Tuesday 23 August 2011


Sir Anthony Jolliffe, GBE, was appointed to the Committee of Patrons of the Anglo-Arab Organisation in January 2003.

Sir Anthony was born in Weymouth, Dorset on 12 August 1938. He studied at Portchester School, Bournemouth.

His career began in 1964 when he qualified as a Chartered Accountant and set up his own practice. Today his business has grown into a multinational operation with offices in 44 countries with over 200 partners. In 1973 he became a senior partner in the then leading receivership accountants Cork Gully and appointed senior partner of the audit practice Jolliffe Cork. Sir Anthony remained a partner of Grant Thornton for two years before retiring from the accounting profession and moving into industry. Sir Anthony built a business listing on the UK Market. He currently holds a number of directorships of private and listed companies both in the United Kingdom, United States of America and Japan.

Sir Anthony is currently involved in major business projects in China, the Middle East, USA and the UK as shareholder, partner, advisor or consultant. Sir Anthony works closely with the Chinese Government on a number of projects. He appears frequently on Chinese television in particular with regards to his support for the Chinese in the negotiations with Britain over Hong Kong. Sir Anthony was appointed Chairman of the Special Advisory Board to the Governor of Yunnan Province, China.

Sir Anthony led international Trade Missions to Spain, Japan, Germany, Zambia and Argentina. Amongst other business engagements, Sir Anthony was actively involved in the sale of the DHL�s business to Japan Airlines in 1989. Since 1982 Sir Anthony has been Chairman of the investment board of ABN AMRO Ventures.

Sir Anthony is also a very dynamic public figure with key positions in a number of civil organisations. He acted as a Treasurer and Vice President of the European League for Economic Co-operation (1970-1980); Alderman of the City of London (1973-1983) and later Lord Mayor of London (1982-1983); President of the London Chamber of Commerce (1984-1987); Founder of Business in the Community City of London; Magistrate of City of London (1973-1984); Adviser to HRH The Prince of Wales on unemployment (1982-1988); and Chairman of Stoke Mandeville Hospital (1994-1995).

Sir Anthony�s numerous decorations include Knight Grand Cross of the Order of British Empire (1982), Knight of the Order of St John (1982), Order of Abdul Aziz, Saudi Arabia (1981), The Order of Nepal (1981), The Order of the Orange � The Netherlands (1982). Sir Anthony is also a Honorary Doctor of Science and Honorary Doctor of Music.

Sir Anthony Jolliffe GBE, DL, DSc
A Global entrepreneur with interests in China, Europe, Middle East, USA and UK, former Lord Mayor of London, an inexhaustible and outstanding businessman.

Sir Anthony, qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1964. He commenced his own Accounting Practice in 1965 (with a borrowed £500) and in 15 years grew the business into a multinational operation with offices in 44 countries with over 200 partners. In 1973 he became senior partner in the then leading receivership accountants Cork Gully and remained senior partner of the audit practice Joliffe Cork. In 1980 he merged the receivership practice with Cooper Lybrand and the Audit Practice with Grant Thornton.

He remained a partner of Grant Thornton for two years before retiring from the Accounting Profession and starting business in Industry. He then built a number of businesses with one property and one industrial business listed on the UK Stock Market.

He currently holds and has held numerous directorships of private and listed companies here in the USA and Japan. He is a director of Turbochef Technologies Inc, Chairman of Medicsight International Ltd and International Advisor to Xioyia Group China and Chairman of Golden Tulip Hotels.

Sir Anthony is currently involved in major business projects in China, Europe, Middle East, USA and the UK as shareholder, partner, advisor and consultant. He has an office in Kunming, Yunnan Province China and is working closely with the Chinese Government on a number of projects. He has appeared frequently on Chinese TV including appearances to support Chinese in the negotiations with Britain over Hong Kong. He was appointed Chairman of the Special Advisory Board to the Governor of Yunnan Province China in 2002 having been deputy chairman since 1999.

He has led International Trade Missions to Spain, Japan, Germany, Zambia and Argentina. Acted for DHK in the sale of it’s business to Japan Airlines in 1989. Served as Chairman of the Investment Advisory Board of ABN AMRO Ventures, from 1982 to the present. He delivered the Annual Claysmore Lecture in 1998 – subject China 1980 – 2010.

His public duties have included:
National Treasurer of Relate 1971-1976.
Treasurer of Britain in Europe Movement 1970-1976.
Treasurer and Vice President of European League for Economic Co-operation 1970-1980.
Served as Chairman of a number of charitable organisations.

President of British Home and Hospital for the Incurables 1974-1981
Chairman of Police Dependents Trust Appeals 1985-1999
Alderman of the City of London 1973-1983
Sheriff of the City of London 1980-1981
Trustee of Anglo-Arab Association 2002
Lord Mayor of London 1982-1983
President of the City Livery Club 1979-1980
President of the Royal Society of St George 1978-1979
President of the London Chamber of Commerce 1984-1987
Governor of Various Public Schools 1973-1984
Committee Member of 1948 Group 1995-1999
President of the Society of Dorsetmen 1984-to date
Founder of Business in the Community /City of London (helping young people to start their own businesses – over 50,000 successes)
Member of Council, Business in the Community 1982-1990
Chairman of Operation Drake 1978-1982
Co-Founder of Mencap City Foundation
Magistrate of City of London 1973-1984
Advisor to HRH Prince Charles on unemployment 1982-1988
Member of the Independent Broadcasting Authority 1986-1990
Chairman of Stoke Mandeville Hospital 1994-1995
Member of the Advisory Board to the Governor of Yunnan Province China PRC 1997 to date, Chairman since 2002 reappointed 2003 for a term of 5 years
Deputy Lieutenant of Dorset 2006.

Sir Anthony’s honours include:
Knighted 1982 GBE
Knight of Order of St John 1982
Order of Abdul Aziz 1981 – Saudi Arabia
Order of Nepal 1981
Order of the Orange Netherlands 1982
Hon Doctor of Science (City of London University)
Hon Doctor of Music (Guildhall School of Music).

He lists his hobbies as business, classic cars and sailing.

'Sir Anthony has a wonderful way of getting a conference off to a flying start. His mix of wit, wisdom and knowledge would enhance any stage'. Ann Parratt, Conference Manager CIPS.

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Saturday, 7 November 2009
The story that seems to want to stay a small one
The Telegraph's report that "A secretive company run by the brother of Tony Blair’s main adviser is profiting from being a key player in the development of Libya’s lucrative tourist industry" seems interesting and worthy of comment but I cannot see any coverage in the blogosphere, why? The Telegraph report much that is of interest in this article and in fact you really need to read the whole piece, so I have reproduced it here with the most interesting extracts highlighted:
"Magna Holdings has been charged with building hotels and office blocks in Tripoli and is poised to win valuable contracts developing tourism along Libya’s unspoilt 300-mile Mediterranean coastline.

It is also constructing “Gaddafi Tower” in Tripoli as one of a number of contracts worth £175 million.

Magna Holdings, which is registered in Hamilton, Bermuda, a Caribbean tax haven, is chaired by Lord Powell, the brother of Jonathan Powell, Mr Blair’s chief of staff when he was at No10. Mr Powell has continued to work alongside the former prime minister over the past two years.

Lord Powell, a former aide to Baroness Thatcher, also advised Mr Blair and was the “special envoy” to Brunei. He has played host to many Labour figures at the Italian villa he shares with his wife, Carla, including Mr Blair and his wife Cherie and Lord Mandelson.

One of Magna Holding’s major backers is Wafic Said, a British-based billionaire linked to the BAE-Saudi bribery scandal. Mr Blair intervened to halt the Serious Fraud Office inquiry into the affair.

One of Mr Blair’s final acts as prime minister was to sign a controversial co-operation agreement with Col Gaddafi, the Libyan leader, that opened trade links for British firms.

It was previously thought that oil companies would be the main beneficiaries. However, Magna Holdings is one of the main players in the development of Libya’s tourism industry.

The country has an unspoilt coastline, some of the best Roman ruins in the world and a hot, dry climate. Although tourism is in its infancy, estimates suggest that it could soon be a multi-­billion-pound industry.

Magna Holdings, despite having virtually no public profile and no background in the tourism industry, is expected to become one of its major players.

It has already won contracts for three projects in Tripoli. It has redeveloped the five-star Al Wadden hotel, which is run by Intercontinental, and is constructing a second £40 million hotel for the group in the capital.

The third and most controversial project is the £121 million Algathafi (Gaddafi) Tower, a 50-storey development consisting of offices, restaurants and shops. It is jointly owned by Magna Holdings and the Watasemo Organisation for Charity Work, which is run by Ayesha Gaddafi, the dictator’s daughter.

Magna is also understood to be bidding for contracts to develop Libya’s coast.

The company does not publish public accounts and many of its shareholders are front companies or trusts that are registered in other tax havens.

However, The Daily Telegraph has established that the firm has three main shareholders — Mr Said; Och Ziff, a hedge fund based in New York; and a Middle-Eastern property developer.

Sir Anthony Joliffe, the former Lord Mayor of London, is a director of Magna Holdings and the chief executive is Nabil Naaman, who lives in a millionaire’s enclave in Cobham, Surrey. His wife has been involved in fund-raising for the Conservative Party.

The company was formed in June 2004 — three months after Mr Blair normalised relations between the two countries. It agreed its first deal in Libya shortly after.

Several other British firms hoping to profit from the development of Libya’s tourist industry have so far been frustrated in their attempts to win major contracts.

A spokesman for Magna Holdings, which has no links to the Yorkshire-based company of the same name, denied that Mr Blair or Mr Powell had been involved in helping to secure contracts from the firm. “There is no involvement at all,” he said.

A spokesman for Tony Blair said neither the former prime minister nor Mr Powell had been involved with discussions on Magna Holdings.

Mr Blair is understood to have visited Libya several times since leaving Downing Street. His aides said this was in connection with his charitable and humanitarian work.

The Cabinet Office refused to answer requests over whether Magna Holdings or its representatives attended meetings in Downing Street between 2004 and 2007."


    Anatomy of a £34m theft

    Philip Blakebrough assistant director of the SFO, and its principal investigator Kevin McDonald By Richard Fletcher
    12:01AM BST 17 Jul 2007
    SFO head may stay
    "Gerald, the police are here again." Gail Cochrane, wife of Dr Gerald Smith, seemed perfectly composed when Detective Inspector Faudemer arrived at her door.

    The early morning raid of Smith's principal residence in Jersey and his company offices on December 16 2002 was the start of an SFO investigation that ended just over three years later with Smith pleading guilty to a total of 10 counts of theft (totalling £34m) and one of false accounting. He was later sentenced to eight years' imprisonment.

    Dr Smith was no stranger to the SFO. As chief executive of the Farr construction group he had been prosecuted in 1993 for stealing £2m from its pension fund. Smith had passed the money through a convoluted sequence of opaque transactions. He was given two years' imprisonment.

    The Izodia investigators would find that Smith still had an appetite for webs of opaque, complex and multi-layered activity.

    Smith visibly enjoyed the lifestyle of the successful businessman. His home in Jersey outshone even the governor's next door. Another in Surrey overlooked the fifth tee at Wentworth. But investigators from the SFO soon discovered that this golden life was not as secure as it appeared.

    "Smith had recently purchased 37 Thistle hotels using a £600m loan. The interest charges were enormous and the cash-flow implications were about to start hurting," explained Kevin McDonald, the SFO principal investigator.

    With the first payments due within weeks, in the final days of July 2005 Orb - a Jersey-based holding company controlled by Smith - took control of a 29.9pc stake in Aim-listed Izodia. A casualty of the dotcom boom, Izodia was a shell company with no business, but almost £40m of cash.

    Izodia's two long-time non-executive directors were replaced by Orb nominees, Jar Vahey and Peter Catto. Sir Anthony Joliffe, a highly respected City figure, became Izodia's chairman at a hastily arranged board meeting on August 2.

    The same meeting approved a proposal to transfer £27.3m from Izodia's accounts at the Bank of Scotland in Reading to a new offshore account held at the Royal Bank of Scotland International (RBSI) in Jersey, where it would earn 4.5pc - half a percentage point above the best mainland rates.

  2. Within days of the money being transferred into the new account, Smith had transferred every penny of the £27m into a new account. The majority, £17.2m, had been used to pay the interest due on the hotels. But Smith also used £1.8m as a down payment on a yacht and over £100,000 on home improvements in Jersey, including the installation of a £20,000 water clock.

    Over the next few months Sir Anthony, alongside Izodia's company secretary and the group's head of finance, raised concerns about the Jersey deposit. Matters came to a head in October just minutes before a crucial board meeting when Smith drew Sir Anthony to one side and tried to bribe him. "I desperately need your help just for today... you have to name your price." Shortly afterwards Sir Anthony took his concerns to the SFO.

    Over the next few months the case team searched for conclusive proof that Smith was behind the fraud. After weeks trawling they found forged bank certificates on a PC found in one of Smith's offices and an e-mail that linked Smith to the transfer of the money.

    "For the first time we had Smith's fingerprints on a crucial piece of evidence," said McDonald.

    By February 2005 the SFO had decided to bring a case against Smith, Vahey and Catto. But only Vahey kept his appointment to report to Thames Valley Police, who worked on the case alongside the SFO. Catto had health problems - thought at the time to be a serious heart condition.

    Smith's appointment was at 11am. By noon even his own lawyers had grown impatient. Efforts to trace Smith proved fruitless until at 7pm it was reported that he'd had a car accident.

    It was a serious smash - Smith had to be cut from the wrecked Audi A8, which had run into a tree. Traffic police found two first class tickets to New York in Smith's briefcase.

    Philip Blakebrough, assistant director of the SFO, said: "The cause remains shrouded in mystery. One thing's for sure; he was definitely not on his way to the police station."

    Smith was charged on February 18 2005. On the first day of the trial he pleaded guilty. Proceedings against Vahey were halted following the guilty plea. "The public interest did not justify a trial of Vahey alone," concluded the SFO - although two counts of conspiracy to defraud remain on file. He has always denied any wrongdoing.

    Charges against Catto were dropped in July 2005; his cancer meant that he would never be able to stand trial. In October 2005 he committed suicide at his home in France.

  3. Good find.

    - Aangirfan

  4. Thank the Bloggers of Doom. Every time they get me annoyed with their nasty persecution and vile remarks it stirs me into action. Every time they get me mad I cry out to the Lord and he shows me things!
