Monday 22 August 2011


I have tried to contact him over the Franklin abuse, but I am not surprised to find that my email has not been allowed to get through to him, no doubt the FBI and MI5 have put their crafty heads together to block any Pindown survivor like myself getting through to anyone trying to bring to justice the Franklin child abuse scandal paedoscum and murderers.

Anyway, here is the letter.

Wonder is Stafford Police will comne dashing round to my door to help me, seeing that cybercrime is regularly being committed on me, by these paedoscum Secret Service vermin hacking and intercepting my personal correspondence? Somehow I doubt it, as Styafford Police are only ever interested if I am being maliciously and falsely accused of something, and never ifI am a victim of crime. It's really weird living in such a lopsided (in)justice system!

I am Zoompad, Barbara Richards and I was put into a Pindown "home" as a child, and they were abusing us kids.

I have been persecuted for decades, all us Pindown survivors have been, and they have tried to keep us all seperated but we are finding each other. The police and local authorities and MOJ and Government have all colluded to try to stop the truth getting out.

The Franklin child abuse is all connected to the Pindown abuse in the UK.

Barbara Richards

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