from ignorance but determined to breed should be offered first place in the programme.
    Detailed methodology should be published on nhs sites. Suicide is not as easy as you might think.

  2. Hmm, that's not a very nice thing to call me, is it? I'll admit that I am not the cleverest person in the world (if I was I would probably be a lot richer than I am) but there's no need for you to be so obnoxious. If you want to be obnoxious, there's a big place in London specially for that, and it is called the House of Parliament, as you know, you can go there and argue the toss with other obnoxious people to your hearts delight.

    Euthanasia is murder and murder is a wicked crime, for which the reward is eternal damnation. No-one has the right to take away the life of another person, except God, so you had better repent of what you have just said, it's pure wickedness.

    I have just been reading about Anders Breivik, and he also appeared to think he had the right to play God, with terrible consequences, although I don't believe he acted alone.

    Euphenasia for paedophiles. Well, the problem with that is that the paedophiles are so freaking crafty that they would set innocent people up and get them executed, paedophiles are good at transferring the blame to others. The only way that all the paedophiles are ever going to be flushed out is if we have a spiritual revival, because only the Lord can truly look inside the heart of mankind. We should all ask the Lord to help us, not just think we can solve problems by destroying people.

    I think all paedophiles should be put on a remote island with a few basic tools and seeds and some Bibles and left to the mercy of God, male paedos on one island and female paedos on another. I don't think we have the right to murder even paedos and murderers, but we do have the right to keep our children safe from them.
