Saturday 3 September 2011



  1. The Jersey Haut De La Garenne Murder Farce blog is run by two wicked men who are friends with members of the Jersey Senate, and they have been allowed to post up a relentless barrage of hateful abuse and slander against Jersey child abuse survivors like Carrie Mondrai and those who support her. The police in at least three areas know about this and so far have refused to do anything about it. I am going to post some of the horrible remarks made about the survivors of abuse and their supporters, so that people can understand very clearly what Carrie Mondrai is talking about in the video.

    If anyone from Stafford Police is reading this, I can assure you we will not be drawing any line under this. As the lady says, we have had no apology, and want at the very least an apology!

  2. From the blog post titled "SPOT THE ODD ONE OUT" ...Friday, August 26, 2011 (dont bother trying to take it down Farce bloggers, as I have it saved)

    Anonymous said...
    Well done! Your blog is making them look so ruddy stupid its a whole new farce!

    August 26, 2011
    Anonymous said...
    Anybody bother to read the dopey letter from Pitman in today's rag? I thought there was something going on between 'them' and that 'paper'? Mind you like Clever Trev says, if its in there 'it must be true'......

    August 26, 2011
    Anonymous said...
    You don't need a blog to make them look stupid because they are stupid or they wouldn't be unemployed or selling pipes. :-)

    August 26, 2011
    Anonymous said...
    Easy Tiger! True though, poor Rico hates this blog so much he can't stop posting about it! Good PR for you guys though!

    August 26, 2011

  3. Anonymous said...
    Syvret also claimed that he would get a new girlfriend and stop drinking red wine, fell down (literally) on both counts...

    August 26, 2011
    Rico's date said...
    I thought he was getting friendly with ''Zoompad''? Should get on like a house on fire because that woman is as demented as he is.

    August 26, 2011

  4. Anonymous said...
    Spot on post and just thinking about all the cack he has said on his blog to date it makes you wonder who the heck can still be bothered to read any of it. He is bonkers, just like old Barmy Bisson with the House up Rue de Trachy except instead of writing rubbish on his state’s owned property he writes rubbish on a blog, but same mentality. One day they will have excerpts of Syvret's blog in the Jersey Museum under the heading of "Channel Island Nutters of the 21st Century." Be a picture of him like the wonderful crystal meths one they frequently use in the Rag. Historians will look back at him like they did of the propaganda loon Lord Ha-Ha. He will be a legend no doubts.....

    August 26, 2011
    Anonymous said...
    Remember that his nominators in the forthcoming elections endorse all the crap he says! The rag rapist, what a tit.

    August 27, 2011
    Clifford said...
    This blog is making Stuart Syvret look such a fool it's sheer entertainment on another level and your observations explains why his following has dwindled down to a handful of idiots!

    August 27, 2011
    Anonymous said...
    PMSL, when Mr Sorda says this blog is Farce-Scum you know they are feeling the heat!!!!!

    Maybe he should look a little closer at his company?

  5. Anonymous said...
    You have this idiot bang to rights! All the stupid posts he's written, no wonder no other states members takes him seriously anymore.

    August 27, 2011
    Anonymous said...
    What about Judy Martin in Number 1? Another that's getting trashed by the almighty lord on the voices of paranoid delusional coconut spotters blog?

    August 27, 2011

  6. Anonymous said...
    Stuart, Zoomie and Rico Sorda were seen using Stuart’s laptop in Pizza Express the other evening. The waiter brings over some really cheap red wine but no glasses. "May I have some glasses, please?" says Zoomie. The waiter gives a nod and wanders off.

    Ten minutes later there was still no glasses so Rico catches his eye. "May I have some glasses, Please?" says Rico. The waiter again gives the vaguest of responses, but after ten more minutes, still no glasses.

    Stuart then gets impatient and goes over to the counter. "Maybe you don't know who I am," says the traitorous former politician. "I'm THE Stuart Syvret. I’m a former senator and Jersey’s champion doom-bearer, I’m an international Jersey shafter, I’m a legend in my own laptop, I run THE most appalling blog in the history of blogosphere. I’m also one of King Lenny’s best mates because I’m on a one man crusade to bring Jersey to its knees. Oh, and I’m also running in this year’s senatorial election.”

    "Well maybe you don't know who I am," said the waiter. "I'm the guy who's in charge of the glasses! "

  7. Anonymous said...
    Good to see Deputy Tadier now supporting the convict and liar syvret. Do these people truely believe the voters are into people that do nothing? Umpteen problems out there right now and even Tadier can only talk a load of crap.

    August 28, 2011
    Anonymous said...
    I see they are doing the usual in attacking letter writers of the JEP for highlighting big facts about the nutter. Like if he cannot run his own life then how the heck can he run other peoples! It’s a bit like also saying if Southern, Pitman and Syvret cannot obey the very laws they are supposed to be passing how the heck they can be an example to other people! Or if Nick Le Cornu is unemployable then how can he help the unemployed... oh I could go on, chuckle, chuckle. :-)

    August 29, 2011
    Anonymous said...
    That would be an excellent general question at the Hustings. "How do you think you can help the unemployed when outside of politics your unemployable yourself?"

  8. Rico's girly mag said...
    Maybe Stu got a flat under the mental health act, I would say he would of had a very good case.

    August 29, 2011

    Anonymous said...
    Funny how somebody who tries to sue the States and fails badly now wants to re-join them all over again, no pride, no dignity so a laughing stock. Just shows how much a poxy £44,000.00 per annum means to a non academic like Syvret. Then again anybody with an appalling criminal record like his would otherwise be on benefits for the rest of his pitiful life because nobody who needs a person in a position of trust would employ a data protection law breaker and clinical depressant like this idiot. Funny if he does get back in though and confronts his ex, people he's accused of corruption and even child abuse. What an atmosphere that's gonna be. He will have half the Chamber trying to convince him to kill himself.

    August 29, 2011
    Anonymous said...
    Now now naughty naughty, you cannot encourage a person to kill himself look what happened to Jimmy, his whole world imploded just because he gave the maniac syvret just such advice. Besides it would be the easy way out for him he deserves to be kept suffering just as Myra Hindley and Ian Brady were, you only have to read his blog since Carolyn went awol to realise what pain he is in, he is like a wounded animal snapping and biting at everything around him. So please no encouragement to end this i am loving it.

    Yours Gratefully


  9. Anonymous said...
    Ha ha ha, Voiceforchildren don't even include the latest ramblings of the insane one, on there side
    Looks like Syvret has fallen out of favour.

    August 31, 2011
    Anonymous said...
    The way it looks at the moment the turn out in Number 1 will be a record all time low if people like Trevor and Nick are standing. Hobsons choice for them down there, don't bother.

    August 31, 2011
    Anonymous said...
    At least Nick can empathise with the unemployed !

    August 31, 2011
    Anonymous said...
    Looks like RICO isn't updating his side panel either,maybe there just sick of the mad ones ramblings or could it be they are concerned with data protection issues.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Its a good blog and it tells it how it is. You can see it is working by the way the other blogs get het up about it and say so.

    August 31, 2011

    Anonymous said...
    Poor Rico and Lenny, this obsession with CTV must be terminal! Moan moan moan. When will they ever get lives????!

    It's all Me! Me! Me! Me!

    Never have we seen people play on a case so much as this one.

    September 02, 2011
    Anonymous said...
    Rico expects the accredited media to report all the Walter Mitty crap his best mate syvret comes out with. Talking of which, freedom of speech via the public in the JEP is obviously a sore point at the moment. Funny, they can knock the JEP and CTV as it suits.....

    September 02, 2011
    Anonymous said...
    The spending of 2008 is no longer of real public interest and its not going to open up any closed cases.

    September 02, 2011
    Rico's girly mag. said...
    CTV Blogging.....How will this re-open cases of child abuse?............... That's the question and answer zilch.....Right now 4 blogs are writing about the same subject........... BORING!

    September 02, 2011



    Anonymous said...
    The JCLA are clutching at straws by sending stupid letters like the ne floating around on the net to the JEP, lost direction and lost respectability. Some of her comments come straight from other stupid bloggers and Carrie just comes across as a moaning old sour puss.

    August 02, 2011

  13. Anonymous said...
    I bet that letter response Carrie sent back to the JEP got a minutes attention. They probably said oh well, &*^% the JCLA from now on if that's their attitude.

    August 07, 2011
    Gradwell Supporter said...
    The JCLA have becoming nothing but a small group of Moaning Minnies who follow the dumb arse bloggers in attack attack attack which never works and it never will. Carrie should step down and allow somebody not so melodramatic to take over because her attitude and behaviour is becoming embarrassing.

    August 07, 2011

  14. Saturn 5 said...
    A couple of points.

    We are not interested in the imagination of Carrie Modral. If she wishes to write material like 'this is a defunct blog which is hell bent on destroying the Haut de la Garenne and child abuse investigation' then we can only assume she has not read this blog or if she has, she doesn’t understand it.

    From inception this blog has never been hell bent on doing anything except giving another view of the whole Haut de la Garenne investigation and its handling which we describe as a farce, and the JCLA will just have to live with the fact that a lot of people think the handling of the investigation was a farce and that includes outside Police officers.

    The JCLA may support people because ‘they like them, or they say nice things’ but that does not excuse the millions of pounds which was wasted on this closed investigation and it never will.

    For her information we currently get almost a 1,000 hits a day so the word defunct is more wishful thinking than anything.

    Finally we have had a few comments on Stuart's attacks on others over the past couple of days. Because we do not want to take this blog down to his level of hatred of others we will not be posting any comments that identify his victims because it is not fair on them.

    We will also not be publishing allegations of law breaking against any States Member unless they have been specifically charged with something.

  15. Anonymous said...
    The JCLA have lost it.....That letter of theirs is crap like that will get this case re-opened...Just thick.....

    Funny they talk about the historic abuse investigation as if its on the top of every bodies minds....They speak like holocaust victims who want everybody to drop everything and go running to them.....Its ongoing.....Its gaining momentum.....Lenny Henry is still involved....But hang on its finished....It's over....It's history.....

    August 02, 2011
    Anonymous said...
    Carrie of the jcla has suffered memory loss. She bombed Syvret off her couch and into the street when his blackmail e mail to labey was made public. The e mail disclosed just what a jealous disaffected lunatic he is and yet after this Carrie decides to carry on supporting him, time will tell just how wrong she is. Be aware miss modral he is a user and will dump you after you and the jcla supporters are no longer of any use to him .

    August 02, 2011

  16. These people on that horrible Blog of Doom play psychological games with people, the same games every time. I have posted some of the horrible comments they have posted so that people visiting this blog can understand the re-abuse that Carrie is talking about in the video.

    Anyone who supports the people who were abused at HDLG has been attacked, attempts made to besmirch their character, some, at least 4 that I know of have recieved death threats, one of those actually being a victim of the Pindown abuse, they have been stalked, had their email and social networking hacked ect ect ect.

    And the Police in Jersey, the MET, Stafford Police and the UK Parliament and the BBC and accredited media have been fully aware of what has happened and have done nothing to stop these crimes being committed or bring these criminals to book.
